00:00:00 by the hill in the valley and the Lord said unto Gideon,
00:00:04 "The people that are with thee are too many."
00:00:10 In other words, where you are going, you're trying to take too many people
00:00:16 with you.
00:00:28 So I'm trying to give you the Midianites,
00:00:31 but I can't give you the Midianites if you take your Minyans.
00:00:37 "Now therefore go to proclaim in the ears of the people saying,
00:00:45 'Whosoever is fearful and afraid, let him return and depart early
00:00:50 from the mountain.'" In other words, he's saying, "Listen, you're trying to take
00:00:53 them with you and they're scared to go."
00:00:57 See, when you take the wrong people
00:01:02 and they got the wrong attitude, you spend your good time trying to
00:01:08 convince the wrong people how to enjoy the right place. So you
00:01:13 might as well leave them where they are so that God can give you what he has for
00:01:18 you.
00:01:21 The Lord said unto Gideon, "The people are yet too many.
00:01:27 Bring them down unto the water and I will try them
00:01:31 for thee there and it shall be that of whom I shall say unto thee."
00:01:37 It's a bunch of these and thous. "This shall go with thee, you.
00:01:43 The same shall go with thee, you. And whoever I say unto you,
00:01:51 this shall not go with you." Jesus, King James, how many of these do you have?
00:01:58 "The same shall not go." Verse 5, "So he brought down the people unto the water
00:02:03 and here is where I want to get. And the Lord said unto Gideon,
00:02:06 'Everyone that lapsed to water with his tongue like a dog,
00:02:11 leave him.'" God don't be playing, do he?
00:02:20 And he gave him three different things to do and by the time he's finished, he
00:02:24 went from 32,000 people with him down to just 300.
00:02:32 This is the year for you to shrink your circle
00:02:36 because you don't have time to be giving your energy in the people.
00:02:44 Your assignment is going to need everything you got.
00:02:49 This is what the Lord told me to preach today. He said, "Tell the people
00:02:55 I'm about to give them strength through subtraction."
00:03:01 Everybody say, "Strength through subtraction." You may be seated in the
00:03:12 presence of the Lord.
00:03:15 We have seen that in the Bible without a doubt,
00:03:33 a record of God doing big things
00:03:42 through little people.
00:03:45 I can give you example after example after example of how God
00:03:51 did a lot with a little.
00:03:57 In fact, I think it is safe to say
00:04:03 that God is a God of the remnant.
00:04:09 He's the God of the portion that's left over. I wonder
00:04:17 how many people in this room
00:04:21 feel like perhaps the black sheep in your family are.
00:04:29 Perhaps you're the most misunderstood person in your tribe.
00:04:38 Perhaps you're late to the party. I bet you that you got some cousins and some
00:04:43 relatives that have done great in life and they think that because they've
00:04:47 already done good that they're better than you.
00:04:52 But they don't know that God always has a final act.
00:05:01 That the rejected stone, Leon hear me, automatically with the anointing of God
00:05:09 in favor becomes the chief cornerstone.
00:05:14 In some cases, you don't want to be noticed too soon.
00:05:22 The reason why you don't want to be noticed too soon
00:05:29 is you want people not to know who you are
00:05:34 until you figure out who you are.
00:05:38 There was nothing worse than being presented
00:05:43 before you are present.
00:05:47 There's nothing worse than being presented before you're ready for what
00:05:54 comes with the presentation. So, God will leave you in the field,
00:06:00 David, tending sheep, fighting lions and bears,
00:06:07 until you have harnessed your rock throwing skills
00:06:11 so much that it only takes one stone to beat the giant
00:06:19 that you're now facing.
00:06:23 God does a lot with a little. Anybody feel, just I know you don't want
00:06:30 to be honest, but anybody ever felt inadequate?
00:06:34 I'm talking about in your house, in your car, in your clothes, with your title and
00:06:41 all that and you still felt like
00:06:44 and everything you ever asked God to do he did but you still never felt like you
00:06:48 thought you would feel once he gave you what you asked for.
00:06:51 We walk around pretending to be confident but the truth is,
00:06:56 is inside we feel inadequate, we feel small, we feel like God doesn't see us.
00:07:04 But God always does a lot. Y'all got time today?
00:07:10 He always does a lot
00:07:13 with a little. Just think about the teenager that he used to kill the giant.
00:07:19 The giant had full armor, all David had was a stone.
00:07:24 You would think that David couldn't knock a man out that was nine feet tall
00:07:28 that was clothed in armor from the top of his head to
00:07:31 the shins and the soles of his feet but when God does something with you he'll
00:07:37 allow your stone to find the one uncovered portion.
00:07:42 And I don't know if you know this but giants
00:07:47 they do fall and the bigger they are.
