Wild Cards Episode 9

  • 6 months ago
Wild Cards Episode 9


00:00 Previously on Wild Cards.
00:01 Doesn't make any sense, therefore I don't understand.
00:04 Their honeymoon phase is officially over.
00:06 You two are spending too much time together.
00:07 I said no big swings and what do you do?
00:09 Swung big.
00:10 I'm giving it to Simmons and Yates.
00:11 The commissioner didn't ask for Simmons and Yates.
00:13 She asked for us.
00:14 When you're working for us, the ends don't justify the means.
00:17 We have to do everything by the book. Everything.
00:20 I have a flash drive. Let me go.
00:22 And it's yours.
00:24 I had a choice.
00:27 Thanks for having my back.
00:29 Back at you.
00:30 This is cozy.
00:32 You never been down here before?
00:33 I didn't think I was allowed.
00:35 What's shaking, sunshine?
00:50 Calling to remind you that the deadline is fast approaching.
00:54 You don't have to remind me.
00:56 I beg to differ.
00:57 What if he doesn't show?
00:58 He'll show up.
00:59 How can you be so sure?
01:00 Am I ever wrong?
01:01 Must I also remind you of the Duke of Schleswig and his iguana?
01:05 First of all, he was a count, not a duke.
01:08 And second of all, everyone's entitled to an off night.
01:10 Okay? So don't worry about me.
01:12 Worry about your begonias.
01:15 Hey, Max.
01:17 Uh, just one today, Joe.
01:19 Not bad.
01:20 So used to seeing you with that handsome fellow all the time.
01:22 We just work together, but not for much longer.
01:25 Oh. Is everything okay?
01:27 Yeah. It's great.
01:29 Okay, good. 'Cause you two seem like a great match.
01:32 Have a blessed day.
01:33 You too.
01:34 Here you go.
01:43 Double shot latte, macadamia milk, sugar-free caramel,
01:46 kiss of whipped cream.
01:48 No, no, no. This must be for Max.
01:49 I just ordered a black coffee.
01:52 Sorry, Clay.
01:54 It's cold.
01:55 Where's Max?
01:57 I don't know. It's Saturday.
01:58 You two break up?
01:59 Break up? No. We're not dating.
02:01 We just work together.
02:03 Not for much longer now.
02:06 That's too bad.
02:08 She's dope. He must be bummed.
02:11 It's hard to find someone you work well with.
02:13 That's why I went solo.
02:14 My own coffee island.
02:16 No one to answer to.
02:17 No one to rely on.
02:20 Thank you.
02:22 ♪
02:32 Next in line.
02:38 You're next.
02:41 You're next.
02:43 I'm not quite ready. You go ahead.
02:45 The bank machine outside ate my card.
02:51 I don't have any ID on me, but I have my pin number.
02:55 Oh, dear. We're gonna need some identification.
02:58 Good morning, Mr. Simpson.
03:00 Mrs. Field. Always a pleasure.
03:02 I found some more change today.
03:04 Would a 20 be okay?
03:06 That'd be fine. Thank you.
03:08 Awfully mild for this time of year.
03:10 Perfect weather for a walk by the seawall.
03:13 I walk there every morning.
03:14 I walk there every evening.
03:16 ♪
03:27 Uh, hi.
03:29 I just wanted you to know.
03:31 Um, are you sure this is mine?
03:36 Uh, it's definitely yours.
03:39 Uh, Tracy, I'm sorry. I don't mean any offense.
03:41 I just, uh...
03:43 The doctor assured me that my little Carl's couldn't swim,
03:45 so I...
03:46 Good morning. Hi. I'm sorry to interrupt.
03:48 Um, I just need to put something in my safe deposit box.
03:51 Uh, of course. Uh, if you could just have a little seat in the waiting area.
03:54 Attention, everyone! This is a robbery!
03:56 Oh, my God.
03:57 Put your hands where I can see 'em!
04:00 Don't even think about it.
04:02 Take it easy. No one needs to get hurt here.
04:04 You two, tellers!
04:06 Put down the keys to the cash drawers and step out front!
04:10 Keep away from the alarms!
