• l’année dernière


00:00 What do you think is the most disobeyed verse in the Bible?
00:05 Think about it.
00:11 What do you think is the most disobeyed verse in the Bible?
00:16 Now, nobody knows for sure and nobody can prove it,
00:21 but one could argue that one of the most important verses
00:27 is also one of the most often disobeyed verses
00:32 and also happens to be the most commonly quoted verse
00:37 on coffee mugs in the history of the world.
00:41 Perhaps the most disobeyed verse in the Bible
00:45 could be Proverbs 3, verse five,
00:49 that says, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart."
00:53 I'll give you the whole verse over here,
00:55 if we can get it on there.
00:56 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart
00:58 and lean not on your own understanding in all your ways."
01:02 This is hard to do, right?
01:04 "In all your ways acknowledge Him
01:07 and He will make your path straight."
01:09 Let's put it on the screen so we can just go ahead.
01:11 Let's go ahead and read this first part aloud together.
01:14 What do you think is maybe the most disobeyed verse
01:16 in the Bible?
01:17 Let's say this.
01:18 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart
01:21 and lean not on your own understanding
01:24 and in all your ways submit to Him
01:28 and He will make your path straight."
01:31 Those of you online, type in the comment section,
01:34 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart."
01:37 Trust in the Lord with every part of your heart.
01:40 That's really easy to put on a coffee mug.
01:43 It's really hard to do.
01:45 How many of you would you agree?
01:47 Type in the comment section, that's hard to do.
01:50 It is way easier to worry
01:55 than it is to trust in the Lord with all your heart.
01:58 Those of you that are super Christians, you're not worried,
02:01 you're just concerned.
02:02 It's way easier to be concerned
02:06 than to trust in the Lord with all your heart
02:10 because there's so much to worry about.
02:13 How many of you have something heavy on your mind right now?
02:15 Type in the comment section,
02:16 I have something heavy on my mind.
02:18 What is it that you might be worried about?
02:22 Those of you who are students,
02:23 it might be an upcoming test
02:25 that's just got you all spun up.
02:28 It could be a decision that you have to make
02:30 and you're not sure what you're gonna do.
02:33 I'm certain that many of you are really concerned
02:35 about your schedule.
02:36 How in the world am I gonna get it all done?
02:40 Or it might be a child that you have
02:42 that's not living in a way that you think is wise
02:46 or God honoring.
02:47 It could be your marriage that you're trying and praying
02:51 and hoping and no matter how hard you work,
02:53 it seems like you take two steps forward
02:55 and then 19 back, right?
02:58 It could be financially.
03:00 The moment you start to catch up,
03:03 everything doubles in price.
03:04 And you're going, how did we get here?
03:06 Could I ever even afford to buy a house?
03:08 I can barely even buy milk right now.
03:11 It could be that you're worried about the health
03:13 of someone you love or even your own health.
03:17 What is it that you're concerned about?
03:19 I hate to be this transparent,
03:23 but I can go from zero to freak out in no time at all.
03:28 If Amy is running late, which with all integrity is often.
03:33 (audience laughing)
03:38 I'm winking, you can't see, but I'm doing this.
03:41 I'm winking at her.
03:42 I get freaked out.
03:45 I'll look on find friends
03:47 and sometimes her little dot
03:50 will be like stuck in the middle of the road
03:51 and it's not moving.
03:52 It's not a delight, it's not a sight, it's like not moving.
03:55 I'll go, she's been in a wreck.
03:57 My wife is dead.
03:59 She just died.
04:01 And then I spin out going, my life is over.
04:04 There's no one that'll ever be able to replace her.
04:07 I can't function without her.
04:10 I won't be able to lead the church.
04:12 I am writing my letter of resignation for the church
04:15 because she's seven minutes late.
04:18 And then like ridiculous stuff,
04:21 like if things are going pretty well,
04:23 I'll think to myself, well, why am I not worried?
04:26 There's gotta be something to worry about.
04:28 I'm worried that I don't have anything
04:30 to worry about at the moment.
04:32 It's crazy.
04:33 When you think about it though,
04:35 what we worry about shows us a lot
04:37 about what we believe about God.
