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John Rich | Barstool Rundown
00:00 (upbeat music)
00:02 - It's the Rundown.
00:05 It is Thursday, March 7th.
00:07 It is brought to you by Jeff Vibbard.
00:11 And Solitary Confinement has taken over the internet,
00:15 the world, at least our world.
00:18 Basically, Clemmer volunteered to go into hibernation
00:21 for 100 hours while being streamed.
00:23 He's then, what, just complained about it the whole time
00:26 and he wouldn't do the challenges.
00:28 And people were like, "Well, why is he there to begin with?"
00:30 'Cause he raised his hand in the middle of a meeting.
00:32 He said, "I wanna go into solitary confinement."
00:34 And people were like, "Well, what's the end game?
00:37 What do you, like, good things, bad things, rewards?"
00:41 Nope, he just wants to be filmed for 100 straight hours.
00:43 And now Dave has pulled the plug on it
00:46 'cause all Clemmer has done is sleep for 75% of it.
00:50 Which I guess in Clemmer's defense,
00:52 he has nothing else to do besides sleep.
00:54 So I can't really fault him.
00:56 - Clemmer, Vibs is the executive producer.
01:00 You're not getting dragged,
01:02 as the kids say, for this or anything.
01:04 I think you're disappointed in just how it's unfolded.
01:07 - But Clemmer asked you to help.
01:08 - I mean, he asked me to help.
01:09 And like, I put blame on me for it
01:12 not going as well as it should.
01:13 Like, I'm not just throwing Clemmer under the bus.
01:15 Like, it's on me too.
01:16 - I put more blame on Clemmer, to be honest.
01:18 - But I mean, he needs to be willing to work with it.
01:21 And like, you're in there,
01:22 don't half-ass it, go the whole way.
01:24 But there's like two camps to this,
01:26 where it's like, if he wants to do 100 hours
01:28 of solitary confinement,
01:29 like, then he needs to be in there,
01:31 not be bothered by anyone.
01:33 All we do is slide meals under the door.
01:35 There's no challenges.
01:36 But, like, he's just gonna sleep all day
01:39 and entertain himself, do whatever.
01:41 But, if you're doing that for 100 hours,
01:44 it's gonna be a boring stream.
01:46 So what we decided to do was do
01:49 Clem-finement, where there's challenges
01:52 and a little twist where he can get
01:54 the amenities that he wanted to go in with.
01:56 Like, he wanted to go in with a mini fridge
01:57 with all these Cokes and high noons
02:00 and all that stuff.
02:01 And we said, "Okay, well, if you do these challenges,
02:04 "you can get a reward, and that's what you do.
02:06 "And the challenge will kind of keep you up and active."
02:10 And the challenges, he just kind of said,
02:11 "Well, 10 minutes in," he was like,
02:13 "I'm not doing this."
02:13 And it's like-- - The challenges, right.
02:15 - The challenges are-- - Are designed to be tedious.
02:17 - They're supposed to be tedious,
02:17 they're supposed to be boring.
02:18 They're not supposed to be, like, on arts and crafts.
02:21 Like, if you, then it's just,
02:22 you're in a retirement home doing puzzles for 100 hours.
02:25 You know, you don't have a TV. - Allow me real quick.
02:27 From my elementary observation of how this came to be,
02:30 Clemmer originally wanted to live in a hotel
02:33 with cable TV and a mini fridge and all this.
02:36 He's very stubborn, though.
02:38 It was like pulling teeth to get to where he is now.
02:41 But his whole thing was like, it's content,
02:44 but he also just wants to prove that he can do it.
02:46 And he's not like, you were put in kind of a bad situation,
02:51 one, by how stubborn Clemmer was about a lot of stuff.
02:53 And he wasn't, you know, the whole thing is tough.
02:57 If we could redo it, it would probably be like,
03:00 complete this challenge, get an hour off your time.
03:02 But he didn't even want that,
03:03 'cause he wanted to do the full 100 hours.
03:05 - Right. - We should've just been like,
03:06 shut up, Clemmer, we're gonna take care of it.
03:08 - There was a final challenge where it's like,
03:09 hey, if you finish this, you can get out right now
03:11 at the time you're supposed to,
03:12 but if you fail, you gotta stay in longer.
03:14 - Yeah. - So there was some of that,
03:16 but maybe we should've been in the middle.
03:17 - I feel like it hasn't really been made explicitly clear
03:21 about the conversations leading up
03:23 to this confinement situation.
03:25 Clemmer knows that there were challenges,
03:28 rewards, punishments, there might be some annoying things
03:31 to fuck with him, and agreed to all of it, right?
03:33 - Yeah, yes. - Right.
03:34 So he knew everything.
03:35 He knew there were gonna be tedious tasks.
03:36 He knew it was gonna be like,
03:37 passing the time, funny, whatever.
03:39 Some are so, you said that he knew
03:41 that there was gonna be an annoying thing
03:42 playing over the loudspeakers.
03:43 Like, he knew all that shit going in,
03:45 but my problem with Clemmer, with this whole thing,
03:48 is that knowing all that, why is he being so stubborn
03:53 and just a grumpy bitch
03:55 about everything? - I think also,
03:56 answer for Clemmer, he's just bored as fuck,
03:58 and when you're bored, it's just easy to bitch about stuff.
04:00 - But he also said-- - I guess.
04:01 - He also said-- - It's like, ugh.
04:02 - He also said he was gonna fight back
04:04 if stuff was going a certain way or anything like that,
04:07 and I think he thinks it's like,
04:08 oh, the conflict is content, which--
04:12 - Sort of. - Sort of,
04:13 but you gotta also kinda go along.
04:15 - So, with the confinement. - But then why would you,
04:17 right, why would you sacrifice
04:21 what could be five hours of counting rice,
04:25 for the example that I keep fucking using,
04:26 'cause it's killing me, he hasn't counted this rice.
04:28 He could be counting this rice,
04:30 and there could be a rice counter on the thing,
04:31 he's up, people are watching, tuning in,
04:32 and seeing like, oh my god, he's counting
04:33 10,000 grains of rice, oh my god,
04:35 he's counting half a million pounds of rice.
04:36 Like, it's crazy.
04:37 Why not do that for content,
04:39 and have people coming in and checking back in,
04:40 or whatever, instead of being like,
04:41 fuck this, I'm not doing this,
04:42 and so we get one clip of him yelling at the people
04:44 that are in charge of it, and helping him out.
04:46 It doesn't, to me, that makes no sense,
04:47 and I'm just not sure how he's thinking in that way.
04:50 Unplugging the speaker is fucking crazy.
04:53 Threatening to fuck up the tech,
04:54 and all that bullshit is crazy to me, that's crazy.
04:57 - But also, we did put a stubborn, old lunatic
05:01 in isolation. - Yeah, what do we expect?
05:02 What do we expect? - We expect him to go,
05:03 we want him to go crazy.
05:04 - I just feel like, I feel like you're getting it
05:06 from Clemmer unfairly, when he knew exactly
05:08 what was going on, he knew--
05:09 - But it's also him versus-- - Things were gonna happen,
05:10 and he's just-- - He's,
05:12 without even knowing the revolution that has started,
05:15 he's also, people can't see it, but we can see it
05:17 if you click onto the back end,
05:18 he is like, riling up the, oh, Dave put out a tweet.
