00:00:00 (applause)
00:00:05 Father, we thank You for this and other opportunity
00:00:07 to minister to these, Your precious sheep.
00:00:10 Thank You, Lord, that revelation, knowledge,
00:00:12 will flow freely, uninterrupted, and unhindered
00:00:16 by any satanic or demonic force.
00:00:19 And Father, I pray that You will speak through my vocal cords.
00:00:22 Mm, God, think through my mind.
00:00:25 None of me, all of You, is in Jesus' name we pray.
00:00:32 And everybody said, amen.
00:00:35 Praise God.
00:00:36 You can be seated.
00:00:42 If you have your Bibles,
00:00:45 go with me to the book of Romans chapter 11 and verse 6.
00:00:50 I'm gonna read it in the King James, the NIV, and the Amplified.
00:00:55 But I wanna start off with a--I wanna establish this
00:01:00 with a statement.
00:01:02 It's taken a lot of years to understand how to articulate
00:01:11 what we're gonna deal with this morning.
00:01:16 We're gonna talk about what it means to fall from grace.
00:01:24 But there's some things we have to establish first.
00:01:28 And the only way I know how to do it is through the Scripture
00:01:31 and through the Word of God that we believe.
00:01:33 What it means to fall from grace.
00:01:35 We've talked about this in times past,
00:01:38 and it just gets bigger and bigger.
00:01:42 So, I wanna start off by saying this.
00:01:44 I read this statement that grace cannot be grace if making
00:01:50 Christ Lord is made a condition for receiving eternal life.
00:01:55 And that weirded me out, like, okay, wait, wait,
00:01:59 there's a whole lot going on here.
00:02:03 And literally spent days just meditating on it,
00:02:10 fighting it, disagreeing with it, wondering about it.
00:02:15 At one time, I even called it heresy.
00:02:17 I said, "This is--no."
00:02:22 And I was getting ready to work out one day last week.
00:02:24 I walked in, and I told Minister Kinn, I said, "Listen."
00:02:28 I said, "I got something that I've been trying to say,
00:02:31 but I don't know how to say it."
00:02:34 And then in, what, a few seconds,
00:02:36 I understood how to say it.
00:02:38 You know how Jesus walked in, and he said to his mother,
00:02:41 "My time has not come yet," and then it came,
00:02:44 and he turned water into wine?
00:02:47 Here's what it says.
00:02:48 Here's what I believe is going on here.
00:02:52 Grace cannot be grace if there is a condition for receiving it.
00:03:01 Grace cannot be grace if there is a condition for receiving it.
00:03:10 No human effort or performance empowers grace.
00:03:15 And yet, we've gone to churches where we think that God's power
00:03:21 is based on our behavior.
00:03:24 We've gone to churches where we think, "Well, you know,
00:03:27 I'm going to show you the behavior so you can reap
00:03:29 the benefits of his power, and oh, yeah, by the way,
00:03:32 and if you don't do this, then it's going to short-circuit
00:03:35 his power, and I am saying to you that God's power
00:03:38 is not based on your behavior, good or bad.
00:03:46 God's grace is not based on what you do.
00:03:52 No matter how many times I say that,
00:03:54 there are still Christians trying to figure out what to do.
00:03:57 What we do is we believe Jesus, and we learn how to let him
00:04:03 go ahead of us, and we yield to him, and what we do
00:04:06 is whatever he leads us to do as a result of yielding to him.
00:04:10 But we don't do something to try to get him to do something
00:04:13 good to us.
00:04:14 We don't do good in order to get good.
00:04:18 Grace is not based on your salvation,
00:04:23 but your salvation is based on grace.
00:04:29 Now, this is the big part where church is concerned.
00:04:31 Somehow, now that we're all saved and buttoned up real nice,
00:04:37 we think that the grace of God is available to us
00:04:40 because we are saved, but then that would then be put
00:04:43 in a condition on grace.
00:04:46 The grace of God is not based on your salvation.
00:04:50 Your salvation is based on the grace of God.
00:04:55 You were saved, Ephesians chapter 2 and 8,
00:04:58 you were saved by grace through faith.
00:05:04 Your salvation did not make grace available.
00:05:06 You were saved by grace.
00:05:09 Grace was given, and then the beauty of the gift of grace
00:05:16 provided all of these things for you who believe.
00:05:21 This is a right follow me here, because we get in the church
00:05:24 and we think, "Oh, that can't happen 'cause you ain't saved.
00:05:27 God ain't gonna forgive you 'cause you ain't saved.
00:05:30 There's no way you can prosper 'cause you ain't saved."
00:05:32 How many of y'all remember when you were raised in hell that you
00:05:35 bumped into some goodness of God, and when you was raised in
00:05:38 hell, you bumped into some goodness, and it convicted you?
00:05:41 You were like, "I don't even know how that happened."
00:05:46 I want to take you through the Scripture, and I want to show
00:05:48 you that grace was extended to the whole world,
00:05:56 even people who had yet received him.
00:05:59 Grace was given to me before I believed, before I got saved.
00:06:03 Grace was given to a fallen world.
00:06:09 This is a right follow me here.
00:06:11 All right, let's go through these real quick.
00:06:13 Romans 11, verse 6, in the King James NIV and Amplified.
00:06:17 I want to spend a little special time with this.
00:06:19 King James says, "But if by grace,
00:06:21 then it is no more of works.
00:06:25 Otherwise, grace is no more grace.
00:06:28 But if it be of works, then is it no more grace.
00:06:33 Otherwise, work is no more work."
00:06:35 So, if you did something to get it, grace ain't involved.
00:06:38 You earned that.
00:06:40 That's yours.
00:06:41 Look at it in the next translation, NIV.
00:06:45 "And if by grace, then it cannot be based on works.
00:06:50 If by grace, it cannot be based on works.
00:06:53 If it were, grace would no longer be grace."
00:06:58 Wow.
00:07:00 And then they amplified.
00:07:04 "But if it is by grace, his unmerited favor and graciousness,
00:07:09 it is no longer conditioned on works or anything men have done.
00:07:16 Otherwise, grace would no more or no longer be grace.
00:07:21 It would be meaningless."
00:07:25 Wow.
00:07:27 Come on, while we're in the Scriptures,
00:07:29 let's move through it.
00:07:30 Let's move through 1 John chapter 2, verse 1 through 2.
00:07:34 I want you to see what Jesus did for people that were not saved.
00:07:40 I want you to see what people did for the world,
00:07:44 for the whole world.
00:07:46 1 John chapter 2 and verse 1.
00:07:51 "My little children, these things write unto you,
00:07:54 that you sin not.
00:07:56 And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father,
00:07:59 the righteous," and he is the propitiation.
00:08:04 He is the ransom that was paid for you.
00:08:08 He is the peace offering that was paid for you.
00:08:11 He is the compensation.
00:08:13 That's what propitiation means.
00:08:15 He's the compensation for all of your sins.
00:08:19 He's the sin offering for all of your sins.
00:08:22 So, we're thinking, "Well, this is just talking about church people."
00:08:25 He says, "And not for ours only, but also for the sins of the
00:08:30 whole world that ain't even saved."
00:08:33 Are you following me?
00:08:38 Everybody on the bus.
00:08:40 St. John chapter 129.
00:08:42 Stay on the bus.
00:08:43 We got a ways to travel now.
00:08:45 St. John 129.
00:08:47 "The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and he saith,"
00:08:54 here's what John the Baptist says, he says,
00:08:56 "Behold, the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the
00:09:01 whole world."
00:09:03 Here is the torment of going to hell.
00:09:06 Going to hell when all of your sins have been taken away from
00:09:11 you, and the only reason you went is 'cause you wouldn't
00:09:14 receive the gift.
00:09:17 You know how tormenting that is?
00:09:19 For you to get to hell when Jesus has taken away the sins
00:09:23 of the whole world.
00:09:24 Not the sins of those of you who got saved.
00:09:26 You think your sins were dealt with when you just got saved,
00:09:30 and they were, but he said he came to take away the sins.
00:09:34 This was made available to everybody in the world.
00:09:37 Everybody in the world has had their sins taken away,
00:09:43 but the only reason you go to hell,
00:09:45 because you won't believe in the one who took them away.
00:09:48 I know this sounds strange.
00:09:54 Come on, stay with me.
00:09:55 Romans 5 and 8, Romans 5 and 8.
00:09:59 A seminarian in here is going to freak out today.
00:10:03 You may try to pull your hair out by the time I finish.
00:10:07 "No, no, no."
00:10:08 It's like, "Yes, yes, yes."
00:10:10 But God commended his love toward us in that while we were
00:10:16 yet sinners.
00:10:19 What happened?
00:10:20 When did he die for you?
00:10:23 When you was a sinner.
00:10:24 He did what he did when you and I were sinners.
00:10:29 He didn't do what he did when y'all got born again,
00:10:31 start talking in tongues, and start treating folks right.
00:10:34 He died for you while you were a no-good-for-nothing,
00:10:38 hell-raising, hoist sinner.
00:10:45 He didn't need nothing from you for him to make that available.
00:10:49 He said, "I'm going to make it available,
00:10:52 then I'm going to work on you to see if I can get you
00:10:55 to receive it."
00:11:00 Come on, Titus chapter 2 and 11.
00:11:05 Titus chapter 2 and 11.
00:11:10 This is interesting here.
00:11:12 "For the grace of God," look what grace brought,
00:11:17 "that bringeth salvation."
00:11:19 Salvation didn't bring grace.
