• last year
A trailer for Enshrouded
00:00 Welcome back to Entrouted.
00:01 In this episode, we will give you an inside look at how we create a game world.
00:06 When creating a game world, developers must choose between procedurally generated content,
00:11 which is created by an algorithm or handcrafted content.
00:14 For our game, we've handcrafted the locations, terrain and world,
00:18 using algorithms only as a supplemental tool to support the creative process.
00:22 This allows us to create unique and interesting assets for more meaningful discovery.
00:26 Handcrafting gives us the creative freedom to dream up a strange, wonderful and immersive world without any limits.
00:32 It also enables us to tie the lore to the world through crafted points of interest with history behind them,
00:37 so that the world feels like an actual place.
00:40 Additionally, handcrafting allows for better polish, game flow and hidden secrets,
00:45 while making it easier for our community to discuss places.
00:48 Now, our art director Jonas will show you how we create our world.
00:53 Yeah, hi there. So, let's quickly create and design a small point of interest.
00:58 First, we can select of a range of different objects.
01:01 For our task, the most important will be the voxel brush.
01:05 Since the world geometry of Entrouted is entirely made out of 3D voxels,
01:09 we can import and use any mesh in any scale.
01:13 So, let's start with a simple foundation.
01:15 And now, add a little mountain or two and, why not, a huge sword on top.
01:22 So, no matter what geometry we add or how the objects overlap,
01:27 the result will always be a clean voxel mesh, which is quite a game changer when it comes to designing levels,
01:32 if you are familiar with the restrictions of traditional approaches.
01:37 We might want to have a cave for our little poi,
01:40 which we can create anytime by using a negative stamp that will be subtracted wherever we like.
01:45 So, let's dig that cave.
01:48 [music]
01:56 Now we can add a second type of object, which is the voxel object,
02:00 which are mostly voxel buildings like the ones you create in-game,
02:03 just made in a tool and ready to be placed in our level.
02:06 So, let's add a small city wall.
02:10 Again, we can alter the geometry by overlapping, the result will always be a cleanly voxeled mesh.
02:17 Let's place another object type, which is a so-called white box object.
02:23 This can be a collection of a lot of object types reacting to level tags set up in our scene
02:29 and since they are randomized, they are just represented by a bounding box in our edit mode.
02:34 So, we can select a small house white box and just copy it to see
02:38 that the next copy differs from the original after the randomization.
02:43 Some of our objects are generated by first outlining a shape, or so-called spline.
02:49 We just set up that spline where our road is supposed to go
02:52 and convert that in one of those objects, the road.
02:56 [music]
03:03 Now, with all the basic setup done, we want to test play the level
03:07 and we can do that anytime by the press of a button.
03:11 And we also can keep the game running to see all our further editor changes while we are in the level.
03:17 This makes it much easier to see what our poi actually plays like.
03:23 Now we can quickly change large areas by painting in informations in the tool,
03:28 which might result in scattering changes, so we can for example quickly add small forest
03:33 or we can paint in different biome setups that will affect materials and scattering objects.
03:39 All that's left now is basically copy pasting more of the same
03:42 until we're happy with the result and our little poi is done.
03:48 That's a glimpse into our world creation process.
03:50 We hope you enjoyed this inside look.
03:52 If you have any questions or suggestions, let us know in the comments.
03:56 Don't forget, our Early Access release is January 24th, so wishlist Entradden on Steam.
04:01 And as always, we'll see you in the next one.
04:04 [Music]