00:07:52 You remember the instance where there was a little lad who had a little lunch,
00:07:58 two pieces of fish and five barley loaves and
00:08:04 there were 5,000 people who were hungry not including the women and the children
00:08:09 so if there are 5,000 hungry souls, 5,000 men, if every man had a wife that's
00:08:14 10,000, if every couple had at least a child
00:08:18 that's 15,000, two children 20,000 so we could rest assured through
00:08:23 deductive reasoning we could probably calculate there's somewhere between
00:08:26 15 and 35 to 40,000 people who are hungry
00:08:32 who were fed with a little lunch from a little lad, two fish,
00:08:39 five loaves of bread because God does a lot
00:08:45 with a little. Today I almost preached on the widow's two mites.
00:08:55 Her offering was so small that when the preacher asked her to stand
00:09:00 out of embarrassment she didn't. Her offering was so small that if she
00:09:06 put it in an envelope the count team would have made fun of her
00:09:09 in the back and said why did she use an envelope for
00:09:12 these two pennies? God says that's the offering that I want
00:09:18 because it is not the size of the gift it's the size of the sacrifice
00:09:25 which means that if you drop a million dollars
00:09:28 and it was not a sacrifice to you God is going to be pleased with the person
00:09:34 who dropped a dollar because God would rather have all you have
00:09:40 than for you to give him what you can spare
00:09:44 because God specializes in using little things
00:09:53 everybody's trying to be big
00:09:56 not realizing that God isn't looking for big
00:10:02 a little leaven leaveneth the whole loaf. If God was looking for big he would have
00:10:08 came into the world big he came as a fetus
00:10:13 and grew in his mother's womb and was born just like you and I
00:10:17 at the age of 33 he died and went back to be
00:10:20 with his father because God likes to do amazing things
00:10:28 with small things. You remember the widow who
00:10:33 just had a little oil left and the debt collectors came to her house
00:10:39 to collect and she says I don't have much they said okay well
00:10:46 then we're gonna put your sons into slavery but it just so
00:10:51 happens that the little she had was enough
00:10:55 because I speak to you right now that what you don't understand
00:10:59 is all you have is all you need
00:11:04 who is this word for so far I know I may be boring some of y'all I'm just trying
00:11:09 to get I'm just trying to get some of y'all to
00:11:11 understand the case that you don't have to have a lot to get
00:11:16 God's attention
00:11:19 that you're not more special because you got a whole lot of followers on
00:11:22 Instagram and somebody else has a few hundred let me tell you
00:11:26 something there are a lot of people whose Instagram following is small but
00:11:29 they bank account is huge
00:11:32 see we live in a society that equates success with followers
00:11:36 and let me tell you everybody who's following you ain't following you
00:11:41 the average account just so you know only has about one or two percent
00:11:47 engagement so out of all of the people who are
00:11:51 following you 98 of them don't even care about you
00:11:56 and the two percent that do are looking at you to find out what you can do
00:12:00 for them are y'all listening to me today just touch somebody say God can do a lot
00:12:06 with a little he can do a lot with a little
00:12:09 yesterday my wife was in the kitchen and she was cooking
00:12:14 and I said I said baby you need my help she said what you gonna do
00:12:21 I said well I see you got this stuff on the stove I said
00:12:25 uh uh let's let's let me get involved in it I said there's a process
00:12:30 uh called reduction I said so we can we can simmer this she was making pot pies
00:12:35 I said we can simmer this and we can reduce it she looked at me
00:12:39 and said wow
00:12:42 well I it just so happens that my sermon matched with what she was doing I
00:12:47 wasn't gonna help her I just offered it anyway
00:12:49 if she would have said yes I would have done it but I absolutely didn't go in
00:12:52 there authentically to help I went in there to practice my message
00:12:58 because when you um
00:13:03 facts she knows the truth see reduction is when you take
00:13:09 a substance and and you bring it down from a boil to a simmer
00:13:15 and the reason why you bring it down from a boil to a simmer
00:13:18 is because everything has water in it so reduction is a way of evaporating the
00:13:23 water thereby concentrating the flavor so that
00:13:29 so
00:13:37 reduce it watch this so it could be more potent
00:13:54 don't miss it reduction subtraction reducing it
00:14:02 see when your circle is big it's watered down
00:14:07 so God has to reduce it because if you got three good
00:14:13 friends you can do more than 10 phony folk in
00:14:18 your life I don't know who I'm talking to but
00:14:22 God says I'm about to simmer your life I had the heat there so that your life
00:14:28 could evaporate all of the ingredients that were unnecessary
00:14:33 but in this next stage of your life I'm about to do a lot with a little
00:14:37 I don't know who I'm talking to but I need you to high-five somebody say God's
00:14:42 about to do a lot with a little he's about to do a lot with
00:14:47 that little bit of check you get that little bit of child support that
00:14:52 little bit of alimony that little bit of bonus God says don't
00:14:57 worry about it even though they didn't pay you what you
00:15:00 were worth I'm about to give you what the canker worms have taken away
00:15:05 and I'm about to do a lot with a little I want to know what it sounds like
00:15:12 when you just realize that all you have is all you need
00:15:27 God says I'm concentrating
00:15:31 the ingredients of your display because what you don't know
00:15:41 is that you are allergic to the things you keep adding to the soup
00:15:48 say
00:15:51 but because you don't know how to say no
00:15:57 and because you you so worried about everybody's feelings
00:16:02 and you so worried about what everybody gonna say
00:16:05 you let people stay in the gumbo and you are allergic to them
00:16:10 and now you're sick and let me tell you something
00:16:14 anytime you invite the wrong person to your table
00:16:17 you become the meal
00:16:20 you'd be surprised at how many people who know who you are
00:16:28 and you don't know who you are and so they're in your life not because they
00:16:31 love you but because they're borrowing your influence
00:16:34 and they know that if people see them with you then they'll assume that they
00:16:38 are important too but you need to surround yourself with
00:16:41 people who are going in the same direction
00:16:44 people who have a prayer life people who are not jealous when you win
00:16:48 somebody who don't have to step over you to be seen when it's your opportunity to
00:16:52 be seen and you might not have them in your
00:16:55 life right now but just look to the person to your left and your right and
00:16:58 say can I count on you because because bishop told you earlier
00:17:04 he told you earlier to find you a neighbor
00:17:08 who could help you I want you to find out if you are with somebody who can
00:17:14 help you tell your neighbor neighbor like he
00:17:19 said I normally don't I don't beg I don't like to ask
00:17:24 but I do need you to help me do something
00:17:27 over the next few minutes would you help me
00:17:32 praise the lord that's all I need you to do
00:17:37 I don't need you to help me pay my bills because I'm about to worship on a grant
00:17:43 I don't need you to help me get a boot because I'm about to worship on a
00:17:47 significant other I don't need all I need you to do is help
00:17:52 me
00:17:54 look now look everybody freeze everybody on mute
00:18:01 all right y'all y'all ain't good so watch this so so so look at some of y'all
00:18:05 neighbor ain't said nothing yet I'm telling you
00:18:07 don't talk to him no more let me just tell you right now
00:18:10 you tell him I said you flunked I'm not talking to you no more
00:18:13 so when they looking at you later when the sermon is hot later on and they
00:18:17 looking to give you a high five I want you to look at them like you ain't never
00:18:19 seen them a day in your life only the people who are talking to you
00:18:22 now why because this is what I'm trying to break in your life
00:18:25 I want you to stop being happy when people get ready to deal with you
00:18:29 I want you to deal with people who deal with you when you need to be dealt with
00:18:32 I want you to look at your neighbor say right now I'm looking for my neighbor
00:18:39 don't talk to me in a half hour don't talk to me in the parking lot
00:18:48 don't talk to me later I'm looking for somebody who will help me praise him
00:18:52 right now
00:18:55 because God is getting ready to strengthen
00:18:59 through subtraction I want to stabilize you
00:19:07 because you're getting ready to lose things
00:19:11 look at me and you better not get stressed out
00:19:17 don't you D don't you D in me talking about you need prayer
00:19:22 I'm warning you right now they're leaving
00:19:26 I'm telling you right now the job doesn't want you anymore
00:19:33 I'm telling you right now the three friends
00:19:36 in your circle about to start acting funny towards you
00:19:40 I'm telling you right now your phone is about to stop ringing
00:19:44 I'm telling you right now you're gonna look on Instagram and you're gonna see
00:19:47 your girls out and they're not gonna invite you
00:19:50 and they already got the story made up as to when you asked the question why
00:19:53 y'all didn't tell me they already got they lie together but I
00:19:57 want you to know something and I want you to hear the words that are coming
00:20:00 out of my mouth your destiny has never been connected to
00:20:04 anybody who can leave you you need to understand that if they can go
00:20:09 you better help them pack
00:20:16 tell your neighbor I'm gonna be a concierge service in my next life
00:20:20 I'm gonna help people get out of my life
00:20:24 I'ma book the tickets I'ma pack the bags I'ma book the room I'ma I'ma assist you
00:20:32 in your exit
00:20:34 because God is strengthening me
00:20:38 [Applause]
00:20:42 all right so hours before the battle
00:20:53 Gideon learned a divine lesson
00:20:59 a divine principle as repeated by Christ in the new testament
00:21:04 and that principle is listen to me are y'all listening
00:21:10 many are called
00:21:14 but few are chosen and your problem is you choose too much
00:21:28 everybody in your life doesn't have to be your choice
00:21:34 so God's gonna send them some for seasons
00:21:38 some for reasons it is your job to figure out which one it is
00:21:44 which means that you do have to allow Judas and Peter at the table
00:21:52 that's for a season
00:21:58 but you gotta have Mary Magdalene
00:22:02 because that's for a reason
00:22:07 out of all of the disciples that Jesus had
00:22:10 when he got out of the grave the only one that was there
00:22:14 was a woman named Mary because let me tell you
00:22:17 everybody who sits at your table won't be at your grave
00:22:22 [Applause]
00:22:25 you got to stop being mad at people because they were not there when you
00:22:31 woke up their job was to be at the table not at
00:22:36 the tomb
00:22:38 am I talking to anybody
00:22:45 let me tell you something the bible says that the Midianites had been raiding the
00:22:50 Israelites for years okay let's get in a little theology here
00:22:55 the Midianites or group of bandits they had been harassing
00:23:00 the the Israelites for years and and the bible says that many of
00:23:04 them hid in the hills and and attacked them and and when the
00:23:08 angel of the lord finally came to Gideon
00:23:12 God I'm trying I'm trying because I got to hurry up
00:23:17 the bible says that that Gideon was threshing wheat
00:23:23 in a wine press okay all right so let me tell you what that
00:23:28 means you ever heard the term separate the
00:23:31 wheat from the tare they didn't have instruments
00:23:36 and machines like we had so what they would do is they would go to an elevated
00:23:39 place I want you to imagine that I'm on a mountain
00:23:42 and they would take the wheat and the tare out of the ground a tare is like a
00:23:45 weed and they would throw it up in the air
00:23:49 and the wind would separate the wheat from the tare
00:23:53 why because the weeds are light but the wheat is heavy
00:24:01 so that which was good fell in place that which was unnecessary
00:24:10 see this is what the wind of the holy ghost does in your life
00:24:16 when the holy ghost is a part of your relationships and your family and he
00:24:20 blows that which shouldn't be
00:24:24 but Gideon because he's afraid is in the wine press
00:24:37 threshing wheat but there's no wind
00:24:42 he's out of place he has a high calling but because of how he feels about
00:24:49 himself he's in a low place see i'm trying to get into your mind
00:24:55 that the reason some of you all are not successful is because you
