Engineering success in UK economy during National Careers Week

  • 6 months ago
A new report has uncovered that almost 7 in 10 engineering and technology graduates are in paid work in the engineering sector, earning more on average than those in other occupations. In light of this, how do these careers influence the UK economy?


00:00 And this report has shown that those who are graduating with an engineering and technology
00:07 degree are really finding success in the workplace. So it's a degree that's super relevant to
00:13 the real world and to real jobs. So it's a real key sector to the economy. Jobs in the
00:21 engineering and tech sector actually make up 19% of all jobs in the workforce. So the
00:28 skills that these young people are graduating with are really in demand. So it is that sort
00:32 of employability at the end point which I think makes it such a popular.
00:35 A new report has uncovered that almost 7 in 10 engineering and technology graduates are
00:42 in paid work in the engineering sector, earning more on average than those in other occupations.
00:49 In light of this, how do these careers influence the UK economy?
00:53 So it kind of covers everything from software engineering to biomedical engineering. You
00:58 might work on things to do with renewable energy like wind farms or solar energy or
01:05 developing new solutions to the climate crisis. So it really is varied and you could kind
01:12 of work on anything from computers and gaming through to solving the climate crisis or building
01:17 homes. So it's a very type of versatile kind of thing
01:20 to work with. Yes.
01:22 Ranking second only to being a doctor in the top 10 desirable jobs for teenagers, according
01:27 to separate research carried out by BBC Bitesize, what about this subject unlocks prosperity
01:34 in terms of career success? It tends to be jobs that involve designing
01:40 and creating and building and developing. It might be software, it might be physical
01:48 aspects. It gives people a real wide range of skills and they're really transferable
01:53 skills. So it definitely does give people skills that they can use in other aspects
01:58 of their life. I think that the skills like writing and communication skills are really
02:08 key to selling yourself and selling engineering. Those sorts of skills that you gather through
02:16 your degree are really relevant to other aspects of your life as well. It's not kind of just
02:21 career and that sort of confidence building as well.
02:24 Engineering really is in sort of every aspect of life. So I mean the computers that I'm
02:30 speaking to you now, the phones, the games that you play, the TV that you watch and that
02:38 might be the physical infrastructure to enable the TV, but also the sound recording, the
02:47 camera people, things like that. So it really is in every aspect of everyday life. There's
02:56 a website,, which has lots of careers information about all the different
03:00 aspects and all the different routes.
