FTS 08:30 07/03: Israeli massacre targets women in Gaza

  • 6 months ago
FTS 09:30

* Haiti: Thousands displaced as political tensions rise
* New York governor orders National Guard into subway system

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00:03 On the eve of the International Women's Day,
00:13 the Palestinian Central Statistics Office
00:15 revealed that the Israeli occupation army
00:17 have killed more than 9,000 women
00:20 in five months of genocidal operations in Gaza.
00:23 In Haiti, political tensions increase
00:28 as human rights organizations highlight
00:30 that more than 15,000 people have
00:33 been displaced in the Haitian capital
00:35 due to the increase of violence.
00:36 And in the United States, the governor of New York
00:42 has deployed the National Guard in the subway premises
00:45 in an attempt to face the uncontrolled rise of violence
00:48 in the city.
00:49 Hello, and welcome to From the South.
00:56 My name is Belen de los Santos, and from the TeleSur studios
00:59 in Havana, Cuba, we begin with the news.
01:01 On Thursday, on the eve of the International Women's Day,
01:22 the Palestinian Central Statistics Office
01:25 revealed that the Israeli occupation army
01:27 has killed more than 9,000 women in five months
01:30 of genocidal operations in Gaza.
01:33 In this sense, the report highlighted
01:35 that until October 7, 2023, women made up 49%
01:40 of the Palestinian population.
01:41 Therefore, in the statistics of the genocide,
01:44 a large number of women are reported as dead and injured.
01:47 On the other hand, the Ministry of Health
01:49 added that 75% of the total injured from the aggression
01:54 are women, followed by children.
01:56 In this sense, it should be noted
01:58 that women and children also make up
02:00 the 70% of those who are missing,
02:03 most likely under the rubble.
02:05 In this way, humanitarian organizations, and recently
02:08 also the president of Brazil, Lula da Silva,
02:11 have denounced that this is a war of Zionism
02:14 against women and children.
02:15 At least six Palestinians were killed on Wednesday
02:23 in Israeli airstrikes and shooting targets,
02:26 civilians and their homes in the central Gaza Strip,
02:29 according to local and medical sources.
02:31 Additionally, an Israeli shelling targeting a house,
02:34 sheltering displaced people, predominantly women
02:38 and children, west of New Zerat refugee camp
02:41 in the central Gaza Strip, resulted in five civilian
02:44 deaths and several other injured.
02:47 In the meantime, another Palestinian was also killed
02:50 and nine were wounded when the Israeli military fired
02:53 at civilians waiting for aid near the Kuwaiti roundabout
02:56 south of the Gaza City.
02:59 The injured were transported to the Al-Shifa Medical Complex.
03:03 Earlier, four Palestinians were killed
03:05 and over 20 others were injured when the Israeli occupation
03:09 forces opened machine gun fire on civilians
03:12 desperately waiting for aid trucks at the Nablusi roundabout
03:16 west of Gaza City.
03:22 At least seven civilians were killed and others wounded
03:25 after the Israeli occupation army opened fire
03:28 on groups of citizens near the Wadi Gaza Bridge
03:31 in central Gaza.
03:32 Medical sources reported that Israeli warplanes also
03:35 targeted multiple homes in the Al-Saitun neighborhood
03:39 southeast of Gaza City.
03:41 On the other hand, Israeli fighter jets
03:43 carried out intense airstrikes that
03:45 targeted the Kirtan factory area, the Kuwait roundabout,
03:50 and the Al-Sika street south of the neighborhood.
03:53 Furthermore, Israeli occupation artillery
03:55 struck with 10 missiles several homes in the Sheikh Al-Hin
04:00 and Tal Al-Ghwa neighborhoods southwest of Gaza City.
04:04 The strike resulted in the injury
04:05 of dozens of civilians, mostly children and also women.
04:09 Jordan condemned on Wednesday the Israeli government's
04:17 ongoing settlement plans in the occupied Palestinian
04:20 territories.
04:21 The condemnation by Jordan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs
04:24 and Expatriates came after the Israeli government's decision
04:28 to approve the construction of approximately 3,500 new
04:32 settlement units in the West Bank.
04:35 The ministry stated that these unilateral and illegal
04:38 measures violate international law, including Security Council
04:41 Resolution number 2,334 and other relevant
04:45 international references.
04:47 It also emphasized that such actions undermine
04:50 the prospects for peace and the establishment
04:52 of an independent Palestinian state with East
04:55 Jerusalem as its capital.