00:24:59 eventually you eventually end up in the place that reflects how you see
00:25:04 yourself don't miss this listen don't miss this
00:25:09 pew research which is a 34 year old company
00:25:13 pew research says
00:25:16 that 52 percent of people view themselves based on where they
00:25:23 live
00:25:25 this is good which means especially for african-americans 17 percent
00:25:33 of us live in urban areas what does urban mean urban means that
00:25:38 you live in a place that is densely populated
00:25:41 uh let me just say it this way it means either you live in a hood or one is
00:25:44 close to you
00:25:47 let me explain urban to you urban centers means
00:25:52 that somewhere within three to five miles of your house there's a check cash
00:25:56 in place charging somebody 21 on the check and
00:25:59 they are already behind it means that there's a liquor store
00:26:02 somewhere near your house and i'm not talking about specs i'm
00:26:05 talking about the one that also got a gas station and also y'all
00:26:10 come on talk to me it it means that that the education
00:26:14 system either in or near and around where you are
00:26:18 is failing it means that when you call the police
00:26:23 come on talk to me somebody it it means that when it floods it floods somewhere
00:26:29 near where
00:26:32 okay so that's 17 of us now if 17 of us live in areas where there are
00:26:40 no suburbs 17 of us live in food deserts
00:26:45 17 of us live nowhere near a whole foods
00:26:49 17 of us live nowhere near a sax or anemones most of us live in areas
00:26:55 where the mall is already half closed even though it's open
00:27:01 y'all ain't gonna say nothing y'all ain't gonna say nothing you know what
00:27:04 i'm talking about the mall where it used to be macy's but now it's
00:27:06 rainbow come on hollens come on come on now
00:27:10 when your mall got more stores in it that you've never heard the name
00:27:15 of it means it's closing soon
00:27:19 um
00:27:22 i'm talking about the mall that the ladies use
00:27:31 as a track
00:27:34 come on now i'm trying i'm trying to anybody know what i'm talking about
00:27:42 you got more people exercising than shopping
00:27:46 because it's about to close
00:27:48 so if that's all you see
00:27:58 then you began to assume that your environment is a reflection of
00:28:04 yourself when you go into a school and it's not
00:28:06 clean and things don't work
00:28:10 and when your mother's car when you have to pray to hope it starts
00:28:17 that's 17 of us now watch this 52 of us view where we live as a reflection of
00:28:24 who we are watch this 62 of women
00:28:29 view where they live as a reflection of themselves now watch this
00:28:36 17
00:28:39 throwing a lot of stats at y'all right now let me put it this way about half of
00:28:44 our homes don't have black men in them okay so then if you take a percentage of
00:28:49 that that means and i'm just giving you the end result of my deductive reasoning
00:28:52 about 40 to 50 percent of black people are walking around thinking that where
00:28:57 they live is a reflection of who they are
00:29:00 which is why we're all doing high things in low places
00:29:05 you walk into the job thinking you don't belong you walk into the job thinking
00:29:09 they don't like you you walk into the job
00:29:11 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job thinking they don't like you
00:29:14 you walk into the job thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:29:17 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job thinking they don't like you
00:29:20 you walk into the job thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:29:24 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job thinking they don't like you
00:29:27 you walk into the job thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:29:30 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job thinking they don't like you
00:29:33 you walk into the job thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:29:36 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job thinking they don't like you
00:29:39 you walk into the job thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:29:42 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job thinking they don't like you
00:29:46 you walk into the job thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:29:49 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job thinking they don't like you
00:29:53 you walk into the job thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:29:55 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job thinking they don't like you
00:29:59 you walk into the job thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:30:02 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job thinking they don't like you
00:30:05 you walk into the job thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:30:08 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job thinking they don't like you
00:30:12 you walk into the job thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:30:16 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job thinking they don't like you
00:30:20 you walk into the job thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:30:23 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job thinking they don't like you
00:30:26 you walk into the job thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:30:29 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job thinking they don't like you
00:30:32 you walk into the job thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:30:35 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job thinking they don't like you
00:30:39 you walk into the job thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:30:43 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job thinking they don't like you
00:30:46 you walk into the job thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:30:50 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job thinking they don't like you
00:30:53 you walk into the job thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:30:56 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job thinking they don't like you
00:30:59 you walk into the job thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:31:02 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job thinking they don't like you
00:31:06 you walk into the job thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:31:09 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job thinking they don't like you
00:31:13 you walk into the job thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:31:16 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job thinking they don't like you
00:31:19 you walk into the job thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:31:22 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job thinking they don't like you
00:31:25 you walk into the job thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:31:28 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job thinking they don't like you
00:31:30 you walk into the job thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:31:33 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job thinking they don't like you
00:31:36 you walk into the job thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:31:39 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job thinking they don't like you
00:31:42 you walk into the job thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:31:45 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job thinking they don't like you
00:31:48 you walk into the job thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:31:51 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job thinking they don't like you
00:31:54 you walk into the job thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:31:57 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job thinking they don't like you
00:32:01 you walk into the job thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:32:04 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job thinking they don't like you
00:32:07 you walk into the job thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:32:11 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job thinking they don't like you
00:32:14 you walk into the job thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:32:17 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job thinking they don't like you
00:32:20 you walk into the job thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:32:22 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job thinking they don't like you
00:32:24 you walk into the job thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:32:26 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job thinking they don't like you
00:32:29 you walk into the job thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:32:31 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job thinking they don't like you
00:32:33 you walk into the job thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:32:36 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job thinking they don't like you
00:32:38 you walk into the job thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:32:40 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job thinking they don't like you
00:32:42 you walk into the job thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:32:44 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job thinking they don't like you
00:32:46 you walk into the job thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:32:48 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job thinking they don't like you
00:32:50 you walk into the job thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:32:52 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job thinking they don't like you
00:32:54 you walk into the job thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:32:56 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job thinking they don't like you
00:32:58 you walk into the job thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:33:00 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job thinking they don't like you
00:33:02 you walk into the job thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:33:04 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job thinking they don't like you
00:33:06 you walk into the job thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:33:08 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job thinking they don't like you
00:33:10 you walk into the job thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:33:12 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job thinking they don't like you
00:33:14 you walk into the job thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:33:16 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job thinking they don't like you
00:33:18 you walk into the job thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:33:20 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job thinking they don't like you
00:33:22 you walk into the job thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:33:24 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job thinking they don't like you
00:33:26 you walk into the job thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:33:28 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job thinking they don't like you
00:33:30 you walk into the job thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:33:32 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job thinking they don't like you
00:33:34 you walk into the job thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:33:36 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job thinking they don't like you
00:33:38 you walk into the job thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:33:40 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job thinking they don't like you
