• last year
(Adnkronos) - Ci sono invenzioni che segnano la storia e la vita di tutti noi, una di queste è certamente la mortadella, il più 'popolare' tra i salumi. Talmente buono da essere proposto come protagonista della nuova puntata de il Gusto della Salute, la rubrica online ideata e coordinata dall'immunologo Mauro Minelli, responsabile per il Sud della Fondazione di Medicina Personalizzata, in collaborazione con Adnkronos. "Mortadella dal latino murtatum, carne finemente tritata nel mortaio. Fu il bolognese Vincenzo Tanara nel '600 a preparare la ricetta di una nuova bontà gastronomica, scegliendo i tagli migliori di carne suina e suggerendo le giuste dosi. Nasce così un fenomeno di costume, un alimento che tutti amano", ricostruisce Minelli.  "Nella seconda metà del '900, dopo il boom economico degli anni '60, la mortadella è diventata un distintivo censuale, una bandiera delle classi popolari. Il ruolo prezioso che la mortadella ha giocato sul piano della cultura italiana apparentemente però non si accompagna ad un consumo consapevole della stessa, che qualcuno considera un alimento grasso, pesante e difficile da digerire. Ma sul piano nutrizionale è davvero così? Non proprio... La mortadella - evidenzia l'immunologo - contiene proteine ad alto valore biologico dove sono presenti tutti gli aminoacidi essenziali e numerosi micronutrienti, oltre che minerali come ferro, fosforo e zinco
. Ecco perché la mortadella può essere inserita in tutte le diete. Essa ha un notevole valore saziante, proprio grazie al suo alto valore proteico. In quanto ricca di vitamine del gruppo B aiuta i processi metabolici, ovvero quei processi che, se ben calibrati, consentono a grassi, proteine e carboidrati di cooperare efficacemente per offrire energia al nostro organismo". "I tanti minerali presenti nella mortadella supportano brillantemente il sistema immunitario e insieme alle proteine aiutano coloro che hanno bisogno di un'alimentazione ad alto valore nutritivo, primi fra tutti gli sportivi - sottolinea Minelli - La mortadella è, rispetto alle carni rosse, più ricca di grassi insaturi, tra i quali vanno menzionati gli omega 3, omega 6 e omega 9, molto utili per la nostra salute. Questo alimento è noto per l'alto contenuto di acido oleico che stimola la produzione di ormoni, la rigenerazione delle membrane cellulari e la produzione di energia". "È chiaro che, come tutti i salumi, la mortadella non può e non deve essere mangiata in gran quantità, perché il rischio sovrappeso e obesità è dietro l'angolo, oltre alle problematiche derivanti da un'eccessiva disponbilità di grassi nel sangue. Non dimentichiamo poi che trattandosi di carne di maiale, notoriamente istamino-liberatrice, possono essere sempre in agguato conseguenze spiacevoli soprattutto a carico di soggetti allergici. Per il resto, da buoni italiani possiamo goderci il gusto della mortadella con un bel morso di saporita felicità", conclude Minelli.


00:00 It is often labeled as a food that is bad for you,
00:06 because it is full of fats and a source of cholesterol,
00:10 and for this reason it is absolutely avoided by some,
00:14 or eaten, even with some remorse, by others.
00:19 But mortadella, this typically Italian salami,
00:24 with its classic cylindrical shape, its pink color,
00:27 with its unmistakable smell, this unmistakable scent,
00:32 is it really a food that hurts?
00:34 Or at least in part we have to re-update our most widespread beliefs?
00:40 We'll talk about it shortly, after the opening.
00:42 (explosion)
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01:09 Did you know that 100 grams of good quality mortadella
01:12 contain the same amount of cholesterol as 100 grams of yeast
01:19 or 100 grams of leek that has been deprived of its skin?
01:25 And did you know that a standard portion of mortadella,
01:29 that is 50 grams of this salami,
01:32 is able to cover about 20% of our daily need for omega-3?
01:39 So, at this point, we have to re-update, as I said at the opening,
01:44 partially our beliefs on this salami,
01:48 which is very widespread in our country.
01:51 Mortadella comes from pork, which can be lean or fat,
01:56 a meat that is subjected to a thin grinding.
01:59 So, once it is ground, it is added to different spices,
02:04 and this mixture is then packed in a bag to be steamed for several hours.
02:11 Mortadella is very versatile and in the kitchen,
02:15 and can be used together with other salads or cheese as an appetizer.
02:21 It is also used to flavor hot dishes, such as lasagna or baked pasta.
02:27 And then, it is used in a classic way, cut into thin slices,
02:33 to be used to stuff the most preferred sandwiches.
02:37 In Italy, there are several varieties of mortadella,
02:41 which are different from each other, because they are produced in different regions.
02:45 The most famous is the mortadella from Bologna,
02:48 which is a real "Dop" product, that is, it is called "Protetta"
02:52 but then there is the mortadella from Prato, produced in Tuscany,
02:56 the mortadella from Abruzzo, the mortadella from Amatrice, produced in Lazio.
03:01 Mortadella that are different from each other because of the different types of spices
03:06 that are added to the pork.
03:09 But where does the mortadella originate from?
03:12 What is its history? And above all, where does its name derive from?
03:16 Let's hear what Marco Renna has to say about it.