04:41 Think about this.
04:42 What you worry about the most
04:46 often reveals where you trust God the least.
04:49 Whatever you worry about the most is often an indicator
04:54 of the place where you may not be trusting in the Lord
04:59 with all your heart.
05:01 Instead, you're leaning on your own understanding.
05:03 What I wanna do today is I wanna talk to you
05:05 about when you wanna trust God
05:09 and when you're trying to trust God,
05:11 but it's really hard to trust God.
05:14 I've entitled this message,
05:15 "Trusting God When You Don't Understand."
05:19 And let's all pray.
05:20 Father, we thank you that your promises are true,
05:24 that your word is alive,
05:28 and that you are always faithful.
05:30 God, would you empower us by the power of the Holy Spirit
05:38 to learn to put all of our trust in you,
05:42 to lean on you in all of our ways,
05:46 to acknowledge you, to put you first,
05:48 and God will trust you to work in our lives,
05:52 to bring things for good, to make our paths straight.
05:55 Help us, God, to trust in you no matter what.
05:59 We pray this in Jesus' name and all God's people said.
06:03 Amen.
06:04 If you're with us online, type in the comment section,
06:06 amen and amen.
06:09 We're in a message series called "Think Ahead,"
06:12 loosely based on a book that we released recently.
06:16 And we're looking at six different characters in the Bible
06:20 to see how they thought ahead
06:23 and pre-decided some faith decisions to better honor God.
06:28 Today, we're gonna look at Hannah from the Old Testament,
06:32 and we're gonna look at her pre-decision
06:35 to put her trust in God no matter what she would see.
06:38 We're gonna start in 1 Samuel 1, verse two,
06:42 and see kind of an interesting situation in a marriage.
06:45 Scripture says this, Elkanah,
06:48 we're gonna see Elkanah was a pretty good old boy,
06:50 but he had some things to learn about women.
06:55 First of all, he had two wives, okay?
06:57 So Elkanah had two wives, Hannah and Peniah.
07:01 Peniah had children, but Hannah did not.
07:05 Now, according to several commentaries that I read,
07:08 a lot of scholars believe that it's most likely
07:10 he married Hannah, and Hannah couldn't conceive,
07:14 and he wanted to keep his legacy going,
07:16 so he probably married Peniah
07:18 in order to try to have children and keep his name alive.
07:22 You can imagine for Hannah how difficult that is.
07:24 So she's got a husband, and she can't give him children,
07:28 and she's got this other Peniah chick that can,
07:31 and especially when she lived, during that time,
07:35 it was thought that a woman's primary value
07:37 was from childbearing, and culture was mean.
07:41 If you were a woman who couldn't have children,
07:43 the culture would say, you did something wrong,
07:46 you've sinned, God is punishing you,
07:48 or literally, you're cursed by God.
07:51 So you can only imagine what's going on in Hannah's mind.
07:53 She's like, I wanna give my husband children,
07:54 and I wanna have a baby, but I can't.
07:57 Did I do something wrong?
07:58 Is God mad at me?
07:59 I'm a failure, and she might've felt very ashamed
08:02 for something that wasn't her fault,
08:04 but she thought it was her fault,
08:05 and some of you may be in a similar place right now.
08:08 You may be in the middle of a trial,
08:11 and you're wondering, is God punishing me for this?
08:15 And you're praying that God would deliver you,
08:17 or heal you, or help you, and he hasn't.
08:22 And you're wondering, did I do something wrong?
08:25 Is God even real?
08:27 If he is, does he even care?
08:29 In our story, Elkanah, he took his family
08:34 to the annual worship time for a sacrifice to the temple,
08:39 for worship and to offer the sacrifice,
08:41 and Pani, we're gonna see,
08:43 she could've starred on "Mean Girls."
08:45 She takes the opportunity to throw serious shade on Hannah.
08:49 We'll see this in 1 Samuel chapter one, verse six and seven.
08:55 Watch how mean she is.
08:56 I mean, this is like, you think you got mean people
08:59 in your family?
09:00 Just, just plain, this is ridiculous, okay?