04:57 The ministry reiterated that the call for international community
05:01 to fulfill its responsibilities by halting
05:04 these ongoing violations of international law,
05:07 underscoring the urgent need for international protection
05:10 for the Palestinian people, especially
05:12 with the approach of the month of Ramadan.
05:14 South Africa asked the International Court of Justice
05:22 to order additional emergency measures against Israel
05:26 in response to the latter's breach of the measures already
05:29 in place.
05:30 In a statement issued today, the South African presidency
05:33 warned that the desperate people of Gaza cannot wait anymore.
05:37 Pretoria also asked the Kurds to order
05:39 that Israel take immediate and effective measures
05:42 to enable the provision of urgently needed basic services
05:46 and humanitarian assistance to address famine and starvation
05:50 in the region.
05:51 On December 29, 2023, South Africa
05:54 filed a lawsuit against Israel, citing its involvement
05:57 in acts of genocide against the Palestinian people
06:00 in the Gaza Strip, a move that was supported
06:03 by dozens of countries, marking a historic precedent
06:07 in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.
06:09 The United Nations Relief and Works Agency
06:15 for Palestinian Refugees in the Near East, the UNRWA,
06:18 has described the food shortage in Gaza
06:20 as a nutritional crisis and part of a wider
06:23 humanitarian catastrophe.
06:25 UNRWA spokeswoman Tamara Al-Rifaei
06:27 said from Cairo that the situation is
06:30 so dire and the desperation so high
06:32 that any truck crossing becomes an attraction for the hungry.
06:36 According to Al-Rifaei, 90% of the population in Gaza
06:40 faces a high level of acute food insecurity.
06:44 She also said that northern Gaza has been a real challenge
06:48 accessing it.
06:49 The UNRWA spokeswoman added that Israel authorities have rejected
06:54 more than half of UN's requests to bring food and medical
06:57 supplies and also clean water to the north,
07:00 and the association has not been allowed to reach the area
07:04 since January 23.
07:05 At least 30,717 Palestinians have been killed
07:10 and 72,156 have been wounded in Israeli attacks in Gaza
07:15 since October 7.
07:17 Now let's take a short break, but remember,
07:22 you can join us on TikTok @TelusorEnglish,
07:25 where you will find news in different formats, news
07:27 updates, and much more.
07:30 Other stories coming up, stay with us.
07:36 Welcome back to From the South.
07:59 On Thursday, human rights organizations
08:01 highlighted that more than 15,000 people
08:04 have been displaced in the Haitian capital
08:07 due to the increase of violence in the country.
08:09 Local sources warned that criminal groups
08:11 with US ammunition are on the verge
08:14 of what could be a civil war.
08:16 On the other hand, they also pointed out
08:18 that the government in offices is
08:20 qualified by these criminal groups,
08:23 while the prime minister is in Puerto Rico.
08:26 By decision of the State Department in Washington
08:29 after the Dominican Republic rejected his entry
08:32 into the country.
08:34 In this sense, regional organizations
08:36 have also failed to make progress
08:38 in de-escalating a situation that
08:40 has caused locals to wander around the capital
08:43 to save their lives without food and without security.
08:47 In this regard, medical sources also
08:49 reported about the-- Andres Manuel Lopez Sobrador
08:52 indicated that the investigation on the 43
08:54 disappeared students of Ayotzinapa
08:57 are progressing and will meet in the coming days
09:00 with the families of the students.
09:02 During his morning conference, the head of state
09:05 condemned the actions of human rights advisors
09:08 and organizations in the Ayotzinapa case as provocations.
09:13 In addition, the head of state warned the relatives
09:17 about manipulations in the Inter-American Commission
09:21 of the American state organization
09:23 and by right wing groups supported
09:25 by foreign governments.
09:26 Likewise, he emphasized that the government is exerting efforts
09:31 to clarify the case of the 43 disappeared students
09:34 and find their whereabouts.
09:35 To tell the parents that we are dedicated
09:48 and that we are making a lot of progress in research.
09:58 But what is happening is being manipulated by the group headed
10:04 by Alvarez y Casa.
10:05 The Inter-American Commission of Human Rights of the OAS,
10:16 right wing conservative groups supported
10:19 by foreign governments.
10:22 Venezuela rejected the extension of the executive order
10:25 being used by the United States government since the year 2015
10:29 to justify its aggression against the Bolivarian nation.
10:32 In a statement released by the foreign ministry,
10:34 Caracas pointed out that this order violates
10:37 all norms of international law.
