Shropshire MP asks Prime Minister about adult social care costs

  • 7 months ago
Shrewsbury MP Daniel Kawczynski asked Prime Minister Rishi Sunak what could be done to help Shropshire Council deal with soaring adult social care costs.
Mr Kawczynski raised the issue at PMQs in the House of Commons, pointing out that Shropshire has a "disproportionately ageing population".
00:00 >>Neil Koczynski (Shrewsbury) (Con): I thank the Prime Minister sincerely for the
00:06 extra £244 million announced this week for transport investment in Shropshire. That comes
00:14 on top of £300 million for the modernisation of our local A&E services, levelling up funds
00:21 to modernise Shrewsbury town centre and fully funding the north-west relief road, the ring
00:27 road around Shrewsbury. These infrastructure projects will have a major benefit not just
00:33 for us but for those who follow us in Shropshire. There is, however, one issue I would like
00:38 to still raise with the Prime Minister, which is how our local Shropshire council is funded
00:44 to deal with adult social care costs. We have a disproportionately ageing population in
00:50 Shropshire, and Shropshire council is struggling to meet those additional costs. What more
00:56 can be done to help councils such as Shropshire deal with rising adult social care costs?
01:01 >>The Prime Minister: I pay tribute to my hon. Friend for the work he does representing
01:07 his constituents. He is right about the pressures that are faced, particularly in rural areas,
01:13 which is why the Government provided £600 million of additional funding for local government
01:18 across the country, ensuring around a 7.5% increase in resources available to invest
01:24 in social care, and by an extra addition to the rural services delivery grant, an acknowledgement
01:30 of the challenges of providing services in rural areas, with more funding for those rural
01:34 councils to deliver.
