• 7 months ago
Brighton and Hove Albion fan Joey Thorpe was attacked with two friends by a gang in balaclavas whilst in Rome. Joey talks about the ordeal and how he and his friends are recovering.
Brighton face Roma in their Europe League last 16 tie.
00:00 I'm okay. I'm more concerned about my two other friends to be honest.
00:04 I feel like what happened to them was a lot worse.
00:07 I'm a little bit nervous, a little bit shook up but I'm okay. I'm not too bad.
00:12 So we were just walking down the street from the pub, just casually.
00:15 It wasn't chanting or anything from what I'm aware of anyway.
00:19 And we just got jumped from behind by about six guys in balaclavas and all dressed in black so they're all covered.
00:26 Just jumped from behind, hit me in the head two, three times. I fell on the floor.
00:30 They're kicking me in the head, kicking me in the ribs, in the arm, in the legs, literally everywhere.
00:34 And then I think they caught my two friends up the street and stabbed them.
00:40 And one of my mates got his wallet and his passport taken away.
00:44 Yeah, it's dreadful.
00:46 You just mentioned this now, your friends, do you feel a little bit apprehensive about going to the game tonight?
00:50 A little bit. I'm still going to the game because I'm here to support my team.
00:55 I'm proud to support them, you know what I mean? I'm always going to be there to support them.
00:58 So I'm obviously still going to the game but just a little bit edgy. A little bit edgy.
01:03 Yeah, it must be. How are your friends doing? Have they got work?
01:07 One of them's in hospital still. He's got to have a consultation later on. He's not being released yet.
01:13 And my other friend has been released but I'm not sure his whereabouts at the moment.
01:18 I think he's in the hotel. I'm not sure. He might have gone out but yeah.
01:22 Just quite nervous, you know? Quite nervous.
01:25 Yeah, so I think you guys are wearing the same colours as usual?
01:28 No, no, we're all neutral. I was wearing the exact same as I am now.
01:32 We're all just dressed like normally. Normal clothes, no colours.
01:35 We didn't attract any attention and yeah, they just...
01:38 I think maybe they heard that we were English maybe and they took advantage of that.
01:43 But yeah, what can you do?
01:47 It all happened very quickly to be honest.
01:49 It was... because I didn't even see it coming. I got hit from behind so I didn't have a clue.
01:54 The first thing I remember is me being on the floor trying to cover up
01:58 and they're just kicking me, kicking me, punching me on the floor.
02:01 And lucky I've not got any marks. My jaw's really sore and I've got a couple of internal bruises I think.
02:07 But yeah, it was quite terrifying afterwards because you're a bit shook up.
02:12 And we all got separated as well and you're in a strange city. You don't know where you are.
02:16 So yeah, we're pretty shook up.
02:18 Has anything stolen from you?
02:20 Nothing was stolen from me. Luckily, I think I got away with it to be honest.
02:24 But yeah, my mate got robbed. He got his wallet and his passport taken.
02:28 So that happened.
02:30 Has the club been good since it happened? Have they supported you?
02:32 I haven't spoken to the club but I think Andy and my other mate have spoken to the club I think.
02:38 Have you contacted the police?
02:40 I haven't contacted the police because Andy spoke to the police last night and they were basically blaming us.
02:46 So I don't see any point in me contacting the police because they won't help us.
02:52 I think because we're English maybe.
02:54 And yeah, just blame it on us for being football fans.
