Watch Frog Kingdom (2013) Full Movie For Free

  • 6 months ago
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00:00:40 Good morning, froggy frogs.
00:00:56 Another day on the job with the Froggy Olympics just around the corner.
00:00:59 And would you look at that, the city of frogs,
00:01:03 otherwise known as Frogville.
00:01:06 [MUSIC]
00:01:09 Anyway, I'm off because I'm hosting the Froggy Olympics and
00:01:12 this year's grand prize is Princess Frog Legs herself.
00:01:15 The most beautifully disgusting frog in the world.
00:01:17 [MUSIC]
00:01:20 >> Thank you, your graciousness, for letting me carry around this clipboard and
00:01:23 acting like your errand boys.
00:01:25 Indeed, it brings me great joy to bring you the daily news and
00:01:27 tell you all about the not very interesting things that are happening in
00:01:30 the magnificent kingdom that you shouldn't be worried about at all.
00:01:33 In the least, not one bit.
00:01:34 >> Yes, I've got a news, Mr. Chairman.
00:01:36 I'm sick so.
00:01:37 >> Get on with it.
00:01:39 >> First off, preparations for the Froggy Olympics are going swimmingly.
00:01:42 >> What else is there?
00:01:43 >> One small thing.
00:01:44 Your daughter, Princess Frog Legs, she's run off again.
00:01:46 But we'll get her back as soon as possible.
00:01:48 >> Ew.
00:01:49 >> Where is she?
00:01:51 >> Just a thought, maybe she's gone because you made her a prize in the Olympics,
00:01:56 maybe. >> What?
00:01:57 Go find her.
00:01:58 Why are you here?
00:01:59 >> I don't know.
00:02:02 [MUSIC]
00:02:06 >> Okay, girl, remember the plan.
00:02:08 We enter the Froggy Olympics as a couple of dudes, and
00:02:11 when we win, I won't have to marry anybody.
00:02:14 >> Shh, quiet, Princess.
00:02:16 Do you wanna give us away?
00:02:17 [MUSIC]
00:02:22 >> Our plan is working.
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00:02:26 >> Good, now stay focused.
00:02:29 >> Whoa, the market is jumping today.
00:02:31 I heard they're even selling action figures of us.
00:02:34 >> Where?
00:02:37 >> There.
00:02:39 >> Hello, dear.
00:02:41 >> We're all here.
00:02:42 There's Dad and Mom and you, my BFF.
00:02:46 >> That's my favorite.
00:02:47 >> Okay, we'll take them all, the whole set.
00:02:49 >> Sure. >> My dad, my mom.
00:02:51 >> Watch out.
00:02:52 >> Me, the inspector.
00:02:53 >> Do you take plastic?
00:02:54 >> Hey, are you saying all the princess?
00:02:56 >> Oops, I was just being silly.
00:02:58 >> Yep, we're just two dudes shopping for dolls.
00:03:00 >> Okay. >> Ooh, froggy baton.
00:03:01 >> Ooh.
00:03:03 >> Did you ever see such beauty?
00:03:06 Such style, such frogsmanship?
00:03:08 >> That's a good one there.
00:03:10 >> Okay, girl.
00:03:11 >> What? >> You must have this dress.
00:03:14 >> You're gonna blow our cover.
00:03:15 >> Boys don't wear dresses.
00:03:18 >> Get your wings here, perfect for the big game.
00:03:21 Fresh grilled wings from across the pond.
00:03:23 Get some before we eat them all.
00:03:24 >> Mm-mm-mm.
00:03:27 >> Now take one, Freddy.
00:03:29 >> Yeah, with my swamp water sauce.
00:03:31 >> Disgusting, yum, swamp water sauce.
00:03:35 Be right back. >> What about saying focused?
00:03:37 >> This calls for a taste test.
00:03:38 [MUSIC]
00:03:44 Tastes good if I do say so myself, and I do.
00:03:47 >> He's cute, how much?
00:03:50 >> Don't be ridiculous.
00:03:52 Get lost, Thelma's not for sale, buddy.
00:03:54 >> Mom, you just call the fly.
00:03:56 >> Duh, that's her name.
00:03:57 >> Fly's no poop.
00:03:58 >> Can I pet her?
00:03:58 >> Hey kids, the fly's name is Thelma.
00:04:02 >> I'll give you $2.50 for Thelma.
00:04:06 >> No, no, no. >> I got three on it.
00:04:07 >> Uh-uh, no way.
00:04:08 Mm-mm, stop.
00:04:09 >> Four. >> No.
00:04:09 >> I want dollars.
00:04:10 Five.
00:04:13 >> This place is crazy.
00:04:16 Come on, Thelma, let's take off.
00:04:17 Burrito?
00:04:19 What's in this so-called burrito?
00:04:21 >> Better not to ask.
00:04:22 >> Make way, coming through VIP.
00:04:27 I am Prince Froggy Ababwa, and that's a nice fly you got there.
00:04:36 >> Here we go again.
00:04:37 >> Did you know flies are the breakfast of champions?
00:04:43 >> Not happening, Ababwa.
00:04:44 >> Why, hello there, juicy girl.
00:04:46 Get in my belly so I can win the princess in the froggy games.
00:04:50 >> You'll never win her, the princess or the fly.
00:04:53 >> Don't contradict me.
00:04:55 You're no match for Prince Froggy Ababwa.
00:04:57 >> Now say you're sorry to Thelma.
00:04:59 >> [LAUGH] I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
00:05:04 >> Whoa. >> I'm not sorry.
00:05:06 That was just a lie.
00:05:08 >> Are you seeing this?
00:05:09 >> You're going down, frog.
00:05:10 >> [LAUGH] Too slow.
00:05:14 >> [LAUGH] >> So romantic.
00:05:19 That one's fighting for his beloved house fly.
00:05:22 >> The other one just wants to eat her for breakfast.
00:05:27 >> Let go of Thelma, now.
00:05:29 Fly, fly like the wind.
00:05:32 >> My victory, breakfast, guards.
00:05:35 Get that fly.
00:05:37 >> We'll get it for you, Prince Ababwa.
00:05:39 >> Oogaloo, pass it, I'm open.
00:05:41 >> Out of my way, chubby bubby.
00:05:43 >> Go, go, go.
00:05:44 >> Are you ready?
00:05:46 >> Right down the line.
00:05:47 >> [LAUGH] >> Watch out.
00:05:50 >> [NOISE] >> Excuse me.
00:05:54 >> There it goes.
00:05:56 >> Double Axel spinaroo and the crowd goes wild.
00:05:59 >> [NOISE] >> Yeah, there you go.
00:06:03 >> You're not great, you just got a fancy hat.
00:06:06 >> Yeah.
00:06:07 >> Let's not be nervous, time to get you out of here.
00:06:09 >> Wait, watch out.
