
  • 6 months ago
00:12According to the implementation report sent from the front
00:14The fight for the woman in black just ended
00:16A mysterious man suddenly appeared on the beach
00:19We will continue to provide you with live broadcasts of the battle situation
00:32Mom, I'll come back
00:35Mom, I'm back Lingling
00:44I miss you so much
00:48It turns out you are back
00:52Look carefully
00:56You silly girl
00:58You are so worried about your mother
01:03Mom, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry
01:12sorry mom
01:17Just be fine
01:19Just come back
01:21It’s great that our Lingling is back
01:23This is Aunt Hongxue. Hello, Aunt Hongxue.
01:39Don't you think of sabotaging my great plan?
01:43what on earth are you going to do
01:46I want to take the past and the future
01:49It's all in my hands
01:53Only I know the benefits of doing this
01:57strong words
01:59Luvida, you can't run away.
02:11I'll deal with Vader
02:13I'll leave Similan to you.
02:17Okay, let's go deal with Kimei.
02:20Hey, don't face people casually
02:24Okay, I'll leave it to you.
02:25Classmate Dong Xiaofeng
02:26give it to me
02:38Feng Xiaofeng
02:40My strongest thing is you
02:43Manipulate the mind of explicit orders
02:44I made the Philippines my opponent twice
02:47You know I can't do anything to him
02:49Hum hum pain irony
02:52Isn't this your destiny?
02:54Our destiny is decided by ourselves
02:57Give up your ridiculous plan
02:59No matter now or in the future
03:01It's up to us to protect this world
05:33He went towards the city
05:35Once he wreaks havoc on the city
05:37City residents are at risk
05:39we have to stop him
05:42I don't agree with dreaming
06:20I can't hold him back with my own strength
06:22Let's think of other ways
06:26That monster seems to be flying towards us again
06:37Huang Yangdi, hold on
06:39I blocked him from the front
06:42I came to Greeben in his 3rd place
06:45His weakness is three good things
06:48I see
06:49Look at me
07:04i love you perseverance
07:05I'm thinking of other ways
07:19Give up, Dong Xiaofang
07:27you remind me of my father
07:29he used to tell me
07:32Those who don't give up easily will have the last laugh
07:36Let’s join forces, Long Xiaofeng
07:38Let us change the world together
07:42save the future
07:45Only a fool would join forces with you
08:14if i were your dad
08:16See you like this now
08:18Will be very disappointed
08:24What do you know
08:40dragon ball
09:14have a look
09:17Look at Long Xiaofeng
09:19How many people support me
09:21I am what everyone expects
09:41ignore them
09:43Real heroes are lonely
09:58No, he plans to burn down Haita.
10:04is a bastard
10:06Come on, I'll shoot you
10:08You will definitely win
10:10Come on, come on, watch it
10:12Come on, hurry up
10:15come on! Come on
10:16must warrior
10:17come on! Come on
10:20Come on, you can definitely get in here.
10:22come on! Come on
10:31come on, come on, come on
10:44you can never beat
10:47a person who believes in light
11:09come on
11:13both now and in the future
11:15Let me protect this world
11:35As long as
11:44It's your turn, Aikeli
11:47Looks good on me
11:51Roaring with Ganoderma dripping blood
12:52Boat on the Wu River
13:43do you want to kill me
13:47I wish you could disappear completely like Chimera
13:54But I won't do that
13:57you should go back to the future
13:58receive due sanctions
14:03Stop dreaming
14:12Let me advise you
14:14Surrender yourself
14:16Maybe I'm too naive
14:18But I choose to believe you again
14:21You still have a chance to look back
14:26You were arrested on suspicion of Xie Di and Qian Chao crimes
14:29Execute switching procedure immediately
14:43I see
14:46You found the door I opened
14:50That light that overwhelms my lower ears was put on by you
14:55why are you doing this
15:12we will meet again
15:22we are saved
15:24we are saved
15:28Professor, look
15:30Use iPhone to bring Luweida back
15:32Got it
15:34Luweida is an alien
15:36My hypothesis is established
15:38Chimera is an alien
15:41Yes, there are those guys in armor too.
15:45He is a hero from the universe
15:48this is absolutely true
15:51Looks like we're going to get busy
16:26You and Luweida both traveled from the future.
16:30So that's it
16:32Aren't you surprised at all?
16:34What's so great about this
16:36As expected of Yin Shenglin
16:40The illusion of proximity created by Naruvida
16:42Will vision still exist?
