A Moscou, la tombe de Navalny ensevelie sous les fleurs

  • 6 months ago
La tombe d'Alexeï Navalny à Moscou était dimanche ensevelie sous les fleurs, les Russes continuant à rendre hommage au principal détracteur du Kremlin et à se recueillir, à deux semaines jour pour jour du sacre présidentiel attendu de Vladimir Poutine.
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00:00 Alexei Navalny's grave in Moscow was buried under the flowers on Sunday,
00:03 the Russians continuing to pay tribute to the Kremlin's main detractor
00:07 and to gather, two weeks day after day, for the presidential ceremony
00:11 awaited by Vladimir Putin.
00:13 Under a beautiful winter sun, the line to go to the Borisovo cemetery
00:17 in the southeast of the Russian capital extends for several hundred meters.
00:21 Alone or in small groups, the Russians continue in the early afternoon
00:25 to flow in front of the grave where Alexei Navalny was buried on Friday,
00:29 now widely covered with flowers and crowns,
00:32 a journalist from AFP noted.
00:34 Some place roses on the imposing tower next to the large orange cross
00:39 which honors the grave, others prefer to observe the places in silence.
00:43 The police presence has also been reduced compared to the last day.
00:47 In addition to the "sadness", the "pain" or the "rage",
00:51 many Muscovites also tell AFP their desire to "express their love"
00:56 for the former opponent who died two weeks ago in prison in these troubled circumstances,
01:00 a death that they sometimes call "personal tragedy" or "shame",
01:04 despite the repression of the Kremlin's critics.
01:07 "The number of flowers collected is an indicator of the degree of loss felt by people,"
01:12 says Alexander, a 29-year-old engineer.
01:15 Irina, a septuagenarian, says she will come, for the second time,
01:19 on site in three days, to meet my friends.
01:23 "I consider the people who are here as my loved ones," she adds.
01:28 "People love him and that's all.
01:30 They want to express this love to Bond Svetlana,
01:33 a 65-year-old retiree, happy to see a lot of people.
01:38 Like a vote."
01:39 These numerous tributes come two weeks before the presidential election,
01:43 March 15 to 17, which Vladimir Putin should win without surprise,
01:47 no anti-Kremlin candidate having been allowed to participate.
01:51 If he is elected, the current Russian president will remain in power at least until 2030,
01:56 three decades after his arrival at the Kremlin on the outskirts of the Second Chechen War
02:01 to replace Boris Yeltsin, then weakened by the disease.
02:06 Mr Navalny, he, had been prevented from participating in the previous scrutiny in 2018.
02:12 But the numerous tributes from ordinary Russians in recent days,
02:16 it's like a vote, according to Alexander,
02:18 an engineer of sound of 45 years who sees the choice of the people.
02:22 "His cause will not die, it will live,"
02:25 so wants to believe Anastasia, 33 years old, an architect.
02:29 "It's hard, but when I arrived the first day, I saw the world,
02:33 a certain force has come out,"
02:35 says Olga, a 25-year-old graphic designer.
02:38 "It's difficult, but I feel like I'm reborn inside,"
02:42 she says, promising not to give up, as Alexei asked her.
02:47 Russian authorities have accelerated the repression of dissident voices
02:51 on the background of the conflict in Ukraine.
02:53 Hundreds of thousands of Russians fled abroad.
02:57 Mr Navalny, Vladimir Putin's fiercest critic in recent years,
03:02 died on February 16, at the age of 47, in a penitentiary colony in the Arctic,
03:07 where he served a 19-year prison sentence for extremism.
03:11 His family, his relatives and many Western leaders
03:14 have accused the Kremlin master of being responsible for his "murder",
03:18 which the Kremlin vigorously rejects.
03:21 The Russian president has still not commented on the death
03:24 of his main adversary, whose name he never pronounces.
