Israel-Hamas War: Parachute fails to open during Gaza aid airdrop | 5 dead, many injured | Oneindia

  • 6 months ago
Tragedy struck Gaza as a humanitarian airdrop turned fatal, claiming the lives of five individuals and leaving ten others wounded. The incident occurred on Friday morning near the al-Shati refugee camp, a region already ravaged by hardship. Witnesses recounted how a pallet of aid, intended to provide relief to those in desperate need, went awry when its parachute malfunctioned, sending the parcel crashing down on a group of individuals ranging from men to children, all eagerly seeking sustenance and supplies. Among the ruins of their homes in northern Gaza, where basic amenities are scarce, hundreds of thousands face the looming threat of famine. The injured were swiftly transported to Gaza City's al-Shifa hospital for urgent medical attention.

#Israel #Hamas #GazaAidAirdrop #GazaAirdropAccident #GazaHumanitarianAidAirdropAccident #War #Gaza #AidAirdrop #ParachuteFailure #HumanitarianCrisis #Tragedy #Conflict #MiddleEast #Peace #EmergencyAid #InternationalCommunity #Victims #Injuries #DisasterRelief #GazaStrip #GlobalConcern #SupportGaza #PrayForPeace


00:00 Tragedy struck Gaza as a humanitarian airdrop turned fatal, claiming the lives of five individuals
00:08 and leaving 10 others wounded.
00:10 The incident occurred on Friday morning near the Al Shati refugee camp, a region already
00:14 ravaged by hardship.
00:16 Witnesses recounted how a pallet of aid, intended to provide relief to those in desperate need,
00:20 went awry when its parachute malfunctioned, sending the parcel crashing down on a group
00:25 of individuals ranging from men to children, all eagerly seeking sustenance and supplies.
00:31 Among the ruins of their homes in northern Gaza, their basic amenities are scarce.
00:36 Hundreds of thousands face the looming threat of famine.
00:39 The injured were swiftly transported to Gaza City's Al Shifa Hospital for urgent medical
00:43 attention.
00:44 Video posted on social media showed a large cluster of aid parcels suspended from parachutes
00:50 drifting through the sky but appearing to get tangled before one, with its chute deployed
00:55 but not fully opened, drops much more quickly than the rest.
00:59 The airdrops have been criticised by international aid agencies and others as wholly insufficient
01:03 to meet the needs of the people of Gaza.
01:06 Amid the dire conditions in northern Gaza, exacerbated by over five months of conflict,
01:11 both the US and Jordan have conducted airdrop operations to provide aid to the beleaguered
01:15 populace.
01:16 Clarifying the situation, a US defence official asserted that the fatalities during the airdrop
01:21 were not caused by their actions.
01:24 Similarly, a Jordanian military source affirmed that none of the four aircraft involved in
01:29 the operation were implicated in the tragic fatalities.
01:32 "We are aware of reports of civilians killed as a result of humanitarian airdrops.
01:37 We express sympathies to the families of those who were killed.
01:40 Contrary to some reports, this was not the result of US airdrops," US Central Command
01:45 said in a post on X late on Friday.
01:48 Referring to the five people killed on Friday, the government media office in Hamasran, Gaza
01:52 said airdrops were futile and not the best way for aid to enter.
01:56 The airdrops on Friday occurred in the wake of President Biden's declaration made just
02:00 a day prior regarding the construction of a temporary pier along Gaza's Mediterranean
02:05 coast by the US military.
02:08 The pier is intended to facilitate the reception of humanitarian aid shipments, encompassing
02:13 essentials like food, water, medicine and temporary shelters, with the aim of bolstering
02:18 the influx of crucial goods into the enclave.
02:20 "
02:21 "We are aware of reports of civilians killed as a result of humanitarian airdrops.
02:22 We express sympathies to the families of those who were killed.
02:23 Contrary to some reports, this was not the result of US airdrops.
02:24 Contrary to some reports, this was not the result of US military airdrops.
02:24 (dramatic music)
