维修费涨、司机人手缺 校车运营商:下周开学 校车费起价

  • 6 months ago
新闻报报看 | 随着新学年将于下周开始,校车费用也跟着涨价。大马校车联合会主席表示,涨价后平均校车费介于50令吉至200令吉,取决于不同校车类型及路线。他表示,涨价原因主要是因为令吉贬值导致校车保养成本上涨,加上司机短缺,业者需要支付更高薪资来留人,导致业者的运营成本增加。(主播:蔡心慧、黄界錤)


00:00 Next week is the opening day of the new school year.
00:04 Students are going to start packing up and get ready to go back to school.
00:07 Parents are also busy preparing various opening items for their children,
00:11 such as textbooks, school uniforms, stationery, etc.
00:14 Let every opening season become a day when parents' wallets are bleeding.
00:19 Many parents sighed that the wallet could not catch up with the speed of price increase.
00:25 Now there is another thing related to the opening of school, which is going to rise in price.
00:29 That is the school bus fare.
00:32 The chairman of the Democratic Union of School Buses, Amali, pointed out that
00:35 from next week, the parents expected to pay an average of 10% more school bus fare,
00:41 but he refused to disclose the specific amount of the increase.
00:44 The chairman only said that after the increase, the average school bus fare will be between 50 and 200 ringgit.
00:50 This depends on the type of route and school bus.
00:53 The chairman explained that there are several factors that cause the increase in school bus fare,
00:57 including the increase in price of school bus parts and the increase in cost of transportation
01:01 in order to keep the driver.
01:03 Amali said that 90% of the school bus parts are imported,
01:08 including engine oil and tires, etc.
01:11 Therefore, the cost of maintenance of the school bus has also increased.
01:16 In addition, it is not easy to find a new driver because the current school bus driver is short-handed.
01:22 The driver must pay a salary higher than the lowest salary to attract capable drivers.
01:28 In addition, the government has not controlled the school bus fare since 2015,
01:32 allowing bus drivers to adjust the cost of transportation according to the area and operating costs.
01:37 The chairman said that during the COVID-19 pandemic,
01:39 many school bus drivers left the industry and found jobs that are more secure in other industries.
01:45 So now the number of school buses has decreased by 50%.
01:48 He revealed that before the pandemic, their union had more than 16,000 active members,
01:54 but after the pandemic, only about 8,000 people remained.
01:58 A bus owner with 50 school buses said that when the epidemic broke out,
02:02 30% of his drivers chose to retire.
02:06 The number of school bus drivers has decreased,
02:08 but at the same time, the students' demand for school buses has increased.
02:12 Amali said that in the post-pandemic era,
02:14 as more and more parents finish their home work,
02:17 they need to go back to the office to work.
02:20 They can no longer pick up their children flexibly like during the pandemic,
02:24 so they need school buses.
02:26 Some areas have increased their demand for school buses by 20%,
02:30 resulting in a shortage of school buses in some areas.
02:34 [Music]