04:12 Open the door.
04:13 Walk to front. Now! Go!
04:15 Everyone, over here!
04:19 Let's go!
04:20 Oh, my God. I can't believe this is happening.
04:22 Stay calm, Mrs. Field.
04:24 Hurry up!
04:25 Come on! Hurry up!
04:30 Fast!
04:35 We don't have all friggin' day!
04:40 All right. Kill the cameras, or I'll kill you and do it myself.
04:43 All right, all right.
04:45 Move it!
04:47 This is terrible.
04:48 Okay, okay, okay.
04:52 Are you gonna stand there and just let this happen?
04:58 Vermont, they have guns.
05:00 And we have insurance.
05:02 Coward.
05:03 Let's go!
05:09 You heard them.
05:10 Just do what they say, and everything will be okay.
05:13 Quiet!
05:14 You need to line up in front of me.
05:16 Facing me! Now!
05:18 Go!
05:20 Now! Come on!
05:22 Now, get on the ground. Don't move.
05:25 Now, get on the ground! Come on!
05:26 Now!
05:27 I can't lie down.
05:29 Fine. Sit against the wall.
05:31 Give me your phone!
05:32 Give me your phone!
05:33 Now!
05:34 Do as we say. No one gets hurt. You understand?
05:43 Get down on the ground where you are. No one move.
05:47 Don't say a damn word. You understand?
05:49 Take your phones out and slide them across towards me. Now!
05:54 Come on! Now!
05:55 Oh, here he comes.
05:57 Oh, he's coming.
05:59 Oh!
06:00 Hey, good morning, sunshine.
06:07 Max?
06:12 Quiet!
06:13 Now!
06:14 Come on!
06:16 First one to be a hero gets a bullet in the head. You understand?
06:22 [Gunshot]
06:24 [Music]
06:26 [Music]
06:29 [Music]
06:30 [Music]
06:39 [Music]
06:52 [Music]
06:53 You've reached Max.
07:11 If you want to leave me a message, wait for me to sing two verses, and don't rain on my parade.
07:15 Here we go.
07:16 [Music]
07:17 Do you have any fertilizer on hand?
07:27 Hey, Ricky.
07:28 Where's Max?
07:30 Not helping me with these begonias, I can tell you that.
07:33 She called me and I couldn't really make it out, but there was shouting in the background and then the line went dead.
07:37 You wouldn't be her first butt, though. Did she ever tell you the story of...
07:40 Ricky, focus.
07:41 She was going to the bank.
07:43 Which one?
07:44 Quien sabe. By last tally, she's got accounts at 27 different financial institutions, not to mention the offshores, which is...
07:50 Look, Ricky, I'm concerned.
07:52 I hear you, Dumpling.
07:53 She's always losing her keys, which is why I tagged them.
07:58 [Music]
08:00 How's it coming?
08:10 I'm moving as fast as I can, man.
08:13 Hey, Mr. Bank Manager, I need the codes to open the cash machine.
08:16 I want more, dear.
08:18 713639.
08:20 Mrs. Field, if you get too scared, just look at me. We'll get through this.
08:27 Thank you, Mr. Simpson.
08:28 Found her.
08:33 Or, uh, at least her keys.
08:36 What the hell is that?
08:37 Whose is that?
08:42 I said to dump out your phones!
08:43 I didn't! It's not me!
08:45 Excuse me, sir. Funny story.
08:47 You, uh, give me that.
08:49 See, I'm always losing my keys, so I put the tag on...
08:53 Why are they beeping?
08:55 I think that means someone's looking for them.
08:57 Take care of it! Come on!
08:58 See? They're just my keys. I can turn them off.
09:01 Found her.
09:02 Where?
09:03 She's gone.
09:06 Oh, you could just do that.
09:07 You want purses, bags, everything you got in a pile on the floor. Now! Come on! Let's go!
09:12 All right, get back against the wall, sit down, don't say a word.
09:16 Come on!
09:18 How did she just disappear?
09:19 I suppose the battery could have died.
09:20 Oh, yeah, right after her phone died?
09:22 Yeah, I know. She was at Third and Oak.