05:22 Like, he is riling up the chat, unbeknownst to himself,
05:25 that he's not in it, and this is the point,
05:27 when people were like, this is cruel,
05:28 that he's down there, but not streaming,
05:31 his reality is unchanged.
05:33 Like, he wanted to do 100 hours,
05:35 he can still leave at any time.
05:37 Nothing has changed in his world,
05:39 but when he gets back above ground,
05:40 and he finds out that he was the number one topic
05:43 on the internet for like, two straight days,
05:45 I don't think he will care that it wasn't streamed.
05:47 - He'll love that, he'll love that for sure, I think.
05:50 - Yeah, I think-- - When he sits down
05:53 and sees the whole thing. - It's a win-win, yeah,
05:54 'cause in his mind, he just wanted to last the 100 hours,
05:57 and he's gonna accomplish that, I assume,
05:59 and then when he finds out that it was trending number one,
06:02 and all these people were rallying behind him,
06:03 and I gave the analogy, he's like Nelson Mandela,
06:07 which I know it's not a civil right.
06:08 - Any other big problem with that?
06:09 - Yeah, it's like, yeah, he's like going into prison,
06:12 and the whole fucking South Africa's rallying behind him,
06:14 and he's the fucking chosen one.
06:16 - Who are you guys, Sandoval?
06:17 - Who's the president next?
06:18 - Your boy, the reality show guy, Sandoval?
06:21 - Yeah, Tom Sandoval?
06:22 - He said he was a combination of George Floyd
06:23 and Martin Luther King.
06:24 - Oh yeah, that's right.
06:25 - Fair enough, fair enough.
06:26 - No, he said, "When all that stuff happened
06:28 "with George Floyd, it's kind of like that."
06:30 I'm like, "No, what?"
06:31 - Yeah, that's what Clemmer is.
06:32 - But-- - Yeah, that's Clemmer now.
06:34 - And also, Clemmer was doing the math,
06:35 and being like, "Ah, this is impossible,
06:37 "that other challenge is impossible."
06:38 It's like, we had side challenges as well mixed in
06:43 that would give him more time if he completed those,
06:45 if he was going up against the clock
06:47 and not gonna complete it, but.
06:48 - I think for never having done this type of challenge
06:52 before, for what Clemmer is and what we expected,
06:55 I think it's working out for the best.
06:58 You know, it is the Dave, I said it is the Dave playbook.
07:01 Ignore something, he sees it, he gets involved.
07:04 You know, it's like me, Smitty, Clemmer,
07:06 you know, his little punching bags,
07:08 but that's the way Dave does it.
07:10 Clemmer was trending for two straight days,
07:12 you know, that doesn't happen, like, you know.
07:14 So it's all in all a good thing.
07:16 - On behalf, also too, he was trying to,
07:17 despite the fact that Dave was like,
07:19 "Fuck this, I'm not putting it back up, like, fuck."
07:21 - But Dave also likes when all the stoolies,
07:24 you know, rally against him.
07:25 - Totally. - Yeah.
07:26 - EFT. - No, I feel like
07:27 I'm saying too much.
07:28 - EFT started a trend, Clemmering,
07:31 where you're just laying on the ground like that.
07:33 - Hilarious, every time he posts that, I die laughing.
07:35 - Clemmer's becoming-- - It's funny as fuck.
07:37 - Clemmer's becoming a national movement.
07:38 So in the end, I think, oh, when the news is broken,
07:42 which I don't know if we have the,
07:44 so what we're gonna do is we're gonna have a puzzle
07:47 delivered and we're gonna slide it in the door
07:48 and have him fix it, and it's Clemmer sleeping
07:50 with the tweet superimposed over it that says,
07:53 "I'm cutting the Clemmer stream."
07:54 So he'll find out why he's doing a puzzle.
07:56 - Here's my question with this, though,
07:58 is that he's gonna see Dave's face in part of the tweet.
08:01 He's gonna do the tweet first,
08:02 before he even sees, like, himself sleeping.
08:04 - Yeah, that's true, so it could, yeah, it's just fine.
08:06 - He'll be able to see.
08:07 And I almost want you to keep some pieces at first.
08:09 Like, give him only the pieces that are him,
08:11 and then when he's done with those,
08:12 give him the last pieces for the tweet.
08:14 - That's not a bad idea, 'cause yeah.
08:16 - Because he'll feel, if that were me,
08:17 I would do the tweet first.
08:18 I would do the tweet first.
08:19 - Whenever we were trying to figure it out,
08:20 that's what you were saying,
08:21 is if he does that first corner first,
08:22 then it's not gonna take the hour that Dave won.
08:24 - So I think just that corner,
08:26 you give him everything else.
08:27 Maybe even give him the bottom part,
08:29 so he sees the interaction.
08:31 - Once he's done with 75% of it,
08:33 you give him the last 25%.
08:34 - Maybe you even just take out that row,
08:36 yeah, yeah, where it says the actual tweet.
08:38 It says Dave, and it has the interactions,
08:41 maybe a little bit of the date, and then that's it.
08:43 - That's not bad.
08:44 - And then give it to him at the last second.
08:44 - That's not bad.
08:46 - I love the, I love it.
08:47 I like the idea of him finding out late.
08:49 Like, I just, I like it.
08:51 - I think he'll be in disbelief.
08:52 I think he'll be in shock.
08:53 I think he just won't know what's real
08:55 and what's going on.
08:55 - Do you think he will think that's a troll?
08:57 - I think so, yeah.
08:57 I think he thinks--
08:58 - Like, there's no chance Dave cut the stream
09:00 three days ago.
09:01 Like, that's just him, that'll be the last three hours
09:03 is him talking to himself if that's real or not.
09:06 - Is this in lieu of Dave Skyping in?
09:09 - So he might, after the puzzle's solved,
09:12 Dave might Skype in, and I don't know why he's--
09:13 - Yeah, bring back Skype, baby.
09:15 Bring back Skype.
09:16 - 2006, I love it.
09:17 - He's gonna webcam in.
09:19 - But Dave will zoom in and break it to him, I guess,
09:24 and tell him, like, hey, this is--
09:26 - This is the deal.
09:27 - This is the deal, yeah, that it is not fake.
09:30 - I think it's really funny, but no,
09:32 I think that with this situation,
09:36 you've done the best you can
09:37 and you're doing the most that you can,
09:39 and I think that Clemmer owes you a big apology.
09:40 - I mean, yeah, going in--
09:42 - I think he really does.
09:43 Like, he's been so--
09:44 - Clemmer had a lot of demands, so going in,
09:46 we kinda had an arm tying behind our back trying to do it.
09:49 But, I mean, yeah, he wants to make content,
09:52 but the one thing I'd say, if he wanted to do
09:55 just, like, real solitary confinement,
09:57 he picked 100 hours.
09:59 Like, Mr. Beast just did, like, 150.
10:01 So I think, to make it interesting,
10:03 if you're just doing solitary confinement, no interaction,
10:06 you go 155 hours or 160 to beat Mr. Beast and make it,
10:11 or whatever the record is, I don't know.