10:39 It also affirms that the decision demonstrates
10:41 that the declining leadership of the United States
10:44 is not capable of designing a coherent foreign policy that
10:48 is not based on economic terrorism, blackmail,
10:50 or disrespect.
10:52 On the other hand, the Bolivarian government
10:54 stressed that the Venezuelan people will not
10:57 bow down in the face of these aggressions
11:00 and that their morale, conscience, and perseverance
11:03 are the solid base on which they will
11:05 continue to achieve victories.
11:06 The Peruvian parliament approved,
11:12 with the support of the right wing benches,
11:15 the return to bicameralism and the immediate election
11:18 of congressmen.
11:19 With 91 votes in favor, the full Congress
11:22 approved in a second round of votes
11:23 on Wednesday the reinstatement of the upper and lower chambers
11:27 after three decades.
11:29 The new legislature will be made up
11:31 of 130 deputies and 60 senators for a period of five years
11:36 and with immediate re-election.
11:38 The session will be affected after elections
11:40 of the year 2026.
11:43 With such a ruling, Congress disobeys
11:45 the result of the popular referendum held in the year
11:48 2018 that rejected the return to bicameralism.
11:51 Also in Peru, President Dina Boluarte on Wednesday
11:58 appointed a center-right diplomat
12:00 as her new prime minister after his predecessor resigned
12:04 amid a scandal in which he allegedly gave favors
12:06 to a love interest.
12:08 The lawyer Gustavo Adrian Zen takes over
12:11 from Alberto Otarola, who quit on Tuesday
12:14 after the release of audio recordings in which he
12:17 allegedly lovingly addresses a young woman who snapped up
12:21 two government contracts.
12:23 The 57-year-old Adrian Zen previously
12:25 served as Peru's representatives to the Organization
12:29 of American States in Washington.
12:37 The president of Brazil, Luis Ignacio Lula da Silva,
12:40 congratulated the government of Venezuela
12:42 on the announcement of the date of the presidential elections.
12:46 The Brazilian president, during a meeting
12:49 with Spanish President Pedro Sánchez,
12:51 stressed that Venezuela needs a democratic election
12:56 to regain a space for participation in world forums.
13:00 The head of state gave a message to the Venezuelan opposition
13:03 and urged them not to imitate the Brazilian opposition, which
13:06 usually denies electoral processes in a clear allusion
13:10 to Bolsonaroismo.
13:12 Lula made reference to the extreme right-wing leadership
13:15 in naming a substitute to participate
13:18 in the presidential elections.
13:19 I just told you that here in this country,
13:26 they prevented me from participating
13:28 in the 2018 elections.
13:30 And instead of crying, I nominated another candidate
13:32 to participate in the elections.
13:35 In Venezuela, the elections are scheduled for July the 28th.
13:38 I learned about that yesterday.
13:40 Now, your question is whether the elections
13:41 will be honest or not.
13:43 I hope the elections will be as democratic as possible.
13:45 And according to what President Maduro told me
13:50 at the meeting in St. Vincent and the Grenadines,
13:52 he will summon all the observers of the world that
13:55 want to observe the electoral process in Venezuela.
13:59 In other news, Argentina's Integral Minister
14:02 of Health and Welfare, Javier Millet,
14:04 is the one that suffers the most damage from the measures imposed
14:07 by the government of Javier Millet.
14:09 Pensions and benefits for retirees
14:12 are the two items with the largest
14:14 drop in public spending by the government so far this year.
14:18 The total amount of the cuts made by the government
14:20 of Javier Millet in both items amounts
14:23 to $1,682 million Argentine pesos.
14:27 The Argentinian Institute of Fiscal Policy
14:30 and the Institute of Fiscal Analysis
14:33 stated that the collapse of real spending on pensions
14:36 could be halted with exemptions, tax benefits,
14:39 and sources of financing that guarantee fiscal balance.
14:42 We have a final short break coming up.
14:48 But before, we invite you to join our WhatsApp community
14:51 for our English-speaking audience.
14:53 You can scan the QR code on screen to join directly
14:56 and also share the link to reach more people.
14:58 We have news coverage of Latin America and the Caribbean,
15:01 as well as the rest of the world.
15:03 Stay connected and informed with Telesurf.
15:05 Final short break, don't go away.
15:10 Welcome back from the South.