09:24 There's a bank on that corner.
09:26 Okay, you keep trying her. I'm gonna head to the bank.
09:29 [Tires screech]
09:30 Are you okay?
09:44 I've had better mornings.
09:46 How many months?
09:48 Eight months, one week, three days. Not that anyone's counting.
09:54 We're gonna be okay.
09:56 Hope so.
09:57 For both of us.
09:59 Can you please just send a squad car?
10:03 Why, because her battery died?
10:04 First her phone went dead, then her key tag inside of a bank. Still 15 minutes out.
10:08 Alice, don't you think you're overreacting?
10:10 Chief, just send it!
10:12 Come on, man! Yeah, yeah!
10:16 Maybe when the robbers are done stealing all the cash, I'll throw my wedding ring in, too.
10:20 Yeah, I saw the way you looked at her.
10:23 I'm not used to being hit on, okay? I'm penned. I'm sorry.
10:26 Don't "sorry" me.
10:28 20 years of marriage, Carl. This is how I find out?
10:32 I think we can work this out.
10:34 All those months ago, I knew there was something going on.
10:36 You were moody. Staying out late.
10:39 About the bank you said?
10:41 Yeah. Well, clearly you were making your deposits somewhere else.
10:44 Hurry up!
10:51 [car engine]
10:53 What are we supposed to be looking for?
11:05 Any sign of trouble.
11:06 Huh.
11:07 Locked.
11:11 Well, it is Saturday.
11:13 Yeah, but all these cars must belong to somebody.
11:18 [car engine]
11:20 Hey. It's almost over. Once they get their money, they'll be gone.
11:31 Yeah, whatever.
11:32 We're gonna be okay.
11:34 You don't understand.
11:36 I understand that ATM scam you were trying to pull.
11:39 What scam?
11:40 You were going about it the wrong way.
11:43 You gotta pull at their heart strings.
11:45 You gotta hit them with those little puppy dog eyes.
11:48 When we get out of here, I'll give you some pointers.
11:50 You don't understand anything. Just leave me alone.
11:54 Hey! No talking!
11:56 Alright. Got it all.
11:58 Goddamn time.
11:59 Alright. Everybody, eyes to the floor. We're gonna walk out of here now.
12:03 Anyone who tries to stop us, you're dead. You got it?
12:06 Come on.
12:09 Come on.
12:10 Drop your weapons!
12:25 [gunshots]
12:27 Shots fired! Officers need backup! 30!
12:33 [gunshots]
12:36 [tires screeching]
12:38 [gunshots]
12:41 Hey! Who the hell tripped the silent alarm? Huh?
12:49 You?
12:50 Who was it? Was it you?
12:52 [shouting]
12:53 Who was it?
12:54 Leave him alone!
12:55 It was me!
12:56 Get up. Get up!
12:58 I'm gonna make an example out of you.
13:00 Yo, man, this wasn't the plan!
13:02 Shut up!
13:04 [shouting]
13:06 This is bad. This is real bad, man. What are we gonna do?
13:19 Let me think!
13:20 Okay, yeah. You know what? How about we just take a deep breath, okay?
13:24 First rule of a bank robbery. Don't panic.
13:26 That's right. Keep 'em talking just like that.
13:28 I can't breathe.
13:29 Hey, hey, hey, hey! What are you doing?
13:31 The cameras are off and I can't breathe, man!
13:33 Calm down, all right? Do not lose it on me, all right?
13:36 We gotta do something now!
13:37 Second rule of bank robbery. Don't make any rash decisions.
13:40 Sir.
13:41 Sit down. Sit down!
13:43 Look at me.
13:44 If you try to pull anything like that again, I will shoot you.
13:47 And I believe you.
13:48 All right. The same goes for everybody, you got it?
13:51 Sir.
13:52 What?
13:53 I need to go to the bathroom.
13:54 Can't really say no to a pregnant lady.
13:56 All right, fine. Get up. Come on.
13:58 Thank you.
14:00 Hey, Ben. Keep an eye on them, you got it?
14:02 Hey, Ben! You hear me? Keep an eye on them!
