Aerial surveys confirm widespread bleaching across GBR

  • 6 months ago
New aerial surveys have confirmed widespread bleaching across the Great Barrier Reef. The reef authority in collaboration with the Australian Institute of Marine Sciences conducted the surveys and found the results to be consistent with patterns of heat stress that have built up over the summer. The warmer than average water temperatures are causing in some instances the death of coral.


00:00 We'll continue our work with in-water surveys to understand the depth range and the severity
00:06 of this event.
00:07 But really the important thing to do with the information, as I said, is to look at
00:11 it in terms of ways of reminding us all that we need to take action on climate change.
00:16 And then the Marine Park Authority and our partners were all focused upon doing actions
00:20 at local scales to reduce pressures on the reef so that they can better tolerate and
00:25 recover from these kind of impacts.