10:12 - Also, too, with Mr. Beast, everybody was saying,
10:14 it's not a continuous livestream,
10:15 it's just a compilation of the time,
10:19 which I think it goes to show that, like,
10:22 your version of it with added challenges
10:25 and things like that is interesting
10:26 for a consistent livestream.
10:27 If Mr. Beast, nobody, you know,
10:29 I guess we've realized that people will tune in
10:31 to watch people sleep, but, you know,
10:34 it's just, it makes it a little more compelling
10:35 when there's something going on.
10:37 Even if it's boring and tedious like it's supposed to be,
10:39 it's supposed to drive him a little crazy,
10:40 because he, you know, besides him yelling
10:43 every once in a while about, like,
10:44 no justice, be nice with Rice, whatever the fuck,
10:46 he's not really breaking or going crazy, you know?
10:50 - Right.
10:51 - From what we can tell.
10:52 - Yeah.
10:53 - He's sleeping all the time, so it's hard to tell.
10:54 - A lot of sleep.
10:55 - Really hard to tell. - A lot of sleep.
10:56 - Yeah, it's just like--
10:57 - John Rich TV?
10:58 - It's just like a depression nap, you know what I mean?
10:59 - I thought you had something to say.
11:00 - Oh, John Rich?
11:01 - Oh, just holding the mic up to your mouth.
11:02 - Well, I was gonna ask,
11:03 I'm gonna get to this eventually.
11:05 How do you think he's gonna react
11:06 to the Kirk Minahan stream?
11:08 - Ooh, I think he'll be more mad about that.
11:11 I think he'll be more mad about that.
11:12 I also think it's kind of bullshit.
11:15 So, Kirk said, no, no, no, that was an organic stream
11:18 and it just happened to, you know, whatever, blah, blah, blah.
11:20 I think definitely what happened was organic.
11:23 I think the idea to livestream was a dig at Clemmer.
11:26 He's never livestreamed like that in his life.
11:28 And all of a sudden, the day that Clemmer starts,
11:30 he's gonna start a livestream at the same time.
11:32 I just think that there's a little bit of a,
11:34 a little bit of a, hmm.
11:34 - Yeah, I don't know who--
11:35 - And it went on way longer than they thought.
11:36 Like, it definitely did. - I don't know
11:37 who wrote that script.
11:38 Like, we have some new script writers around here.
11:40 - Right, we do have new script writers.
11:40 - So, yeah, I don't know, but I thought it was pretty smart.
11:42 - I think it would be silly to think
11:44 that Kirk, in the back of his mind,
11:46 didn't have like a, oh, good,
11:47 and this is going on at the same time as Clemmer.
11:49 - Oh, definitely in the back of his mind,
11:50 but it did happen organically.
11:51 It did. - No, no, no, and I said that.
11:53 But leaving it on for like, yeah, it just,
11:56 I think that in the back of his head,
11:57 he knew he was besting Clemmer a little bit,
11:59 at least for day one,
12:00 and then it just became something much bigger
12:01 than he thought, and it was two days
12:02 of poor Coleman trying to get it done.
12:04 - I had both going at the same time.
12:05 I love, and then Jerry's stream started.
12:06 - Yeah. - It was great.
12:07 - Nobody seemed to have a problem
12:08 with the multiple streams.
12:10 - Well, that's where we are now.
12:11 We're a 24-hour streaming company now.
12:12 - I talked about it on the act,
12:13 like, Jerry's stream, like him doing that,
12:16 whenever his stream was over,
12:17 those people got directed to the Clemmer stream,
12:20 so Clemmer stream was through the roof,
12:22 so it was a good thing.
12:23 That's awesome. - Yeah.
12:25 - And I think they asked Minahan about it on main,
12:28 and he said no. - He said no.
12:29 He said no completely, but I think that that's like,
12:31 in the back of your head, you have to know
12:32 that the first time, like, it just,
12:34 it's too coincidental for me to believe
12:36 that it wasn't in the back of his head at least.
12:37 - It probably entered his head
12:39 once he realized how long they were gonna be there,
12:41 but also it's like, I don't know,
12:42 he lives in his world, this is a different.
12:44 We could have nine streams at the same time.
12:46 I'll probably be captivated by all of them.
12:47 I think Coleman, you have no idea
12:49 Coleman's gonna take 34 fucking hours to--
12:51 - No, that's what I'm saying.
12:51 No one knew that was gonna happen,
12:53 but the idea to live stream Coleman
12:54 trying to do these things,
12:56 the minute that Clemmer went in,
12:58 it just seems, like I said,
12:59 I don't believe in a coincidence that close.
13:01 - It's a fun week, I like it.
13:03 But everything's like intersecting and crisscrossing,
13:06 I like it.
13:06 - But it, not to-- - No, no, it's funny.
13:07 I'm not saying it's not funny.
13:08 - Yeah, I know, I know. - It's fucking hilarious.
13:10 But I'm saying that that is what Clemmer is gonna think.
13:11 Clemmer's gonna be like-- - Maybe, yeah.
13:13 - Obviously, he did this on purpose.
13:15 That's how he's gonna feel.
13:16 - Do you think he's gonna fight back when he finds out,
13:19 or you think he'll just be like,
13:20 okay, whatever, like--
13:22 - I don't think so, I think he gets the bit.
13:23 - Yeah, I think he, like how Dave operates and works,
13:26 and I think he'll just like go with it.
13:26 - But if he gets the bit, then he should fight back.
13:30 - But he's not that guy, yeah, I don't know.
13:31 He's, I-- - He's not a big guy.
13:33 - I don't know.
13:34 - I think he's gonna be very defeated feeling.
13:36 I think he's gonna be like, wow.
13:37 And he also, I think, maybe will be jarbled
13:39 coming out being like, 'cause he's missed so much.
13:43 He needs to catch up on everything that happened.
13:45 - Yeah, Gialito's out for the season.
13:46 - I think-- - Is that real?
13:48 - Gialito, do you know?
13:49 It's like a Red Sox pitcher.
13:51 - I don't know, I'm just trying to keep the convo going.
13:52 - I think he's gonna be proud of himself
13:54 for doing the 100 hours,
13:55 so I don't think he's gonna be too upset.
13:56 But that's my opinion.
13:58 But, sorry, not to, yeah.
14:00 - You're good.
14:01 - I think-- - But when Mr. Beast
14:02 was in solitary confinement,
14:03 if you watch his cut-up video,
14:05 he slept the whole time.
14:06 As much as he could.
14:07 Granted, he had the lights on the whole time,
14:09 and it's a little harder.
14:10 - I don't think anybody would care
14:12 if he were sleeping a bunch if he did other things as well.
14:15 Like, when he's not sleeping, he does other things.
14:17 But when he's not sleeping,
14:19 he just sits on the bed and does nothing.
14:20 - When we were doing this and we were like,
14:22 hey, we need to do challenges,
14:23 like have you doing something,
14:25 exactly this is what,
14:26 I was like, Dave will tune into this stream
14:28 and he'll see you sleeping, doing nothing,
14:29 and then it's just,
14:30 he'll be like, well, this sucks.
14:32 But I didn't think it would go to this,
14:33 but still, I was like,
14:34 we can't have someone tune in and be like--
14:36 - I will say, my favorite thing Dave said on On Name Show
14:38 is he just admitted that he loves
14:40 that he's the only person who can watch Clemmer
14:42 and he loves that he's playing God with him and stuff.