14:07 Yeah, yeah. All right.
14:09 Let's go.
14:12 [sobbing]
14:14 Oh, please.
14:32 I can't really get a clear view, but I got two armed men, eight hostages.
14:35 Tactical response team is on the way.
14:37 Great. I'll search the perimeter, see if I can't find a way inside.
14:39 Ellis, you know there's a strict protocol for hostage situations.
14:42 Stay where you are and wait for them.
14:44 I can't wait here.
14:45 Sir, okay? These guys are boxed in.
14:47 They got guns and they're not afraid to use them.
14:49 That's why you follow the rule book. Tactical response will take over.
14:51 They got a gun to her head, sir.
14:53 I understand.
14:55 But the best way to keep the hostages alive is to be calm and have a plan, got it?
14:59 I'm on my way.
15:00 I cannot stay here any longer.
15:02 I have bags to pack.
15:04 Are you just leaving me?
15:06 Your bags, Carl. I'm not going anywhere. We just refinished the kitchen.
15:10 It's really beautiful.
15:12 Okay, well, how about an icebreaker to put our minds at ease?
15:35 Yeah, okay.
15:37 Okay. I'll go first.
15:40 Never have I ever, never have I ever rode a camel.
15:45 I did that.
15:46 Really?
15:47 With my late husband. We went to Egypt 20 years ago. It was incredible.
15:51 I remember when you came in to get traveler's checks for that trip.
15:54 That was the last trip we took together.
15:56 Weren't you supposed to go to Italy when he retired?
15:59 He didn't want to travel anymore. I did.
16:02 I never even left the country. I haven't saved him from when I retire.
16:07 I want to see the whole world.
16:10 Okay. Anybody else?
16:14 Sure. Yeah, I got one.
16:16 Oh, God.
16:17 Never have I ever had an affair with a random client and gotten them pregnant.
16:21 Irma, please.
16:22 Okay, how about we play a different game?
16:25 [Music]
16:35 Screw it. You guys stay here. I'm going around back. Chief said to sit tight.
16:40 [Music]
16:50 Are you okay?
16:51 Yes.
16:52 But these guys are scary. No one should try anything.
16:57 [Music]
17:02 Hey, check the building. Make sure there's no way for the cops to get in here.
17:05 What? We're just going to wait here?
17:06 For now. I have a plan. Keep it together, okay?
17:09 [Music]
17:18 Did he hurt you?
17:19 Shut up. You spineless turd.
17:21 Like you would do anything about it.
17:23 [Music]
17:37 Is it a boy or a girl?
17:38 Boy.
17:40 So what happened?
17:43 [Music]
17:48 I know it was wrong. I feel horrible.
17:52 I was going through a hard time. I got laid off and I was going to lose my condo.
17:59 Carl was so sweet. He helped me out. It really hit me out of nowhere. You know what I mean?
18:07 Well, all that matters is taking care of that little guy.
18:10 I know. I already love him so much. It's crazy.
18:15 [Music]
18:32 What about you? Anyone waiting for you on the outside?
18:36 [Sirens]
18:44 God damn it!
18:46 [Sirens]
18:51 Let's move! Go! Go!
18:53 [Sirens]
18:57 [Sirens]
19:03 We're checking for possible underground escape routes. These are the officers first on the scene.
19:07 Where's Detective Ellis?
19:08 We don't know. He went around the building before anyone got here.
19:13 Come on, Ellis. Where are you?
19:17 We're dead.
19:18 No, we're not. They ain't going to touch us as long as we got all these hostages near.
19:22 [Music]
19:46 Where's the negotiator?
19:47 He's still 90 minutes out. We sent a chopper for him.
19:49 I want reports from the perimeter every five minutes. As soon as that direct line is set up to the inside, you let me know.
19:54 Yes, sir.
19:56 Ellis, where the hell are you? Call me back. That's an order.
20:00 All right, so, Press is here. We have a public information officer talking to him.
20:04 You need to set up a 300 meter perimeter.
20:06 We heard Max is inside.
20:07 Yeah.
20:09 How do we know she's not in on this?
20:12 We have work to do. Set up comms.