00:11:21 "The grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared"--to
00:11:26 world changers folks only, for talking in tongues people only.
00:11:32 "The grace of God has appeared unto all men."
00:11:38 So, everybody on the planet has access to this gift of grace.
00:11:48 It's appeared to every man.
00:11:50 Unfortunately, not every man has received it or accepted it yet.
00:11:57 But every man, there is no man that'll ever come on this
00:12:01 planet that grace has not been made available to him.
00:12:08 St. John chapter 1 and 9.
00:12:12 St. John chapter 1 and 9.
00:12:14 Dog, I feel like we in class.
00:12:16 What is this?
00:12:21 "That was the true light."
00:12:23 Now, the context here is John the Baptist was baptizing and he
00:12:27 was talking that Jesus is the true light and that he's just
00:12:30 a witness of the light.
00:12:31 And he said in verse 9, "That was the true light which lighteth
00:12:35 every man that cometh into the world."
00:12:38 Every man has access to this light.
00:12:43 Every man.
00:12:45 Hebrews chapter 2 and 9.
00:12:49 Hebrews chapter 2 and 9.
00:12:52 Are you getting where I'm taking you right now?
00:12:54 You understand this?
00:12:56 Hebrews chapter 2 and 9 says, "But we see Jesus, who was made
00:12:59 a little lower than Elohim."
00:13:02 That's God.
00:13:04 The Greek word there is Elohim.
00:13:07 "A little lower than Elohim for the sufferings of death, crowned
00:13:11 with glory and honor, that he by the grace of God should taste
00:13:19 death only for church people."
00:13:22 For every man.
00:13:28 And then finally, John 17 and 3.
00:13:31 John 17 and 3.
00:13:34 "And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only
00:13:46 true God, and that they might know Jesus Christ, whom thou
00:13:51 hast sent."
00:13:53 This is eternal life.
00:13:56 To know Jesus.
00:13:59 That's eternal life.
00:14:02 To know Jesus.
00:14:04 The day you get born again, you have stepped into eternal life.
00:14:10 We relate to eternal life as the unlimited time or something.
00:14:17 No, no.
00:14:18 Jesus is eternal.
00:14:21 Jesus is life eternal for those who have received him, and
00:14:27 eternal life has been extended to every man.
00:14:34 The world cannot know grace as long as they find sufficiency
00:14:40 and merit in man's efforts, in man's works,
00:14:44 in man's performance.
00:14:46 You cannot know grace if you keep trying to earn what cannot
00:14:54 be earned, and grace cannot be earned.
00:14:58 There is no seven steps to earn grace.
00:15:03 If you have seven steps to earn grace, it's not grace that
00:15:07 you're earning.
00:15:08 You're earning maybe a paycheck.
00:15:10 You're earning maybe something, but you're not earning grace
00:15:13 'cause it cannot be earned.
00:15:15 It is a gift that could only be presented by the eternal
00:15:20 perfection of the Lord Jesus Christ.
00:15:25 Grace could only be given by someone who has that.
00:15:31 It was God, the Word.
00:15:33 "In the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God,
00:15:36 and the Word was God, and the Word became flesh,
00:15:40 and the Word that became flesh delivered grace and truth to a
00:15:47 bunch of people who didn't deserve it."
00:15:50 And you've received a gift.
00:15:57 If you've received it, a gift is available to you who don't
00:16:03 deserve it, and one of the reasons why people are not saved
00:16:06 right now is 'cause religion has put so many qualifications
00:16:11 and conditions on Jesus.
00:16:16 And I'm telling you it's a lie.
00:16:19 If you put conditions on grace--and I say Jesus now
00:16:24 because grace is not a principle.
00:16:27 It is a person.
00:16:30 Jesus, full of grace and truth.
00:16:32 So, when I talk grace, I'm not talking about a subject matter.
00:16:36 I'm not talking about a curriculum matter.
00:16:39 I'm talking about a person.
00:16:41 So, every time you see Jesus doing anything, that's grace.
00:16:46 Grace showed up, wrapped up in flesh to present to a fallen
00:16:53 man something he can't earn or deserves.
00:17:00 Grace showed up to say, "I'm going to do for you what you
00:17:05 cannot do.
00:17:07 I'm going to give to you what you cannot earn, and I'm going
00:17:12 to take you to a place you cannot go without me.
00:17:19 And all I want you to do is believe it."
00:17:26 And you keep saying, "I believe," but then, you know,
00:17:30 God helps those who help themselves.
00:17:32 All right, grace has ceased.
00:17:33 You want no grace now 'cause you keep going back to something
00:17:39 you have to do to deserve it.
00:17:43 And that freaks church minds out 'cause you got to do
00:17:45 something, you got to do something, and then you go to
00:17:48 the obvious thing, "Well, what about this?
00:17:50 Do you just sit around?"
00:17:51 No, you don't sit around.
00:17:53 You trust God, and then you trust God to show you what to do.
00:17:56 You trust God, and you trust God to lead and guide you.
00:17:59 You trust God.
00:18:00 Our life is a life of trusting God.
00:18:02 It's not a life of, "Let me come up.
00:18:04 I got five things I know I can do to get myself, get God to do
00:18:07 something good for me."
00:18:08 And then if the good should happen because of grace, and at
00:18:11 the same time you did three or four things, you're going to
00:18:14 give credit to the three or four things that you gave.
00:18:16 That's why he said, "Don't boast."
00:18:20 You were saved by grace, not of yourself.
00:18:23 It's a gift of God.
00:18:24 So, you can't boast about a gift of God 'cause you didn't do
00:18:27 nothing to get the gift of God.
00:18:29 But we got--listen carefully in church.
00:18:31 There's a lot of boasting, a lot of boasting, boasting about
00:18:36 what you did in the prayer closet, boasting about, you
00:18:39 know, what you gave, and you ought to do like I do.
00:18:42 That's where you're getting to.
00:18:43 Do like I do.
00:18:44 If you would give like I give, then you have the business like
00:18:47 I have.
00:18:48 And I know people who've given better than you've given, and
00:18:51 they still ain't got what you got because it is not predicated
00:18:54 on your effort.
00:18:56 If you understand that, say, "Amen."
00:19:12 When those resources ends, when that happens, provision to
00:19:25 satisfy man's need begins.
00:19:28 Let's look at the first miracle in John chapter 2.
00:19:32 First miracle in John chapter 2, verse 3 and then 7 and 9.
00:19:40 All right, now watch this.
00:19:42 Here's the miracle.
00:19:43 You remember that, the water and the wine.
00:19:45 "And when they wanted wine, the mother of Jesus said unto him,
00:19:47 'They have no wine.'"
00:19:51 Something happens when you have no more performance.
00:19:58 Look what happened, verse 7 through 9.
00:20:01 Of course, Jesus responded to the closest person to him and
00:20:05 said--he said to his mother, "Woman, do you know what I'm
00:20:09 saying?"
00:20:10 He said to his mother, "Woman, that ain't none of our business."
00:20:15 "Jesus said unto them, 'Fill the water pots.'"
00:20:18 Now, at least Mary was wise enough to say, "All right, it
00:20:21 might not be none of my business, but whatever he tell you to do."
00:20:25 And that's the way of grace.
00:20:28 That's what we should be doing now as Christians.
00:20:30 "Well, what do you do?"
00:20:31 "Whatever he tells you to do."
00:20:32 "Well, I can't hear him."
00:20:34 "Well, spend more time with him."
00:20:38 It's not an excuse for you to go on and try to perform, so you've
00:20:41 created your own method of how to walk with Christ.
00:20:46 "Jesus said unto them, 'Fill the water pots with water.'
00:20:50 And they filled them up to the brim.
00:20:53 And he says unto them, 'Draw out now and bear unto the governor
00:20:57 of the feast.'
00:20:58 And then they bear it out," did everything he said.
00:21:02 "When the ruler of the feast--" I tell you what, it's important
00:21:05 to do what God says.
00:21:06 I'm just thinking about the time when we had a Friday night
00:21:09 service over in the school where we had our church started, and
00:21:12 in the middle of the service, God said, "Go to Atlanta Baptist,"
00:21:15 which was that chapel over there, "and say this to them."
00:21:19 And I went over there, and I said what God told me to say,
00:21:22 and then they came out of their meeting, and they said,
00:21:25 "How would you like to move in on Thanksgiving?"
00:21:28 What if I went and did that?
00:21:30 What if I thought, "Well, no, I'm gonna get my lawyers together,
00:21:33 and I'm gonna get--" I already had them.
00:21:35 I had this lady for two years.
00:21:36 She couldn't get no money no where selling bonds.
00:21:38 It wasn't working.
00:21:39 We didn't qualify for nothing.
00:21:41 We were too young and too broke to qualify for anything.
00:21:43 It was gonna take a miracle.
00:21:44 I went to CNS Bank.
00:21:46 Anybody remember the CNS Bank?
00:21:47 I went to CNS Bank down the street.
00:21:49 I told the lady, I said, "I need a loan," after God told me
00:21:52 don't borrow no money.
00:21:53 And I went in there.
00:21:54 I'm gonna help him out.
00:21:55 He don't know I'm in the physical world, and we need a loan.
00:21:58 We can't be Shaka Zulu in here.
00:22:00 Ain't no people ain't need-- Black folk ain't been no Shaka Zulu
00:22:03 here.
00:22:04 You gotta give some money.
00:22:05 And I went out there, and I said, "Ma'am, you know,
00:22:08 I need money."
00:22:09 She said--she said--looked at the record.