00:33:42 you walk into the job thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:33:44 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:33:46 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:33:48 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:33:50 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:33:52 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:33:54 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:33:56 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:33:58 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:34:00 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:34:02 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:34:04 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:34:06 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:34:08 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:34:10 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:34:12 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:34:14 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:34:16 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:34:18 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:34:20 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:34:22 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:34:24 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:34:26 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:34:28 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:34:30 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:34:32 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:34:34 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:34:36 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:34:38 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:34:40 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:34:42 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:34:44 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:34:46 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:34:48 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:34:50 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:34:52 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:34:54 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:34:56 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:34:58 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:35:00 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:35:02 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:35:04 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:35:06 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:35:08 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:35:10 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:35:12 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:35:14 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:35:16 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:35:18 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:35:20 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:35:22 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:35:24 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:35:26 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:35:28 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:35:30 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:35:32 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:35:34 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:35:36 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:35:38 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:35:40 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:35:42 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:35:44 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:35:46 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:35:48 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:35:50 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:35:52 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:35:54 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:35:56 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:35:58 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:36:00 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:36:02 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:36:04 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:36:06 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:36:08 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:36:10 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:36:12 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:36:14 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:36:16 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:36:18 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:36:20 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:36:22 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:36:24 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:36:26 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:36:28 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:36:30 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:36:32 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:36:34 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:36:36 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:36:38 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:36:40 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:36:42 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:36:44 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:36:46 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:36:48 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:36:50 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:36:52 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:36:54 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:36:56 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:36:58 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:37:00 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:37:02 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:37:04 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:37:06 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:37:08 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:37:10 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:37:12 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:37:14 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:37:16 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:37:18 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:37:20 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:37:22 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:37:24 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:37:26 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:37:28 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:37:30 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:37:32 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:37:34 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:37:36 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:37:38 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:37:40 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:37:42 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:37:44 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:37:46 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:37:48 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:37:50 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:37:52 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:37:54 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:37:56 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:37:58 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:38:00 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:38:02 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:38:04 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:38:06 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:38:08 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:38:10 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:38:12 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:38:14 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:38:16 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:38:18 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:38:20 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:38:22 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:38:24 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:38:26 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:38:28 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:38:30 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:38:32 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:38:34 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:38:36 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:38:38 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:38:40 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:38:42 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:38:44 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:38:46 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:38:48 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:38:50 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:38:52 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:38:54 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:38:56 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:38:58 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:39:00 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:39:02 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:39:04 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:39:06 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:39:08 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:39:10 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:39:12 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:39:14 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:39:16 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:39:18 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:39:20 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:39:22 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:39:24 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:39:26 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:39:28 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:39:30 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:39:32 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:39:34 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:39:36 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:39:38 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:39:40 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:39:42 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:39:44 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:39:46 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:39:48 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:39:50 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:39:52 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:39:54 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:39:56 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:39:58 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:40:00 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:40:02 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:40:04 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:40:06 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:40:08 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:40:10 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:40:12 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:40:14 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:40:16 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:40:18 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:40:20 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:40:22 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:40:24 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:40:26 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:40:28 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:40:30 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:40:32 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:40:34 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:40:36 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:40:38 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:40:40 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:40:42 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:40:44 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:40:46 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:40:48 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:40:50 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:40:52 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:40:54 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:40:56 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:40:58 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:41:00 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:41:02 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:41:04 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:41:06 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:41:08 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:41:10 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:41:12 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:41:14 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:41:16 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:41:18 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:41:20 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:41:22 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:41:24 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:41:26 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:41:28 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:41:30 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:41:32 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:41:34 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:41:36 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:41:38 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:41:40 