20:14 Yep.
20:16 Damn it!
20:17 What is it?
20:19 I found Ellis. He's inside the bank.
20:22 [Music]
20:27 Hey!
20:30 Shut up, old man!
20:31 Hey, come on! Take it easy. He's old.
20:34 Ellis is sending photos. Yates, run it through facial recognition.
20:38 [Music]
20:57 Hey, did you get any hits?
20:59 Nothing. They're too far away. Resolution sucks.
21:02 I got two robbers, both male, both armed. One of them's got a violent edge. He's the leader.
21:06 The other one just kind of does what he's told, but he's starting to freak out.
21:09 Do you have your firearm?
21:10 Yes.
21:11 Do not engage.
21:12 I'll get a clear shot, sir. I'm going to take...
21:13 Do not engage.
21:14 First priority is the safety of the hostages.
21:16 I counted nine, including Max.
21:19 Ellis, I have to ask. Do you think she could be involved?
21:22 No, sir. Not at all.
21:24 Is there any way for you to communicate with her?
21:29 Ellis?
21:30 [Music]
21:41 Don't answer that.
21:42 Who's in charge here?
21:43 Most definitely you, boss.
21:45 But just an observation, it's the cops on the other end of that line.
21:49 And if they record your voices, heads up, they will. They'll be able to identify you.
21:55 All right, you got a fix for this?
21:56 Thanks for asking. I do.
21:58 I answer for you. Act as an emissary.
22:02 Why should I trust you?
22:03 Because I've been on your side of the law more times than I'd care to admit.
22:09 Everfield Bank.
22:10 Max? What are you doing answering? Is there anyone else listening?
22:14 No. What's your list of demands?
22:16 Car, full tank of gas, no one follows us out of here.
22:19 Got it. Okay, grab a pen.
22:21 They want an SUV, tinted windows, full tank of gas, no low jack, and Beastie Boys sabotage queued up on the stereo, because this wheel's going to be bumping.
22:29 Max, Ellis is in the bank. Try and get some kind of communication going.
22:34 Yes, sir. These men are very serious and very dangerous.
22:38 Max, listen to me. Don't pull any kind of stunt.
22:40 Do exactly as they say. We will handle this.
22:42 Roger.
22:43 Oh, and can someone stop by the Charming Dragon for some string holes?
22:46 Hey, give me this.
22:47 Give me this.
22:52 Sorry, I was feeling a little peckish.
22:54 Sit down.
22:55 Sit down.
22:56 [♪♪♪]
23:06 [♪♪♪]
23:16 [♪♪♪]
23:26 [♪♪♪]
23:36 [♪♪♪]
23:45 Everything's going to be okay.
23:47 I'm going to die a thief.
23:49 Is this Stockholm Syndrome? Because, you know, you're the victim.
23:53 I wasn't running an ATM scam back there.
23:57 The truth is, I lost my job and had to move back home.
24:04 I wanted to go to a concert in Portland, so I asked my mom for a small loan.
24:11 Let me guess. She declined, so you borrowed her ATM card?
24:17 Which a stupid machine needs.
24:20 Now, if I die in here, she'll only remember me as a thief.
24:26 How about this? When we get out of here, I explain the whole thing to your mom.
24:30 But in return, maybe you could lend me your ear pods?
24:35 [♪♪♪]
24:41 [♪♪♪]
24:49 [♪♪♪]
24:52 I'm going to patch you into Lee so they can hear everything you hear.
24:56 And, Max, you're doing great. Everything is going to be all right.
25:00 [♪♪♪]
25:08 Max, can you hear me?
25:10 Okay, this is what I need you to do.
25:12 Get the robbers talking while you feed me any details you can, okay?
25:16 Is that a heart tattoo on your left wrist? Because it's adorable.
25:21 It's a birthmark.
25:23 Wow, that's a really cool birthmark, especially for a man who's 5'10", 160 pounds and blonde hair.
25:29 Is that hazel green eyes you have, too? My mom had hazel green eyes.
25:33 Oh, my God, do you ever shut up?
25:35 That's great, Max.
25:38 Feed it into the system. I want to know who this guy is.