00:06:10 >> Boogie, here.
00:06:12 >> I got it.
00:06:13 >> Nice.
00:06:15 >> [LAUGH] >> Man, Thelma's gonna have a posture
00:06:19 headache.
00:06:22 >> Here goes something.
00:06:23 >> [NOISE]
00:06:30 >> Scores.
00:06:33 >> Yes, take that, Ababwa.
00:06:35 >> Okay, I will.
00:06:37 Looks like we've got ourselves a little Mexican frog off.
00:06:41 >> Hand over the fly, or fish boy goes swirly down the toilet.
00:06:47 >> [NOISE] >> Swirly, swirly.
00:06:54 >> Nice.
00:06:55 >> Down the toilet.
00:06:56 >> [NOISE] >> [LAUGH]
00:07:00 >> I go, put me down.
00:07:02 >> Olympic victory, it's so close, I can taste it.
00:07:06 [LAUGH]
00:07:08 >> [NOISE]
00:07:12 >> My breakfast, I'm so happy.
00:07:14 >> Bye bye, frogmeister.
00:07:16 >> After them, spinny.
00:07:19 >> Let's go.
00:07:20 [MUSIC]
00:07:27 >> That is quite a hyperactive turtle.
00:07:29 >> My gosh.
00:07:30 >> [LAUGH]
00:07:32 >> Frog is crying.
00:07:34 [MUSIC]
00:07:37 >> Froggies and gentlemen, welcome to the Froggy Olympics preliminary game.
00:07:40 >> What are you looking at?
00:07:41 Back off, frogger.
00:07:42 Out of my way, green eye.
00:07:44 Whoa, you're frogging huge.
00:07:47 >> What the?
00:07:48 >> Wow.
00:07:51 >> The camera really does add ten pounds.
00:07:55 >> Frog's totally climbing on your nose.
00:07:56 >> Keep going, keep going.
00:07:58 >> Lily pad.
00:07:59 >> So humiliating.
00:08:01 >> I think you're the prize, you know, for the Froggy Olympics.
00:08:05 >> Disgusting princess loves me.
00:08:07 >> I know, I told you that.
00:08:09 >> The Petrussian princess loves me.
00:08:11 >> Why do you think I left?
00:08:12 >> You drive me crazy, you never listen.
00:08:13 >> I know, we'll enter the games ourselves.
00:08:15 >> That's why we're here.
00:08:17 >> Relax.
00:08:18 >> We better win.
00:08:19 >> And remember, you're a dude, so be doody.
00:08:21 >> If I have to marry one of these losers, my wife will be doody.
00:08:23 >> Hello, pretty boys, signing up for the Froggy Games, I presume.
00:08:27 Please just draw pictures of yourself.
00:08:30 Wow, that's actually pretty good.
00:08:32 >> Oh, no arms?
00:08:35 >> Froggies and gentlemen, welcome to the Froggy Olympic Games.
00:08:40 And this year's champion who wins the entire games will also be given the honor of marrying my daughter, Princess Froglegs.
00:08:49 If we can find her.
00:08:51 And so with no more blah, blah, blah, let the qualification round begin.
00:08:56 >> All right, Froggies, I want a plain frog fight.
00:08:59 >> Froggy Balboa, starting off strong.
00:09:02 >> Well, you know what they say, the bigger they are, the harder they punch you in the face.
00:09:07 >> And by the extremely unfair weight classification, Big Froggy takes the round.
00:09:12 They've got to change that by next year.
00:09:14 Some foul.
00:09:15 >> Definitely.
00:09:17 >> The serve, way up.
00:09:19 >> Now that's what I call a bird's eye view.
00:09:22 >> Literally.
00:09:24 >> Nice.
00:09:26 >> Right in the eyeball.
00:09:27 >> You didn't even see it coming.
00:09:29 >> And speaking of eyeballs, let's go take a look at some other events.
00:09:32 Now the winners of each of these events will go on to compete in the final round for the princess's head.
00:09:37 >> Well, not just your hand, Bob.
00:09:39 >> But you make a good point.
00:09:40 >> And speaking of points, let's look at some archery.
00:09:45 >> Archery is my best sport.
00:09:48 >> Please, Froggies, complete silence.
00:09:51 No riveting and definitely no croaking.
00:09:55 This is probably the highest level of competition in all the Froggy games.
00:10:01 >> Close.
00:10:02 >> So please quiet all.
00:10:04 And here he goes.
00:10:07 And he's nailed it.
00:10:08 >> What a shot by the new guy.
00:10:10 >> Is it just me or does the new guy look a lot like Princess Froglegs?
00:10:13 >> Must be a cousin.
00:10:14 >> Three arrows, that seems a little unfair.
00:10:21 >> New guy got skills.
00:10:24 >> Where did this new guy come from, Smuttypants?
00:10:26 I don't like surprises.
00:10:27 >> There's no surprises on this schedule.
00:10:29 >> No surprises.
00:10:32 >> Then what's that?
00:10:33 >> Prepare to eat fly, cute Froggies.
00:10:36 Fire!
00:10:41 >> That's some of this.
00:10:45 >> Huh?
00:10:46 Those toads are messing up the games.
00:10:51 >> Missiles, bees and angry toads, there is no hope of these games turning around unless some kind of hero saves the day.
00:10:57 >> Like that kind of a hero over there?
00:11:00 Never mind.
00:11:01 It's just that fly guy.
00:11:03 >> It's tadpole BFF.
00:11:05 >> Look at the speed on that frog.
00:11:07 Nice jump.
00:11:08 And there's the prince riding a turtle.
00:11:15 >> They just have to stick that landing.
00:11:17 >> Nice, Froggy.
00:11:19 >> That's the best jump all day.
00:11:21 >> That was more like stinking the landing.
00:11:23 >> I guess prince lost his flying carpet when he divorced princess Jasmine.
00:11:27 >> Let's call it a draw.
00:11:29 >> Come on, not again.
00:11:37 >> What is this, a frog circus?
00:11:39 >> Now it looks like he's channeling Froggy with breakfast.
00:11:43 And he stinks the landing.
00:11:46 >> That's my breakfast.
00:11:49 >> Point.
00:11:56 >> Set.
00:11:59 Match.
00:12:02 >> Nice.
00:12:03 Freddie just won the race.
00:12:05 Did you see that, baby?
00:12:08 >> On your marks, get set.
00:12:11 >> Don't hurt me, please.
00:12:18 >> So many events for these four froggies to compete in.
00:12:24 >> Stop it.
00:12:25 Stop that.
00:12:33 >> Just a scratch.
00:12:35 >> Unbelievable comeback by a mob one.
00:12:41 >> This is going to be a close race.
00:12:45 >> Put him down the final stretch.
00:12:50 >> I can't believe it.
00:12:54 >> Came out of nowhere and single flipperly saved the game.