14:44 It was psychotic, rich guy shit.
14:47 - Right now, for people, it's like Hunger Games.
14:50 I'm just watching this world burn below me
14:53 and I'm enjoying it.
14:54 I have to be the only one truly enjoying the Clemmer stream
15:00 because, and there's no way to do it both,
15:02 but when I check in on him and he is talking,
15:05 thinking people are watching him,
15:07 knowing he's talking to air,
15:11 I find that very funny.
15:13 - That was, I will say,
15:14 I don't know if it's just 'cause,
15:16 when I went home last night,
15:17 I was still watching Clemmer.
15:18 (laughing)
15:19 I stayed up until, well, he went to 910.
15:22 - I didn't know that I could watch him in the back end
15:23 until now and I'm watching Clemmer on my laptop right now.
15:25 Like, I am obsessed.
15:27 - It feels dirty.
15:28 It feels kind of-- - It feels weird.
15:29 Well, Nate, you were killing me last night
15:31 with all the tweets, the Truman Show stuff.
15:32 It is so-- - There is a line
15:34 from the Truman Show for every single thing
15:36 Dave has tweeted.
15:38 And I know that movie front and back.
15:39 And I crack up every time Dave tweets
15:41 'cause there is just a scene from the Truman Show
15:43 that parallels what he's doing.
15:46 - Hit him with the lightning.
15:47 - Yeah. - Hit him again.
15:48 - Yes, yeah, hit him again.
15:49 Yeah, 100%.
15:50 And it's like, right, it's a control thing.
15:52 It's like, this person doesn't know.
15:55 - Trev, what are you laughing at?
15:56 - It's crazy.
15:57 - What?
15:59 Whoa!
15:59 - Whoa, whoa, whoa.
16:01 - I'm trying to know, yeah.
16:02 - That was so--
16:02 - You just tossed the most expensive thing you owned at me.
16:05 (laughing)
16:06 - What is it?
16:07 - Dave Clemming.
16:08 - Dave Clemm?
16:09 No, stop, no, stop.
16:11 (laughing)
16:12 - At a pizza place?
16:14 - I feel bad for Clem.
16:15 He's getting Clem-cooked.
16:17 (laughing)
16:19 - Lay it out anywhere.
16:21 It's a new viral trend.
16:21 - Mouth open is great.
16:23 There's been some close-ups on Clemmer
16:25 where he's just got crusties in his face.
16:26 - No, that's what I said.
16:27 I wasn't even-- - He's like a cartoon character.
16:29 Like, he'll put his hands under his head.
16:30 - I do that, though.
16:31 Like, oh, well.
16:32 - But his legs are always super straight.
16:36 - There's never a scenario where I will agree
16:40 to be filmed while sleeping,
16:41 because I sleep like a bat.
16:44 People are like, oh, Clemmer sleeps like a bat.
16:45 I sleep like a bat.
16:46 Like, I sleep like, I'm choking myself
16:48 in my sleep the whole time.
16:50 I'm like, on my face.
16:51 No way.
16:52 - When I'm ready to go into a deep sleep,
16:53 I do what Clemmer did and lay on my belly face down.
16:55 - Yeah.
16:56 - Out.
16:57 - Yep.
16:58 - All right, so that's something to watch out for.
16:58 9 a.m. tomorrow, he gets a puzzle,
17:00 and then he's allowed to leave at 2 p.m.
17:04 - Well, Dave's coming live at 11, right?
17:06 Dave's gonna break the news to him at 11?
17:08 - Well, he's gonna put together the puzzle at 9.
17:10 Start at 9.
17:11 - So that's in place of Dave.
17:12 - Yeah, I believe.
17:13 - Okay.
17:14 - A lot can happen.
17:15 By the time there's errors,
17:15 it could have also changed.
17:16 - Yeah.
17:17 - All right, next topic is brought to you
17:18 by My Mom's Basement.
17:20 Mike Tyson versus Jake Paul.
17:23 They are fighting on July 20th at AT&T Stadium.
17:26 That's the Cowboy Stadium in Arlington, Texas.
17:29 Jake Paul, 27, influencer, blah, blah, blah.
17:31 Mike Tyson, you know, most famous boxer of all time.
17:34 It's gonna be on Netflix, so if you have Netflix,
17:36 you don't have to pay for it.
17:38 Obviously, it's a cash grab for both of them.
17:40 Everybody's gonna shit on it and poo-poo it,
17:42 and then everybody's gonna watch it on July 20th.
17:44 It's gonna be the biggest thing of the summer.
17:46 We know how this happens.
17:47 It goes round and round.
17:48 Influencer, nobody cares.
17:49 Who wants to watch this?
17:51 Millions and millions of people.
17:53 The betting's gonna be fun on Giraffe Kings.
17:56 I'm sure Dave will probably go.
17:59 Mike Tyson's nearly 60.
18:01 Jake Paul's half his age.
18:03 Jake Paul should win in theory,
18:05 but if you watch Mike Tyson videos,
18:07 he still looks like he can just kill you in .2 seconds.
18:11 - Still looks good.
18:12 - Vives isn't wearing a mic.
18:14 - I fell off.
18:16 - You haven't said anything since it fell off, though,
18:17 since you gave back his phone.
18:20 - So yeah, it's like two years ago,
18:24 there was a video that went out of Tyson
18:26 doing some drills in the ring,
18:27 where he's still so fast.
18:29 And he's massive.
18:30 How big is Jake Paul?
18:31 - That's why I said in theory,
18:32 what are their weights?
18:33 - You think the guy half his age should win,
18:34 but Mike Tyson's Mike Tyson.
18:35 He defies everything.
18:39 - I think, yeah.
18:40 - Yeah, I would say they're both probably around 220.
18:44 - Okay, so Tyson's got, if that's accurate.
18:47 - Jake Paul's massive.
18:49 That seems, 199 seems low.
18:51 - I feel like they would probably have a,
18:52 Jake's probably taller, yeah?
18:53 - 5'10", Mike Tyson.
18:55 Jake Paul's probably 6'3".
18:56 - Jake Paul's 6'1".
18:56 - Yeah, he's 6'1".
18:57 - Yeah, no, I, all right.
18:59 It's easy to shit on things like this.
19:00 I'm excited.
19:01 It's two mega names, you know, mega stars.
19:04 - Hand up, I'm very excited for that.
19:07 I don't understand, like I know people,
19:09 the authenticity of the sport,
19:12 whatever, they don't like Jake Paul.
19:13 I, if it's a Jake Paul fight, I'm tuning in.
19:15 Because it's a cartoon character,
19:17 you know what I mean?
19:18 Like it's a ridiculous situation, I'm always tuning in.
19:20 And this is awesome.
19:21 - Two schools of boxing.
19:22 The people who are like the sweet science,
19:24 who love the technique and this and that.
19:25 And then the other school is like,
19:27 this is gladiator shit.
19:28 It's two men just pounding the, you know,
19:30 just beating the shit out of each other.
19:32 Like, you know, we've been doing
19:34 our entire existence as humans.
19:36 So if you're a sweet science guy,
19:38 go watch the real boxing.