00:22:11 She said, "Ooh, you don't qualify for nothing."
00:22:15 And I said--I mean, not even $95 I ain't qualify for nothing.
00:22:21 And she said, "You ain't never gonna get this money for this."
00:22:24 And she did something to me, and I stood up over her desk,
00:22:28 and I said, "You watch and see."
00:22:31 Now, wait, wait, wait.
00:22:32 I had to go through all of that, and then I said, "All right,
00:22:35 Lord, we'll do it your way."
00:22:36 Don't--don't have to be turned down by the world before you
00:22:41 back up and finally submit to God.
00:22:44 [applause]
00:22:49 [congregation murmuring]
00:22:57 "And when the ruler of the feast had tasted this water that was
00:23:00 made wine, and knew not whence it was, but the servants which
00:23:04 drew the water they knew, and the governor of the feast
00:23:08 called the bridegroom," look what he said, "saith unto him,
00:23:11 'Every man at the beginning does set forth good wine,
00:23:14 and when men have well drunk, then they--which is worse,
00:23:19 but thou hast kept the good wine until now.'"
00:23:28 Isn't it something that they had to run out of their supply
00:23:34 before they could encounter God's supply?
00:23:40 So, while you're sitting there continuing to try to help God
00:23:44 out with your effort and performance,
00:23:46 you know what God's doing?
00:23:47 Waiting until you run out.
00:23:50 Waiting until you come to an end of yourself,
00:23:53 waiting until you run out of all your ideals,
00:23:55 waiting until your edumacation gets dried up.
00:23:58 He's waiting until all of that happens,
00:24:00 and when it all runs out, then if you'll listen to him
00:24:04 carefully, he'll tell you what to do,
00:24:07 and he gonna release his supply in your life.
00:24:10 A lot of Christians don't get no God's supply because they're
00:24:14 more confident in their own supply.
00:24:18 I pray for you, church, that you run out of your supply.
00:24:22 God, help me to run out of my supply.
00:24:31 Help me to run out of my ideas unless they come from you.
00:24:35 Help me to run out of my performance unless it's
00:24:39 something you told me to do.
00:24:40 And I watch this.
00:24:46 Look at John 6, 28 in the NLT.
00:24:49 John 6, 28 and 29 in the NLT.
00:24:52 "But, brother, I don't know what to do."
00:24:54 I mean, what you supposed to do?
00:24:57 Well, I'll tell you what you're not supposed to do.
00:24:59 You're not supposed to try to get grace to operate through
00:25:03 your effort, your performance, and your works.
00:25:06 What am I supposed to do?
00:25:08 Well, Jesus tells us here.
00:25:09 They had just seen the miracle of the bread and the fish and the
00:25:15 bread multiply, and they replied,
00:25:18 "We want to perform God's works."
00:25:21 That's the whole church right there.
00:25:22 They want to perform God's works.
00:25:26 They said, "What should we do?"
00:25:28 Pretty good question.
00:25:30 Jesus told them, "This is the only work God wants from you.
00:25:38 Believe in the one he has sent."
00:25:44 Man, that's hard for church folks to get.
00:25:49 "Believe in the one that he has sent."
00:25:54 Well, what's happening to why I believe in him?
00:25:57 Philippians 2, 13 in the NLT.
00:26:00 Philippians 2, 13 in the NLT.
00:26:08 "For God is working in you."
00:26:10 Say, "God's working in me."
00:26:12 Say it again, "God's working in me."
00:26:18 What is he doing?
00:26:19 He's giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him.
00:26:26 Say it again, "God's working in me."
00:26:29 So, what is it exactly is he working on?
00:26:31 He's working on your desires.
00:26:32 He's working on changing your desires because the things you
00:26:37 do most of the time you're doing because of the desire you have.
00:26:41 So, God says, "I'm gonna change your desire, and you're gonna
00:26:44 want to do what pleases me."
00:26:46 And right now you might not want to do what pleases him.
00:26:49 You might wanna do what pleases you.
00:26:53 He's working on your desire.
00:26:55 Believe him, he's working on the desire.
00:26:58 He's working on the desire so you can now trust your heart.
00:27:08 Maybe it was hard for you to trust your heart before you got
00:27:11 saved, but now that you're saved and you have a new creation in
00:27:13 you, and you have this desire to do something that's born out of
00:27:17 that new heart, you can trust it.
00:27:20 "Oh, wow, I really have a desire to work with children."
00:27:23 And you can--you say, "Well, what's the will of God?"
00:27:25 Well, trust your heart.
00:27:27 The will of God just came out of your heart.
00:27:28 It just--you can trust it now, before you couldn't trust it.
00:27:31 A lot of you have these--the will of God's coming out of your
00:27:35 heart, of that new creation, telling you what to do,
00:27:38 telling you what to go, and you won't do it 'cause you're
00:27:40 scared.
00:27:41 You wanna hear something through your head, and he speaks through
00:27:44 your heart, and you can trust your heart if you'll--you can
00:27:51 trust your heart.
00:27:52 It's not in your heart for no reason at all.
00:27:57 It's in your heart because you're now born again.
00:27:59 It's in your heart 'cause the old man has been removed and the
00:28:02 new man is on the inside.
00:28:03 It's in your heart because you wanna please God.
00:28:06 It's in your heart because you believe in Jesus.
00:28:08 It's in your heart because you're renewing your mind, and
00:28:11 then out of your heart, the will of God comes, and you can trust
00:28:14 it.
00:28:15 You don't need to go and fleece God.
00:28:17 Well, if that's really the truth, I can't tell you.
00:28:20 I went to God the other week, and I apologized, and then--and
00:28:24 still asking for a fleece.
00:28:27 I said, "Lord, I apologize," but I done confused myself.
00:28:30 Anybody ever did that?
00:28:33 I done confused myself.
00:28:36 Now, I thought you said turn right.
00:28:38 I went right, but I went halfway.
00:28:40 Then I went back and turned left, and then I went to my
00:28:43 heart after I did all of that, and then I thought my heart was
00:28:46 saying this, "I need a fleece."
00:28:48 Somebody said, "What do you mean?"
00:28:51 Well, God, if you want me to do that, then let that happen, and
00:28:54 if that don't happen, then I know.
00:28:57 Don't look at me like you ain't never did that.
00:29:02 And then I looked back.
00:29:04 There were some things in my heart, and it happened, and I
00:29:07 didn't do it, and the reason why I didn't do it, because I had
00:29:11 something else in my heart, bitterness.
00:29:15 Bitterness is unforgiveness that has simmered.
00:29:20 You forgot it was there.
00:29:26 Now, I'm setting you up for the answer to the question, "What
00:29:32 does it mean to fall from grace?"
00:29:36 But you got to understand how this thing works in
00:29:43 relationships.
00:29:44 Let's look at one more, and we'll get busy answering
00:29:47 that question.
00:29:48 Ephesians 1, 5 through 6 in the NLT.
00:29:51 Ephesians 1, 5 through 6 in the NLT.
00:29:53 So, you can trust your heart.
00:29:55 You're born again.
00:29:56 You're seeking God.
00:29:57 He's changing your--check it.
00:29:59 Go back, if you will.
00:30:01 And somebody says, "Well, did God give you the fleece?"
00:30:03 No, you know that.
00:30:06 I was just seeing if he might have--was feeling generous
00:30:09 today.
00:30:10 I'm not doing that.
00:30:11 It just indicated I needed to grow some more.
00:30:20 Look at this.
00:30:21 God decided in advance to adopt us into his own family.
00:30:29 And when God adopts us, it's not us having different DNA
00:30:33 than him.
00:30:36 He adopts us as adult children with the same DNA.
00:30:42 He adopts us into his own family by bringing us to himself,
00:30:45 how through Jesus Christ.
00:30:47 This is what he wanted to do, and he gave--and it gave him
00:30:52 great pleasure to do it.
00:30:55 So, we praise God for the glorious grace he has poured out
00:31:02 on us who belong to his dear son.
00:31:07 I praise God for the glorious grace that's been poured out
00:31:11 on me because I received it.
00:31:14 Many have yet to receive it.
00:31:17 Every man has gotten it, but many have not yet received it.
00:31:25 Now, what does it mean to fall from grace?
00:31:29 And you'll see why we had to do that first.
00:31:31 Go to Hebrews chapter 12, verse 14 through 17.
00:31:38 Hebrews 12, verse 14 and 17.
00:31:42 All right, watch very carefully now.
00:31:45 All right, put your thinker on.
00:31:50 No, do that in the King James.
00:31:54 Hebrews 12, 14 in the King James.
00:31:59 He said, "Follow peace with all men and holiness,
00:32:05 without which no man shall see the Lord," colon.
00:32:11 It's not complete yet, right?
00:32:13 You got to read the other side of the colon,
00:32:14 what he's talking about.
00:32:15 So, so far he said, "Follow peace with all men,
00:32:17 follow holiness, without no man shall see the Lord."
00:32:21 A lot of guys like to see that.
00:32:22 Say, "See that?
00:32:23 See that?
00:32:24 You got to be holy if you're going to see God.
00:32:26 You got to be holy if you're going to see God."
00:32:27 Read the whole thing.
00:32:30 "Follow peace with all men and holiness,
00:32:33 for without no man will receive the Lord," see,
00:32:36 "the Lord," colon, "finish the thought,
00:32:40 looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God."
00:32:45 If you'll look somewhere in your Bible,
00:32:47 the Greek translation here is,
00:32:49 "If any man fall from the grace of God."
