Sharathulu Varthisthai is an upcoming Telugu movie. The movie is directed by Kumara Swamy and will feature Chaitanya Madadi, Nanda Kishore and Bhoomi Shetty as lead characters.
షరతులు వర్తిస్తాయి మూవీ ప్రీ రిలీజ్ ఈవెంట్
షరతులు వర్తిస్తాయి మూవీ ప్రీ రిలీజ్ ఈవెంట్
00:00 (Speaks in Tamil)
00:04 (Laughs)
00:06 (Speaks in Tamil)
00:08 (Speaks in Tamil)
00:12 (Speaks in Tamil)
00:16 (Speaks in Tamil)
00:20 (Speaks in Tamil)
00:24 (Speaks in Tamil)
00:28 Another actors like me can get much envy,
00:29 that a guy makes such good films.
00:32 And this scene …
00:36 Chaitanya being the reason for the trailer was another important reason.
00:42 I really felt very heartfully in the trailer.
00:46 So I really liked the dialogue with Vinath.
00:49 The experiences take place right in between.
00:54 And the results are also from the middle class families.
00:59 And all those results are these guys.
01:04 And I am so proud to be here.
01:06 And I am so happy to be here.
01:08 It feels like I have come to Karimnagar.
01:10 After that story, I remember the days when we used to earn money.
01:16 There are many superhero films coming out.
01:22 We watch them a lot. The hero is a superhero always.
01:26 But to represent a middle class warrior,
01:31 in such a story, in such a writing,
01:34 Akshar brother, congratulations and thank you for writing.
01:37 You urgently cut the speech you spoke earlier.
01:43 It will get more views than your trailer.
01:45 You spoke so honestly and so well.
01:52 Thank you.
01:52 And also to Starlight producers, Subview.
01:55 Sir, your dollar rate conversion might have come in the box.
01:59 But I think your best conversion rate will definitely come in the film.
02:04 Because this is the tangible value that you are creating.
02:08 And thank you so much for your contribution to language and culture.
02:12 Thank you, sir.
02:13 Welcome to Telugu cinema.
02:15 And welcome Bhoomi also to Telugu cinema.
02:18 So quickly, on March 15th, the new poster of the middle class stories.
02:25 Support stories that speak for ourselves.
02:36 Thank you so much.