15:36 In the United States, the governor of New York,
15:38 Cathy Hochul, has deployed the National Guard
15:42 in the subway premises in an attempt
15:44 to face the uncontrolled rise of violence in the city.
15:47 The Democrat representative ordered the operation
15:50 with 750 members of the National Guard,
15:53 in addition to police and Metropolitan Transportation
15:56 Authority agents.
15:58 From now on, general searches, suitcase controls,
16:00 identity checks, and other inquiry actions
16:03 will be established for the users.
16:05 Officers wearing powerful weapons
16:08 are displaced in front of the entrances and exits
16:11 of the facility.
16:12 The decision, according to the governor's office,
16:14 has been precipitated by the last shootings reported
16:17 in the New York subway.
16:19 In this frame, let's also recall that the Metro service,
16:22 it's one of the main transportation
16:24 means of New Yorkers.
16:25 We go to Italy, where more than 29,000 people
16:34 were reported missing in the year 2023.
16:37 Of them, almost 22,000 are minors,
16:40 and over 17,000 are foreign children.
16:43 The Office of the Extraordinary Commissioner
16:45 for Missing People warned that 75% of the cases
16:49 are people under 18 years of age.
16:51 They also reported that the foreign minors
16:53 came from Tunisia, Egypt, Guinea, Ivory Coast,
16:57 and Afghanistan.
16:58 On the other hand, the authorities
17:00 warned that a significant number of these missing children
17:03 join the ranks of criminal organizations,
17:05 are victims of human trafficking or organ smuggling.
17:09 The foreign ministers of Russia and Nigeria
17:16 met in Moscow to discuss future relations
17:18 between the two countries.
17:20 After the meeting, Nigerian Chancellor Yusuf Tugar
17:23 detailed that the relationship between the two nations
17:26 will continue to grow.
17:28 Similarly, Tugar assured that his country
17:31 is in a suitable position to have a strategic relationship
17:34 with Moscow.
17:36 For his part, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei
17:39 Lavrov said that Nigeria is a priority partner for Russia
17:43 in the African continent.
17:44 Likewise, Lavrov confirmed that Moscow
17:47 will continue to provide assistance
17:49 to the countries of the Sahara region and the Sahel.
17:52 Russia is making-- and in any case,
17:59 will continue to make a constructive contribution
18:01 to the efforts of the Africans and the entire world community
18:07 to stabilize the situation in the Sahara-Sahel region.
18:10 It will provide assistance to the countries of the region
18:13 to increase the combat capability of their national
18:15 armed forces, to their security forces,
18:19 and to the law enforcement authorities
18:21 in order to counter the threats they still face.
18:26 China affirmed on Wednesday about the increased
18:28 of tensions in the South Sea due to the violation
18:31 of territorial sovereignty by the Philippines.
18:34 Through channel spokesperson Mao Ning,
18:37 the Asian nation accused the Philippines
18:39 of violating sovereignty and asserted
18:41 that this led to the collision of ships from both countries
18:45 in the Southern Sea.
18:47 China asserted that sovereignty in these waters are historical
18:51 and have been established according to international law
18:54 endorsed by the Charter of the United Nations.
18:57 The diplomatic also added that the United States is using
19:01 the Philippines in the Southern Sea
19:02 to increase the hostilities between both Asian nations that
19:06 have increased since the beginning of the term of office
19:09 of new president backed by the United States.
19:12 Senegalese parliament passed on Wednesday
19:19 an amnesty covering act linked to deadly protests
19:23 in the last three years.
19:25 The controversial text was approved with 94 votes in favor
19:28 and 49 against and is aimed at calming the crisis sparked
19:33 by the presidential elections delayed in the country.
19:37 The law has faced criticism that it
19:39 is shielding perpetrators of serious crimes,
19:41 including homicides.
19:43 The amnesty is part of President Macky Sall's response
19:46 to the turmoil sparked by his last minute postponement
19:50 of presidential elections, originally scheduled
19:53 for February 25th.
19:55 The law would grant an amnesty for all offenses or crimes,
19:59 whether tried or not, committed between February 1st, 2021
20:03 and February 25th, 2024, related to demonstrations
20:08 or having political motivations.
20:10 And like this, we have come to the end of this news brief.
20:18 You can find these and many other stories on our website
20:21 at tellusorenglish.net.
20:23 And also join us on social media.
20:24 We are on Facebook, X, Instagram, Telegram,
20:28 and also TikTok.
20:28 For Tell Us Your English, my name is Belen De Los Santos.
20:34 Thank you for watching.