00:32:53 Look diligently lest any man fall from the grace of God.
00:32:58 "Lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you,
00:33:02 and thereby many be defiled," semicolon,
00:33:06 still ain't finished, "lest there be any fornication
00:33:10 or profane person as Esau, who for one morsel of meat
00:33:15 sold his birthright."
00:33:20 Now, here's what he's saying.
00:33:23 This verse doesn't end with a period.
00:33:28 Verse 14, it ends with a colon.
00:33:33 It goes on to say, "Looking carefully that you don't fall
00:33:40 from the grace of God."
00:33:41 So, the way to pursue peace and the way to walk in holiness
00:33:46 is to make sure you don't fall from the grace of God.
00:33:52 If you're going to pursue peace, don't fall from the grace of God
00:33:56 because to pursue peace, you better have the grace of God.
00:34:01 How many of you have tried to pursue peace in your own effort
00:34:07 and it got worse?
00:34:10 He said, "Don't fall from the grace of God
00:34:13 if you're going to pursue peace, and don't fall from the grace
00:34:17 of God if you're going to pursue holiness,"
00:34:23 because you're not going to be able to pursue holiness or peace
00:34:27 if you fall from the grace of God.
00:34:29 It's going to take the grace of God to pursue holiness
00:34:32 and peace.
00:34:33 You're going to need the grace of God to pursue holiness
00:34:36 and to pursue peace.
00:34:38 So, sometimes, like I said, they make it sound like you don't
00:34:42 have holiness.
00:34:43 If you don't have holiness, you're going to go to hell.
00:34:46 And not knowing that the gospel says that if it's not a matter
00:34:49 of holiness, but it's a matter of do you believe the gospel.
00:34:53 It's a matter of the good news about Jesus Christ
00:34:56 on the cross.
00:34:57 It's a matter about shedding the blood,
00:34:59 now, the shedding of His blood.
00:35:01 Now, notice what he says here.
00:35:03 If you want to pursue peace, if you want to pursue holiness,
00:35:07 don't fall from the grace of God because if you fall from
00:35:11 the grace of God, that's what he said, "Lest any,"
00:35:16 if you do this, this will happen.
00:35:18 If you fall from the grace of God,
00:35:21 a root of bitterness will spring up, spring up,
00:35:27 which lets you know this is going to be a process.
00:35:31 Bitterness don't let you know it's there until later.
00:35:34 Somebody did something to you and you being religious say,
00:35:42 "I forgive you," but it didn't.
00:35:44 You didn't really.
00:35:45 You didn't really deal with that.
00:35:48 It was still there simmering.
00:35:52 And if you ever want to find out if that's true,
00:35:55 if that issue come up in an argument,
00:35:58 it ain't been dealt with.
00:36:00 It's still there.
00:36:05 How many times you're going to bring that up?
00:36:07 It's saying it's still there, and the problem with it still
00:36:11 being there and you're falling from grace?
00:36:15 See, you're falling from grace.
00:36:17 Oh, bashala, bashala.
00:36:19 Let's see.
00:36:24 Okay, let me just say this and then I can define what it means
00:36:27 to fall from grace, you'll understand.
00:36:29 But when you fall from grace, pursuing peace is going to
00:36:32 become a challenge.
00:36:33 Walking holy going to become a challenge,
00:36:35 'cause you need grace to walk holy 'cause you're imperfect.
00:36:38 You're not going to be able to do that without the grace of God.
00:36:41 But also, a root of bitterness will come in,
00:36:45 and you look up one day and your wife has committed adultery.
00:36:50 Somebody said, "That just happened."
00:36:52 No, it didn't.
00:36:53 That's been simmering the whole time.
00:36:58 And if you don't restore your position in grace,
00:37:03 a manifestation of bitterness will be the results.
00:37:09 A lot of people don't understand this trick of the devil,
00:37:15 fall from grace, root of bitterness, manifestation of--
00:37:24 'cause what bitterness is is you hurt me,
00:37:27 and I'm going to do something to hurt you back.
00:37:32 Now, let's look at what it is.
00:37:38 Go to Galatians chapter 5, verse 4.
00:37:43 Galatians chapter 5, verse 4.
00:37:50 Okay.
00:37:56 All right, y'all, let's dig.
00:37:57 Ready?
00:37:59 "Christ is become of no effect."
00:38:05 Who in the world wants to hear that?
00:38:08 When you're sick, no effect.
00:38:11 When in trouble, Christ has become of no effect.
00:38:13 That's the one I'm supposed to depend on.
00:38:15 Christ has become of no effect.
00:38:18 "Whosoever of you are justified by the law,
00:38:23 you are fallen from grace."
00:38:29 Now, what we have heard on television and on the news is
00:38:33 when somebody falls into sin, they--the topic is such and so,
00:38:41 such and so fell from grace because they fell into sin.
00:38:45 The truth is is when you fall into sin,
00:38:47 you just fell into grace, or they potentially.
00:38:51 To fall from grace means that you fall back into trying to be
00:38:57 justified by the law, or you fall back into your self-effort.
00:39:03 You fall back into depending on your performance.
00:39:06 You fall back in depending on your works.
00:39:10 He said, "Christ is become of no effect of you."
00:39:13 Why?
00:39:14 He can't have effect in your life.
00:39:16 Why?
00:39:17 Because you think that you can.
00:39:21 You have fallen from grace because you have fallen back to
00:39:26 your old way.
00:39:27 You have fallen back to trying to do things on your own.
00:39:31 You have fallen back to trying to accomplish things
00:39:34 on your own.
00:39:35 You have fallen from grace when you go back into trying to
00:39:40 perform and trying to get God to perform based on your
00:39:44 performance.
00:39:45 You have fallen from grace, and Christ can't have no effect.
00:39:48 You've fallen from grace because you've got ten things to do to
00:39:51 deal with this, but Christ says that can't have no effect.
00:39:56 See, when you work to try to make something happen,
00:39:59 you deserve the payment for it.
00:40:02 What it is is you went to work, and you deserve to pay.
00:40:07 But if Christ will do it, you can't work.
00:40:11 You've fallen from grace.
00:40:13 So now you're operating in your religion trying to figure out
00:40:17 why you ain't having no effect, why nothing's working,
00:40:19 why this ain't happening.
00:40:21 We want to go out and operate in the flesh,
00:40:24 and we want to go out and perform,
00:40:26 and then after we finish performing,
00:40:28 "Oh, God, bless this," you know what happens?
00:40:30 He can't.
00:40:32 And you're blaming it on Jesus ain't real.
00:40:35 No, you have chosen to be justified by the law,
00:40:40 by works, by performance, and when you do that,
00:40:43 Christ has no effect.
00:40:45 Somebody says, "No, the reason why Christ doesn't have any
00:40:54 effect is because of sin."
00:41:01 That's all they do.
00:41:02 Sin, sin is the reason why you didn't get the promotion.
00:41:07 I lost some weight so my cheeks don't jiggle like they used to.
00:41:12 Sin.
00:41:19 The reason why that business idea didn't work, sin, sin.
00:41:25 Sin is the reason why you having problems with your children.
00:41:29 Sin is the reason why you're having problems in your marriage.
00:41:33 Sin, sin.
00:41:36 And I want to say to old Shaky Jaws,
00:41:38 "Well, why you got problems?
00:41:41 Is it sin?"
00:41:53 If it is sin, and I'll show you in a minute,
00:41:57 how come Jesus was able to go to certain villages full of sinners
00:42:04 and heal everybody in the village?
00:42:08 Well, nobody saved because he had not yet died in mid-race.
00:42:16 Test, okay.
00:42:19 Yeah, that devil freaking out today.
00:42:24 If you can see in the spirit realm,
00:42:26 there are angels surrounding me and demons trying to get in.
00:42:28 "Shut him up, shut him up.
00:42:30 Kill him.
00:42:31 Pull his hair.
00:42:32 Shut him up."
00:42:34 And angels over there doing a Hymn to the Hamlet.
00:42:36 "You can't touch this."
00:42:37 No, no, no, no, all around him.
00:42:43 He went to villages and healed--Jesus healed them all.
00:42:49 Nobody was saved.
00:42:53 And then on one occasion, he went to a village,
00:42:57 and the Bible says he could not do many marvelous works
00:43:03 because of their unbelief in him.
00:43:10 Now, go to Hebrews chapter 9.
00:43:11 Let me show you something here.
00:43:16 Now, if this is your first time in our church,
00:43:18 you're probably freaking out like,
00:43:20 "I feel like I'm in a classroom."
00:43:21 You are, you're in a classroom.
00:43:23 "I don't holler 'cause I mess my throat up.
00:43:25 I don't scream 'cause I get a headache.
00:43:26 I do that when I get excited,
00:43:27 but I always pay for it when I get home.
00:43:29 I just--" All right, now listen to this now.
00:43:37 Hebrews chapter 9, verse 12 through 14.
00:43:44 "Neither by the blood of goats and calves,
00:43:46 but by his own blood he entered in once into the holy place,
00:43:51 having obtained eternal redemption for us.
00:43:55 For if the blood of bulls--"
00:43:57 Now, he's talking about sacrificial offerings.
00:43:59 "If the blood of bulls and of goats and the ashes of a heifer
00:44:03 sprinkling the unclean sanctifies to the purifying
00:44:07 of the flesh, how much more shall the blood of Christ,
00:44:13 who through the eternal Spirit offered himself
00:44:17 without spot to God, how much more can he purge
00:44:22 your conscience from dead works to serve the living God?"
