强奸、轮奸、切割性器官 联合国小组报告:以色列人质遭残忍性暴力

  • 6 months ago
八点最热报 | 联合国专家小组周一发表最新报告指出,他们有合理理由相信,巴勒斯坦组织哈马斯去年10月7日突击以色列期间,在多个地点犯下性罪行,包括强姦、轮姦,以及切割生殖器等残忍性暴力,而被掳人质可能持续遭受这类对待。不过,哈马斯至今依旧否认,曾经对以色列士兵或平民有任何性暴力的行为。(主播:梁宝仪)


00:00 Before watching the video, I remind you that there is more content on the Hotline.
00:03 The UN expert group published a recent report on Monday,
00:08 which pointed out that they have a reasonable reason to believe that
00:10 during the attack on Israel by the Palestinian organization Hamas on November 7 last year,
00:14 they committed sexual crimes in multiple locations,
00:17 including rape, rape, and cutting of reproductive organs, etc.
00:21 Cruel sexual violence.
00:23 And the hostages may continue to be treated in this way.
00:27 But Hamas still denies any sexual violence against Israeli soldiers or civilians.
00:34 In response to this report, Israeli Foreign Minister Kass said,
00:37 "Israeli women should not be regarded as worthless.
00:41 Any harm to them must be paid."
00:44 Because the UN's report on Hamas's sexual crimes remains silent,
00:48 Israel has decided to recall its representative from Israel's UN.
00:52 On the other hand,
00:53 Israel is in a state of emergency due to the ceasefire agreement between Israel and Hamas.
00:57 The Gaza Ministry of Health pointed out that there is a shortage of aid in northern Gaza.
01:01 At least 15 children have died in the past few days
01:04 due to dehydration and malnutrition.
01:07 The Palestinian representative also criticized Israel for using hunger as a weapon,
01:11 which has led to the death of many Palestinian children.
01:14 Let's watch an international breaking news.
01:15 The Gaza Strip continues to be bombed.
01:19 Hundreds of thousands of people are facing famine.
01:21 Many refugees are taking their families
01:23 on foot and by car,
01:25 fleeing from north to south.
01:27 These displaced residents pointed out
01:30 that they have no food or water for the whole month.
01:33 The children are suffering.
01:35 This is the first time they have bread to eat this month.
01:38 The situation is tragic.
01:39 Korean doctors continue to be on strike.
01:44 As the last payment for the paid workers has passed,
01:47 the authorities began to take action against those doctors who have not paid yet.
01:51 However, a Korean medical association spokesman pointed out
01:53 that they will provide legal support to those interns who have been revoked.
01:58 At the same time, he criticized the government for implementing a wrong path of reform.
02:01 He said that doctors should be heard.
02:03 The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday ruled
02:07 that Trump has the right to run for the Republican presidential election in Colorado.
02:11 The ruling, which overturned the ruling of the Supreme Court in Kosovo in December last year,
02:15 also completely resolved the dispute over whether Trump has the right to run.
02:18 Trump said that this is a major victory for the United States
02:21 and urged President Biden not to use the judicial system to attack his own competitors.
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