• 7 months ago
新闻报报看 | 3月1号位于吉隆坡举办的2024年国际跆拳道锦标赛,刚圆满落幕。马来西亚代表队沙巴小组当中,一名12岁的男选手勇夺金牌。这名男选手夺金牌不单只是靠他一个人的努力,背后可是还有很多网民的10令吉助力噢!(主播:梁宝仪、黄宇恒)


00:00 The 2024 International Taekwondo Championship was held in Kuala Lumpur on March 1st yesterday.
00:09 The Malaysian delegation had 17 participants from Sabah Youth Taekwondo.
00:15 In this Sabah group, a 12-year-old male participant won the gold medal in this Taekwondo competition,
00:21 which caused a lot of media coverage.
00:24 Why did this cause a lot of attention? The reason is the story behind his gold medal.
00:30 This male participant not only won the gold medal by himself,
00:35 but also had a lot of netizens donated $10 to help him.
00:40 This Sabah group actually had a setback before the competition.
00:45 They shared their story through the professional Sabah Info.
00:49 In fact, there were 6 Sabah participants, including the winner and a team leader.
00:55 A flight was delayed and they almost missed the international competition.
01:01 A flight from Abid to Sandagen was delayed for 40 minutes,
01:06 causing them to miss the flight from Sandagen to Kuala Lumpur.
01:10 According to the coach, the participants were in a bad mood.
01:16 It felt like their dream of participating in the competition was broken.
01:19 After all, they had been practicing hard for several months for the competition.
01:23 Hearing this, you may think that you missed the flight,
01:26 and you can just buy another ticket.
01:28 But in fact, the participants are not from a wealthy family.
01:32 In order to let the children participate in the competition,
01:35 the parents worked hard to raise the money to buy a plane ticket for the children to participate.
01:39 If you want to buy a ticket to Kuala Lumpur the next day,
01:43 you have to spend a lot of money.
01:45 At the same time, the parents of the participants could not raise the money to buy a new ticket.
01:51 They almost gave up and even decided to let the children withdraw from the competition.
01:57 After this incident spread online,
01:59 a passionate netizen started a crowdfunding campaign to raise the minimum 10 ringgit.
02:04 He called on all the Sabah people to send these participants who missed the flight to Kuala Lumpur for the competition.
02:10 Unexpectedly, within 4 hours, the minimum 10 ringgit was raised to 18,000 ringgit.
02:18 These participants successfully bought another ticket to Kuala Lumpur.
02:24 The remaining money will be donated to the Sabah Taekwondo Team.
02:28 But in the end, the sky is not as rich as the people.
02:31 The Sabah Taekwondo Team had a three-fold success and successfully flew to Kuala Lumpur.
02:38 Fortunately, they were very happy and won the gold medal.
02:42 The coach of the Taekwondo Team said that winning the gold medal is a great incentive for future participants.
02:50 In addition, the coach is very grateful to all the netizens who provided help and donations.
02:55 Because this is not only their support, but also an encouragement to the Sabah sport.
02:59 Thank you.
03:01 For more information, visit www.fema.gov