25:42 Where the hell is that damn car?
25:44 Shut up. It's coming.
25:46 I need caffeine.
25:48 Hey, pregnant lady, get us some coffee, will you?
25:52 I'll help. What are you taking it?
25:55 Just milk.
25:56 Black, please. Thanks.
26:01 I got it.
26:02 You go get the angry one's milk.
26:04 Thanks. Here I thought swollen ankles were going to be the worst part of my day.
26:08 Oh, please. You don't have a kink on sight.
26:20 Sir?
26:36 I swear, they're calling in even more cops.
26:38 All right, we got to get everyone out of the main room.
26:42 Let's take them to the boardroom, okay?
26:44 All right, everyone stand out. We're leaving. Let's go.
26:47 They're moving the hostages. Simmons, give me those blueprints.
26:51 Max, keep them talking. We need to find out where they're taking you.
26:54 Where are we going? Hopefully someplace with chairs.
26:57 Let's go. Signal file. Let's move it.
27:05 Great. Field trip.
27:07 We got an ID match on one of the robbers.
27:09 The angry one with the birthmark.
27:11 Derek Jones got out of jail a few months ago. Armed robbery.
27:15 Last known permanent address was a foster home.
27:17 His foster mother visited him the last time he was in jail.
27:19 Go get her. Maybe she can talk him down.
27:29 Wow, these offices are all so tiny and north facing. No wonder you're all so pale.
27:44 Oh, a staircase. I wonder where these go.
27:51 In here.
27:52 Boardroom, okay. Place we all fit. Great thinking.
28:09 Everyone sit. Keep your hands where we can see them.
28:12 Where's the other guy? Sit down.
28:37 Alice, no!
29:00 Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god.
29:05 Alice, this is a standard issue 9mm. He's a freaking cop.
29:10 You knew him by name. How did you know his name? Are you a cop?
29:14 What happened? Stay there! Are you a cop?
29:17 No! Definitely not.
29:21 Who's Lee?
29:24 He just had a cop. You may want to answer that one yourself.
29:30 You better be calling us to tell us our car is ready.
29:32 Derek, what happened?
29:34 You know my name. I know a lot more than that. Now what happened?
29:37 You sent a cop in here! Is he alive?
29:39 For now. Not for long if you keep stalling.
29:42 Does he need medical attention?
29:44 Send us a car now!
29:48 Get up. Get up!
29:53 Yeah, that bullet definitely broke a few ribs. Just try not to move, okay?
29:59 You promised not to make me laugh.
30:01 I can't make any promises.
30:05 You shouldn't have ran in there like that. You could have got yourself killed, Max.
30:10 The same goes for you.
30:18 Thanks.
30:19 Him getting in here means we're getting out, right?
30:26 Look, listen up everybody. My name's Detective Ellis. My team's outside.
30:31 I know you're all scared right now, but this is all going to be resolved very soon.
30:34 You're a detective, and he shot you.
30:38 That means he's capable of anything.
30:44 If this is it, there's something I need to get off my chest.
30:53 Caesar Simpson, would you go out to dinner with me?
30:58 I thought you'd never ask.
31:08 Irma, I'm just so sorry for everything I put you through.
31:13 If we ever get out of here-
31:15 I'm burning your clothes in the street, giving your porcelain elephant collection to the neighbor you hate,
31:18 and I'm going to divorce you and bleed you drier than your mother's Thanksgiving turkey.
31:30 I have something to tell you.
31:32 I have something to tell you too.
31:33 Me first.
31:43 And how many children did she have?
31:44 She only had one biological child, but she raised eight foster children over the years, including Derek.
31:50 I can't believe he's robbing a bank.
31:53 Is it that surprising? I mean, he's done it before.
31:55 But he doesn't need the money. At least he won't soon.
31:58 Why's that?
32:03 I'm afraid she doesn't have long to live. Then he'll get a share in the inheritance.
32:07 I mean, split eight ways. No offense, but how much could that really be?
32:11 Quite a bit with the stamp. It's worth three million.
32:15 This stamp?
32:16 Yeah. She's had it from when she was a young girl. She didn't know how much it was worth until recently.
