How To Repair A Pitch Mark | Golf Monthly

  • 6 months ago
In this video, Neil Tappin offers some simple tips for how to repair pitch marks so they don't create blemishes on the green.
00:00 - Hello everyone, Neil Tappan here from Golf Monthly
00:02 and welcome to this video in which we're going to take a look
00:04 at how you repair a pitch mark correctly.
00:07 Now we all want to play golf courses
00:09 that are in perfect condition,
00:10 so we all need to do our part to keep the greens
00:13 in good condition and to repair our pitch marks.
00:16 And there are ways of repairing pitch marks
00:17 that will enable the blemish on the green
00:19 to recover that much quicker.
00:22 And there are ways to repair them
00:23 that will cause that blemish to continue longer into time.
00:25 So it's worth thinking about.
00:27 Now the way in which you do not repair a pitch mark
00:30 is as follows.
00:31 So I've got a pitch mark in front of me,
00:33 the ball's coming from this direction.
00:34 The way in which you don't repair it
00:36 is you don't put the pitch mark repair in
00:38 and then pull back and lift up the middle of the pitch mark.
00:41 That leaves you with that blemish
00:42 that you're looking to avoid.
00:43 Instead, what you want to do is go to the back
00:46 of the pitch mark here and pull the grass
00:49 in towards the middle.
00:50 Do it from the side, do it from all the way around,
00:54 pull it in,
00:55 (upbeat music)
00:58 like so, and then give it a good tap down.
01:03 And I think if you do it properly,
01:06 then you should end up with something like this.
01:08 This is where that pitch mark was.
01:09 Now you'd be struggling to see it at all.
01:11 There's a small mark there,
01:13 but that should recover in half the time.
01:16 And it doesn't leave you with that big blemish
01:18 on the green that can last for a very long time indeed.
01:20 So when it comes to repairing pitch marks,
01:23 pull in from the back of the pitch mark
01:25 towards the centre, pull the grass over the top,
01:28 and that should do the trick.
01:29 (upbeat music)
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01:37 (upbeat music)