19:39 People like me, casuals, we'll watch,
19:41 you know, Mike Tyson versus Jake Paul.
19:43 - Not everything is so serious.
19:44 And I don't think that this fight on Netflix
19:46 between these two people takes away
19:47 from like the integrity of the sport.
19:49 I think it's just an added thing.
19:50 It's, you know, it's fun.
19:51 - Yep.
19:52 - Yeah.
19:53 - It's a sport, like, storyline.
19:54 People, people want a storyline.
19:57 - Yeah, don't care if it's fixed.
19:58 - People don't like, so.
19:59 - Yeah, don't care at all if it's fixed.
19:59 - It's wrestling, but they hit each other.
20:02 For real.
20:02 - Exactly.
20:03 - Hey, sorry, sorry.
20:04 - Whoa.
20:05 - You're right.
20:06 - So Bob doesn't stop, but they love the storylines.
20:07 - The storylines are scripted,
20:09 but when you're falling 20 feet off a ladder
20:11 through glass, you're still falling off.
20:12 - Oh, no, no, no, yeah, no, you are.
20:13 - What's the guy's name in Pittsburgh
20:15 when he was jumping off the--
20:16 - Mick Foley.
20:17 - Mick Foley.
20:18 - Well, Undertaker threw him off.
20:19 - Yeah, I mean, that's, that fight is amazing.
20:22 - It's incredible.
20:23 - And then Mick climbs back up the Helen's Hell,
20:26 and then Undertaker throws him through it.
20:27 Then a chair hits him in the face,
20:29 and his tooth goes up his nose.
20:30 - Mick Foley from Indiana, Santa Claus, Indiana.
20:33 - Yeah, he can barely walk anymore.
20:35 Gave his life to wrestling.
20:36 - Wow, good for him.
20:37 - Mick Foley's the man, absolute man.
20:39 - Very cool.
20:40 - Steph Curry.
20:40 We have the picture.
20:42 So Steph Curry hit a logo three last night,
20:45 and then he practiced his golf swing,
20:48 and then this picture was snapped
20:50 as he was practicing his golf swing.
20:52 And you might notice the woman
20:53 with the large breasts in the background.
20:55 - I do see her, hard to miss.
20:56 - The dad with his two sons sitting front row
21:00 and just turning around being like, "Hey, hell yeah."
21:02 - No, he had to make sure that everything was under wraps.
21:05 - Right, right.
21:06 - He was protecting.
21:07 - He was just making sure she was okay.
21:09 Question, are we showing this in picture mode
21:12 instead of video mode because her boobs
21:14 did in fact fall out of that shirt?
21:15 - They did not as far as we know.
21:16 - Okay, all right, 'cause it looks like
21:19 they're hanging on for dear life,
21:20 and I need to know what kind of top that is.
21:21 I'm keeping those.
21:22 - It's a very artistic picture when you really think about it
21:25 how focused Steph Curry is,
21:26 and he's focused on the golf swing,
21:28 but then life happens all around you at the same time,
21:32 but he's just focused on the swing.
21:34 I think it's beautiful.
21:35 - Yeah, it is quite beautiful.
21:38 It's quite the juxtaposition.
21:39 - The distractions of life juxtaposed
21:42 with the focus of being a professional athlete.
21:45 Many men have failed in these situations.
21:47 - Exactly, that dad.
21:49 If I'm the wife, oh no.
21:51 That guy's totally at home.
21:52 - He's dead, he's dead.
21:53 - There's no way.
21:54 - Or maybe she's on the other side of the boys,
21:57 and she's like, yeah.
21:58 - Yeah, she could be.
21:59 If I'm there, I'm laughing with my husband.
22:02 If I get home and I see this picture of my husband
22:04 and my kids and he's turning around,
22:05 Steph Curry's doing this, and he's watching her.
22:07 - How was the night out with the boys?
22:08 - Let me defend my man here.
22:10 When you're facing this way,
22:11 you have no, he's just seeing what's happening behind him.
22:14 He was right.
22:14 - And she's probably yelling.
22:15 - He could be looking her in the eye.
22:16 He could be looking her in the eye.
22:18 - But.
22:19 - He might be screaming, and he's like,
22:20 he's screaming loud.
22:20 - Yeah, still, he's in a bad position
22:22 'cause his wife is just like,
22:24 he's gonna see this and just be like, what the fuck?
22:26 - He's so screwed.
22:27 - Yeah.
22:27 - For sure, either way.
22:28 - I don't know, maybe she's like,
22:30 she happened to anybody, babe.
22:31 - She could also be like, I would look too.
22:34 I'm sure we'll see a tweet like,
22:35 I would look too if people get on his shit about it.
22:37 - Also, we don't know his marital status.
22:38 Maybe he's looking.
22:39 - He could be single dad.
22:40 - Yeah, he's like trying to impress the kids.
22:42 - Those might not even be his kids.
22:43 - That's true.
22:43 - Also, they might not be his kids.
22:45 - Yeah, yeah.
22:46 - If they are, they're sitting on the floor
22:47 at a Golden State game.
22:48 - Right, exactly.
22:49 - They're doing all right.
22:50 - I have a feeling this is like a rich dad,
22:51 his son, and his friend, you know?
22:52 Like, that's what I think.
22:54 - Yeah.
22:54 You know, I like to think that he is a man of the cloth,
22:58 a faithful man, and he's like, please, ma'am,
23:00 we're here on our church retreat.
23:02 Cover up, miss.
23:03 - Please put your nipples up.
23:04 - There's nothing wrong with a woman showing
23:07 you know, her stuff either.
23:08 - Yeah, no, she can do what she wants.
23:09 - Stand with women.
23:10 - Yeah, maybe one size up in that top, though,
23:11 for those titties, just for next time.
23:13 - Eh, just let him breathe.
23:15 - The next topic is brought to you by @JohnRichTV on Twitter.
23:20 Follow @JohnRichTV.
23:22 - Thank you.
23:23 - This is a video of Zah meeting Antonio Brown
23:25 at Storm Chasers last night at UCF.
23:28 (upbeat music)
23:45 - They didn't sit together, but they definitely linked up.
23:49 Getting Nicky Smoke, Zah, and Antonio Brown
23:51 in the same building sounds like, you know,
23:53 just the FBI should be involved somewhere.
23:55 But it looked like it went off without a hitch.
23:57 Except I didn't see he's posting DMs from Dave.
24:01 Hey man, I'd love to do a feature review
24:03 with you in Foxborough.
24:04 This is from Dave to Antonio Brown.
24:06 No idea if you have any clue who I am,
24:08 but I'm a big Pats fan.
24:09 People would eat it up.
24:10 This is from September 2019.
24:12 - Got it.
24:12 I spit.
24:13 - All right.
24:14 - Yeah, I mean, they're mending fences for sure.
24:16 - No, no, this is in--
24:18 - Dave, of course, I'm in Boston.
24:19 Let's do it tomorrow.
24:20 - Three years later, Antonio Brown alive.
24:22 - I have two questions because I don't know,
24:24 I don't know, you know, I don't know.
24:26 But one--
24:27 - Such an awesome guy.
24:28 - Do people dislike him for some reason?
24:29 Like, I feel like people don't like him, right?
24:31 Lottery.