09:03 So, "Paniah would taunt Hannah and make fun of her
09:07 "because the Lord had kept her from having children."
09:11 That's just mean.
09:12 "Year after year, it was the same."
09:18 That phrase really gets me.
09:19 Year after year, it was the same.
09:23 "Paniah would taunt Hannah as they went to the temple.
09:27 "Each time, Hannah would be reduced to tears
09:31 "and would not even eat."
09:34 So if you can imagine,
09:36 they're loading up on their donkey to go to church.
09:39 And Paniah is going, "I got babies and you don't."
09:43 And year after year, Scripture says, "It was the same."
09:49 That phrase hits me in a deep emotional spot.
09:54 And some of you could probably say the same.
09:56 Year after year, it was the same.
10:01 And I don't know what it'd be for you,
10:02 but some of you, year after year,
10:03 you've prayed and believed this would be the year
10:06 that God would bring supernatural healing.
10:09 And year after year, it was the same.
10:12 Year after year, you ask God to heal you of your depression.
10:17 And you find it even difficult to make it through the day.
10:20 Year after year, you're worried about money.
10:22 And you believe that this would be the year
10:24 that you finally would get ahead.
10:26 And this is the year you fall even further behind.
10:29 Year after year, you believe God is gonna bring you
10:32 someone special to spend the rest of your life with.
10:35 And year after year, you got no good prospects
10:38 and you're wondering if there's anybody out there at all.
10:42 And so you can kind of imagine how Hannah would have felt.
10:46 Because all she's doing is asking God to do what he does
10:48 for almost everybody else, right?
10:50 God, I just want a baby.
10:51 God, just give me a child.
10:53 She's praying for it.
10:54 And God doesn't give her the child.
10:56 Year after year, she prays and waits and hopes.
11:01 And year after year, it was the same.
11:09 How do you think she kept her faith in God?
11:14 How do you think she handled it?
11:16 When people were cruel, criticizing her,
11:20 when God seemed unfair?
11:22 She made it because she had pre decided
11:28 that no matter what she sees,
11:33 no matter what happens in her life,
11:36 no matter what God does or no matter what God does not do,
11:40 she pre decided to trust in God.
11:45 And her trust and her faith grew.
11:48 Why?
11:49 Because our trust in God does not grow in good times.
11:54 When does our trust grow?
11:57 We learn to trust God in the trials.
12:02 We learn to trust God when things aren't going the way
12:06 we want them to go.
12:09 And so we see this in her own relationship with God.
12:13 Her husband, I told you Elkanah was a good guy,
12:14 but this guy, he makes a massive rookie mistake.
12:18 This is a side point, but gentlemen, do not ever do this
12:22 in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
12:25 Do not do what he does.
12:27 He says to his wife, "Hey, Hannah, why are you crying?"
12:31 "Hannah," Elkanah would ask, "Why aren't you eating?"
12:35 So she's crying 'cause her sister's going,
12:36 her little sister wife's going, "You ain't got a baby."
12:39 And so she's crying about it.
12:40 He goes, "Why be so downhearted
12:41 "just because you have no children?
12:44 "You have me.
12:45 "Isn't that better than 10 sons?"
12:50 I'm being Elkanah.
12:53 How dumb can you be?
12:56 Let's just call it what it is.
12:58 This guy is not the brightest crayon in the box, right?
13:03 He's a few fries short of Happy Meal.
13:06 This dude's cheese done slid off the cracker.
13:09 "You got me.
13:11 "Why are you so sad
13:12 "just 'cause you don't have a cute little baby?
13:14 "You hit the husband jackpot.
13:16 "You should be praising God you got this stuff going on."
13:21 And it's not in the Bible, but I'll tell you
13:22 what Hannah said.
13:23 She looked at him.
13:24 I'm not gonna tell you what she said
13:29 'cause there's a reason it's not in the Bible.
13:31 But it started with, you wanna rephrase that question.
13:35 And then she said, "Well, it's not in the Bible."
13:37 And the reason I know is 'cause Amy said
13:38 the same thing to me years ago
13:42 when we had six kids under 11,
13:45 and I came home and said, "So, what'd you do all day?"