32:20 Do you know where she keeps this stamp?
32:24 Hey. Are you okay?
32:28 Wrong question.
32:30 Is there anything else you need?
32:32 Besides an obstetrician.
32:39 Your boss called. Your car is here.
32:41 You, come on. Get up.
32:43 Why?
32:44 Because you're our insurance policy. Get up!
32:47 Take me. I'm a cop. I'm worth more to them.
32:50 Sit down! Or you want another one in the chest?
32:52 Sit down!
32:58 Let's go, let's go, let's go!
33:03 You get outside, pretend you're having a contraction, and drop to the ground. The cops will take them out.
33:08 All right, let's go. Hurry up. I said now!
33:12 All right, all right, let's go. Come on. Get over here.
33:15 Just you stay put.
33:27 They're coming up! Hold your fire!
33:30 Get on.
33:56 Drop your weapon! Get on your knees!
34:01 Let's run your back.
34:02 You're okay.
34:10 Keep your eyes on those hostages. Let's go.
34:13 Hey, are you okay?
34:19 All the rest of the hostages are safe inside?
34:21 Same with the security guard. Although, I'm sure he'll have one hell of a headache.
34:24 How are you?
34:26 Not bad for getting shot, I guess.
34:27 Gates, can I borrow your handcuffs?
34:30 Okay, but I need them back by 8.15 tonight.
34:32 Sure.
34:34 Thank you so much, officer.
34:35 My pleasure.
34:38 You're under arrest. Transplant your back.
34:53 What is this? I'm the victim here.
34:55 That's what you wanted us to believe.
34:56 What are you talking about?
34:57 Let's start from the beginning, shall we?
35:00 Quiet! Line up in front of me. Facing me!
35:03 At the time, I wondered why we were forced to face the same direction.
35:06 I can't lie down.
35:08 Fine. Sit up against the wall. Give me your phone!
35:11 And then I realized, if we're all facing forward, we couldn't see what was going on behind us.
35:15 I thought it was strange that the robbers would go through all that trouble just to get the teller's cash. It wasn't a lot of money.
35:23 But the cash grab was just a distraction, so you can go after your real target for the robbery.
35:31 The safe deposit boxes.
35:35 You see, to access any of the safe deposit boxes, you have to go through the back door.
35:39 The safe deposit boxes.
35:43 You see, to access any of the safe deposit boxes, you need two keys.
35:46 The box owner has one, and the bank manager has the other.
35:49 Which explains your affair with Carl.
35:51 That's not true. We were in love.
35:53 Yeah, come on. You used the poor guy.
35:56 Nothing like a little pillow talk to get info on bank security and how the cameras and alarm systems work.
36:01 And of course, his master key, which we now know that you copied, by the way.
36:05 Once you'd stolen what you came for, returned to the group, the robbers had finished stealing the cash and you three were ready to leave.
36:13 Great plan. It was all timed out perfectly. All until my partner here showed up and spoiled everything.
36:19 With your original plan ruined, you guys were forced to come up with a plan B.
36:23 Which explains your sudden urge to go tinkle.
36:26 Sir!
36:27 What?
36:28 I need to go to the bathroom.
36:30 Can't really say no to a pregnant lady.
36:33 [Heavy breathing]
36:39 We're screwed.
36:40 Quiet. Let me think.
36:41 Weren't supposed to be any cops. In and out. That's what you said.
36:43 Don't blame me for this. You're the one who started firing on the cops.
36:46 They'll have us surrounded. We're trapped in here.
36:48 No. There's still a way out of this.
36:50 What?
36:51 Here's what you do.
36:52 You told Derek to negotiate an escape plan. And to say if he saw any police pursuit, he'd kill you.
36:58 Might have worked too, but guess we'll never know because you decided to take my partner's advice.
37:03 And when the three of you ran out of the bank, you decided to get cramps. Hit the deck.
37:07 I knew you would think that's a great solution.
37:09 You fall to the ground, giving the snipers a clear shot, and bang bang. Both your partners are killed.
37:15 Leaving you to walk away. It's not free.
37:18 How could you possibly believe any of this is true?
