Stratégie claire pour "mur d'investissements" selon Cour des comptes

  • 6 months ago
La Cour des comptes se réjouit d'une "prise de conscience" de l'urgence de s'adapter au changement climatique, mais demande mardi à l'État de mieux assumer son rôle de stratège et d'estimer de manière plus précise les efforts budgétaires nécessaires, face au "mur d'investissements".
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00:00 The Court of Auditors is delighted with a conscious decision to adapt to climate change,
00:05 but on Tuesday, it asked the State to better assume its role as a strategist
00:08 and to estimate in a more precise way the necessary budgetary efforts in the face of the investment wall.
00:13 In the annual report, on several hundred pages,
00:17 the magistrates underline the need for public action in favour of adapting to climate change to be transparent, coherent and efficient.
00:24 This requirement is reflected in 16 chapters on real estate and the cereal culture, on the role of banks in the future of the electricity grid,
00:31 and on the role of the State and large public companies, such as the SNCF and EDF,
00:37 which must adapt the rail network or nuclear power plants to increasingly high long-term temperatures.
00:42 We see that the first president of the Court of Auditors, Pierre Moscovici,
00:47 is the one who has the most or least high-quality kaleidoscope of answers.
00:50 But they are not articulated, hence the imperative to plan.
00:54 It is necessary to know, inform, search, finance and plan, he sums up.
01:00 At the France Culture micro on Tuesday morning,
01:03 Pierre Moscovici judged that we must be smartly indebted to invest and face the challenges of the future.
01:09 And the first challenge, once again, is the ecological transition.
01:14 If we want to adapt to climate change, if we want to mitigate the impacts of climate change,
01:19 we need massive public and private investments, he added, evoking an investment wall.
01:25 In some areas, the State does not play its role of strategist correctly,
01:29 which consists in setting objectives and defining a trajectory to achieve them,
01:34 the authors regret in the annual report.
01:36 "The assessment of the current and future costs of adaptation is lacunar,
01:40 even non-existent, due to insufficient data but also sometimes clear objectives,"
01:45 note the magistrates. Less awareness.
01:49 This is the first time that this theme of adaptation has been the subject of a specific report of the Court,
01:54 a sign of the importance it has taken, after having long been hidden by the efforts
01:58 necessary to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
02:02 The government wants to show itself more realistic by retaining the hypothesis of a warming of 4 °C
02:07 in France by the end of the century, serving as a basis for the third national plan
02:11 for adaptation to climate change, PNAC, expected at the beginning of summer.
02:15 The Court therefore congratulates itself on a "consciousness" of the urgency to adapt to climate change,
02:20 with its waves of more severe and long heat, its flooding that is worsening and the water resource that is decreasing.
02:26 The issue has long been taken into account, for example,
02:30 in the management of the RTE electricity transport network,
02:33 but the awareness is, on the other hand, embryonic in the Ministry of the Armed Forces, she notes.
02:37 The Court calls on the authorities to correct any insufficiencies in terms of planning in this document,
02:43 including inconsistencies, for example, in the adaptation of real estate or mountain tourism,
02:47 which are increasingly being confronted with the melting of the snow.
02:50 No magic numbers?
02:52 At the time of the budgetary savings, 10 billion euros in 2024 and 20 billion in 2025,
02:58 it also calls for a clear figure of the measures of adaptation, inevitably expensive.