13:48 And then I said, "You hit the husband jackpot."
13:55 Don't say that, guys.
13:59 This guy is as dumb.
14:01 And she continues to trust in God
14:04 even though she's got no baby
14:06 and even though she's married to an idiot, okay?
14:08 (audience laughing)
14:11 And the one thing she wants from God,
14:14 you know he can give her, and he doesn't give her.
14:17 And Hannah continues to choose to trust God.
14:24 And I like this because instead of turning away from him
14:27 and going, "God, you're not there for me.
14:28 "You're not faithful."
14:29 She chooses to turn to him.
14:32 And we actually see her turn to him
14:34 and unload on him,
14:37 which is many times really a good sign,
14:40 and I'll show you why.
14:41 Here's what she does.
14:41 Scripture says, "Once after a sacrificial meal at Shiloh,
14:46 "Hannah got up," and what did she do?
14:49 "She went out to pray."
14:51 What did she pray to God?
14:52 "Eli the priest was sitting at his customary place
14:55 "beside the entrance of the tabernacle."
14:57 We're gonna see Eli come into the story again in a moment.
15:00 "And Hannah was in deep anguish, crying bitterly
15:05 "as she prayed to the Lord."
15:08 What is she saying?
15:08 We don't know exactly, but maybe it's like,
15:10 "God, where are you and why haven't you?
15:12 "And I've trusted you and you can and you haven't.
15:14 "And I know you can and I've been faithful
15:17 "and I'm believing you and she's got one and I don't.
15:20 "And God, where are you?"
15:23 And she's crying out to him in deep and honest anguish.
15:28 And if you are ever there, I wanna promise you
15:31 that just because you cry out to God
15:33 doesn't mean that you don't trust him.
15:36 In fact, crying out is often a reflection
15:39 of your desire to keep trusting him.
15:43 God can handle your honesty, he can handle your emotion.
15:46 And I promise you, he would rather you run to him
15:50 in honest pain than turn your back on him
15:53 when you don't understand.
15:56 And so she's crying out, "God, where are you?"
15:57 Whatever it is.
15:59 And in the middle of her pain,
16:00 she makes a vow to God, a promise.
16:03 And here's what she says.
16:05 "Oh, Lord of heaven's army,
16:07 "if you will look upon my sorrow and answer my prayer
16:12 "and give me a son," watch what she says,
16:15 here's her promise, "then I will give him back to you.
16:20 "If you hear my prayer, I will dedicate the entirety
16:26 "of his life to your service, oh God."
16:30 And as she's in the middle of this sob fest,
16:32 she's crying out in deep anguish and profound sorrow,
16:36 Eli, the priest, talks to her in this unusual interaction.
16:41 And he says to her, "Go in peace
16:45 "and may God grant your request."
16:50 What's actually happened?
16:53 Nothing has changed.
16:55 But the priest says, "God will grant your request."
16:58 And she replies, "Oh, thank you, sir," she explained.
17:02 Then she went back and began to eat again
17:05 and say this part aloud with me,
17:07 "She was sad no longer."
17:09 She was no longer sad.
17:12 She still didn't have a baby.
17:14 She still didn't have her prayer answered,
17:19 but she was no longer sad.
17:22 How's that?
17:25 'Cause she's still in the same exact place.
17:28 Just like some of you, year after year, it's been the same.
17:31 And you walk into church one way and you're sad,
17:34 and you may walk out with the exact same situation,
17:38 but you're no longer sad.
17:39 How is that possible?
17:42 Because she had pre-decided, and in that moment,
17:46 reaffirmed with everything in her
17:48 that no matter what happens,
17:51 (gentle music)
17:54 she's gonna trust in the Lord with every bit of her heart
18:00 and lean not on her own understanding
18:04 of what she thinks should happen
18:05 and what she would do if she were God,
18:07 lean not on, but in everything and all her ways,
18:11 she would surrender to Him, acknowledge Him, cry out to Him,
18:14 and He would do what a faithful God will do.
18:18 What did she do?
18:19 She cried out to God and was sad no longer.
18:21 That's trust.
18:22 Hannah's circumstances did not change,
18:27 but her heart changed.