03:19 [Music]
03:26 Mortadella is one of the pillars of the Italian gastronomic tradition,
03:31 a tradition that has very ancient origins,
03:34 that we could even go back to the times of ancient Rome,
03:38 because the word mortadella could derive from the Latin word "murtatum", "mortaio",
03:46 that is, meat minced in the mortar.
03:50 In reality, however, there is a moment in history
03:53 in which mortadella finds, so to speak, the right of citizenship
03:59 within a very broad range of gastronomic proposals.
04:04 This happens in Bologna in the first half of the 17th century
04:09 when the Bolognese Vincenzo Tanara prepares a recipe
04:13 in which he gives important indications about the spices to be used
04:18 and the type of pork to be used, with respective doses.
04:24 In the more recent period, in the 1970s,
04:28 mortadella has become a real indicator of social differences.
04:34 Many companies made snacks for their workers
04:39 by preparing a sandwich with mortadella
04:43 and not a sandwich with raw ham, for example,
04:46 which was much more expensive.
04:49 This does not mean that mortadella was a snack of a lower category
04:55 or with a lower dignity,
04:57 but it ended up representing a real model of reference
05:02 for all those popular classes
05:05 that today cannot and could not do without mortadella.
05:10 100 grams of mortadella bring about 288 calories.
05:21 I am referring to the Bologna mortadella GP,
05:24 whose caloric intake is not so high compared to that of other animal sources.
05:29 100 grams of mortadella contain 15 grams of protein.
05:32 These are high-value proteins that present all the essential amino acids,
05:36 in particular, the glutamic acid, aspartic acid, lysine and leucine.
05:41 But above all, mortadella, like all snacks, is a source of fats.
05:45 In particular, in mortadella there are especially saturated fatty acids,
05:49 which in time have also left room for a good amount of unsaturated fatty acids.
05:54 But not only that, in mortadella we have a good amount of micronutrients,
05:58 vitamins, mostly B-group vitamins, B1, B2 and B3 vitamins,
06:02 and minerals, such as iron, phosphorus and zinc.
06:05 Mortadella can also be added to a diet that is not a daily diet,
06:09 but perhaps a weekly diet,
06:11 as the intake of 50 grams of mortadella once or twice a week
06:15 allows us to use all the important nutrients present in this snack,
06:20 as we have seen, proteins, minerals and vitamins,
06:22 without running into health-related complications.
06:26 If consumed in the right amount and above all in combination with a balanced and balanced diet,
06:32 mortadella can offer our health a series of benefits,
06:36 benefits that we will now point out.
06:39 Mortadella is a source of proteins of high biological value,
06:47 that is, proteins that are not in the form of proteins,
06:51 but in the form of amino acids,
06:55 which are absolutely essential for building muscles,
06:59 but also for building all the tissues of our body.
07:03 It is an important ally of the low-calorie diet,
07:11 as it is a high-satiety food,
07:14 precisely because of its high protein content.
07:18 Mortadella contains many vitamins, especially of the B group,
07:22 vitamins that are very important in metabolic processes,
07:26 that is, in those processes that allow our body to use
07:30 proteins, fats and carbohydrates to draw energy,
07:34 but also vitamins that are very important to support the functions of the nervous system
07:39 and to facilitate the multiplication of the cells.
07:43 of the blood and of our immune system.
07:47 Mortadella also contains minerals,
07:53 and among the minerals there are iron, zinc and selenium,
07:56 which are absolutely important for supporting the functions of the immune system,
08:01 but also to promote the production of enzymes
08:04 that intervene in the vital metabolic processes for our body.
08:11 Proteins and minerals make mortadella a very useful food
08:15 for those who need a high-nutritional diet,
08:19 such as athletes.
08:21 Mortadella can be a better choice than red meat,
08:29 which is richer in saturated fats,
08:32 so if you want to check the composition of the fat,
08:36 you can use a diet that is more balanced,
08:39 so if you want to check the composition of the fat in the mortadella,
08:43 you can notice in the latter a greater amount of unsaturated fats,
08:47 such as omega 3, omega 6 and omega 9,
08:50 which are much more useful than saturated fats for our health.
08:54 Oleic acid is abundant in the fat of mortadella,
09:03 and this unsaturated fatty acid is associated with three important functions
09:07 production of hormones, regeneration of cellular membranes,
09:11 and energy production.
09:13 Like all foods, mortadella can have contraindications
09:21 if consumed in excessive quantities or in certain pathological conditions.
09:25 Precisely because of its production of pork,
09:29 if eaten in large quantities,
09:31 mortadella can certainly favor the appearance of obesity
09:35 or at least overweight,
09:37 it can generate a series of problems in terms of increased blood fat
09:42 or cardiovascular complications.
09:45 On the other hand, being composed of pork,
09:48 which is a food with a liberating stamina with the addition of spices,
09:52 it can create some problems, especially for allergic subjects.
09:57 I also remind you that mortadella, being a bagged food,
10:01 can go against bacterial contamination if not properly preserved.
10:06 I said before that in mortadella there are important amounts of polyunsaturated fatty acids,
10:15 which are particularly effective
10:18 also because they influence the overall performance of cognitive functions,
10:23 increasing memory, but above all increasing the tone of humor,
10:28 and on the other hand, a sandwich with mortadella
10:31 can certainly represent a bite of happiness.
10:35 (Explosion)
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