00:44:30 Dead works, what are dead works?
00:44:32 Dead works are the works that you do to try to deserve
00:44:40 what God has for you.
00:44:43 And it says your conscience, the blood of Jesus wants to purge
00:44:47 your conscience from the dead works, you in your conscience
00:44:52 thinking, "I have to do something to deserve it."
00:45:00 And that's religion.
00:45:03 Don't you see?
00:45:04 That's church.
00:45:07 You know, if you don't believe me, take next week off.
00:45:10 Pick a church.
00:45:12 Do it on Wednesday.
00:45:13 Pick a church.
00:45:20 And just sit there, and it will be a work-based gospel.
00:45:27 It will be a performance-based gospel which says,
00:45:30 "You have to do this if you want God to do that."
00:45:34 That's called dead works.
00:45:36 It says, "You got to be good if you want God to be good to you."
00:45:42 That's dead works.
00:45:43 That's not grace at all.
00:45:45 And when you do that, Christ has no effect.
00:45:52 Nobody wants to hear that.
00:45:54 You spend time praying, no effect in prayer life,
00:45:56 no effect of prayer life.
00:45:58 You spend time doing whatever you do, but no effect of prayer
00:46:02 life because you keep doing things to earn it.
00:46:08 It's dead works.
00:46:10 It's dead on arrival.
00:46:13 Look at Romans chapter 10, verse 3.
00:46:18 Romans chapter 10, verse 3.
00:46:22 "Falling into grace is falling into the law-based condition."
00:46:29 Okay?
00:46:30 Condition.
00:46:31 The law was conditional.
00:46:33 It means you had to meet a condition in order to get
00:46:37 the promise.
00:46:39 That is true under the old covenant.
00:46:42 Under the old covenant, there were conditions that you had
00:46:45 to meet, and if you wanted to be blessed,
00:46:47 then you would have to do this.
00:46:49 "If thou," that was the key, "if thou," "if thou."
00:46:52 If you want to be blessed, "if thou," "if thou,"
00:46:54 but if thou not, you're going to either be blessed or cursed
00:46:58 based on you meeting the condition
00:47:00 or not meeting the condition.
00:47:02 If you meet the conditions under the law,
00:47:04 then you would be blessed.
00:47:06 If you didn't meet the conditions under the law,
00:47:08 you would curse, and a lot of people died 'cause they couldn't
00:47:11 meet the conditions because the condition
00:47:13 was not able to be met.
00:47:19 That's why you died for complaining.
00:47:21 "I don't want this chicken there."
00:47:26 Fall dead.
00:47:27 You'd have like, "What I'm doing here?
00:47:29 I just said I didn't like the chicken."
00:47:31 Complaining.
00:47:32 Or you went and sat down at the bottom of the mountain
00:47:35 after he told you not to do it.
00:47:37 You're dead, 'cause he was trying to show you when in
00:47:43 Exodus 19 and 8, the Word of the Lord came from Moses,
00:47:48 and they responded like this, "We can do it.
00:47:51 We don't need God.
00:47:53 We can do it."
00:47:55 And literally, all hell broke loose with perfection.
00:48:00 God says, "I'm going to give you something so perfect
00:48:03 that you cannot do,
00:48:05 and until you come to an end of yourself,
00:48:08 I got to prove to you you can't do this."
00:48:12 And there are churches today, I've heard preachers say,
00:48:15 "I keep all the commandments."
00:48:18 There's 613 of them.
00:48:19 You don't even know all of them.
00:48:22 You don't even know all of them.
00:48:26 Nobody has ever kept all the law except for one man,
00:48:32 our champion, Jesus Christ.
00:48:40 What is going on in the pulpit?
00:48:42 It's like, "They think I'm nuts."
00:48:45 "Oh, this guy has lost his mind talking about that the law is
00:48:53 the ministration of death."
00:48:55 I didn't say that.
00:48:56 The Bible said that.
00:48:58 The Bible took that which was written on stone.
00:49:02 What was written on stone?
00:49:03 The Ten Commandments.
00:49:04 He said it's the ministry of death.
00:49:06 It's supposed to administer death because it's perfect,
00:49:09 and he's trying to show you that you can't do it.
00:49:12 You can't do nothing but die because you can't keep this.
00:49:15 This is going to kill you because imperfect.
00:49:17 You're trying to keep something that's fallen.
00:49:19 What I wrote on stone is me.
00:49:21 It's my character.
00:49:22 It's my perfection.
00:49:23 And you're that arrogant?
00:49:24 You think you got it like that?
00:49:28 I sent this to you to kill you.
00:49:33 It freaks people out to kill you,
00:49:35 to bring you to an end of yourself,
00:49:37 to knock you on your face until you say, "Okay, God,
00:49:41 I need you."
00:49:43 God came down to speak to them, and they couldn't even bear it.
00:49:46 It was driving them nuts, and they were begging him,
00:49:48 "Please don't let him speak to us no more.
00:49:50 We'll listen to Moses."
00:49:55 You cannot stand in the perfection and the pure holiness
00:50:01 of an awesome God after you have fallen into sin.
00:50:05 You can't do that.
00:50:09 So Jesus showed up to do what you could not do and said,
00:50:15 "Now you come on into me, and I'm going to get on the inside
00:50:17 of you, and we ain't got to hide behind no rocks.
00:50:21 I'm going to be the presence of God in you,
00:50:24 and it ain't going to kill you, hallelujah,
00:50:27 because I am your Savior."
00:50:35 Have we read Romans 10 through yet?
00:50:44 40 years ago, this would be a three-hour sermon,
00:50:48 but I done got sense.
00:50:53 Some of y'all remember them three, two and a half,
00:50:55 three hours, you remember them?
00:50:57 Then people start praying, "Lord, let him shut up, Jesus."
00:51:03 My wife said to me, she said, "Some of them can't hold
00:51:05 for 15 minutes.
00:51:06 Why you going for two hours or something?"
00:51:09 For they being ignorant of God's righteousness and going about
00:51:16 to establish their own righteousness,
00:51:20 they have not submitted themselves unto
00:51:25 the righteousness of God.
00:51:27 They fail from grace.
00:51:35 Romans chapter 4, verse 2 and 3 in the NLT.
00:51:40 Let's read this in the NLT.
00:51:43 Oh, glory to God.
00:51:45 Y'all getting this?
00:51:53 "If his good deeds had made him acceptable to God,
00:51:57 he would have had something to boast about,
00:52:02 but that was not God's way.
00:52:04 For the Scripture tells us, 'Abraham believed God,
00:52:09 and God counted him as righteous because of his faith,
00:52:13 not because of his works.'"
00:52:18 I sure hope you're not trying to work your way to heaven.
00:52:20 Sure hope you're not going to show up at the gates with a long
00:52:26 list of all the goody-goody things you've done.
00:52:29 You can't do that.
00:52:31 That ain't going to work.
00:52:34 And look at this, Galatians 2:16 in the NLT.
00:52:40 "I got eight more minutes.
00:52:46 Thank God for that clock."
00:52:47 You should really be thanking God for that clock.
00:52:49 And my commitment to stick with it,
00:52:54 "When it hit zero, I hit zero."
00:52:56 Yet we know that a person is made right with God by faith in
00:53:08 Jesus Christ, not by obeying the law.
00:53:12 And we have believed in Christ Jesus so that we might be made
00:53:20 right with God because of our faith in Christ,
00:53:23 not because we have obeyed the law.
00:53:26 "For no one will ever be made right with God by obeying
00:53:33 the law."
00:53:34 I don't even know how to make the--you don't even need to
00:53:39 comment on that.
00:53:42 And so what happens?
00:53:45 Church folks go to church.
00:53:47 The first thing they want to do is try to figure out how to put
00:53:52 rules on somebody.
00:53:54 Well, now that you say--what's the name of that place we pass
00:54:04 on the way to the game every Sunday, that club?
00:54:07 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:54:09 Can't go to Magic City no more.
00:54:11 Now, true enough, going to Magic City is not going to be good
00:54:18 for you.
00:54:19 I'm not saying--see, if the Spirit of God is working in you,
00:54:26 changing your desire, this desire for Magic City is going
00:54:30 to be changing.
00:54:32 It is not, "Well, since we ought not be operating by rules."
00:54:37 Yeah, but you're operating something greater than rules.
00:54:39 You're operating by the Spirit of God who writes it on your
00:54:42 heart.
00:54:43 You're operating by the Spirit of God, and the Spirit of God is
00:54:46 writing on your heart.
00:54:47 You will now begin to do things by intuition.
00:54:51 It'll be out of your heart.
00:54:53 "Well, I can't talk.
00:54:54 Talking to her like that is just not nice."
00:55:00 Going here wouldn't be good for me.
00:55:03 Watching this, that's going to infect something that the Spirit
00:55:08 of God wants to say to me.
00:55:10 The Spirit of God will start talking to you.
00:55:12 "Quit coming to preachers.
00:55:13 My pastors ain't got time to be sitting up there listening to
00:55:16 you.
00:55:17 Does God mind if you drink wine?"
00:55:19 Ask Jesus.
00:55:20 You know what you want?
00:55:25 You want some rules.
00:55:28 You got delivered from the law so you can go back to being
00:55:32 justified by the law.
00:55:34 What's happening?
00:55:35 You're falling from grace.
00:55:40 Nobody's saying that there are not going to be healthy rules
00:55:44 over your life, but you know where they're going to come from?
00:55:47 The Spirit of God.