18:29 She put her faith in God.
18:32 And this next verse is ridiculously emotional to me.
18:35 Scripture says this,
18:36 "The entire family got up early the next morning,"
18:39 and what did they do?
18:41 Let's all say it together.
18:42 "And they went to worship the Lord once more."
18:47 Let me ask you again, those of you online,
18:49 just type this in the comment section.
18:50 This is profound.
18:52 This is a reflection of faith.
18:54 Nothing outwardly had changed.
18:56 And what did they do?
18:58 They went to worship the Lord once more.
19:03 Nothing had changed.
19:06 The situation was visibly exactly as it was before.
19:12 God hadn't done anything noticeable.
19:17 And they went to worship the Lord once more.
19:19 If we can get really honest
19:22 and not play like we're super spiritual Christians,
19:25 it is super hard to trust God when we don't understand.
19:28 When you know He could do something and He doesn't,
19:33 and you've tried to be faithful,
19:36 and you sought Him, and you prayed, and you fasted,
19:38 and you prayed some more, and you begged,
19:39 and you pleaded, and you hoped,
19:40 and you did good things for people,
19:43 and you're hoping that, you know,
19:43 "Hey, I've got an offering.
19:44 "Maybe He'll notice that, God."
19:45 And you continue to pray, and you continue to pray,
19:48 and God doesn't come through.
19:49 And they went to worship the Lord once more.
19:52 The reason this hits me so deeply,
19:57 I think there's probably been two times
19:59 in the last 10 years that I've broken down and just sobbed,
20:04 you know, kind of an ugly cry, uncontrollable.
20:06 One was like two weeks after my dad's death.
20:08 I didn't cry, I didn't cry,
20:08 and then boom, one day it just hit me.
20:11 The other time was several weeks back.
20:14 (sighs)
20:16 And there is a situation that I've talked about before,
20:20 I'm not gonna go into again,
20:22 but the weight of it hit me so hard.
20:27 And it was right before church on the weekend
20:31 when I was supposed to preach.
20:33 I'm back there with Amy, and I'm in my little office,
20:36 10 minutes before church.
20:41 And I was sobbing and sobbing and sobbing
20:46 and sobbing and sobbing, eight minutes before church,
20:50 six minutes before church, five minutes before church.
20:55 Church starts, and the music's playing,
20:59 and I can't stop.
21:03 I got red eyes, I got snot.
21:06 Sorry about that.
21:09 It was kind of like, I mean, I had snot everywhere.
21:12 And I said, "How am I gonna preach?"
21:16 And I wiped the tears off, cleaned up as much as I could,
21:24 and Amy and I walked and sat in our normal seat
21:27 on the front row, and we worshiped the Lord once more.
21:37 (congregation applauding)
21:41 Nothing had changed, but by faith,
21:48 we praised God like He heard our prayer and answered it.
21:53 We worshiped the Lord once more.
21:57 I don't know who this is for,
22:00 but you've been hanging on, and you're about to give up.
22:03 And one of the biggest acts of faith is to praise God
22:08 when you still don't see it,
22:09 to worship Him when you don't feel like it,
22:14 and just to say, "I'm not worshiping you for the what,
22:16 "I'm worshiping for the who, who you are."
22:19 And you've always been good, and you've always been faithful,
22:22 and you wipe the tears away,
22:23 and you lift up your hands toward heaven,
22:25 and you worship Him once more,
22:32 because you're not worshiping Him for just what you see,
22:35 you're worshiping for what He says,
22:36 you're worshiping for His faithfulness,
22:39 because our trust does not grow in the good times.
22:44 We learn to trust Him in the trials.
22:46 And Scripture says in 1 Samuel 1, here's what happened.
22:51 They returned home to Ramah,
22:53 and when Elkanah slept with Hannah,
22:56 what does that mean?
22:59 She actually forgave him for what he said earlier.
23:02 So they made up, whatever you're going through
23:06 in your marriage, there's hope,
23:07 and there's healing in the name of Jesus.
23:09 Sometimes you gotta forgive,
23:12 and so she forgave him for that whole
23:14 better than 10 kids thing.
