What if... ???

  • 15 years ago
What if...
you saw me walking down the street...
You don't know who I am...
or anything about me...
Would you want to kill me ?

If you knew I had a family...
Would you be less likely to want to kill me ?

Does it seem strange to you, that somebody would want to kill someone they don't even know ?
What if they were wearing a uniform, that is different than your own ?

If you saw me through your gunsight...
Would you choose to see me... Dead ?
If you knew I had a family...
Would you still prefer me... Dead ?

What if the tide was turned...
and it was I who had the gun ?
Should I pull the trigger...
and make it so you're dead ???

What is it about 'War'... that can make 'killers' of us all ?
Make potential 'friends'... become 'enemies' ?
Do we even know what it is we are fighting for...
or what we could be dying for ?

When the bombs are being dropped...
Do we give a thought to who they'll kill ? What if it was I who was dropping the bombs...
and they were on your family's head ???

Take a look at your closest friend.
You were 'strangers' before you met !
Aren't you glad that given the chance,
You didn't choose to see him... Dead ?

We were all 'strangers' before we became 'friends' !
Why should someone else's war,
prevent us from being 'friends' ???

See these children playing...
they are children like your own !
Don't you be the reason,
they soon could all be 'dead' !!!

'Bombs' are so destructive...
There is nothing 'innocent' in their path ! Man... Woman... Child... Baby...
All are the same... to a Bomb !!!

What if the people who 'start a war'
are the only ones to fight...
the rest of us stand side by side,
and 'for peace' we do unite ?

Nobody there... to drop the bombs...
Nobody there... to 'kill' !
Just you and I as could-be friends... Preferring to 'respect'...
rather than 'kill' !!!

How many holes need to be dug...
Before we take a stand against War ?

Say 'no' to killing a potential 'Friend' !!!