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:41:42 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:41:44 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:41:46 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:41:48 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:41:50 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:41:52 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:41:54 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:41:56 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:41:58 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:42:00 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:42:02 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:42:04 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:42:06 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:42:08 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:42:10 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:42:12 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:42:14 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:42:16 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:42:18 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:42:20 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:42:22 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:42:24 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:42:26 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:42:28 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:42:30 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:42:32 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:42:34 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:42:36 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:42:38 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:42:40 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:42:42 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:42:44 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:42:46 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:42:48 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:42:50 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:42:52 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:42:54 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:42:56 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:42:58 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:43:00 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:43:02 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:43:04 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:43:06 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:43:08 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:43:10 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:43:12 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:43:14 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:43:16 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:43:18 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:43:20 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:43:22 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:43:24 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:43:26 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:43:28 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:43:30 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:43:32 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:43:34 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:43:36 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:43:38 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:43:40 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:43:42 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:43:44 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:43:46 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:43:48 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:43:50 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:43:52 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:43:54 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:43:56 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:43:58 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:44:00 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:44:02 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:44:04 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:44:06 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:44:08 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:44:10 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:44:12 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:44:14 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:44:16 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:44:18 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:44:20 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:44:22 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:44:24 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:44:26 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:44:28 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:44:30 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:44:32 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:44:34 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:44:36 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:44:38 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:44:40 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:44:42 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:44:44 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:44:46 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:44:48 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:44:50 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:44:52 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:44:54 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:44:56 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:44:58 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:45:00 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:45:02 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:45:04 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:45:06 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:45:08 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:45:10 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:45:12 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:45:14 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:45:16 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:45:18 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:45:20 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:45:22 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:45:24 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:45:26 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:45:28 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:45:30 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:45:32 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:45:34 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:45:36 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:45:38 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:45:40 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:45:42 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:45:44 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:45:46 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:45:48 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:45:50 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:45:52 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:45:54 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:45:56 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:45:58 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:46:00 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:46:02 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:46:04 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:46:06 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:46:08 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:46:10 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:46:12 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:46:14 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:46:16 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:46:18 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:46:20 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:46:22 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:46:24 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:46:26 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:46:28 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:46:30 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:46:32 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:46:34 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:46:36 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:46:38 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:46:40 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:46:42 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:46:44 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:46:46 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:46:48 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:46:50 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:46:52 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:46:54 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:46:56 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:46:58 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:47:00 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:47:02 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:47:04 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:47:06 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:47:08 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:47:10 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:47:12 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:47:14 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:47:16 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:47:18 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:47:20 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:47:22 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:47:24 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:47:26 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:47:28 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:47:30 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:47:32 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:47:34 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:47:36 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:47:38 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:47:40 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:47:42 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:47:44 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:47:46 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:47:48 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:47:50 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:47:52 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:47:54 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:47:56 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:47:58 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:48:00 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:48:02 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:48:04 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:48:06 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:48:08 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:48:10 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:48:12 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:48:14 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:48:16 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:48:18 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:48:20 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:48:22 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:48:24 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:48:26 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:48:28 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:48:30 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:48:32 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:48:34 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:48:36 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:48:38 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:48:40 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:48:42 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:48:44 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:48:46 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:48:48 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:48:50 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:48:52 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:48:54 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:48:56 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:48:58 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:49:00 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:49:02 