23:16 And they slept, and slept with Hannah,
23:20 and the Lord remembered her plea,
23:23 and in due time,
23:25 she gave birth to a son.
23:29 In due time, in due time.
23:33 And she named him Samuel,
23:37 for she said, "I ask the Lord for him."
23:40 She named him Samuel.
23:42 What does Samuel mean?
23:43 Samuel means heard by God.
23:45 It means God heard, that's what it means.
23:47 And so every time she would say her son's name,
23:50 Samuel, hey Samuel, hey,
23:52 every time she'd say his name,
23:55 she was saying God heard,
23:56 she's remembering her trial,
23:59 and remembering the faithfulness of God,
24:01 that God heard her prayer,
24:05 and God answered it.
24:07 Every single time, God, you remembered, and you heard.
24:12 Now, praise God, hallelujah,
24:15 we get to worship with the baby.
24:17 But it kind of raises the question,
24:19 why did God take so long?
24:20 Right?
24:23 Why didn't he do it years earlier?
24:27 You want me to tell you why?
24:30 The answer is, I don't have a clue.
24:33 I didn't study that in seminary.
24:36 That's above my pay grade.
24:39 I like, I don't know.
24:41 I mean, God's ways are higher than our ways.
24:43 And God might not have done it,
24:45 'cause other times he didn't.
24:47 I don't know why God didn't do what he could have done
24:49 and did it earlier, but here's what I do know,
24:52 that through the whole process,
24:53 she got to a point where she actually dedicated her son,
24:58 her unborn son, to the Lord.
25:01 If God had given her a baby earlier,
25:02 she might not have done that.
25:04 In other words, what I found in my own life
25:07 is sometimes God needs to do something in me
25:09 long before he does something for me.
25:12 Sometimes he's gotta teach me something.
25:16 He's gotta do something in me to change my heart.
25:21 If I'm gonna trust in the Lord God with all of my heart,
25:25 because my heart's wicked on its own,
25:28 and sometimes it needs healing.
25:30 Maybe there's somebody here God wants to do something in you
25:35 before he does something for you.
25:36 And so if you're waiting, or if you're sobbing,
25:42 and you go back and worship the Lord once more,
25:44 how do you wait well?
25:46 How do you wait well?
25:48 One of the most helpful things for me,
25:50 I've got this journal, it's a five-year journal.
25:52 One of the reasons why I have it
25:53 is because you only have to journal a little bit.
25:57 That's a day right there.
26:01 Those of you that journal like 40 pages a day,
26:04 like I could never do that, so I got an easy one.
26:06 This is like a beginner's one.
26:08 And what I like about this one is when I go back
26:11 and look at, this is like, this is August the 10th,
26:14 this is August 11th.
26:15 So this is August the 10th, like 2017,
26:17 this is 2018, '19, '20, '21.
26:20 And whenever I go back and look at previous years
26:22 on the same day, I see all of my prayer requests.
26:25 And what happens is on August the 10th in 2017,
26:30 I was worried about something and not trusting God with it.
26:35 A year later, I can see that God was actually faithful.
26:40 And year over year over year, I see the faithfulness of God.
26:45 I never know on the day of,
26:47 but a year or two or three years later,
26:49 I look back and say, oh, God, I still may not understand,
26:54 but I see your goodness, I see your faithfulness.
26:58 Because God has been faithful in the past,
27:01 we can trust Him with the future.
27:05 His word is true and He is always faithful.
27:08 I don't know who this is for,
27:10 but I believe God gave me a word
27:12 for someone who's waiting right now.
27:13 God gave me a word for someone who's hurting right now.
27:16 God gave me a word for someone who's disappointed with God.
27:19 And I wanna tell you and promise you
27:20 that God has not left you,
27:23 that He is still here, that He is still good,
27:26 that He is always faithful, that His promises are true.
27:30 You can trust Him, you can let Him back in,
27:34 you can run to Him, you can cry out to Him,
27:37 you can fall upon Him, you can cry in deep anguish to Him.
27:42 And then you can worship the Lord once more,
27:47 because He is always good, He is always with you.
27:51 He will never leave you, He will never forsake you.
