UAAP Game Highlights: NU race to third straight win vs UP

  • 6 months ago
00:00 Dan Nicolás, team captain with the service.
00:02 Aretamar back set to Nico Almendras and he gets the first point on the board.
00:09 This is the start of the set.
00:12 Aretamar goes back to Jade and he bounces back from that error a while ago.
00:20 They really need to read the ball.
00:25 It's really hard to read, especially with Ennu jumping in front of the blockers.
00:31 The blockers here are really easy to leave.
00:35 And there!
00:36 Aretamar chooses Jade this time.
00:43 And we love looking at the variety of attacks from Jade Disketado.
00:48 The first attack, the down the line there.
00:51 So it's really hard for the defense of UP to read his ball or his spikes.
00:56 Some help from the net as well when they blocked Jade Disketado a while ago.
01:00 Aretamar, one-handed set and that over on two.
01:03 UP has to be wary.
01:05 Aretamar again, the pancake save though.
01:09 But another service ace for the team captain.
01:13 Or your position to receive the ball.
01:15 Exactly.
01:16 And you can't see the trajectory of the ball.
01:21 Jelay from the back.
01:23 Aretamar chooses Almendraz.
01:27 Joust at the net, one by Ennu.
01:31 Trinidad of Ennu.
01:34 UP with two opponent errors so far.
01:37 Ennu with four.
01:39 Gamban against three blockers.
01:44 The respect that Ennu has.
01:48 Kayeng Santiago with that serve.
01:50 Letamor to Arringo.
01:53 And this one is one of the guys we're also looking forward to inside of things.
01:57 No, uh, Diana Arringo here.
02:01 Also, Leo Arringo stepping up.
02:05 Kind of your opponent.
02:06 So that when it hits, it immediately falls on the opponent.
02:09 Reverse set to Leo Arringo.
02:13 Same spot where he got his point a while ago.
02:17 You can see Jelay's hand was really penetrated against the Ennu's side.
02:22 Jade Desquitado, though, soars above the blockers.
02:27 Three-point lead.
02:31 Bulldogs on top.
02:32 Legando down the line.
02:36 Sumagi was there.
02:37 Jade from the back.
02:40 Santiago goes to Luis.
02:43 On the pipe and off of the touch of Ennu.
02:47 The points of Ennu, they still have yet to have a deadlock.
02:52 Santiago goes to Eusebio.
02:56 Red by Taguibolos and Owaritamar.
03:00 And their first set to win.
03:03 But we're not counting them out.
03:05 They can also get their first win of the season.
03:09 But Ennu at the high against that four sets with Adamson.
03:13 But that, the cross court attack.
03:15 It was already a broken play.
03:17 But coming from the...
03:19 Welcome those on the Philippines Live app and UAV Varsity channel.
03:23 Arringo cross court attack.
03:27 That time, Arringo.
03:30 21 to 15.
03:32 Owaritamar with four excellent sets so far.
03:35 Service ace again for the Ennu Bulldogs.
03:39 Maybe because of the lights, he didn't see the ball.
03:42 There are a lot of factors.
03:45 Look at that one block by the wind.
03:48 21 blockers able to get a point against Ennu.
03:51 And yeah, it was a rare that time.
03:54 After getting an error, one or two errors.
03:57 You need to get the points again.
04:00 Because if you give it to your opponent again,
04:02 they will really trust you and will continue.
04:05 Hitting it perfectly and hard.
04:10 Over the blocker's hand.
04:13 Santiago goes to Jelay.
04:17 Owa to Leo.
04:21 Ball is still alive.
04:23 Joust.
04:25 And a sire of relief from the UP side of things.
04:29 Here, if they don't get points here,
04:33 the first set would go to Ennu.
04:37 Almendra setting to Arringo.
04:40 Cross court.
04:43 Lagando.
04:46 Second set of ours, going middle and scoring that point.
04:50 Rubin able to get the first point for UP.
04:53 Arringo down the line though.
04:56 You didn't have a game play before this match.
05:01 You can't leave it until it comes to action.
05:04 You need to be clear when it comes to action.
05:07 You challenge yourself.
05:10 Once you see three blockers in front of you,
05:13 it's a momentum or confidence booster that you need to hit.
05:16 And when you get a point, it's a sign of relief.
05:19 UP's energy is also good.
05:25 Starting off here in the second set.
05:31 You also need to find ways on how to stop
05:35 after Ennu scoring another point.
05:38 Good dig there by UP.
05:42 Bersano from the back.
05:44 Over on two by Owarat Amor.
05:47 His teammates, for example, can't score.
05:50 When he's in front, he can't score.
05:54 Loiza with five attacks.
05:57 One point lead for the Fighting Maroons.
06:01 Almendrez catches the line.
06:04 Coming from behind this time.
06:07 He receives and then he hits.
06:10 That's nice coming from a player blocking an opponent who would receive.
06:14 Because they wouldn't expect Sete to be there again.
06:17 Ennu this time blocking.
06:22 Or going for a sub here.
06:25 Malabanan on the court.
06:28 He was also a substitute in their previous game.
06:31 But in the first set.
06:33 They just let the ball go in.
06:36 So it's easy to deflect.
06:38 From the hands of UP's blockers.
06:41 Combination play by UP.
06:43 Red like a book.
06:45 It will follow.