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:49:04 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:49:06 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:49:08 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:49:10 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:49:12 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:49:14 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:49:16 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:49:18 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:49:20 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:49:22 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:49:24 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:49:26 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:49:28 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:49:30 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:49:32 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:49:34 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:49:36 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:49:38 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:49:40 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:49:42 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:49:44 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:49:46 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:49:48 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:49:50 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:49:52 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:49:54 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:49:56 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:49:58 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:50:00 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:50:02 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:50:04 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:50:06 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:50:08 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:50:10 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:50:12 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:50:14 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:50:16 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:50:18 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:50:20 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:50:22 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:50:24 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:50:26 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:50:28 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:50:30 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:50:32 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:50:34 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:50:36 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:50:38 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:50:40 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:50:42 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:50:44 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:50:46 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:50:48 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:50:50 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:50:52 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:50:54 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:50:56 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:50:58 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:51:00 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:51:02 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:51:04 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:51:06 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:51:08 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:51:10 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:51:12 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:51:14 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:51:16 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:51:18 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:51:20 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:51:22 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:51:24 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:51:26 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:51:28 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:51:30 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:51:32 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:51:34 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:51:36 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:51:38 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:51:40 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:51:42 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:51:44 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:51:46 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:51:48 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:51:50 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:51:52 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:51:54 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:51:56 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:51:58 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:52:00 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:52:02 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:52:04 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:52:06 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:52:08 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:52:10 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:52:12 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:52:14 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:52:16 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:52:18 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:52:20 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:52:22 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:52:24 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:52:26 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:52:28 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:52:30 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:52:32 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:52:34 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:52:36 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:52:38 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:52:40 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:52:42 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:52:44 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:52:46 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:52:48 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:52:50 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:52:52 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:52:54 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:52:56 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:52:58 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:53:00 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:53:02 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:53:04 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:53:06 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:53:08 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:53:10 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:53:12 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:53:14 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:53:16 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:53:18 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:53:20 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:53:22 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:53:24 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:53:26 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:53:28 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:53:30 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:53:32 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:53:34 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:53:36 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:53:38 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:53:40 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:53:42 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:53:44 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:53:46 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:53:48 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:53:50 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:53:52 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:53:54 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:53:56 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:53:58 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:54:00 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:54:02 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:54:04 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:54:06 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:54:08 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:54:10 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:54:12 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:54:14 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:54:16 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:54:18 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:54:20 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:54:22 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:54:24 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:54:26 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:54:28 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:54:30 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:54:32 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:54:34 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:54:36 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:54:38 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:54:40 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:54:42 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:54:44 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:54:46 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:54:48 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:54:50 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:54:52 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:54:54 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:54:56 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:54:58 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:55:00 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:55:02 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:55:04 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:55:06 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:55:08 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:55:10 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:55:12 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:55:14 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:55:16 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:55:18 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:55:20 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:55:22 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:55:24 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:55:26 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:55:28 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:55:30 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:55:32 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:55:34 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:55:36 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:55:38 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:55:40 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:55:42 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:55:44 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:55:46 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:55:48 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:55:50 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:55:52 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:55:54 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:55:56 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:55:58 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:56:00 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:56:02 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:56:04 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:56:06 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:56:08 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:56:10 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:56:12 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:56:14 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:56:16 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:56:18 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:56:20 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:56:22 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:56:24 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:56:26 