27:55 And Hannah did this, she pre-decided,
27:57 I'm gonna trust Him no matter what.
27:59 And then she dedicated her unborn son,
28:02 and then she has a son and she kept her word
28:03 and she gave Samuel to the Lord.
28:05 And what did God do through Samuel?
28:07 So many things.
28:09 Eli and Samuel had an experience, God spoke to Samuel,
28:14 and he interceded on behalf of God's people faithfully.
28:19 And he became a judge over Israel and ruled,
28:21 he established a school of prophets,
28:24 he anointed David as the King of Israel,
28:26 and through David's lineage,
28:28 it actually led to the birth of Christ.
28:30 That whole process led to a point of deeper trust,
28:35 where she could surrender her son
28:38 and dedicate him faithfully
28:40 to the work and the ministry of God.
28:43 And through that faithfulness,
28:45 God did so much to her son when she learned what?
28:50 To trust in the Lord with all of her heart
28:56 and lean not on her own understanding,
28:58 but in every single way to acknowledge Him,
29:02 to submit to Him, to surrender to Him.
29:04 And He would make her path straight.
29:06 I wanna ask somebody here today,
29:09 what do you think God might do through you
29:13 if you choose to trust Him in your trial?
29:20 What do you think God might do in you
29:24 and God might do through you
29:27 and God might do for you
29:31 if you choose to trust Him in your trial?
29:37 God, help us to trust in you
29:39 with every bit of our hearts,
29:44 because you're good, your promises are true,
29:48 and you're always faithful.
29:49 All of our churches and those of you online,
29:52 would you just go before God with me in prayer?
29:54 Heavenly Father,
29:55 build our faith.
29:59 God, for those who are waiting and hurting and questioning,
30:05 do a healing work just like you did in Hannah,
30:07 even though nothing has changed yet,
30:10 that we're sad no more, that we worship you again.
30:14 As you're praying and reflecting today,
30:17 I want you to be, let's just do this,
30:19 let's open up our eyes if you don't mind.
30:21 We're the body of Christ
30:24 and I want to be able to pray for each other.
30:25 Those of you right now, let's call it what it is,
30:27 don't act super spiritual.
30:28 There's something that's weighing on you.
30:30 It's a heavy, it's a burden, it's a worry, it's a concern.
30:34 I've got one, I got my hands, the first one up.
30:36 Those of you who say that's you,
30:37 if you lift up your hands right now,
30:38 go ahead and lift them up, leave them up online,
30:40 just type, "I have a burden," in the comments,
30:42 leave them up if you will.
30:43 If you wouldn't mind,
30:44 can you just reach out appropriately
30:46 and maybe put your hand on the shoulder
30:49 of someone in front of you or beside you,
30:52 and we're just gonna pray together as the family of God,
30:55 just reaching out to somebody nearby.
30:58 And God, with the laying on of hands,
31:02 we come before you as people hurting, needing you.
31:07 And God, we just acknowledge sometimes
31:11 it's really, really hard to trust you.
31:12 We can't see you, we don't know what you're doing,
31:14 we don't understand all your purposes.
31:16 But God, we pre-decide, we choose to put our faith in you.
31:23 And God, at this moment,
31:27 as we're just feeling the touch of another human being,
31:30 help us to feel the touch of your hand,
31:33 your supernatural love for us, your providence.
31:38 God, we thank you that you're working in all things
31:41 to bring about good to those who love you
31:43 and are called according to your purpose.
31:45 God, we just acknowledge that your ways
31:46 are higher than our ways,
31:48 that you have a bigger picture.
31:51 God, help us to trust in you.
31:53 God, in this moment with our children, with our health,
31:56 with our finances, with our relationships,
31:59 with our careers, with our spiritual life,
32:02 with our fears, with our mental health issues,
32:04 God, with whatever is weighing on us,
32:06 help us to trust in you with every bit of our hearts.
32:11 We cry out to you, in deep anguish we cry out to you.
32:17 And God, we thank you that you hear the cries of our hearts.
32:21 God, I pray that you'd lift our heads,
32:24 you'd rejoin our hearts.
32:27 God, I pray for those who walked in sad,
32:29 that they would be sad no more.