24:32 - It's a lot of like--
24:33 - Is he a problematic guy?
24:34 - Yeah, a lot of allegations.
24:36 - Sure, sure, okay.
24:37 - Yeah, some felony.
24:38 - All right, so good to know.
24:39 That's number one.
24:40 Number two, right, we don't need, I'll do my own research.
24:44 The second thing is he's, what is he doing right now?
24:48 Is he angling for a job?
24:50 Is he trying to get clout?
24:51 Like, why is he obsessed with Arsenal?
24:52 - He's a rich, bored guy on Twitter.
24:54 - Right, but why is he obsessed with Arsenal
24:55 and like making all these AI memes about it
24:57 and like tweeting it? - We've gone at him.
24:59 Arsenal has gone at Antonio Brown for being--
25:00 Yeah, Jerry Thornton recently.
25:03 - Also, Antonio Brown's--
25:05 - Which was hilarious, hilarious.
25:06 - Excuse me if I burn bridges,
25:08 Antonio Brown's not a great guy.
25:09 - No.
25:10 - Right, that's a great angle.
25:11 So where he's not, like, he won't work here, right?
25:14 - As far as I--
25:15 - No, they talked about it on the Unnamed Show.
25:16 Dave was like, no, yeah, he's a scumbag.
25:18 - Okay, okay, okay.
25:20 - But like, he's being entertaining on Twitter.
25:22 He did the Saltine AI tweet about us.
25:24 So like, he kind of like gets the game,
25:26 but also like it's like--
25:27 - He's going too far now, it's too long.
25:28 - But he's legitimately like, he knows he has CTE.
25:31 His brain melts out of his ears.
25:33 He's like a crazy person, like a real life crazy person.
25:35 - Got it, got it, got it.
25:36 - So people on like Reddit comment section,
25:39 and I might agree with them,
25:40 they don't think it's him tweeting.
25:42 They think he's got somebody
25:43 who like knows exactly what they're doing.
25:45 That's coming after Barristow.
25:46 - On the last rundown, that's what I was saying.
25:47 - I thought it was AB at first,
25:48 but now I kind of agree with him.
25:49 - I don't think it's Antonio Brown.
25:50 - Either way.
25:51 - Which after the last rundown,
25:52 Antonio Brown got on Twitter and called me a virgin.
25:54 - Yeah, which I don't know how, I mean, facts.
25:56 - Oh my God, please don't put a clip
25:57 of me talking about him out.
25:58 I don't want to talk to him ever, seriously.
26:01 I don't want to talk to him unless he's,
26:02 if he's Appointment TV watching the rundown though,
26:04 I mean, how can I avoid that, but.
26:06 - Yeah, he might have a guy
26:07 watching everything we're doing.
26:08 - Yeah, yeah.
26:10 - Okay, but also that's weird.
26:11 - Yeah, Deadspin used to have, Deadspin used to be like,
26:14 you know how New York Post is now?
26:16 They're like, Dave, place the bet.
26:18 Like Deadspin used to know everything
26:20 about the inner workings.
26:22 Like to like a point of lunacy that we thought
26:24 they definitely had people like monitoring every show,
26:27 every stream, everything.
26:29 - Well, yeah.
26:31 - Can I say this about, get it off Antonio Brown.
26:33 I think Nikki Smokes is a great addition to Storm Chasers.
26:36 Nikki's the perfect person to be on.
26:37 - He's so crushing it, yeah.
26:39 He's young, he's energetic, like he's.
26:41 - He is 24, 25 and we're watching him like grow up
26:45 in front of our eyes, which I guess like people used to do
26:47 with like, you know, Kevin turned 39 yesterday.
26:49 - I think he's 23.
26:50 - No, no, he just turned 24, we're 25.
26:52 - Got it, got it.
26:53 - 'Cause he did a blog like, I'm so old, I'm 25.
26:55 - Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
26:56 I forgot about that.
26:57 - But no, he's like learning about the world
26:59 in front of our eyes, I love it.
27:01 If we get five more Nikki Smokes,
27:03 maybe with less cocaine usage,
27:04 like we would be in a very good spot.
27:06 So if you're like Nikki Smokes and you're funny
27:08 and you're, you know, outgoing,
27:10 but you don't have a crippling cocaine habit.
27:14 - Right, right, right, right, right, right, exactly.
27:15 - He doesn't, I shouldn't have said that.
27:17 - Sometimes it's wrong.
27:18 - No, he's, he works hard.
27:19 - He talks all the time, he's always like, yeah.
27:20 - He blogs, he's funny.
27:21 - Yeah, but I don't think he has a crippling cocaine habit.
27:23 - Okay, yeah, yeah, yeah.
27:24 - He can take a joke, if anybody can take a joke.
27:25 - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
27:26 - He's great, he also goes at Big Cat like a lot,
27:28 just calls him just like a fat fuck all the time.
27:30 - No, I like his vibes.
27:31 I like Nikki Smokes a lot more than I thought I would
27:33 and a lot more than at the beginning.
27:34 - People hate, he had three hits on him
27:36 when he was hired.
27:37 I thought that was, I was an original Smokes guy
27:40 because I was like, people were being so mean to him.
27:41 - I just didn't believe, like I thought he was just
27:43 kind of a, like kind of a piece of shit
27:44 and then I met him in real life
27:46 and then I kind of started paying attention
27:47 more to what he was saying and I got,
27:49 you can get his tone a lot better when you meet him.
27:51 - He's just a, he's a fun loving guy.
27:53 Now I am, I don't think I would want to be
27:55 on the road with him for a week straight
27:57 'cause he gets after it.
27:58 Like I'm too old for that at this point.
28:00 If I was 24, I would--
28:01 - I'd love to party with Nikki Smokes.
28:04 - One night a full week.
28:06 - But yeah, Nikki Smokes is fun.
28:07 - The last time I partied like that
28:09 was BBA season one where we drank every day.
28:12 - Yeah, yeah, yeah.
28:13 - Barstool versus America.
28:14 - Yeah, where I went on like a real bender
28:16 and that was a couple years ago now.
28:17 Like I don't think I could do that again.
28:18 Like even season two, we didn't really rip it up
28:21 as much as we did season one.
28:23 So and that was, I was 20, no, sorry, 30.
28:28 Oh my God, kill me.
28:30 - Yeah, that's disgusting.
28:31 - I'm gonna kill myself.
28:32 - Imagine turning 30.
28:34 - No.
28:35 - How old are you, Vips?
28:35 You're my age, when you're younger?
28:36 - 33.
28:37 - 33 and 35, yeah.
28:38 - Oh yeah, you're older.
28:40 - Do you know how old Ben is?
28:42 This one's crazy.
28:43 - 25.
28:44 - Are you young?
28:44 - 23, right?
28:45 - What?
28:46 - Yeah.
28:47 - You've been here for a long time, no?
28:49 - I felt it was longer.
28:52 - In barstool years though, that's like eight years.
28:54 - You carry yourself like a mature adult.
28:57 - 100%, I never would.
28:57 - It's the glasses, the glasses help.
28:59 - Do you, are you a Nikki Smokes on weekends?
29:02 Do you get after it?
29:03 Like at 23, living in the city?
29:04 - I mean, I'm not lame, I'm not living in the city, no.