00:12:59 >> Next up on the really high dive, an insignificant frog makes a big splash.
00:13:06 >> Don't worry, buddy, that turtle won't be able to climb up here.
00:13:09 We'll be safe.
00:13:11 >> He's right behind us.
00:13:13 >> Come on, shake your tail.
00:13:18 >> Whoa.
00:13:20 >> Uh.
00:13:24 >> Oh, yeah, turtle power.
00:13:26 >> Oh, man, I like to travel, but not straight down.
00:13:30 >> Big scaredy frog.
00:13:33 >> Only water.
00:13:35 >> Scaredy frog.
00:13:37 >> Scaredy frog, I'll show you.
00:13:42 >> Turtle!
00:13:47 >> You ready to win, boogie?
00:13:49 >> I'm game, I think.
00:13:51 >> Boogie, I'm not going to be shown up by a guy named froggy.
00:13:58 >> Woo-hoo!
00:14:03 >> Great frog almighty.
00:14:05 >> Show off.
00:14:08 >> I'm just going to step into the pond here.
00:14:11 How do you feel going into the final round at the fly eat and jump?
00:14:19 >> It's on.
00:14:21 >> Well, I wasn't planning on entering the game.
00:14:23 It might be a good time to marry a princess and settle down for a bit.
00:14:26 But don't worry, you can always drop in for a visit.
00:14:33 >> Well, well done, froggy, and I wish you the most luck.
00:14:38 >> My name is freddy froggy, who wants to see me win and marry the princess.
00:14:42 >> I think I read too much about this, guys.
00:14:45 Come on, we out.
00:14:46 >> Watch out.
00:14:48 >> Who does that frog think he is?
00:14:50 Messing up our plans like that?
00:14:52 >> Nobody say a word of what happened, okay?
00:14:55 Let me do all the talking, okay?
00:14:57 >> You got it, spike.
00:14:59 >> So how did it go, boys?
00:15:08 >> It was awful.
00:15:09 Your plan for us to run the olympics was foiled by a frog who showed up out of nowhere.
00:15:14 >> I'm sorry, guys.
00:15:16 >> A frog who showed up out of nowhere.
00:15:18 >> Who is he?
00:15:20 >> How should I know?
00:15:21 But I do know he'll beat anybody you put up against him, anybody.
00:15:25 >> I must win the games and get the princess by all himself.
00:15:29 >> Well, good luck with that, because that frog's unbeatable.
00:15:33 >> I'll destroy anyone who gets in my way, even you.
00:15:41 >> If you say so.
00:15:43 >> I've been waiting my whole life for my revenge on the frog king and queen.
00:15:49 And revenge, as they say, is best served.
00:15:55 By the way, what's your favorite flavor of fox's food?
00:16:00 >> I like apples.
00:16:02 >> I like them apples.
00:16:04 >> Matter of fact.
00:16:06 >> What's that?
00:16:07 >> I don't like them apples.
00:16:10 >> We've got to find the princess.
00:16:12 I promised that she'll marry the winner, and the king must keep his promise.
00:16:16 >> Perhaps we can distract you with this drawing, your stinkiness.
00:16:19 >> I don't need distractions, just my daughter.
00:16:21 >> As an alternative, maybe we can give the winner one of your other children.
00:16:25 I mean, you really do have a lot of them running around here all the time.
00:16:28 It's a bit much.
00:16:30 A little excessive.
00:16:31 >> How many do I have?
00:16:33 >> According to our last count, you have approximately 15,892 children, your ugliness.
00:16:38 91 if you subtract the princess.
00:16:41 >> Huh?
00:16:42 >> Your majesty, I have a special delivery for you.
00:16:44 Sent air mail so you can get it quickly.
00:16:47 >> What is the meaning of this?
00:16:48 >> Ah!
00:16:50 >> A letter.
00:16:51 A letter.
00:16:53 What does it say?
00:16:54 A letter.
00:16:56 >> Dear dad, well, I guess you know already I've left because of your big idea.
00:17:02 >> And you get to marry the winner.
00:17:04 >> I don't want a husband.
00:17:05 I want a life.
00:17:07 >> Enough of these outbursts.
00:17:08 You're a wild child.
00:17:11 You need a husband to take care of you.
00:17:13 I have to find her.
00:17:14 >> A letter.
00:17:15 A letter.
00:17:16 A letter.
00:17:17 A letter.
00:17:18 A letter.
00:17:19 >> What have we done?
00:17:20 >> But your dad made you marry me, and look how happy you are, right?
00:17:24 Hmm.
00:17:30 Darling, this is our custom.
00:17:32 So let us hope the frog who wins can make our daughter just as happy as we are.
00:17:37 She probably won't be as handsome as me, but, you know, what can you do?
00:17:43 >> Oh, why can't we just let her choose her own husband?
00:17:48 >> My, that's preposterous.
00:17:50 >> Next you'll be agreeing with Inspector Noggin that there's life outside the pond.
00:17:55 >> You're just jealous of my big brain.
00:17:58 >> Use it to find my daughter, Inspector Noggin.
00:18:02 >> Oh, I will.
00:18:03 >> As soon as I inspect the evidence.
00:18:09 Then the extra big brain inside the extra big head of mine will solve the puzzle and find her.
00:18:14 Look here, evidence.
00:18:17 Hmm.
00:18:20 Hmm.
00:18:25 Ah-ha, just as I suspected.
00:18:29 Hmm, brilliant.
00:18:32 >> What?
00:18:34 What did you suspect?
00:18:36 >> It's obvious the princess and her bestie ran away to become actors, you see.
00:18:42 They wanted to be free, see the world through their own eyes, and wear silly little costumes.
00:18:48 But little did they know that a great big whale named Monstro would swallow them up.
00:18:55 >> Wait.
00:18:56 >> What?
00:18:57 >> Monstro, your head is full of stuffing, not brains.
00:19:00 >> And here come the champions.
00:19:02 Yesterday they were nobodies and today the fans can't seem to get enough of them.
00:19:05 They're like Internet celebrities, basically.
00:19:07 >> Or overnight frontsatious.
00:19:11 >> Get out of my way, I'm going to win.
00:19:15 Get off me.
00:19:16 >> Get off, you froggin' weirdo.
00:19:17 >> Scoot over.
00:19:19 Stop.
00:19:20 Don't shove me.
00:19:21 >> Get off me.
00:19:22 >> Let me shine.
00:19:23 Ow, you're in my way.
00:19:24 Stop.
00:19:25 >> We'll see who wins in the end.
00:19:28 >> Okay, you ugly toads, come and get a picture of you pretending to kiss the princess.
00:19:34 One of you lucky toads will be kissing the real one soon enough.
00:19:38 The rest of you will always have these lovely make-believe pictures.
00:19:43 >> It's my turn.
