Several stars descended the red carpet for an awards function in Mumbai. Seen in attendance, dressed their most stylish best, were Bobby Deol, Chitrangda Singh, Manoj Bajpayee, among others. Bollywood diva Chitrangda singh flaunted her curves in a stylish bodycon black dress. The glittery dress had a thigh high slit that made her entire appeal sizzling and fans are awestruck with her glamorous looks. She completed her ensemble with minimal accessories and kept her hair open, with the perfect makeup, she completed her stunning attire for the event. Watch the video for more.
#bobbydeol #chirtangda #babilkhan #manojbajpayee #fashion #awards #trending #entertainmentnews #bollywood
#bobbydeol #chirtangda #babilkhan #manojbajpayee #fashion #awards #trending #entertainmentnews #bollywood
00:00 Recently, the ZZest Unlimit Awards 2024 witnessed a spectacle of style and glamour as Bollywood's
00:15 creme de la creme gathered to celebrate the grand award's function.
00:19 The red carpet was ablaze with celebrities flaunting their sartorial prowess, each outshining
00:24 the other in dazzling display of fashion finesse.
00:27 While the leading ladies exuded confidence and elegance in their chic outfits, the gentlemen
00:32 looked dapper in their crisp attire.
00:34 Let's take a closer look at their fashion-forward choices.
00:38 Bollywood diva Chitrangita Singh flaunted her curves in a stylish bodycon black dress.
00:43 The glittery dress had a thigh-high slit that made her entire appeal sizzling and fans are
00:48 awestruck with her glamorous looks.
00:51 She completed her ensemble with minimal accessories and kept her hair open.
00:55 With the perfect makeup, she completed her stunning attire for the event.
00:59 Most fan-favourite Bollywood actor Bobby Deol arrived at the event wearing an all-black
01:03 outfit.
01:04 His OOTD comprised of a black shirt paired with black pants.
01:09 He completed his outfit with black shoes and matching sunglasses.
01:12 His belt, however, was the centre of attraction, which made fans relate his outfit with a bra
01:17 in the popular film Animal.
01:19 Fans love his all-black attire.
01:22 Babul Khan, the favourite actor of the paps, arrived at the event looking dapper and flashing
01:27 his bright smile.
01:28 He exuded grace and sophistication in a black tux paired with black shoes.
01:33 The centre of attention in his outfit was the dazzling neckpiece he sported with his
01:37 outfit.
01:38 He smiled and posed for the paps and his video is going rapidly viral on the internet and
01:42 melting hearts.
01:44 Manoj Bajpai arrived at the event looking dapper as always.
01:48 He sported a black tux paired with a crisp white shirt that gave his entire outfit a
01:52 masculine appeal.
01:54 Sporting his stylish ensemble, he posed graciously for the paps.
01:58 What are your views about the outfits of these celebs?
02:01 Please let us know in the comments.
02:02 Thanks for watching!
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02:07 (dramatic music)