32:31 And we would worship you once again,
32:34 because you are always good and always faithful.
32:36 As you keep praying today, you can remove your hand
32:40 if you don't wanna be awkward for the rest of the time.
32:42 It's all right.
32:43 You keep praying, nobody looking around today.
32:46 Let me ask you this question.
32:48 On a scale of one to 10,
32:50 how confident are you that if your life was over,
32:56 you would be right with God?
32:57 Scale of one to 10, scale of one to 10,
32:59 how confident are you?
33:00 If you're not a 10 today, I wanna talk to you.
33:06 You're seven, five, eight, whatever.
33:10 If you're not a 10 today, I wanna talk to you.
33:13 We are never made right with God by our own good works.
33:19 Every single one of us, we've all sinned,
33:22 you've sinned, I've sinned.
33:24 And our sin separates us from the holiness of God.
33:27 But God's love is so amazing and it's so personal
33:32 that He didn't tell us that He loved us from heaven,
33:35 but He showed His love on earth.
33:37 He sent His son, Jesus, who is perfect in every way.
33:40 And Jesus came not to judge the world,
33:43 but to save the world.
33:45 The one who was without sin gave His life on a cross.
33:48 He died.
33:50 And three days later, God raised Jesus from the dead
33:52 so that anyone, and this includes you,
33:54 doesn't matter what you've done,
33:55 anyone who calls on the name of the Lord,
33:57 that you would be saved.
33:59 Scripture says this, that if you believe in your heart
34:03 that God raised Jesus from the dead
34:05 and you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord,
34:08 you will be saved.
34:10 If you surrender to the Lordship of Christ,
34:13 your sins are forgiven.
34:14 They're not held against you.
34:15 That means you're heaven bound.
34:17 You belong to God, you're a child of God.
34:19 That means if I ask you a scale of one to 10,
34:21 how sure are you, you say 10.
34:23 If you say anything less than 10, let's make it a 10.
34:27 Step away from your sin.
34:30 Step toward the grace of Jesus Christ.
34:33 Call on Him and when you do, God hears your prayers
34:36 and you become new.
34:37 Everything else is gone and you become new.
34:40 Today at all of our churches or wherever you're watching,
34:42 from you're less than a 10, let's make it a 10 today.
34:45 You need His grace.
34:46 You say, I know I've sinned, I want His forgiveness.
34:50 Today, we're just gonna step away from your sin.
34:52 We're gonna repent of it and we're gonna surrender
34:54 our lives, all of it to Jesus.
34:55 We're gonna trust in Him and in Him alone for our salvation.
34:59 Those who say, I need that, I want that,
35:01 I wanna be a 10, I wanna be sure, I wanna belong to Him.
35:04 I need Jesus, I need His forgiveness.
35:07 I'm ready to surrender my life to Him.
35:09 That's your prayer today.
35:09 Would you lift your hands high right now?
35:11 All of the place, lift them up right there.
35:12 Praise God for you over there.
35:14 Others of you, lift them up right back here.
35:16 Come on, lift your hands high today.
35:18 And say, yes, I need Jesus.
35:19 Others today, it's your prayer.
35:22 Online, you can type in the comment section,
35:24 I am surrendering my life to Jesus.
35:27 And as we have many people here and people around the world,
35:30 let's all pray together.
35:32 Just pray aloud, pray, Heavenly Father.
35:34 I'm ready to trust You to forgive my sins,
35:39 to trust Jesus to be the Lord of my life,
35:43 to be my Savior, to trust Your Holy Spirit to fill me
35:50 so I could know You and live for You.
35:53 My life is no longer my life.
35:58 I give it all to You.
36:01 I surrender, use my life to glorify You.
36:08 Thank You for new life, for forgiveness, for salvation.
36:17 I give You all of mine.
36:19 In Jesus' name I pray.
36:21 Could somebody get loud and give God praise?
36:24 Somebody worship the Lord once more.
36:26 (congregation applauding)
36:30 (upbeat music)
36:32 (upbeat music)
36:35 Click here to get more content
36:36 on how to make great decisions.
36:38 (upbeat music)