00:19:46 >> Quit hugging the princess.
00:19:49 Oh, princess.
00:19:51 Yoo-hoo.
00:19:52 >> All right.
00:19:55 >> How about you smooch my royal hiney?
00:20:01 >> Oh, nice butt.
00:20:04 >> Ah.
00:20:08 >> What's your problem, bro frog?
00:20:10 >> I ain't your bro frog.
00:20:12 >> Huh?
00:20:13 >> Fonzai.
00:20:14 >> What?
00:20:15 What are you looking at?
00:20:16 >> Now that's kissing a hiney.
00:20:18 >> These guys had a piece.
00:20:20 >> What, you think this is funny?
00:20:22 A picture of the princess kissing Freddy's booty.
00:20:25 What in frog's name is funny about that?
00:20:28 You, muscle brain frog booger, you think that's funny?
00:20:31 Huh?
00:20:32 What about you, six eyes?
00:20:34 Oh, you're Mr. Quiet now, huh?
00:20:37 Tadpole?
00:20:39 What do you think?
00:20:41 >> No comment.
00:20:42 >> Don't look at me.
00:20:43 I love my schmoopsie poo.
00:20:45 >> How dare you.
00:20:47 Cannonball.
00:20:49 >> That was close.
00:20:51 >> You, you never even signed up for the games.
00:20:54 What are you still doing here?
00:20:56 >> I usually run from trouble, but it keeps following me around.
00:21:01 And I need to take a break from all the fighting and getting chased off.
00:21:06 So I figured I'd win the game.
00:21:08 Marry the princess and live in the palace with her.
00:21:11 She can't be any worse than you are.
00:21:13 >> Ugh.
00:21:15 >> You big baby.
00:21:17 >> I could have you arrested for that.
00:21:20 I'm not a baby, I'm the prin--
00:21:25 >> The princess.
00:21:27 >> Uh.
00:21:29 >> She's right over there.
00:21:33 Don't let her get away.
00:21:36 >> Okay.
00:21:38 >> That was weird.
00:21:39 >> She's around here somewhere.
00:21:41 I've seen her on the telly.
00:21:43 Not sure why I was hiding.
00:21:45 >> You're the baby.
00:21:47 >> Hi there.
00:21:49 Do you want to win the froggy Olympics and marry the princess froglings?
00:21:53 >> Uh.
00:21:55 >> Give me that, punk.
00:21:57 Can I help you?
00:21:59 >> Man, that's a cranky baby.
00:22:01 >> How about you, Mr. Goofrod?
00:22:03 You want to go to boot camp?
00:22:06 >> Hey.
00:22:08 That's not a bad idea.
00:22:11 We get free room and board.
00:22:13 >> Boot camp?
00:22:15 Who needs it?
00:22:17 I got the biggest guns in this pond.
00:22:19 >> That sounds uncool.
00:22:21 >> Guys, you know, Freddie's right.
00:22:23 The only way I can be absolutely sure I'm going to win the princess is by going to boot camp.
00:22:27 >> I guess we're all going to boot camp.
00:22:29 >> Yeah.
00:22:30 >> Move them out.
00:22:32 >> Hoorah.
00:22:33 >> Yeah.
00:22:34 >> I don't know, bestie.
00:22:36 I'm not sure we can beat those guys.
00:22:39 Let's just get out of here while we still can.
00:22:43 >> But where will we go?
00:22:45 ¶¶
00:23:08 ¶¶
00:23:35 ¶¶
00:23:55 >> That don't look like no boot camp.
00:23:59 That looks like a two-star hotel, baby.
00:24:01 >> The room service here stinks.
00:24:03 >> Uh-huh.
00:24:05 I really wish they put those little chocolates on your pillow.
00:24:08 >> The fireflies are a nice touch, though.
00:24:10 >> I'm watching you, punk.
00:24:16 >> Where did that come from?
00:24:18 >> You guys are too late.
00:24:20 Try next door because we're all booked up here.
00:24:23 >> All booked up?
00:24:25 >> Huh?
00:24:26 >> What?
00:24:27 >> Hey, what about that one?
00:24:30 >> Okay, bye.
00:24:31 >> We don't want your stupid room.
00:24:33 Let's go find a good room.
00:24:35 Come on, bestie.
00:24:36 >> Hi, old fart frog.
00:24:38 Give us your room.
00:24:39 Come on, we want your room.
00:24:41 >> I'm going to beat your old fart --
00:24:44 >> Oh, you're strong, little guy.
00:24:47 >> Ow.
00:24:48 >> Hello?
00:24:49 Anyone home?
00:24:50 >> Sorry, I got to get my beauty sleep for the princess.
00:24:57 >> One room left.
00:25:01 Uh, hello?
00:25:05 Hello?
00:25:07 Ugh, you!
00:25:09 >> I got the last room.
00:25:11 Have fun camping.
00:25:12 >> Well, uh, oh, I don't think so.
00:25:17 Well, I'm sleeping here tonight, you little ribbit head.
00:25:20 >> Yeah, okay.
00:25:22 You're top bunk.
00:25:24 >> Now, frog, I'm warning you, don't try any froggy business or I'll beat your croaker and you'll be all --
00:25:32 >> Ow!
00:25:33 >> I'm Freddy and that hurt me croaker very much.
00:25:38 >> Ooh, pretty nice view from up here.
00:25:41 Yo, frog, don't be a bunk hog.
00:25:44 >> Do you know how to keep your mouth closed?
00:25:46 >> Oh.
00:25:47 >> Oh.
00:25:57 >> Oh.
00:26:26 >> Okay, boys, bring them in.
00:26:28 >> Gross.
00:26:29 Funky toads.
00:26:31 >> I give you princess frog legs.
00:26:33 Say hi to your father, young lady.
00:26:35 And show some manners.
00:26:37 Bad princess, bad, bad, bad princess.
00:26:39 >> Please let us go.
00:26:41 >> You dummy old toad.
00:26:43 Can't you see these girls are imposters?
00:26:45 >> Go, go, go, go.
00:26:47 >> I'm going to get you.
00:26:49 >> I'm going to get you.
00:26:51 >> I'm going to get you.
00:26:53 >> You dummy old toad.
00:26:55 Can't you see these girls are imposters?
00:26:57 >> Well, the princess could have gained some weight in the wild, just like the queen did.
00:27:02 You know?
00:27:05 An honest mistake, your grossness.
00:27:07 Won't happen again.
00:27:09 I'll just go find the real princess now.
00:27:12 Cheerio.
00:27:13 >> What do you have to say?
00:27:15 Do you think I'm a chubbo?
00:27:17 >> No, no, you just have big bones.
00:27:35 >> What the frog is that?
00:27:44 >> You're going to find out what it takes to be an Olympic champion.
00:27:48 I should know.
00:27:49 I was an Olympic champion myself nine times.
