• l’année dernière
Après la conférence de presse du jour, Cédric Doumbè et Baysangur Chamsoudinov ont pris part à un face-à-face intense et incroyable. Les deux hommes n'ont pas voulu se lâcher du regard et "The Best" est même revenu au centre de la scène.


00:00 [Voix off] Introducing first fighting out of the blue corner from Paris France, Baysangu Shamsounina !
00:26 With a weight of 170.4 pounds
00:30 And his opponent fighting out of the red corner from Paris France, Cedric Dumbé !
00:48 [Voix off] And the winner of this fight is...
00:53 [Voix off] The Frenchman, Dumbé !
00:58 [Voix off] And the winner of this fight is...
01:03 [Voix off] The Frenchman, Dumbé !
01:08 [Voix off] With a weight of 170.2 pounds
01:11 [Voix off] And the winner of this fight is...
01:16 [Voix off] The Frenchman, Dumbé !
01:21 [Voix off] And the winner of this fight is...
01:26 [Voix off] The Frenchman, Dumbé !
01:31 [Voix off] And the winner of this fight is...
01:36 [Voix off] The Frenchman, Dumbé !
01:41 [Voix off] And the winner of this fight is...
01:46 [Voix off] The Frenchman, Dumbé !
01:51 [Voix off] And the winner of this fight is...
01:56 [Voix off] And the winner of this fight is...
02:01 [Voix off] The Frenchman, Dumbé !
02:06 [Voix off] And the winner of this fight is...
02:11 [Voix off] The Frenchman, Dumbé !
02:16 [Voix off] And the winner of this fight is...
02:21 [Voix off] The Frenchman, Dumbé !
02:26 [Voix off] And the winner of this fight is...
02:31 [Voix off] The Frenchman, Dumbé !
02:36 [Voix off] And the winner of this fight is...
02:41 [Voix off] The Frenchman, Dumbé !
02:46 [Voix off] And the winner of this fight is...
02:51 [Voix off] The Frenchman, Dumbé !
02:56 [Voix off] And the winner of this fight is...
03:01 [Voix off] The Frenchman, Dumbé !
03:06 [Voix off] And the winner of this fight is...
03:11 [Voix off] The Frenchman, Dumbé !
03:16 [Voix off] And the winner of this fight is...
03:21 [Voix off] The Frenchman, Dumbé !
03:26 [Voix off] And the winner of this fight is...
03:31 [Voix off] The Frenchman, Dumbé !