16:44Rweida arrested
16:45There is no way this world can continue to function.
16:48So it will disappear soon
16:50So is our mission all over?
16:54I really want to thank you two.
16:56thanks to you
16:57It's three people
17:00Thanks to Teacher Chen, you traveled back from the future
17:02Otherwise, he wouldn’t be able to hold on to our world.
17:07I'm just here to complete my mission
17:11Then my sister
17:13Have you gone to the future too?
17:16He only briefly glanced at the future and then came back.
17:18What about my sister’s future?
17:21Don't worry, it's just a dream for Lingling
17:26This is getting closer and the vision will turn into a dream
17:29Finally forgotten by everyone
17:39Will you really forget everything?
17:45I just heard what Luvida said before that he could
17:49Take control of the present
17:51Restart the future
17:52Of course I don't understand him
17:53Can you tell me if he has any secrets?
17:56That's it
17:58have a finger in the pie
18:00I can't control that much
18:05That's right
18:07If someone from the future intervenes in the past
18:10Then time will definitely be distorted
18:12Maybe the world will be destroyed because of this
18:20I have to go back too
18:33I'll see you again tomorrow, right?
18:39Teacher Chen
19:03what you want
19:09thank you all
19:42So Luweida is an alien
19:44He wants to invade the earth
19:46Yeah, but there is another way to say it.
19:48Say Luweida is an artificial intelligence robot
19:51And this Chimera is their secret weapon
19:55What kind of conspiracy theory are you talking about?
19:58What conspiracy theory
19:59Yes, do you have a lot of free time every day?
20:03Well, it wasn’t you at that time, don’t get me wrong.
20:07I'm not here to see you
20:09I, I, I am here to meet my idol Fei Bing
20:15Now you idolize a flying soldier
20:18I said there are no airmen left for a long time.
20:20The flying soldiers have long since quit the job.
20:23I said, can you two stop confronting each other all the time?
20:28I've been having a bad relationship lately, huh?
20:32He's not my type
20:35Hey, the food is here, the food is here, auntie
20:39Come to sweet and sour fish
20:43It smells so good, right?
20:51Look who's coming
20:53Hongxue has a mother, come on, come on, welcome Master Holy Spirit
21:00You are really crowded here.
21:03Why did you come?
21:06It's so rich if you walk quickly, right?
21:11We've finally arrived, yes
21:14Let's all have a drink
21:15Finally got together
21:16Have a drink, okay
21:18Cheers and thank you for coming
21:20We agreed to get together more often in the future.
21:26Oh, it tastes so good. Gao Yang, eat more.
21:29It tastes so good. Thank you for trying this.
21:34You all should eat more
21:58You are here too
22:00I have never forgotten you
22:58You came
23:00haven't seen you for a long time
23:10Say it
23:15Nothing to say
23:18I just want to catch up with you
23:22After all, I am the only one who has been to that world.
23:26only you
23:29anything else
23:31What other plots do you have?
23:44if not for me
23:46Xiahai Tower
23:48It's still a pile of ruins
23:52Now it's fine
23:56I think
23:58You should thank me
24:08Except for Xiahai Tower
24:11Has any other history been changed?
24:28history has not been changed
24:36People who should be dead
24:40Now he is living well
24:43Isn't it?
24:57You actually let that person wear armor?
25:04You played very well
25:09You know I can't kill him
25:12if he died
25:14I don't exist in this world
25:26I still want to thank you
25:32I'm very happy
25:34I'm really happy
25:42I finally met my father
25:58Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
26:02Ha ha ha ha
26:06Ah hahahaha that's right
26:09Your verdict is down
26:12your past world
26:13Illegal manipulation of players’ minds
26:15And force them into the virtual space
26:18Betrayal of 20 years of conspiracy
26:20Start executing today
26:23Smiling so happily
26:26Then enjoy the next few days
26:47Ha ha
27:44Young and burning blood
27:45Who orders a bottle of bravery and nobleness?
27:46Maybe your legs that can't move are just a temporary humility
27:49See more and more people melting into tears to break the sadness
27:52Burn yourself for a game of youthful promise
27:54I don't regret it
28:19Scars all over protect fairy tales
28:42Turn your eyes and become more determined
28:43love innocence
28:43When reality is full of battles
28:45Courage also blooms stamens
28:46who was not there
29:35There is nothing scary in this world
30:01Scars all over protect fairy tales
30:04Determination not to run away from danger
30:06Fall in love with you fearlessly