00:27:51 >> Nine times?
00:27:52 That's a lot.
00:27:53 >> Ping pong was doubles but still we came in third place, which is very good.
00:27:57 That's still champion.
00:27:59 And also we did the synchronized swimming, you know, where you do the same moves.
00:28:03 >> This guy is so full of himself.
00:28:05 >> What are you looking at?
00:28:07 You got a problem with synchronized swimming?
00:28:09 You got a problem with people doing the same hands and arm moves?
00:28:12 Do you?
00:28:14 Anyway, now what's the most important thing about being a champion?
00:28:17 Tell me.
00:28:19 >> I know, self-confidence.
00:28:21 >> Shut your pie hole.
00:28:22 >> And self-improvement.
00:28:23 >> What's his problem?
00:28:25 >> Wrong, wrong, wrong.
00:28:27 Shut up.
00:28:28 >> Probably saying something inspirational.
00:28:30 >> Wrong.
00:28:31 The most important thing about being a champion is being able to tell people that you're a champion.
00:28:35 >> Yeah.
00:28:36 >> And also being able to eat a 9,000 calorie meal.
00:28:41 >> A 9,000 calorie diet filled with carbs.
00:28:45 We might need a nap later.
00:28:47 But first, pancakes.
00:28:50 >> I missed the trainer.
00:28:52 >> What?
00:28:53 >> Excuse me.
00:28:54 Would you mind?
00:28:58 Thanks.
00:29:01 >> Ready, set, chew.
00:29:05 I don't want to see anybody get the skinnier.
00:29:08 That's right.
00:29:09 I want to see some fatness.
00:29:11 Let's go.
00:29:12 Come on.
00:29:13 No gluten in towers for any of you people.
00:29:16 Eat it all.
00:29:18 >> Finally a sport I'm good at.
00:29:20 >> Use your whole mouth.
00:29:22 There you go.
00:29:23 That's what I'm talking about.
00:29:26 Everybody's getting fatter.
00:29:29 >> I have to go to the bathroom.
00:29:31 >> Finish everything.
00:29:33 And now, nap time.
00:29:36 >> I'm going to sleep.
00:29:39 >> That's pretty.
00:29:45 >> He's going to spoon me.
00:29:48 I'm always the little spoon.
00:29:51 >> All right.
00:29:52 Coffee break's over.
00:29:53 Now get back and eat.
00:29:55 Let's go.
00:29:56 In you go.
00:29:57 >> I'm going to sleep.
00:29:59 >> I'm going to sleep.
00:30:01 >> I'm going to sleep.
00:30:03 >> Coffee break's over.
00:30:06 Now get back and eat.
00:30:08 Let's go.
00:30:09 Eat.
00:30:10 All of you.
00:30:11 Come on.
00:30:12 >> Don't mention it.
00:30:13 Look, there's something foggy going on around here.
00:30:15 And I'm going to find out what it is.
00:30:17 >> You don't like eating bugs?
00:30:19 They don't taste good?
00:30:20 Well, put some honey on it.
00:30:23 >> Hey, dude.
00:30:24 What kind of game are you playing?
00:30:26 >> Hey, bro frog.
00:30:27 Can you patch your ketchup?
00:30:29 >> I told you I'm not your bro frog.
00:30:31 >> You're not done yet?
00:30:33 There's more room.
00:30:34 How about you, Mr. Fog?
00:30:36 How about one more?
00:30:38 >> I know some of you are hiding food in your cheeks.
00:30:45 Now swallow it.
00:30:46 Come on, guys.
00:30:47 You got a job to do.
00:30:49 Want to marry the princess?
00:30:51 Then eat.
00:30:52 Come on, froggies.
00:30:53 I believe in you.
00:30:54 Now a magic trick.
00:30:56 >> Oh, man.
00:30:58 Who cut the frog cheese?
00:31:00 >> Something's rotten in frogville.
00:31:02 Meet me here at midnight.
00:31:04 >> Hey, buddy.
00:31:05 Wake up.
00:31:06 Wakey, wakey.
00:31:07 Come on.
00:31:08 >> I want to go to school.
00:31:10 >> There you are.
00:31:12 >> Snap out of it.
00:31:14 Are you tripping, son?
00:31:16 >> Ow.
00:31:17 >> It touched me.
00:31:19 >> Ow.
00:31:20 Ow, ow.
00:31:22 >> Hey, dude.
00:31:24 >> What was that?
00:31:26 Need something, bully frog?
00:31:29 >> Don't get cute.
00:31:31 Come on, bro.
00:31:32 I was just playing around.
00:31:34 >> Not overly genuine, but all right.
00:31:36 Good night.
00:31:37 >> Hey, buddy.
00:31:38 I don't trust this place.
00:31:40 >> I know.
00:31:41 Oh, yeah.
00:31:42 I sleepwalk.
00:31:43 Don't freak out.
00:31:44 >> Man, you're a weirdo.
00:31:46 [snoring]
00:32:08 >> Wow.
00:32:09 I guess he really does sleepwalk.
00:32:12 Hello?
00:32:13 >> I'm hungry.
00:32:16 >> Ah-ha.
00:32:17 Yes.
00:32:18 Maybe he'll get lost.
00:32:19 >> Is there someone there?
00:32:25 Whoa.
00:32:27 Oh.
00:32:30 Let's go.
00:32:35 Let's go.
00:32:41 I'm so tired.
00:32:44 That's pretty.
00:32:52 Oh.
00:32:54 Hello, everyone.
00:32:57 Mom?
00:33:02 Let's go.
00:33:05 Home.
00:33:11 Hello?
00:33:15 Whoa.
00:33:16 Whoa.
00:33:20 Wow.
00:33:24 Hey.
00:33:27 Huh?
00:33:30 Yeah.
00:33:31 Ooh.
00:33:32 Ah.
00:33:33 Ah.
00:33:34 Ah.
00:33:35 Ooh.
00:33:37 Whoa.
00:33:39 Wow.
00:33:41 Whoa.
00:33:55 Hey, buggy.
00:33:57 What are you doing here?
00:33:59 Whoa.
00:34:00 Wow.
00:34:02 Hi.
00:34:05 Whoa.
00:34:11 Ow.
00:34:12 Ow.
00:34:20 Where am I going?
00:34:24 >> Come on, Deadpool.
00:34:34 >> I'm coming.
00:34:35 I'm coming.
00:34:36 >> This is not a good sign, man.
00:34:38 We have to tell the others.
00:34:40 >> What do you think, Velma?
00:34:43 Do I look hot or what?
00:34:45 Ooh.
00:34:46 Mm.
00:34:52 Mustabulous.
00:34:53 >> Ugh.
00:34:55 >> Hmm.
00:35:00 He's shivering, but it's not even cold.
00:35:03 Come on.