29:06 - Okay, you live on Long Island?
29:08 - I have fun.
29:09 - Yeah?
29:10 - Nothing crazy.
29:11 - Do you still have bag nights?
29:14 - No, not a bad guy.
29:15 - No, not a bad guy.
29:16 - You saw that guy on Twitter
29:17 who thought he invented drinking wine with his girlfriend.
29:19 - That was so crazy.
29:21 And also, by the way, like-
29:22 - I know that's not on the thing,
29:23 can we talk about this?
29:23 - No, let's talk about it.
29:24 Because that guy was like,
29:25 me and my girlfriend need to each drink a bottle of wine
29:28 to have a conversation.
29:28 - Yeah.
29:29 - That's tough, that's tough.
29:30 - Between-
29:31 - You didn't see it?
29:32 You're too busy feeding Clemmer?
29:33 - Yeah, I've been on Clemmer all week.
29:35 - He puts up a tweet, he goes,
29:36 "Have you ever heard of bottle night?"
29:37 No, because me and my girlfriend invented it.
29:39 We each drink a bottle of wine and we talk to each other.
29:42 He were like, "You think you invented drinking wine
29:44 "so you can have a conversation with your girlfriend?"
29:46 - It's just nice, spending quality time.
29:48 But it's like, you're not spending quality time,
29:49 you're just getting shit-faced.
29:51 - Yeah.
29:52 - There it is.
29:52 - Now, I will give him credit.
29:54 I love-
29:55 - Read it out loud.
29:56 - I love drinking.
29:57 No, because John Rich keeps the font at one point.
29:59 - All right, I'll read it.
30:00 - You read it, you read it.
30:01 People don't like when I do that.
30:02 - I paid for these eyes.
30:04 - I'm not.
30:04 - I know.
30:05 - You have LASIK?
30:06 - Yeah.
30:07 - Damn, I don't want LASIK.
30:08 - Best thing I ever did.
30:09 - I want LASIK to do it.
30:09 - Best thing I ever did.
30:10 - I gotta do it.
30:11 Anyway, read it.
30:12 - Do you know what a bottle night is?
30:13 Probably not, because my girlfriend and I invented it
30:15 during the 2023 blizzard in Buffalo.
30:17 Also funny that he didn't say 2020
30:19 when all anybody did was drink.
30:21 He invented it last year during a blizzard in Buffalo.
30:24 We lock our phones away, turn off the TV,
30:26 each grab a bottle of wine and talk.
30:29 That's it.
30:29 We simply talk and enjoy each other's presence.
30:32 We live together, but it's easy to miss out on quality time.
30:36 What do you think?
30:37 Do you have other methods for enjoying quality time
30:40 with your partner?
30:41 They seem very nice.
30:42 I am praying on their breakup.
30:43 - I'm praying on their breakup,
30:45 but also I'm more praying that this is a troll.
30:47 Like, do we think in any way this is a joke?
30:50 - No, it's this, I'm gonna sound like an old man.
30:52 It is this generation.
30:53 He's like one of these like grind set people.
30:55 He's grinding on his company.
30:57 And I know he means well.
30:58 - Eat, sleep, work, repeat, replace the rave with work.
31:02 - Like, yeah, this is just who, this generation.
31:05 - Working feels like a night out.
31:06 Like, yeah, right.
31:07 - We should send people to work.
31:08 - In his head he really is like, oh, look at that.
31:10 - He's making shirts?
31:12 - He's making merch?
31:13 - Hey, that's the Dave Portnoy.
31:15 - New bottle of night stuff.
31:16 - It's grind set, baby.
31:16 - New bottle of night stuff.
31:17 I mean, listen, I just, I don't disagree with
31:21 let's drink a bottle of wine and chit chat
31:23 and turn the TV off and whatever.
31:24 I mean, TV off is hard, but no phones, I guess.
31:27 I think that, again, it's nothing to brag about
31:31 that you need to get shit-faced to talk to your girl.
31:33 - You know what annoys me?
31:33 - To me that's not.
31:34 - They drink straight out of the bottle, too.
31:35 - I love drinking out of the bottle.
31:36 I love it.
31:37 - I don't because I think it lends itself
31:39 a little more to the, what's the word?
31:44 - Alcoholism?
31:45 - No, that too.
31:46 It's what people think, perception.
31:48 The perception of--
31:49 - You drink out of a wine bottle with your girlfriend
31:51 because you're like, the sooner I get through this,
31:52 like, I can stop talking to her.
31:54 That's what you do.
31:55 - Right, it's like, if I drink this fast enough,
31:57 I'll pass out so we can stop talking.
31:58 That's what--
31:59 - You know what also annoys me is he said a blizzard
32:01 in Buffalo and that they live together.
32:04 But besides New York City, you can live with someone
32:07 and not in a 90 square foot apartment.
32:09 So they live the life of luxury.
32:11 - Right, exactly.
32:12 They have an upstairs.
32:13 - Yeah.
32:14 - I'm not impressed by your shit.
32:16 I'm just not.
32:17 But this was crazy and I really was praying
32:19 that it was kind of like a troll.
32:21 - It got eyeballs on his entrepreneurship,
32:24 I'll tell you that.
32:25 - Yeah, well, good for him.
32:26 - We spend time together not drunk.
32:28 You're not drunk 24/7.
32:30 Oh, see, look, he's trying to, now he's rolling it back.
32:32 - Responding to him.
32:33 - Of course.
32:34 - Is he?
32:35 All right.
32:36 - God, oh.
32:37 - Oh, good for him.
32:38 He got his viral tweet off.
32:38 - Biggest moment of his life.
32:40 - Tweeted Elon Musk.
32:41 - Him saying, "Have you heard of it?"
32:43 - No, no, no, no, no, no.
32:45 This is so, yo, when you--
32:46 - Ew, he's clout chasing Elon.
32:49 Hi, Elon Musk, I'm gunning for the most viewed post
32:51 in the history of this app.
32:52 What do I need to hit?
32:53 - We need to--
32:54 - Ugh, all right, all right, moving on.
32:57 - Can I say something seriously?
32:58 People need to realize that views on videos,
33:02 tweets, whatever, anything view-wise on Twitter,
33:05 unless it's like 50 million, no one gives a fuck.
33:08 Like, I do not care.
33:09 - It stays in our little bubble.
33:11 - Everyone can see, like, it's crazy.
33:12 - Twitter and the internet.
33:14 - The owl video I got the other day, like six million views.
33:17 And what am I gonna run around being like,
33:18 "Oh my God, look at me, @elonmusk.
33:20 "I'm looking at him in the running for whatever the fuck."
33:23 No, no.
33:24 No one cares.
33:26 - It got 58.
33:28 - Okay, so I changed my mind.
33:29 50 million views, but not even close
33:32 to the most of the app.
33:32 - What you said is correct.
33:33 The internet's so massive and Twitter's so massive.
33:36 Even this Clemmer stuff, even though it's like huge
33:37 in our world, it like barely scrapes the rest of the internet.
33:40 - No one knows what it is.
33:42 My gauge is always people in my real life versus job.
33:46 - Asking, "What is this?"
33:47 - Asking, "What is this?"
33:48 Not one person has asked me about this Clemmer thing,
33:50 which probably means it's in our bubble.
