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00:00 I don't have any movement. It wasn't a decent amount
00:05 It's the same stream sniper the fact that he found us twice it can't be coincidence
00:18 You are blue
00:26 Yeah, just a bad guy who cries when he's bees
00:30 What I got a guy running away from me
00:35 Honestly, I'm astounded when players have more like
00:40 Where I feel like they have more stamina than me here here, here's to to Chuck with my horse
00:50 You might be able to read me. Look you
00:55 It's quiet, which means we're slaughtering love to see that
00:58 The Peter Griffith one side I think
01:01 Is this?
01:02 Should we start whistling? He's like, yes. Yes. Yes. I was like it
01:05 Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait feel bad boy. Oh, it's really bad way we did
01:10 11 on the guy I got him TV jazz over. Yes, Jerry. I love that
01:16 Like Willie man a few minutes later and that's the
01:24 I
01:26 Name is Jonathan Blythe and I constantly run away from the people that will save my life
01:32 You get this guy the right look at right now look knock knock got the guy nice night I that was me
01:49 Oh, what the real right?
01:51 Tell us what you can I'm coming. I'm going what's that crackin? What's that? What's that? Absolutely go kill him
02:00 That nice
02:04 Are you pushing it? Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah
02:08 Doctor player get on my lobby row literally irrelevant soldier 187
02:18 No way, bro. I think it's a real one
02:20 Wait, I got your lock on
02:24 Right
02:26 Gonna do this for you JB up this for you Jimmy
02:29 Well done well done
02:34 Can you ping me?
02:36 Hey, you're right pretend not it's great to be here, you know, uh, no, I don't think so
02:44 It's not
02:46 Moving with 110 20
02:51 Leave me alone. We shot their butts over there, by the way. Oh shoot. Wait, who you actually
02:58 He's pushing the team over here. I
03:00 Got him. He's gonna come here right now. Come on. How am I getting just like an annoying way?
03:08 Oh
03:10 Probably don't you down if you
03:18 I'm just I'm a sin rest. Are you sending it? No, that's someone else's res
03:21 Amazing
03:24 Yeah, I can get it back. I get it back
03:26 No, it's got one shot
03:29 Ted doctor
03:31 What's that
03:37 No, you're not trying to figure where this guy's at hold up for middle
03:40 He's in he's in here with you
03:45 Now look at it put it outside baby
03:48 It's I think I got it nice
03:52 We could just back out slowly try to fly out. I'm just gone. Hold on. I'm running. I'm running. Yeah, just did you did you did?
03:58 They're all sitting you
04:05 I mean he's one shot. I'm just never got full shield vehicle right there works rez send John to come get me
04:11 It's stay up top in the island to res again. I got a boss up
04:13 You got a head shot. Just look look you get you get you get you sway from the crouch way from the chill. I
04:17 Love that. Love those shots. There's no way they let you get it off now, though
04:31 Yeah, Ross, I try underneath rich maybe it make it
04:35 That guy's weak he's up you he's healing up the guy on the right week
04:42 Or not, why was he running like that? They just love medallions are this huge
04:48 Bro, we should just shoot him bro. Please just stop trying to shoot. He was just in the bush, bro
04:59 It felt like I was using a giant arcade joystick right there for some reason, bro
05:03 I love Jimmy John's subs, bro
05:08 I tell you right now I have a Jimmy John's like Italian number nine and I am in the bathroom in 30 seconds
05:14 Water Legion get to me I have actually I have the best loot that I've best when the game right now
05:21 I have a gold shotgun make it
05:23 Rain, yo, Nick. Let's go brother me
05:27 I
05:29 Come back rain
05:33 Me we would never do that bro. That guy just ran in and I thought we were I thought it was a dude
05:40 What about the guys this guy's not something I outside guys listen to me I got him
05:49 There's another guy right here
05:53 I
05:55 Mean got him
05:58 Not you picking up
06:01 Player player player pushing us right here grenades out
06:05 He's in the house
06:12 Rain
06:15 If you guys I don't know what that is, yeah, it's annoying it's the song it is the worst song of all time
06:21 We're not don't you ever ever? I will the little lady gaga ever again. I've been boys hop in hop on hop in hop on
06:27 These guys are real I into the this guy might these are a that's a solo stream sniper, I think
06:34 That's a solo stream cyber that's running away and trying to snipe us and then yeah, I'm trying to think of let's go back
06:41 Let me a call
06:43 Was right here and he's still here. He still is. Oh, he's just came on the wall
06:46 invisible there for 19
06:49 I
06:51 Don't know
06:55 Like do that's not
07:02 No, she's just right here. Oh, dude, it's a guy it's an
07:06 Not hug for you, bro, right right, but you do be coming to get you
07:10 That was that was it?
07:12 Partly not I am a little bit on
07:14 Edge
07:17 On him
07:19 Big he's awesome, dude. Yeah, what's his name picking up? We're dead lift off
07:27 Let's get Todd
07:32 Good place dead dead dead. They're in heaven now singing with Jesus. Okay, real players real players typing. Yeah, I
07:38 Don't have any movement it wasn't a decent amount
07:43 I
07:45 Couldn't repurse the same stream sniper the fact that he found us twice. It can't be coincidence
07:57 This guy went tower somewhere I'm saying all I've been doing today is just letting JB just do his thing
08:05 I could never be mad at JB bro. Like thank you. No, I like somebody who's you know at that age, bro
08:09 You can't be upset at how they play
08:12 I agree age, excuse me
08:14 We got a guy
08:23 House holy time that from island I gotta go that guy got a reboot. It's a great reaper kid, bro
08:32 I'm literally double king. Yeah
08:34 Don't kill me bro
08:42 Oh
08:43 There's gonna have two on them. I've killed this kid three times this game
08:46 One more fly towards your gas station
08:48 Right here 87 in the sky and bush 100 on them. These kids are so annoying
08:54 By the way, we need to go back towards that gas station immediately before this guy goes and tries to read them again
09:04 I think it's the stream side. It's the same kid brother gonna try to get grim reaper up in the 50th time
09:07 It's just a do-up. Yes. Yes y'all couldn't help but notice your trespassing
09:12 You let me tell him all three all three right on the street
09:24 105 on one as well. I'm gonna like I've had a lock on pistol. They're dead. Let it go man
09:30 105 on him. Hey, dude
09:36 You see what's in a bush don't say I feel stupid AI guys look what's on the bush silver fans
09:41 Okay, just keep running
09:46 Crack them again
09:48 Thank you. Another guy. I got so pants lady Gaga. I'm pretty weak. We weak to be very we cracked him. All right
09:53 Yeah, yeah last guy tonight behind us
09:55 Laser me
10:00 Nice you know row boys do in a row. We're crazy. Oh my goodness, bro
10:06 Oh
10:08 You
10:10 (upbeat music)
10:12 (upbeat music)