00:35:04 Let's get you dried off.
00:35:06 >> I'm not going to do it.
00:35:08 >> I'm not going to do it.
00:35:10 >> I'm not going to do it.
00:35:12 >> Come on.
00:35:14 Let's get you dried off.
00:35:17 >> I dreamt you shaved your mustache.
00:35:19 You're super hot.
00:35:21 >> Huh?
00:35:22 >> Now there's a rumor going around that I'm only trying to --
00:35:26 >> Ready for more training?
00:35:27 Terribly.
00:35:28 Who would have thought training meant sitting around stuffing your face all day?
00:35:31 Bring it on.
00:35:32 >> Oh, yeah.
00:35:33 >> Last night, Tadpole and I found a frog skull in the shape of an ice cube.
00:35:38 >> That's weird.
00:35:39 I had a dream about ice cubes.
00:35:41 >> All right, everybody.
00:35:42 I don't want to see your mouths moving unless there's food in it.
00:35:45 >> Now listen here, Captain Stink Eye.
00:35:48 Why are you trying to get us all fat and stuff, huh?
00:35:51 >> Yeah.
00:35:52 Some of us are already chunky.
00:35:54 >> Who are you calling chunky?
00:35:56 >> I can't eat another bite.
00:35:59 >> Now, before we meet this large lizard, I've got a few things to tell you.
00:36:03 We've got to get in shape.
00:36:04 We've got to exercise.
00:36:05 We've got to come back champions.
00:36:07 You ready for that?
00:36:09 >> Are you?
00:36:11 >> Get ready.
00:36:12 >> But first.
00:36:13 >> A little cheesecake.
00:36:14 >> Get your froggy fingers off me.
00:36:16 >> Cherry fly pie, baby.
00:36:19 >> Oh, no.
00:36:21 >> Yum, yum, yum, yum.
00:36:23 >> Don't waste cheesecake.
00:36:25 Cheesecake's not for wasting.
00:36:26 It's for eating.
00:36:27 >> Sneezed.
00:36:28 >> Well, bless you.
00:36:29 Maybe this will clear your sinuses.
00:36:32 >> Whatever.
00:36:34 >> That wasn't very nice.
00:36:35 Not nice at all.
00:36:36 >> I told you we're going to exercise after the cheesecake.
00:36:50 >> I hate that one eye.
00:36:52 >> Where's my drink with the little umbrella?
00:37:02 >> All right, you guys.
00:37:03 You're being punished.
00:37:05 That's why I'm laying you out in the sun.
00:37:07 I'm not laying you out in the sun to get extra crispy for the lizard.
00:37:13 That is a rumor, another rumor that has not been substantiated as complete fact.
00:37:18 So, anyway, cook evenly.
00:37:20 I mean, you know what I'm saying.
00:37:22 Behave yourselves.
00:37:23 >> This dude's gone too far.
00:37:25 Horse feeding us, pie facing my bro, and now dragging us out here to fry.
00:37:29 Enough is enough.
00:37:30 >> No, genius.
00:37:32 >> Yeah.
00:37:33 >> Wait, so that guy's a genius?
00:37:35 Get over there and take care of him.
00:37:37 You heard me.
00:37:43 >> I knew something was frogged up here.
00:37:49 >> See ya.
00:37:50 >> Now, the important thing is that the serpent doesn't eat us.
00:37:53 You got it?
00:37:54 >> Guys, wake up.
00:37:55 We don't want to fry out here.
00:37:59 You guys got to get up.
00:38:00 We got to get out of here or we'll be snake food.
00:38:04 I did not leave my father's work repair business in the middle of nowhere just so I could die in the middle of nowhere.
00:38:14 Okay, this is a frog reduction sauce.
00:38:17 You start out with the spices, and then you mix it up, and at the very last minute, you add frogs.
00:38:23 Ow, ow, ow.
00:38:25 What?
00:38:26 That looks painful.
00:38:28 >> Why did we bring the ice machine all the way out here?
00:38:32 >> You need ice to keep them fresh.
00:38:34 You know, for the ones he doesn't finish today.
00:38:38 Ice, ice, baby, too cold.
00:38:42 >> If I could just get a better view.
00:38:56 >> Whoa, cool.
00:38:59 With a little help from the wind and my super froggy speed.
00:39:03 Oh, and this beach towel, obviously.
00:39:06 Eyes of bird, eyes of plane, eyes of flying frog.
00:39:12 Whoa!
00:39:15 So froggy and sweet.
00:39:17 Eat your heart out, Superman.
00:39:23 Whoa, that's froggy.
00:39:34 >> You're flying.
00:39:36 Awesome.
00:39:37 >> Yeah, I know.
00:39:39 You guys look like french fried roadkill.
00:39:49 Whoa, this isn't the desert.
00:39:51 It's the beach.
00:39:52 >> I brought my flippers.
00:39:53 >> All right.
00:39:54 Okay.
00:39:55 Here we go.
00:39:56 This is very heavy.
00:39:58 >> What?
00:39:59 >> They've escaped.
00:40:00 >> What are you guys doing up there?
00:40:02 >> Swimming and having a good time.
00:40:04 >> Food is not supposed to have fun.
00:40:06 >> Huh?
00:40:07 >> Ciao, guys.
00:40:09 >> Yeah, all right, man.
00:40:12 >> What?
00:40:13 >> Whatever, I can do that.
00:40:15 >> Walk slower.
00:40:17 >> It's a good thing the prince brought his speed boat.
00:40:22 >> Hey, wait for me.
00:40:24 >> Food, food, come back here.
00:40:26 Food.
00:40:27 >> That sure looks like a lot of fun.
00:40:29 >> This isn't good.
00:40:31 >> Hey, captain one-eye, I almost forgot.
00:40:33 You can shove your boot camp up your nose.
00:40:35 Bye.
00:40:36 >> Ah!
00:40:37 >> Last one in is a rotten toad.
00:40:40 >> Those guys back over here, we're going to end up getting
00:40:43 eaten by the serpent.
00:40:44 >> I don't want to be eaten.
00:40:46 >> I don't want to be your ice cube or lunch.
00:40:49 >> What is that?
00:40:51 Some kind of hippie hot tub?
00:40:53 >> When I want to hear complaints from the food, I'll ask
00:40:56 the food.
00:40:57 >> Your hot tub sure smells delicious.
00:41:00 >> Why would you put all that in there?
00:41:04 >> This guy was planning to cook us up.
00:41:07 Ain't nobody going to be serving frog legs today.
00:41:10 >> Not on my watch.
00:41:11 >> This ain't no French bistro.
00:41:13 >> I can explain.
00:41:14 >> Icy food is good for the heart.
00:41:16 What happens is you get your blood running.
00:41:18 >> What happened to him?
00:41:20 >> That serpent likes some extra twisty.
