According to Japanese telecoms company NTT, 6G will allow us to recreate multi-sense experiences and memories from across the world. Euronews Next spoke to them at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona about the development of their 'Feel Tech' and where it could go in the future.
00:06 [LAUGHTER]
00:08 That was really rough.
00:09 We can share any of the senses of the human body--
00:14 taste, haptics, smells.
00:17 If we can transfer the touch of sense or emotions of the human
00:22 to your parents or your grandparent, kids,
00:26 remotely, we can change the communication society
00:30 in the future.
00:31 We can avoid any problem about the distance.
00:34 Heartbeat is one of the elements to show the emotions.
00:39 And of course, temperature or face color
00:44 can be related to the emotion.
00:46 And also, if we can store such kind of data in our network--
00:52 for example, if you take an animal, the pet,
00:56 you can touch your pets.
00:58 Anytime, you can feel the pet anywhere.
01:00 So if your pet died, even after the pet died,
01:04 you can touch your pet anytime.
01:09 No worries.
01:13 Actually, some of the current field tech applications
01:28 can be provided on the current 5G network.
01:32 So some of the-- for example, haptics data is not so big.
01:37 We can easily transfer the haptics data on the 5G network.
01:41 High-quality videos-- maybe some kind of services
01:46 can be provided on the 5G.
01:47 But with more gorgeous video and more precise haptics data,
01:54 we need to wait for the 6G.
01:58 And also, if we can detect brain signals--
02:18 yes, brain tech--
02:20 maybe we can realize the science fiction world,
02:23 like telepathy, telekinesis.
02:26 That can be realized through the 6G network.
02:29 So such kind of brand-new, interesting, excellent
02:33 services we want to create.