Tchad : Mahamat Déby se présente à la présidentielle du 6 mai

  • 6 months ago
Le chef de la junte au pouvoir depuis 2021 au Tchad, le général Mahamat Idriss Déby Itno, a annoncé samedi sa candidature à la présidentielle du 6 mai, trois jours après que l'armée a tué son principal rival, un "assassinat" selon l'opposition.
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00:00 The head of the government in power since 2021 in Chad, General Mahama Idris Debilitno,
00:05 announced Saturday his candidacy for the May 6 presidential election, three days after
00:09 the army killed his main rival, an assassin according to the opposition.
00:13 "I, Mahama Idris Debilitno, I am a candidate for the 2024 presidential election under the
00:19 banner of the party coalition for a united Chad ", he said after a party coalition
00:24 asked him to introduce himself.
00:25 Then 37-year-old young general, he had been proclaimed by the army as president of the
00:31 transition at the head of a group of 15 generals on April 20, 2021, at the announcement of
00:35 the death of his father, Marshal Idris Debilitno.
00:38 The patriarch then led with one hand to make this vast Sahel country for more than 30 years.
00:43 Mahama Debi promised to immediately give power to civilians by elections after a
00:47 18-month transition but, this term failed, he had extended it by two years.
00:51 Less dynasty.
00:53 The opposition denounced a dynastic succession or outflows in this vast Sahel state of Central
00:59 Africa, the second least developed country in the world according to the UN.
01:02 The date of the first round of the presidential election, May 6, was announced Tuesday only,
01:07 a little more than two months before the scrutiny, which is promising for General Deby, soon
01:12 40 years, in the absence of serious rivals in a muscled or violently repressed opposition.
01:16 Wednesday, the accuser of having fomented an assassination attempt on the president of
01:21 the Supreme Court 10 days earlier and an attack on the all-powerful intelligence services
01:25 the day before, the army killed, in the siege of his socialist party without borders, PSF,
01:31 Yahya Dio Djerou, cousin and main rival of the head of state in the presidential race.