06:46 Coming from the setter.
06:47 When the ball is in front of you, you need to be confident that you need to hit.
06:50 Because you feel like you need to make up for your mistakes.
06:56 And the good thing about Ennu's squad is.
06:59 They know that Retamar will give them the confidence.
07:02 So in their mind, they need to bounce back.
07:06 Setter but also a scorer for his team there.
07:10 Santiago to Gamban in the back.
07:15 Disquietado soars.
07:19 To Jamie Malabanan this time.
07:25 Retamar to Almendrez.
07:27 And off the hands of UP.
07:30 UP is also having a hard time here.
07:33 What will they do when it comes to defense.
07:36 Ennu with a run.
07:38 Good coverage.
07:40 Disquietado from the back.
07:43 UP to Rubin.
07:47 And bodies on the floor for the Bulldogs.
07:50 And powerful the spikes of UP are.
07:52 This is what they confuse.
07:55 The players of Ennu and Rubin once again.
07:58 Takes advantage of that over receive.
08:01 Six points.
08:03 Coming from four attacks and two blocks.
08:07 To disrupt the momentum or the confidence of the servers.
08:12 Take it step by step for UP.
08:15 Retamar to Nico.
08:18 Down the line attack.
08:21 Nine points from eight attacks and one block.
08:25 Single block as well from Ennu Bulldogs.
08:31 Courtesy of Bank.
08:33 The ball perfectly.
08:35 They know that if they are good, they will be good.
08:39 Santiago to chase that one.
08:45 To set to Lagando.
08:47 Three blockers.
08:49 Bodies on the floor and Lagando.
08:52 Took advantage.
08:54 He was not there in the first round.
08:57 Still nursing that wrist injury.
09:01 Disquietado. Powerful attack.
09:04 They want to face their veterans.
09:08 That's really a friendly competition there for them.
09:12 Now look at that UP.
09:17 The momentum and the energy is on their side.
09:21 It's also the pride for them.
09:25 Retamar to Disquietado.
09:28 Good coverage by Malabana.
09:30 They go back to him.
09:32 Disquietado again.
09:35 Powers through the hands of Dan Nicolás.
09:38 The role of Retamar here is to get the spikers.
09:42 A single blocker in front of them.
09:44 Set point for Ennu.
09:46 Malabana with that attack.
09:48 Retamar chooses Jade.
09:51 And because of that.
09:53 This is what Yanina said before this match.
09:57 UP is in number two.
09:59 Best digging team here.
10:01 And number three.
10:02 Ennu owning up to that one.
10:04 Unable to block him.
10:06 Arringo with this service.
10:08 Chased by Santiago.
10:10 Retamar.
10:14 Goes to Jade.
10:16 Bersano was there to cover.
10:18 They go back to Bersano.
10:20 Jade Disquietado again.
10:25 Jelay.
10:27 Sumag with that first ball.
10:32 Retamar to Choi Diaw who's on the court.
10:35 Hard hitters.
10:39 That's why you know and expect to go out.
10:43 Not over.
10:44 Because the killer instinct is there.
10:46 Right. High risk. High reward team.
10:49 Choi Diaw.
10:50 But of course, you need to do it with a fast tip also.
10:55 Retamar.
10:57 Combination plays.
10:58 Nico.
10:59 He went down a little.
11:02 He put a sharp.
11:04 Deep cross.
11:05 And the power.
11:06 power. Jade with an over-receive. Robin with that attack. And did you see it? Yeah. Now
11:23 scoring nine points just a point away for a double digits here. Chance ball for UP.
11:32 Luis Gambon down the line. Having two blockers in front of them that's why they're having
11:40 a hard time on how to hit the ball. Should they go high, go wide? And the hitters of
11:47 MU are making mistakes. And Rubin in the front row is a revelation. Now Nico will serve stopping
11:55 that UP run. He has 13 points, 12 attacks and one block. Retamar on the court. Jade
12:06 Desquitado. Nico Almendrez taking his post grad. Came back along with Owa Retamar to
12:13 finish this season. Luis Gambon. Swag. Their height but now going for those combination
12:22 plays. Really giving the blockers a hard time leading the ball. Going simple place only.
12:31 But Rubin will answer back. Jessie Rubin with a serve. 11 points so far. And a powerful
12:45 block. Dan Nicolás and Jalai Lagando to think for that one. Wall of UP. Double digits with
13:03 11 points. Good serve for him and he tallies a service ace. Keep their blockers intact.
13:15 So we'll see which team will prevail. Gambon sends that over. Arringo powerful attack.
13:30 Good block at 22. And you erase that lead but Gambon will give them a sign of life here
13:38 in the third set. Clarence Santiago 23 serving 22. Retamar to Leo. Peng with his service.
13:55 Go to Gambon and there's a touch called on Jade Desquitado. UP at set point. Retamar
14:07 to Jade Desquitado. In between UP's blockers. It's really hard for them to block. A shank
14:19 chase. Gambon will give a rainbow to Enu. Retamar to Jade. You can see the reaction.
14:30 But it's good that Lagando touched. Enu at match point. Lagando answers back. Creeping
14:41 in little by little. Finding their deep again and attacking. Desquitado with that serve.
14:57 They go to Lagando. Three blockers. And the Enu Bulldogs will have a sweep against the