00:41:23 >> Wait a minute.
00:41:24 Let's talk about this.
00:41:25 >> Ah!
00:41:27 >> Ah!
00:41:32 >> How are we ever going to explain this to the serpent?
00:41:35 >> We'll see.
00:41:36 You don't know what to say.
00:41:38 He's just plain dumb.
00:41:40 >> We're sorry, Mr. Snake.
00:41:42 We let all the froggies get away.
00:41:45 >> What's that?
00:41:47 No delicious froggies?
00:41:49 I'll just have to try a lizard, I guess.
00:41:52 >> That's a horrible idea, sir.
00:41:54 Lizards are nothing but skidaboats.
00:41:56 They give you gas big time.
00:41:58 >> As they say in Hollywood, a serpent's got to eat.
00:42:01 So if you don't mind, if you finish disappointing me, get in
00:42:05 my belly.
00:42:06 >> Oh, no.
00:42:07 You got to believe us.
00:42:09 We'll find a way.
00:42:10 >> You don't have to eat us.
00:42:12 >> You're lucky I decided to save my appetite for destruction.
00:42:17 >> See you later, Mr. Snake.
00:42:21 >> Revenge tastes good.
00:42:24 >> Okay.
00:42:25 Now it's time for some real training.
00:42:27 Let's see what I'm up against.
00:42:29 Prince Ababwa, you're really slacking, man.
00:42:31 Let's get the lead out.
00:42:34 Don't you dare.
00:42:36 >> I think I'm going to have a heart attack.
00:42:39 >> Try it and see what happens.
00:42:41 >> Hey, you're as bad as the last guy.
00:42:43 >> Oh, yeah?
00:42:44 You want to fight me?
00:42:46 Here, take this.
00:42:48 I'm going to beat you fair and square.
00:42:50 >> Come on.
00:42:51 >> Get back here.
00:42:52 Get back here, you baby.
00:42:54 I'm not going to let you run away from this.
00:42:57 Here, froggy, froggy, froggy.
00:42:59 >> Why are you playing so rough?
00:43:01 Did you not get hugged as a tadpole?
00:43:03 >> I'm just getting started, baby.
00:43:05 >> Come on, use your words.
00:43:07 Don't be such a frogger.
00:43:09 >> Hey, where do you think you're going?
00:43:13 >> Whoa!
00:43:15 Ah!
00:43:17 >> Whoa!
00:43:19 >> Look out!
00:43:20 Whoa!
00:43:23 >> Wow, that's so cool.
00:43:29 >> Whatever you do, don't move.
00:43:32 >> Ah!
00:43:34 >> Whoa!
00:43:37 I got you, buddy.
00:43:39 >> Don't let go.
00:43:40 Please don't let go.
00:43:41 >> Ah!
00:43:43 >> Run!
00:43:44 Could you hurry up a little slowpoke?
00:43:48 >> Mm, I do love me some grasshopper legs after a hard
00:43:51 day's work.
00:43:52 Want some?
00:43:54 >> Well, mm, it's not too bad.
00:43:59 Yolo.
00:44:01 >> Mm.
00:44:04 >> Jerk.
00:44:05 >> Ow.
00:44:06 Oh.
00:44:08 It's easy to take this for granted, you know?
00:44:11 Isn't it beautiful?
00:44:12 >> I guess you could say I've been a little sheltered.
00:44:17 >> It's perfect.
00:44:18 Look around.
00:44:19 It's utopia.
00:44:21 >> Hey!
00:44:22 >> You can feel it.
00:44:23 When I was a kid, I spent lots of time out here by myself.
00:44:26 Whoa, sorry.
00:44:28 >> I can see why you were by yourself.
00:44:31 >> I never knew my real parents.
00:44:33 I grew up in a foster pond.
00:44:35 That's why I hit the open road.
00:44:37 You're doing great.
00:44:38 Just be careful.
00:44:40 Whoa, look out!
00:44:42 So where did you grow up?
00:44:44 >> In a bubble.
00:44:45 >> That explains it.
00:44:47 Hey, look, I've got a surprise for you.
00:44:49 Want to go for a ride?
00:44:50 >> What the?
00:44:51 >> Bats, the dark knights of the forest.
00:44:54 The coolest flying rodent.
00:44:56 >> Can we go, please?
00:45:00 >> Relax.
00:45:01 >> Yeah, it's really cool, okay?
00:45:03 Come on, let's go.
00:45:04 >> Don't be scared.
00:45:05 >> I ain't scared of nothing.
00:45:07 Don't get too close.
00:45:09 >> Then let's go.
00:45:11 Well, are you coming?
00:45:13 >> Are you sure this thing's safe?
00:45:15 >> Sure, I'm sure.
00:45:16 I'm a free cut flyer.
00:45:18 Free drinks and everything.
00:45:19 >> Wow, we're flying.
00:45:22 >> Yup, yup.
00:45:23 Can you dig it?
00:45:25 >> This is the most incredible thing that's ever happened to me.
00:45:30 >> Mm-hmm.
00:45:32 Yeah.
00:45:35 >> If I don't win the Olympics, I think I want you to win, Freddy.
00:45:38 I just don't want her marrying the others.
00:45:40 Not that I think you're good looking, just that you're less bad looking.
00:45:45 >> Well, you're cool, too.
00:45:46 I don't care what anyone says.
00:45:47 >> Thanks, bro frog.
00:45:49 Hey, where are we going?
00:45:51 >> Wherever the wind takes us.
00:45:53 >> In that case, I want to go see my father.
00:45:57 >> Huh?
00:45:58 >> Tell him I'm not a little frog anymore.
00:46:00 I'm old enough to make my own decisions and he needs to just chill.
00:46:03 Who does he think he is, God?
00:46:05 He can't tell me who to marry.
00:46:07 >> Who's he trying to make you marry anyways?
00:46:09 The princess?
00:46:10 If you win?
00:46:11 >> Don't worry about it.
00:46:12 You don't know her.
00:46:13 Hey, look.
00:46:14 >> Hey, hang on to your hats and glasses because we are coming in hot, baby.
00:46:20 >> Oh, yeah.
00:46:23 >> Wow.
00:46:26 These last few days have really been the ride of my life and it's only going to get wilder.
00:46:33 >> If only your father could see you now.
00:46:43 >> Mr. Serpent, first I'd like to apologize for spilling sauce.
00:46:47 And some of your food, I mean frogs, escaped.
00:46:50 And I also have this stuck on my head.
00:46:53 Hang on.
00:46:54 >> Ah!
00:46:55 >> Yaga!
00:46:56 >> Ah!
00:46:57 Ah!
00:46:58 Please!
00:46:59 >> Ah!
00:47:00 >> I'm allergic to venom and fangs and being eaten.
00:47:04 Ah!
00:47:05 Ah!
00:47:06 >> You're all useless.