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:56:28 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:56:30 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:56:32 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:56:34 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:56:36 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:56:38 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:56:40 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:56:42 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:56:44 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:56:46 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:56:48 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:56:50 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:56:52 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:56:54 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:56:56 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:56:58 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:57:00 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:57:02 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:57:04 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:57:06 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:57:08 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:57:10 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:57:12 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:57:14 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:57:16 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:57:18 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:57:20 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:57:22 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:57:24 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:57:26 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:57:28 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:57:30 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:57:32 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:57:34 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:57:36 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:57:38 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:57:40 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:57:42 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:57:44 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:57:46 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:57:48 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:57:50 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:57:52 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:57:54 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:57:56 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:57:58 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:58:00 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:58:02 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:58:04 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:58:06 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:58:08 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:58:10 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:58:12 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:58:14 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:58:16 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:58:18 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:58:20 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:58:22 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:58:24 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:58:26 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:58:28 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:58:30 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:58:32 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:58:34 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:58:36 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:58:38 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:58:40 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:58:42 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:58:44 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:58:46 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:58:48 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:58:50 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:58:52 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:58:54 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:58:56 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:58:58 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:59:00 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:59:02 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:59:04 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:59:06 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:59:08 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:59:10 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:59:12 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:59:14 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:59:16 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:59:18 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:59:20 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:59:22 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:59:24 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:59:26 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:59:28 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:59:30 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:59:32 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:59:34 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:59:36 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:59:38 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:59:40 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:59:42 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:59:44 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:59:46 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:59:48 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:59:50 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:59:52 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:59:54 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:59:56 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
00:59:58 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:00:00 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:00:02 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:00:04 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:00:06 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:00:08 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:00:10 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:00:12 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:00:14 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:00:16 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
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01:00:20 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:00:22 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:00:24 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:00:26 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:00:28 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:00:30 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:00:32 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:00:34 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:00:36 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:00:38 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:00:40 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:00:42 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:00:44 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:00:46 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:00:48 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:00:50 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:00:52 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:00:54 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:00:56 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:00:58 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:01:00 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:01:02 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:01:04 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:01:06 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:01:08 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:01:10 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:01:12 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:01:14 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:01:16 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
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01:01:20 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:01:22 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:01:24 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:01:26 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:01:28 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:01:30 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:01:32 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:01:34 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:01:36 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:01:38 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:01:40 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:01:42 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:01:44 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:01:46 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:01:48 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:01:50 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:01:52 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:01:54 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:01:56 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:01:58 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:02:00 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:02:02 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:02:04 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:02:06 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:02:08 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:02:10 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:02:12 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:02:14 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:02:16 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
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01:02:20 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:02:22 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:02:24 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:02:26 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:02:28 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:02:30 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:02:32 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:02:34 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:02:36 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:02:38 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:02:40 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:02:42 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:02:44 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:02:46 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:02:48 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:02:50 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:02:52 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:02:54 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:02:56 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:02:58 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:03:00 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:03:02 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:03:04 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:03:06 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:03:08 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:03:10 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:03:12 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:03:14 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:03:16 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:03:18 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:03:20 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:03:22 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:03:24 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:03:26 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:03:28 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:03:30 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:03:32 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:03:34 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:03:36 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:03:38 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:03:40 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:03:42 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:03:44 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:03:46 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:03:48 