00:55:49 The Spirit of God may tell you to do something and may not say
00:55:56 the same thing to another person because he knows where your
00:55:58 weakness is 'cause he knows everything.
00:56:00 He knows this ain't going to be good for you.
00:56:03 He knows that don't bother you at all.
00:56:05 It ain't got a chance.
00:56:10 But we want everybody to be subject to the same rules,
00:56:14 and it failed miserably.
00:56:15 That's why he gave you the Holy Ghost so he can administer all
00:56:20 the results of the commandments of God.
00:56:26 See, there's--somebody says, "We ain't got no commandments."
00:56:28 Yes, you do.
00:56:29 You have a great commandment.
00:56:30 Walk in love, and when you love, then you won't do this,
00:56:34 and when you love, then you won't do that,
00:56:36 and when you love, the Holy Spirit will talk to you about
00:56:38 doing that, and when you love, you'll do that.
00:56:39 We don't want to take the time to develop relationship with the
00:56:42 Holy Spirit and to trust the Holy Spirit.
00:56:44 We don't want to do that.
00:56:45 We want to rule.
00:56:46 It's just simple.
00:56:47 What's the rule?
00:56:48 Can we drink or not?
00:56:53 You're looking for some church to tell you,
00:56:55 "Can you drink or not?"
00:56:56 Like, "You're going to go get tore up right now.
00:56:59 I'm going to go get me a bottle of Cavastian right now, boy.
00:57:03 Brem said it's all right to drink."
00:57:06 I think he was a little drunk when he was telling us that too.
00:57:09 Stop.
00:57:10 This is about a relationship, a relationship that's calling for
00:57:19 your time, a relationship that's calling for your dedication,
00:57:23 a relationship that's calling for your devotion,
00:57:26 a relationship that's calling for your body.
00:57:32 Give your bodies a living sacrifice,
00:57:34 but before he said, "Give your body as a living sacrifice,"
00:57:37 he says, "I beseech you by the mercies of God,"
00:57:40 because he knew you can't give your body as a living sacrifice
00:57:43 without first of all recognizing that there's got to be mercy.
00:57:50 Because when you don't have mercy,
00:57:51 you have judgment and condemnation.
00:57:53 And when you have judgment and condemnation,
00:57:55 you sin more and more and more.
00:58:01 Well, a lady told me one time, she said,
00:58:09 "I like the way you used to preach.
00:58:11 I don't know about this grace stuff."
00:58:16 You don't know about Jesus because Jesus is this grace stuff.
00:58:30 I'm not promising you that you're going to walk out of here
00:58:33 and everything's going to voila, be fixed.
00:58:41 And we shout loud, "Oh, God's going to give us life
00:58:43 and give it to us more abundantly,"
00:58:45 and it means so much more than stuff.
00:58:49 He literally came and gave you life out of death,
00:58:57 and he gave it to you in abundance, to the full,
00:59:00 till it overflows.
00:59:03 The thief came to kill, steal, destroy.
00:59:06 Look what he did in the Garden of Eden.
00:59:08 Jesus says, "I've come out of all of that death
00:59:12 to give you life, and how come we reduced it down to just
00:59:17 give me some more money, give me some more material,
00:59:20 give me some more of that?"
00:59:21 What is that?
00:59:22 That's the cheaper instead of the deeper.
00:59:26 Yes, he wants you to prosper in every area of your life,
00:59:29 but he came to give you life.
00:59:31 We should be shouting because we ain't going to hell no more.
00:59:37 He came to give us life.
00:59:41 Who can take life out of death?
00:59:43 Who can take something that's dead and put life in it?
00:59:50 And all of us were on our way to hell.
00:59:52 Everybody was.
00:59:53 Ain't not now one of you in here qualified not to go to hell.
00:59:58 Everybody was on their way.
01:00:02 "Well, I didn't sin as much as he did."
01:00:04 It don't matter, 'cause sin is sin.
01:00:07 You just had a little smart mouth.
01:00:09 Sin is sin.
01:00:17 When we fall from grace--yeah, Lord, you remember that woman
01:00:22 with the issue of blood?
01:00:25 Spent all she had on doctors.
01:00:27 Here it is again.
01:00:30 When she was fresh out of her supply,
01:00:34 she touched the hem of his garment and accessed the supply
01:00:41 that Jesus had.
01:00:44 It's all over the Scripture.
01:00:48 Sometimes I say, "God, show me, show me where I'm relying
01:00:55 on a supply somewhere in my life."
01:00:59 For me, it was supplements.
01:01:02 I could just bet on that I'd be healthy and live a hundred years
01:01:08 'cause I've taken all these supplements until it didn't.
01:01:14 I'm like, "How am I going to have COVID, shingles,
01:01:19 and cancer, taking all of these supplements,
01:01:22 eating the way I eat, exercising the way I exercise?
01:01:25 I should be the most healthiest person in the world."
01:01:28 I fell from grace.
01:01:35 I was depending on that.
01:01:42 Can't do that no more.
01:01:44 Now, I'm not saying--Pastor Doc said,
01:01:50 "Don't take no supplement because you fall from grace.
01:01:52 You take supplements."
01:01:54 I mean, help me, people.
01:01:56 Help me just a little bit.
01:02:01 You can take anything depending on God,
01:02:06 but my dependence on God had weakened,
01:02:08 and my strength for supplement had strengthened.
01:02:12 I take a few still today, but I don't trust them 'cause I know
01:02:16 that all power ain't in this pill.
01:02:19 All power is in Jesus Christ.
01:02:27 Whoo, that's all the time I got.
01:02:30 That's zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, six times.
01:02:33 Did you get anything out of this?
01:02:40 Every head bowed, every eye closed.
01:02:42 We'll pick up with it later.
01:02:43 Father, we thank you that in the name of Jesus,
01:02:50 we have a Savior that has effect in our lives,
01:02:57 not by our works, not by our performance,
01:03:03 but by our faith and belief in who you are.
01:03:11 Help us, Lord.
01:03:14 Let us not fall from grace and allow the root of bitterness
01:03:18 to spring up in us, and then one day something pops up
01:03:23 in our life and we didn't even know it was there.
01:03:29 Minister to every person at the sound of my voice.
01:03:34 Show them your way.
01:03:41 We could not do this without you.
01:03:45 And, Father, I think that's the message, to trust you.
01:03:52 Well, we need help to do that, Lord.
01:03:55 We've heard so much religion all of our lives,
01:04:00 and the generation that we're in now,
01:04:02 Lord, help them not to go there.
01:04:04 Help them to see this and help them to take this move of grace
01:04:09 to a place that I could never take it.
01:04:18 Every heart we present to you, help us, Lord.
01:04:27 Help us, Lord.
01:04:30 We declare our dependence upon you, not our self-effort,
01:04:35 not our performance, not our works,
01:04:38 but we receive your grace, and we boast on you
01:04:44 because it's in him we move and breathe
01:04:47 and have our very being.
01:04:51 We give you praise.
01:04:55 We give you praise.
01:04:59 Now, Father, speak to our hearts on what you'd have us to give.
01:05:07 Let us no longer be afraid of giving
01:05:13 when your Word keeps talking about it over and over again,
01:05:16 "Bring unto the Lord glory, give unto the Lord glory,
01:05:21 do unto his name, bring an offering,
01:05:23 worship him in the beauty of his holiness,"
01:05:26 you keep saying over and over again.
01:05:30 And we trust that you take care of us
01:05:35 and deliver us from mammon.
01:05:40 And may we give with a cheerful heart,
01:05:43 a heart that trusts you,
01:05:50 that our giving is our worship to you.
01:05:57 And as we prepare to worship you,
01:06:01 we pray that you receive it.
01:06:06 We will not fall from grace.
01:06:13 In Jesus' name, amen.
01:06:18 If you need an offering envelope, raise your hands.
01:06:21 The ushers will get one to you.
01:06:23 I hope you're seeing over the last few Sundays,
01:06:25 I am consensually trying to tie your giving in with your living.
01:06:29 It's not separate.
01:06:31 It's not, "Oh, the show is over.
01:06:33 Let's take up an offering."
01:06:37 It's a worship to give unto the Lord.
01:06:41 It's a worship to give generously unto him
01:06:46 as he has done unto us.
01:06:51 And when we begin to see this as a worship,
01:06:54 we begin to see this as a necessary part of our lives.
01:07:01 Give to the Lord.
01:07:04 Some people, all their lives, are gonna just see it as,
01:07:07 "Well, it's just money. It's just money."
01:07:09 No, no, no, no.
01:07:10 That money represents my time and my sweat.
01:07:13 And the Bible says, "All things come of thee, O Lord."
01:07:18 So, what I give to God was his already.
01:07:21 He just wanted to see if I was gonna worship him with it
01:07:24 or if I was gonna do it and worship myself with it.
01:07:30 Yeah, this thing's coming to a close.
01:07:34 Yeah, you know, an election's coming up in this country.
01:07:38 It's gonna get crazy, and we gotta pray.
01:07:44 There are all kinds of demon spirits that are loose.
01:07:47 All of the -isms are loose.
01:07:52 But the Word says that's for me and my house.
01:07:56 We're gonna serve the Lord, and that's what we're gonna do.
01:07:59 That's what I'm trying to do is keep you focused on Jesus Christ.
01:08:03 And when chaos increases, grace will increase more.
01:08:07 When sin abounds, grace will abound more.
01:08:11 It's on you.
01:08:14 It's on you.
01:08:16 I don't have anything left to do on the planet
01:08:18 except to teach the gospel of grace.