00:47:09 I've waited my entire life planning my revenge.
00:47:13 And I was going to taste so sweet and then you got to go root it.
00:47:18 >> Yes.
00:47:19 >> Huh?
00:47:20 What's the problem?
00:47:21 >> Okay, I didn't realize.
00:47:22 >> Yeah.
00:47:23 >> Anything, master.
00:47:24 But I -- yes.
00:47:25 >> Take this venom and go get those frogs, okay?
00:47:28 >> Please.
00:47:29 I've only got one eye.
00:47:30 >> Yeah.
00:47:31 >> Of course, I'll do it right away.
00:47:33 >> Oh, it's just enough to destroy all of Frogville.
00:47:39 >> Got a cap for this thing?
00:47:42 >> Yeah.
00:47:43 >> I hate cardio.
00:47:45 >> How long are we supposed to do this for?
00:47:49 >> I don't know.
00:47:51 >> It's like -- it's on the tip of my tongue.
00:47:56 >> Smells fruity.
00:47:58 >> Hey, man, I know that smell.
00:48:02 >> Oh!
00:48:03 It's snake venom.
00:48:05 >> Snake venom?
00:48:06 >> Yes.
00:48:07 >> Snake venom?
00:48:08 >> Yes.
00:48:09 >> Snake venom?
00:48:10 >> Yes.
00:48:11 >> It's snake venom.
00:48:12 >> Oh.
00:48:13 There you go.
00:48:14 That's what I'm talking about.
00:48:15 All right.
00:48:16 >> Whoo!
00:48:17 Here we go.
00:48:18 Almost there.
00:48:19 Just around the corner.
00:48:20 And we are here.
00:48:21 Watch your step.
00:48:22 >> Well, thank you for the lift.
00:48:23 >> See, he likes you.
00:48:24 >> I'm sorry, I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do this.
00:48:25 >> I'm sorry, I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do this.
00:48:26 >> I'm sorry, I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do this.
00:48:27 >> I'm sorry, I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do this.
00:48:28 >> I'm sorry, I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do this.
00:48:29 >> I'm sorry, I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do this.
00:48:53 >> I'm sorry, I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do this.
00:49:20 >> I'm sorry, I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do this.
00:49:48 >> I'm sorry, I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do this.
00:50:17 >> I'm sorry, I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do this.
00:50:43 >> I'm sorry, I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do this.
00:51:10 >> I'm sorry, I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do this.
00:51:38 >> I'm sorry, I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do this.
00:52:07 >> I'm sorry, I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do this.
00:52:32 >> I'm sorry, I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do this.
00:52:59 >> I'm sorry, I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do this.
00:53:26 >> I'm sorry, I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do this.
00:53:53 >> I'm sorry, I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do this.
00:54:20 >> I'm sorry, I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do this.
00:54:47 >> I'm sorry, I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do this.
00:55:14 >> I'm sorry, I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do this.
00:55:43 >> I'm sorry, I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do this.
00:56:08 >> I'm sorry, I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do this.
00:56:37 >> I'm sorry, I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do this.
00:57:06 >> I'm sorry, I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do this.
00:57:31 >> I'm sorry, I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do this.
00:57:58 >> I'm sorry, I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do this.
00:58:27 >> I'm sorry, I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do this.
00:58:52 >> I'm sorry, I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do this.
00:59:21 >> I'm sorry, I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do this.
00:59:28 >> I'm sorry, I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do this.
00:59:41 >> I'm sorry, I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do this.
01:00:08 >> I'm sorry, I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do this.
01:00:35 >> I'm sorry, I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do this.
01:00:42 >> I'm sorry, I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do this.
01:00:55 >> I'm sorry, I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do this.
01:01:20 >> I'm sorry, I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do this.
01:01:47 >> I'm sorry, I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do this.
01:02:14 >> I'm sorry, I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do this.
01:02:41 >> I'm sorry, I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do this.
01:03:08 >> I'm sorry, I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do this.
01:03:35 >> I'm sorry, I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do this.
01:04:02 >> I'm sorry, I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do this.
01:04:29 >> I'm sorry, I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do this.
01:04:56 >> I'm sorry, I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do this.
01:05:23 >> I'm sorry, I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do this.
01:05:50 >> I'm sorry, I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do this.
01:06:17 >> I'm sorry, I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do this.
01:06:44 >> I'm sorry, I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do this.
01:07:11 >> I'm sorry, I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do this.
01:07:40 >> I'm sorry, I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do this.
01:08:05 >> I'm sorry, I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do this.
01:08:34 >> I'm sorry, I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do this.
01:09:03 >> I'm sorry, I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do this.
01:09:32 >> I'm sorry, I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do this.
01:09:57 >> I'm sorry, I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do this.
01:10:24 >> I'm sorry, I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do this.
01:10:53 >> I'm sorry, I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do this.
01:11:22 >> I'm sorry, I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do this.
01:11:51 >> I'm sorry, I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do this.
01:12:20 >> I'm sorry, I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do this.
01:12:49 >> I'm sorry, I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do this.
01:12:56 >> I'm sorry, I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do this.
01:13:16 >> I'm sorry, I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do this.
01:13:43 >> I'm sorry, I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do this.
01:14:12 >> I'm sorry, I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do this.
01:14:19 >> I'm sorry, I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do this.
01:14:32 >> I'm sorry, I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do this.
01:14:59 >> I'm sorry, I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do this.
01:15:26 >> I'm sorry, I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do this.
01:15:53 >> I'm sorry, I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do this.
01:16:20 >> I'm sorry, I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do this.
01:16:47 >> I'm sorry, I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do this.
01:17:14 >> I'm sorry, I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do this.
01:17:41 >> I'm sorry, I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do this.
01:18:08 >> I'm sorry, I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do this.
01:18:35 >> I'm sorry, I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do this.
01:19:02 >> I'm sorry, I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do this.
01:19:31 >> I'm sorry, I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do this.
01:19:56 >> I'm sorry, I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do this.
01:20:23 >> I'm sorry, I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do this.
01:20:52 >> I'm sorry, I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do this.
01:20:59 >> I'm sorry, I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do this.
01:21:19 >> I'm sorry, I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do this.
01:21:46 >> I'm sorry, I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do this.
01:22:13 >> I'm sorry, I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do this.
01:22:40 >> I'm sorry, I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do this.
01:23:07 >> I'm sorry, I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do this.
01:23:34 >> I'm sorry, I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do this.
01:24:01 >> I'm sorry, I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do this.
01:24:28 >> I'm sorry, I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do this.
01:24:55 >> I'm sorry, I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do this.
01:25:22 >> I'm sorry, I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do this.
01:25:49 >> I'm sorry, I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do this.
01:26:16 >> I'm sorry, I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do this.
01:26:43 >> I'm sorry, I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do this.
