• last year
Música Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: Based on writer, director and star Rudy Mancuso, Musica is a coming-of-age love story that follows an aspiring creator with synesthesia, who must come to terms with an uncertain future, while navigating the pressures of love, family and his Brazilian culture in Newark, New Jersey.

directed by Rudy Mancuso

starring Rudy Mancuso, Camila Mendes, Francesca Reale, J.B. Smoove

release date April 4, 2024 (on Prime Video)
00:00 [MUSIC]
00:02 Rudy, are you even listening to me?
00:07 Hello?
00:09 [MUSIC]
00:10 I think you can do anything. I think you could do that.
00:12 But I also think that maybe there's a world where you put all of this creativity just towards a stable job
00:18 or something more consistent with actual money.
00:21 [MUSIC]
00:22 Sorry, what?
00:24 [MUSIC]
00:27 I'm Rudy.
00:28 Isabela.
00:29 Prazer.
00:30 Prazer.
00:31 [MUSIC]
00:35 Mal?
00:36 What?
00:37 [MUSIC]
00:43 For as long as I can remember, everyday regular sounds, I turn into rhythm.
00:48 [MUSIC]
00:50 She's different. She's beautiful. She's smart. She's funny.
00:52 No, tell me more.
00:53 But now Hayley, I think, wants to get back together.
00:56 Tell me less.
00:57 [MUSIC]
01:01 But honestly, I don't think you actually know what you want.
01:03 I'm figuring it out.
01:04 Well, I know what I want.
01:05 Tell me. Tell me what it is.
01:06 Are you okay?
01:07 No. I feel like everyone's pulling me in different directions, including my mom.
01:10 How do you think Brazilian girls are most beautiful?
01:12 Uh, yeah.
01:13 What?
01:14 What?
01:15 What?
01:16 What did you just say?
01:17 I didn't say anything.
01:19 [MUSIC]
01:22 Just give me a second. I'm sorry. Let me just talk to you.
01:24 No, Rudy, I have to go.
01:25 Come on.
01:26 [MUSIC]
01:29 [MUSIC]
01:32 [MUSIC]
01:34 [MUSIC]