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:03:50 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:03:52 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:03:54 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:03:56 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:03:58 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:04:00 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:04:02 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:04:04 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:04:06 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:04:08 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:04:10 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:04:12 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:04:14 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:04:16 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:04:18 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:04:20 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:04:22 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:04:24 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:04:26 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:04:28 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:04:30 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:04:32 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:04:34 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:04:36 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:04:38 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:04:40 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:04:42 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:04:44 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:04:46 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:04:48 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:04:50 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:04:52 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:04:54 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:04:56 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:04:58 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:05:00 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:05:02 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:05:04 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:05:06 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:05:08 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:05:10 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:05:12 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:05:14 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:05:16 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:05:18 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:05:20 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:05:22 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:05:24 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:05:26 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:05:28 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:05:30 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:05:32 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:05:34 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:05:36 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:05:38 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:05:40 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:05:42 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:05:44 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:05:46 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:05:48 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:05:50 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:05:52 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:05:54 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:05:56 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:05:58 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:06:00 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:06:02 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:06:04 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:06:06 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:06:08 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:06:10 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:06:12 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:06:14 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:06:16 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:06:18 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:06:20 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:06:22 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:06:24 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:06:26 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:06:28 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:06:30 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:06:32 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:06:34 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:06:36 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:06:38 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:06:40 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:06:42 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:06:44 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:06:46 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:06:48 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:06:50 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:06:52 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:06:54 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:06:56 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:06:58 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:07:00 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:07:02 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:07:04 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:07:06 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:07:08 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:07:10 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:07:12 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:07:14 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:07:16 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:07:18 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:07:20 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:07:22 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:07:24 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:07:26 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:07:28 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:07:30 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:07:32 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:07:34 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:07:36 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:07:38 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:07:40 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:07:42 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:07:44 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:07:46 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:07:48 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:07:50 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:07:52 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:07:54 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:07:56 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:07:58 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:08:00 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:08:02 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:08:04 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:08:06 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:08:08 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:08:10 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:08:12 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:08:14 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:08:16 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:08:18 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:08:20 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:08:22 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:08:24 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:08:26 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:08:28 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:08:30 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:08:32 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:08:34 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:08:36 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:08:38 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:08:40 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:08:42 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:08:44 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:08:46 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:08:48 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:08:50 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:08:52 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:08:54 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:08:56 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:08:58 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:09:00 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:09:02 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:09:04 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:09:06 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:09:08 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:09:10 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:09:12 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:09:14 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:09:16 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:09:18 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:09:20 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:09:22 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:09:24 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:09:26 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:09:28 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:09:30 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:09:32 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:09:34 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:09:36 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:09:38 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:09:40 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:09:42 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:09:44 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:09:46 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:09:48 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:09:50 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:09:52 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:09:54 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:09:56 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:09:58 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:10:00 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:10:02 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:10:04 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:10:06 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:10:08 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:10:10 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:10:12 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:10:14 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:10:16 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:10:18 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:10:20 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:10:22 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:10:24 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:10:26 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:10:28 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:10:30 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:10:32 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:10:34 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:10:36 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:10:38 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:10:40 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:10:42 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:10:44 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:10:46 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:10:48 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:10:50 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:10:52 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:10:54 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:10:56 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:10:58 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:11:00 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:11:02 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:11:04 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:11:06 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:11:08 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job
01:11:10 thinking they don't like you you walk into the job