37:21 Crazy, right? I thought so too. Until I noticed the milk.
37:27 Milk?
37:29 Derek said he wanted coffee with just milk. But you didn't go for the 2% or the soy milk.
37:35 You went straight for the almond milk.
37:37 He didn't even flinch when he tasted it.
37:41 The only way you could know what he took in his coffee is if, well, you already knew it.
37:49 That doesn't prove anything.
37:52 You're right.
37:53 But this does.
37:55 You see, when my colleagues visited your mother, they learned about her will.
37:58 And the fact that she had left the $3 million stamp to you, her daughter, and all of her foster children to be split equally.
38:05 She was your birth mother, but she viewed all her foster kids as her own too.
38:13 I don't know if you and Derek were always close, but he had already served time for armed robbery.
38:19 So he had experience with this.
38:22 Now they're being interviewed as we speak, and by now, they've got to realize that you were willing to let them die just so you could get away.
38:28 You don't know what it was like growing up in that house.
38:37 No, but I can guess.
38:39 Your mom was probably a very special lady, taking care of all those foster kids for all these years.
38:46 I was her daughter. Her real daughter.
38:50 But they got all the attention.
38:52 And where the hell are they now?
38:54 They don't pay her medical bills. They don't come to visit.
38:57 I do. I deserve that money, not them.
39:00 You know, if we hadn't been in there together, I don't think we ever would have figured it out.
39:08 I've got something to tell you.
39:12 I've got something to tell you too.
39:14 Me first.
39:15 She knows the truth.
39:19 She knows the robbers.
39:21 She's not really pregnant.
39:27 Where the hell is the three million dollar stamp?
39:33 What, she thought nobody was looking? I caught her adjusting her fake belly. That's when I knew.
39:38 These are the two safety deposit keys.
39:41 This is the inverted Jenny.
39:44 It's a stamp, valued at three million dollars. It's extremely rare.
39:47 Stopped making them when they realized the plane was upside down.
39:49 Why split it when you can have it all to yourself?
39:51 Exactly. Which is why we knew that she would go for Max's suggestion.
39:55 Drop down, let the sniper take out her partners.
39:57 We did good.
39:58 We did, didn't we?
40:00 You know, with our probation coming to an end, when can we talk to the commissioner?
40:04 Well, after today's big win, you should start picking out a desk. I'd pick Yates's.
40:08 We need to talk. Have a seat.
40:12 Have a seat.
40:13 The commissioner asked for a review of what went down today. And it doesn't look good for either of you.
40:23 We saved nine hostages, sir.
40:26 And solved a robbery.
40:27 And you broke protocol in a deadly hostage situation.
40:30 Ellis, you let your emotions for your partner's safety cloud your judgment.
40:33 One wrong move in there and you both could have gotten everyone killed.
40:36 So as of now, your reinstatement and your probation are on hold.
40:41 You serious?
40:42 Dammit, Ellis. Off the record, I understand what you did.
40:46 And I am so relieved that you both made it back home today.
40:50 Can I say something, sir? On the record?
40:54 Look, I know we broke protocol. But we had each other's backs.
40:59 I got shot today.
41:03 Max ran toward the shooter.
41:06 Toward me.
41:09 I hope every officer goes to work each day knowing they got a partner like that.
41:13 Come on, let's go.
41:18 [clears throat]
41:20 [music]
41:23 [door opens]
41:24 [door closes]
41:26 [music]
41:33 [music]
41:34 [music]
42:00 [music]
42:01 Well, that was one hell of a day.
42:23 Yeah, it sure was.
42:27 I'm so sorry. You went in there for me and ended up losing everything.
42:32 Hey, stop. I'd do it again a hundred times.
42:36 Alright?
42:38 You sure you don't want to get that looked at?
42:43 I think I'll be okay.
42:50 [music]
42:52 [music]
42:53 Hello, Max.
42:58 Who's this?
43:03 My husband.
43:06 [music]
43:08 [music]
43:17 [music]
43:18 [music]
43:27 [music]
43:37 [music]
43:38 [music]
43:41 ♪ Like a slave ♪