01:08:22 And I mean, I'm gonna teach it.
01:08:25 I'm trying to find me a team that's gonna be bold enough.
01:08:28 I wanna go to all 50 states.
01:08:32 It's gonna take me four years to do it.
01:08:34 I'm gonna remember that.
01:08:35 It's gonna take me four years.
01:08:37 It's gonna take me four years to do it,
01:08:41 and to preach this gospel of grace to whoever come.
01:08:44 500, 1,000, 10,000, I don't care.
01:08:48 I might end up in some city.
01:08:50 I feel like I got to--I just--before this is over with,
01:08:55 I wanna make sure that this gospel has been preached
01:08:59 in every state--Wyoming, Idaho, North Dakota, South Dakota.
01:09:15 Nebraska.
01:09:17 I'm gonna have to get some white folks on my team
01:09:19 because I'm gonna have to send some white folks ahead of me.
01:09:24 I'm gonna have to name one of 'em Creflo.
01:09:32 But the Bible says when this gospel, this gospel,
01:09:38 has been preached throughout all the world,
01:09:42 then the end will come.
01:09:45 I'm here to rock and roll, and I'm telling you,
01:09:47 don't dog out this generation.
01:09:50 I don't know what they call themselves now,
01:09:51 the generation that's in right now.
01:09:53 They--what they call?
01:09:56 Gen Z?
01:09:58 They gonna rock and roll.
01:10:01 Y'all better watch out.
01:10:02 They are going to usher in such a glory of God because they are--
01:10:08 they are not gonna just listen to any kind of nonsense.
01:10:15 Bishop Fuller said something.
01:10:16 We were doing a podcast this week.
01:10:18 He said, "The biggest enemy to a new movement
01:10:24 is the old movement."
01:10:28 I said, "Boy."
01:10:30 Ken and I said, "That's a Kenneth Fuller special right there.
01:10:33 Boy, that's another one right there."
01:10:35 Trying to keep the evolution going.
01:10:40 Now, Jesus is not evolving and changing.
01:10:43 Our understanding of him is doing that.
01:10:48 So, let's go ahead and receive our offering.
01:10:53 Father, we thank you for the opportunity to sow
01:10:56 and to give generously into the things of God.
01:10:59 We praise you for it.
01:11:00 We praise God for every promise that you have given concerning this.
01:11:06 And we ask in Jesus' name that as we are generous unto you,
01:11:11 the generosity keeps coming from grace to grace to grace.
01:11:15 It's in your name we pray and everybody say it, amen.
01:11:18 Go ahead and receive the offerings right now and trust God.
01:11:22 Trust God regardless of what happens in the financial realm.
01:11:26 Trust God.
01:11:27 God's gonna take care of you.
01:11:28 It's hard to give when you don't believe that God can take care of you.
01:11:33 But when you believe that God can take care of you,
01:11:35 giving is something that you do freely.
01:11:39 Amen.
01:11:42 As the offering's being received, those of you who are not born again,
01:11:49 those of you who have not made Jesus the Lord of your life,
01:11:53 those of you who have not received the grace that has been made available to you,
01:11:59 I would like to give you that opportunity now.
01:12:02 If you want to make him your Lord and personal Savior
01:12:07 and receive what he has done for you,
01:12:11 you can come and meet me down to the altar.
01:12:14 Secondly, if you want to recommit yourself to the Lord Jesus,
01:12:19 you're saying, "God, I don't know what happened to our relationship,
01:12:22 but I sure want to get it started back up again."
01:12:26 You meet me at the altar right here.
01:12:28 Thirdly, if you've not received the baptism in the Holy Spirit
01:12:34 and you want to receive the evidence of speaking in tongues
01:12:39 and you want to receive the Holy Spirit into your life,
01:12:46 come on.
01:12:51 And last, last but not least,
01:12:56 if you believe this is the brook that God has called you to,
01:13:00 come to a certain brook and there will I sustain thee.
01:13:04 [applause]
01:13:10 If you believe that God's calling you to join this church today,
01:13:17 you just got to simply just walk out what you believe he's telling you to do.
01:13:23 You got to start practicing what he tells you to do.
01:13:33 [applause]
01:13:44 ♪ I love you, Jesus. ♪
01:13:49 ♪ I worship and adore you. ♪
01:13:55 ♪ Just want to tell you, Lord, I love you more than anything. ♪
01:14:12 ♪ I love you, Jesus. ♪
01:14:18 ♪ I worship and adore you. ♪
01:14:24 ♪ Just want to tell you, Lord, I love you more than anything. ♪
01:14:37 Do the verse, "I lift."
01:14:40 ♪ I lift a hand to total adoration unto you. ♪
01:14:51 ♪ You reign on the throne, for you are God and God alone. ♪
01:15:01 ♪ Because of you my cloudy days are gone. ♪
01:15:08 ♪ I can sing to you this song. ♪
01:15:13 ♪ I just want to say that I love you more than anything. ♪
01:15:23 One more time, Dad.
01:15:25 ♪ I lift my hands in total adoration unto you. ♪
01:15:36 ♪ You reign on the throne, for you are God and God alone. ♪
01:15:46 ♪ Because of you my cloudy days are gone. ♪
01:15:52 ♪ I can sing to you this song. ♪
01:15:57 ♪ I just want to say that I love you more than anything. ♪
01:16:10 ♪ I love you, Jesus. ♪
01:16:15 ♪ I worship and adore you. ♪
01:16:21 ♪ Just want to tell you, Lord, I love you more than anything. ♪
01:16:37 ♪ I love you, Jesus. ♪
01:16:42 ♪ I worship and adore you. ♪
01:16:48 ♪ Just want to tell you, Lord, I love you more than anything. ♪
01:17:04 ♪ I love you, Jesus. ♪
01:17:09 ♪ I worship and adore you. ♪
01:17:14 ♪ Just want to tell you, Lord, I love you more than anything. ♪
01:17:30 ♪ I love you, Jesus. ♪
01:17:35 ♪ I worship and adore you. ♪
01:17:40 ♪ Just want to tell you, Lord, I love you more than anything. ♪
01:17:52 [congregation applauding]
01:18:02 That's all the life of grace is.
01:18:07 That's all the life of grace is.
01:18:09 Just making your mind up that I'm going to stay in love with
01:18:14 Jesus, okay, so maybe you can't figure it all out right now,
01:18:23 but I trust Jesus.
01:18:26 And maybe you've fallen and fallen and fallen,
01:18:29 but I keep getting up trusting Jesus.
01:18:33 And maybe you're hurt and sad, maybe even a little bitter,
01:18:36 but I trust Jesus.
01:18:41 And maybe one day you'll come to the place where you can make
01:18:44 this commitment to him, "I'm never gonna quit.
01:18:49 I'll never quit on you, Lord.
01:18:51 I'll never quit on you."
01:18:55 How many of you say that today?
01:18:57 "I'll never quit on you.
01:19:01 I'll never quit on you."
01:19:04 He could've quit on us when he was getting beat with a cat of
01:19:07 nine tails.
01:19:08 He could've quit on us when they were nailing him to the cross.
01:19:11 He could've quit on us in the pit of hell and said,
01:19:13 "This is just too much."
01:19:15 Yeah, everything's gonna be all right, guys.
01:19:28 Father, for those who come to this altar, I pray,
01:19:32 whatever needs to happen with these precious lives,
01:19:35 we trust you, Lord.
01:19:37 Do it.
01:19:39 We praise you for it now in Jesus' name, amen.
01:19:45 If you'll turn this way and follow this gentleman to the
01:19:47 prayer room, he's gonna take you and give you a biblical
01:19:50 understanding of how to obtain and how to maintain
01:19:53 what you came to receive.
01:19:56 We thank God that you're never going to be the same again.
01:20:02 You can stand for our final blessing.
01:20:05 Thank you so much for coming out to church today and not
01:20:07 listening in and looking at all the clouds in the sky.
01:20:11 You're a blessing.
01:20:12 And now unto him, unto the Spirit of grace that will assure us
01:20:18 that we have grace upon grace, that will assure us that we have
01:20:23 abounding provision.
01:20:25 I pray that those provisions will abound,
01:20:28 and I declare over your lives grace upon grace upon grace.
01:20:34 I declare and I pray that the angels of God will carry out the
01:20:39 command of God to watch over you and to protect you lest you dash
01:20:43 your foot against the stone.
01:20:46 I pray that when you need a miracle, you'll have one.
01:20:51 I pray that in the name of Jesus that the doctor's bad report
01:20:57 will be turned around and you'll hear a good report and declare
01:21:02 that something good is gonna happen to you this week.
01:21:06 And now unto him who is able to keep you from falling and to
01:21:11 present you faultless before the almighty God,
01:21:15 be glory, majesty, dominion, and power both now and forevermore.
01:21:23 May the blessings of God run you over this week.
01:21:27 In Jesus' name, amen.
01:21:30 God bless you.
01:21:31 Have an amazing day today.
01:21:33 - Amen.
01:21:38 - Amen.
01:21:39 - Service was so good today.
01:21:41 - My heart is so full today.
01:21:42 - I'm a little stuck.
01:21:44 - Listen, if you were viewing, if you have been here for today's
01:21:50 service, then we know just like us that you received something
01:21:53 magnificent today.
01:21:54 What was one thing that you're taking with you through the week,
01:21:56 Denise?
01:21:57 - So for sure for me, no questions asked, it was, you know,
01:22:00 sometimes God's supply doesn't show up in my life.