33:52 And it'll maybe go out when he finds out about it,
33:54 but as of now, it's still in our bubble.
33:55 - Which also going back to Clemmer,
33:57 we were saying since he doesn't really know what's going on,
34:00 in his head, his delusions, his daydreams or whatever,
34:03 he might be practicing for his interviews
34:05 on "Good Morning America."
34:06 Or he might think that they've already,
34:09 'cause before he went in, Donnie Does did the plane thing
34:12 and got covered.
34:13 He might be thinking he's on the nightly news.
34:16 - Right, right.
34:16 - And that this is, or he might be--
34:17 - Hattie and Hodor are waiting for me.
34:19 - Yeah.
34:19 - He's like, he's got his wine glass ready
34:21 for the "Today" show or whatever.
34:23 - Kelly Ripa, a man in the barstool basement
34:25 is spending 100 hours and he's, yeah.
34:28 - Hunter Chidi, you have something for us.
34:31 - I don't think it's crazy to think Clemmer
34:32 might get like something there about him.
34:34 - A little bit of press?
34:35 - Yeah, not for the reason he wants it to,
34:38 but he could get a little something.
34:40 - When Dave--
34:40 - I don't disagree with that,
34:41 but I think if Dave didn't get involved,
34:43 not a fucking chance.
34:44 - Yeah, has your post done it yet?
34:46 - I don't know.
34:48 - Answer, I wouldn't be amazed.
34:49 - I'm not surprised by that, maybe they don't care.
34:51 - I wouldn't--
34:52 - Your post not being on it is tough.
34:53 - I wouldn't be surprised if like a reporter reaches out
34:55 and is like, "Hey, we're doing a hit piece."
34:57 Like, do you wanna talk about how they mistreated you
35:00 by turning the stream off?
35:01 Like, you're held against your will
35:02 and it's like, no, you can walk out.
35:04 There's a little blanket as his door,
35:06 like you can just--
35:06 - Right, exactly, you can go inside.
35:07 - He wants to, the most important thing to him
35:10 is that he does the 100 hours,
35:12 'cause if he doesn't do the 100 hours,
35:14 he knows he's just gonna never live it down
35:16 and everyone's gonna talk about it
35:17 anytime something comes up.
35:18 It's like, oh, you didn't make it
35:19 in your solitary confinement.
35:20 - He's not quitting. - He has to.
35:21 - He's not quitting. - He has to, no.
35:22 - He will not quit, he knows he has to do that.
35:24 - He'll never quit.
35:25 - There was a time in the first like 10 minutes
35:26 where I was like, oh man, I think reality's setting in
35:28 and I don't know if he'll do it.
35:29 - I agree with that.
35:30 - The first 12 hours seemed like he was losing it,
35:32 then he said, well, then he just started sleeping, so.
35:34 - Right, of course.
35:35 What do you guys think about all the people in the replies,
35:38 mostly Gaz's replies, screaming, "Unionize, union, union."
35:43 - I don't even know what that would do.
35:44 - This is a thing, 'cause Clemmer.
35:46 You know what I see on Twitter?
35:47 I see every other company that unionizes being like,
35:51 we're on strike 'cause unionizing doesn't work.
35:53 - I do think Gaz tweeted, "If he dies, he dies,"
35:56 which in the court of law, that's not gonna work.
35:58 - But it's hilarious.
35:59 - No, no. - The stuff he keeps tweeting
36:01 is like, scroll down a little bit more.
36:03 - It's all comedy.
36:05 - Right, he's a, yes.
36:06 - Depth of the Clemmer, that right there.
36:08 Yeah, yeah, yeah.
36:09 - I mean, the depth of the Clemmer discourse
36:12 knows no bounds.
36:12 They are all under individual contracts and employment.
36:14 - Yeah, people just do fan fiction
36:16 about employment contracts here.
36:18 It's pretty crazy.
36:19 - This guy is replying to someone, click on this guy.
36:21 He's replying to someone being like,
36:23 they have to unionize immediately.
36:24 Yeah, cannot be overstated how important it is
36:26 for personal employees to unionize as quickly as they can.
36:29 - Okay, Clemmer volunteered to put himself in here.
36:32 - What are you talking about?
36:32 Why is everybody worried about us being in the union also?
36:34 That's always a conversation.
36:35 Like, for what?
36:37 We're fine.
36:37 - What was the last topic, final topic?
36:39 Brought to you by, brought to you by.
36:43 - Oh, that was it.
36:45 - Who has a show?
36:46 Foreplay, brought to you by Foreplay.
36:47 They will be, can I say it?
36:49 Where you're gonna be next week.
36:53 You're gonna be at the Players.
36:54 That's where they have the Island 17th Green.
36:56 - Fun.
36:57 - Come to the tent, meet Trent, meet Riggs, meet Frankie,
37:00 meet Dan Rapoport and buy some merch at the Players.
37:03 - If you didn't know any of the Foreplay guys,
37:04 which one would you wanna meet the most?
37:06 - If I was an observer of their channel?
37:08 Frankie.
37:10 Frankie makes me laugh.
37:12 Frankie makes me laugh so hard.
37:13 - I agree.
37:14 Frankie and Trent.
37:15 - Yeah, like they're, no offense to Riggs,
37:17 but like Frankie, everything he says is hilarious.
37:19 - Riggsie does really crack me up.
37:20 - Riggsie's the head of the snake
37:22 in their ancillary characters.
37:23 - Riggs is the business end of this operation.
37:25 - But yeah, yeah.
37:26 - He's the business guy.
37:28 He's business, all business.
37:30 - Do we have, do we have an after show after party?
37:32 So Za, so Storm Chasers is still going.
37:36 They will be at Villanova or something like, not Villanova.
37:41 What's the one in Cincinnati?
37:43 Xavier?
37:44 Xavier?
37:45 Is it Xavier Cincinnati?
37:47 - I don't know, maybe.
37:48 - Xavier versus Cincinnati?
37:49 - And then they're gonna be in Iowa
37:51 to see men's basketball 'cause they're pigs.
37:53 And I think that's all I got.
37:56 - They're back next week, right?
37:57 I thought there was only one more on Sunday.
37:59 - Two, two more games.
38:00 The one in Cincinnati and then the one in Iowa.
38:03 And then they will be back next week.
38:05 - No storms yet?
38:08 - No storms yet.
38:09 - We're, you know, hoping for the best.
38:11 - They came so close with NC State versus Duke.
38:14 And it was, one, it was Duke with Filipowski,
38:17 like the guy who got hurt.
38:19 And then Jay Billis was on call.
38:21 If they would have stormed the court
38:22 right in Jay Billis' face, that would have been.
38:24 - Would have been so good.
38:25 What a bummer.
38:26 - I don't got nothing else.
38:27 I'm looking around, looking around.
38:29 Watch Taylor Watch, watch the rest of the Club Finals.
38:31 - Oh yeah, new episode of Taylor Watch is out.
38:33 Go watch it.
38:33 Our fan episode, people call in, leave voicemails and stuff
38:35 and we answer them, it's really fun.
38:37 - And follow @JohnRichTV, follow MeekPhil.
38:41 - That's it.
38:42 God bless, namaste.
38:43 (whooshing)