01:22:03 I'm gonna speak for myself, okay?
01:22:05 So sometimes the supply doesn't show up in my life because I'm
01:22:07 full of my own supply.
01:22:08 And literally during service, I'm like, okay, Lord, like,
01:22:11 I know that's just not limited to resources and finances.
01:22:13 So what does that look like?
01:22:14 So it's like surrender my own supply of my time and my clock.
01:22:17 - Wow.
01:22:18 - My desires, you know, and surrendering to his.
01:22:20 So I can see his supply.
01:22:22 What did you get?
01:22:23 - That is so good.
01:22:24 One thing that stuck with me is when Pastor said that bitterness is
01:22:27 unforgiveness that has simmered.
01:22:29 - Simmered.
01:22:30 Girl.
01:22:31 Girl.
01:22:32 - It knocked me out.
01:22:33 It knocked me out.
01:22:34 If you got something from today's service, we want you to either put
01:22:36 it in the chat.
01:22:37 Actually, better than that, we want you to share today's message.
01:22:40 Share it right now in a text thread, in a group chat,
01:22:44 wherever you think it needs to go.
01:22:46 Make sure that you send that on over to the person who needs to hear the
01:22:48 message that went forth today.
01:22:50 - Yeah.
01:22:51 So right now we're going to transition into one of our favorite parts of
01:22:53 service.
01:22:54 - Yeah.
01:22:55 - Which is an extension of our worship, and that is giving.
01:22:58 - Worshiping God.
01:22:59 - Listen, with our coins that he so freely gives and what grace-based
01:23:03 giving looks like in 2 Corinthians chapter 9, verses 6 and 7.
01:23:08 And I'm going to read just a few scriptures from the New Living
01:23:12 Translation.
01:23:13 How about God?
01:23:14 Be the glory to God.
01:23:16 Okay.
01:23:18 So it's not coming up for me in the New Living Translation,
01:23:20 but I am going to read the message translation that says,
01:23:23 "I want each of you to take plenty of time to think it over and make up in
01:23:27 your own mind what you would give that will protect you against sob
01:23:30 stories, arm twisting.
01:23:32 God loves it when the giver delightfully is in giving."
01:23:36 So, you know, this isn't a moment for you to be like,
01:23:38 "Oh my God, I just heard a great word and I don't have it to give."
01:23:41 Give what your heart so says to give and God will honor your seed.
01:23:44 How can they give today?
01:23:45 - They can give one of four ways.
01:23:47 You can text "worldchanges" a space and then any amount to 744-83.
01:23:52 If you don't want to text and you want to call, you can do so at 866-477-7683.
01:23:58 You can also send in a check by mail, if that's your thing,
01:24:01 to 2500 Burdette Road in College Park, Georgia, zip code 30349.
01:24:06 And then last but not least, you can always give online at
01:24:09 or as well.
01:24:14 - So, y'all know it's bloom time.
01:24:17 We have been talking about this.
01:24:18 It feels like forever.
01:24:20 - We have.
01:24:21 - We have been making preparations for you to come forever.
01:24:23 So right now, we just want to encourage you to come.
01:24:26 - The countdown is on.
01:24:27 - It's on.
01:24:28 It's less than two weeks away, which is crazy.
01:24:30 - It's so fun.
01:24:31 - And I know, before I read the announcements really quick,
01:24:33 I really want to make sure that you understand we have been praying for you,
01:24:36 covering you, for you to have an amazing experience when you get here.
01:24:39 So take the time in investing in yourself and invest in what God wants to do in
01:24:42 your life by coming to bloom.
01:24:43 - Yes.
01:24:44 - So as the countdown continues, we're less than two weeks away.
01:24:47 Okay, that's going to be March the 14th through the 15th.
01:24:50 Of course, we have Pastor Taffi Dollar, Laura Pickett,
01:24:53 Crystal McNair, one of my faves, Dr. Anita Phillips, another one of my faves.
01:24:57 - I think Anita's going to be good.
01:24:58 - Oh, my gosh, about the seeds and how it's going to be.
01:24:59 - Yes.
01:25:00 - It ties into your emotions.
01:25:01 When I say you need to be here, you need to be here.
01:25:03 - You do.
01:25:04 - We have Samara Joy.
01:25:05 We have Pastor Dollar.
01:25:06 - We have Tashra Davis performing.
01:25:08 - And I'm so excited.
01:25:09 - We can't keep giving you all the details.
01:25:11 You need to come.
01:25:12 - For sure.
01:25:13 - If you haven't registered, go to right now,
01:25:15 or you actually can text --
01:25:17 - Contacts radical to 51555.
01:25:19 - You can do that, too.
01:25:20 Make sure that you're registered.
01:25:21 I'm going to be in the building.
01:25:22 Denise is going to be in the building.
01:25:23 - Yeah, for sure.
01:25:24 - We're preparing for you, so make sure you're here.
01:25:26 - Yeah.
01:25:27 So what else do we have coming up?
01:25:28 - So in April, we have our Change Experience New York
01:25:31 that's happening on April 27th.
01:25:33 If you are in the New York area, even if you're in D.C.,
01:25:36 if you're in Delaware, if you're in Pennsylvania,
01:25:38 get on the Amtrak, make your way,
01:25:40 because the things that are going to happen at Change Experience,
01:25:42 if you've been looking for change in your life,
01:25:45 it's going to be there.
01:25:46 - Yeah, it's going to be there.
01:25:47 - Tangible.
01:25:48 So make sure that you go ahead and you register for that.
01:25:51 You literally can register right now by texting change2024
01:25:57 to 51555 or go to
01:26:01 to get registered.
01:26:02 - Yes, and so the last announcement that we have for you today,
01:26:05 I know we've given a lot for you,
01:26:06 but I want you to set your expectation.
01:26:08 - This just shows how we're connected.
01:26:09 - Yeah.
01:26:10 - We are constantly putting things out.
01:26:11 - Constantly feeding you, okay?
01:26:12 - Yes.
01:26:13 - So we want you to come to Grace Life Conference, okay?
01:26:15 I'm so excited.
01:26:16 Last year was amazing.
01:26:18 - It was.
01:26:19 It was a true homecoming feel.
01:26:20 - So amazing.
01:26:21 And the lineup this year is absolutely ridiculous,
01:26:23 but you can sign up for Grace Life
01:26:25 by texting Grace Life to 51555.
01:26:28 And again, it's the reunion, okay?
01:26:30 So you a cousin, I'm a cousin, you a cousin.
01:26:32 - I'm a sister.
01:26:33 - Okay, you better operate in your sister's shoes.
01:26:36 - Yes, and I want you to come.
01:26:38 So make sure that you register for Grace Life.
01:26:40 You can go to
01:26:42 The date's July 11th through the 13th.
01:26:44 Mark your calendar right now.
01:26:46 You do not want to miss this.
01:26:47 - You don't want to miss it.
01:26:48 - We're going to reunite and reignite everything
01:26:50 that we've been sitting on this year.
01:26:52 - So we know we gave you a lot.
01:26:54 Always check these announcements
01:26:55 and make sure that you stay locked in and tuned in
01:26:57 by visiting
01:26:59 on all of these amazing upcoming events.
01:27:02 - Yes, we love you guys.
01:27:03 Good God bless you.
01:27:04 I want you to take exactly what Pastor said.
01:27:06 When service ended, the Holy Spirit was so thick here.
01:27:09 I pray that it was like that wherever you are
01:27:11 and that you take that with you this week.
01:27:13 We love you.
01:27:14 God bless you.
01:27:15 - Have a great week.
01:27:16 - Bye.
01:27:17 - This conference is the place to be.
01:27:19 First of all, it's rigorous, it's relevant,
01:27:21 and it will make a difference in your everyday life,
01:27:24 on your journey, to doing what God has called you to do.
01:27:27 ♪ Wonderful and beautiful and glorious and holy ♪
01:27:32 ♪ He is merciful and powerful ♪
01:27:35 ♪ Who we talking about, that's my team ♪
01:27:38 ♪ We depend on glory ♪
01:27:41 ♪ Give Him all the honor ♪
01:27:43 ♪ Altogether holy ♪
01:27:45 ♪ Who we talking about, that's my team ♪
01:27:48 ♪ There's no one before you ♪
01:27:51 ♪ Yes, we will adore you ♪
01:27:54 ♪ All of this is for you ♪
01:27:56 ♪ Who we talking about, that's my team ♪
01:27:59 ♪ That's my God ♪
01:28:02 ♪ That's my shepherd ♪
01:28:04 ♪ My protector ♪
01:28:07 ♪ That's my team ♪
01:28:09 ♪ Jesus, you are my team ♪
01:28:13 ♪ Yeah ♪
01:28:16 (upbeat music)
01:28:18 ♪ Change the world ♪
01:28:22 ♪ Change the world ♪
01:28:26 ♪ I'm a world changer ♪
01:28:30 ♪ Changing the world everywhere I go ♪
01:28:34 ♪ I'm a world changer ♪
01:28:38 ♪ Anointed with the power of the Holy Ghost ♪
01:28:41 ♪ I'm a world changer ♪
01:28:45 ♪ Telling the world about saving grace ♪
01:28:49 ♪ I'm a world changer ♪
01:28:53 ♪ Making a mark that can't be erased ♪
01:28:58 ♪ For God has equipped us to go higher ♪
01:29:02 ♪ To make a mark that cannot be erased ♪
01:29:06 (dramatic music)
01:29:09 (wind whooshing)