Menilik Keberhasilan Venty Fortuna International (VTNY) Pasca IPO

  • 7 months ago
PT Venteny Fortuna International TBK langsung tancap gas mengejar target usai mencatatkan saham perdana di papan perdagangan Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) 15 Desember 2022. Tercatat berkode saham VNTY, dengan melepas 939.779.100 lembar saham, perseroan berhasil mengantongi dana IPO sebesar RP 338,32 miliar.

Dua bulan pasca IPO, lini bisnis Venteny Fortuna bergerak agresif. Terbaru, perseroan yang menciptakan inovasi teknologi untuk peningkatan employee happiness dan employee engagement ini, berhasil mendirikan anak perusahaan bernama Venteny G.K yang berkedudukan di Tokyo, Jepang. Di tahun 2024 ini, VNTY siap memperluas jangkauan layanan V-Nancial.


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04:03 And right now I'm with Jun Wei,
04:11 the CEO of PT Fentanyl Fortuna International Tepecra.
04:15 Hello, Jun, how are you?
04:16 - Good, thank you so much for having me.
04:18 - Thank you very much for your time.
04:19 So post IPO, which is held on December 2022,
04:23 if I'm not mistaken, so it was two years ago.
04:25 Can you describe just a little bit more
04:27 about the growth of the company?
04:28 Maybe you can compare the growth of the company
04:31 before IPO and post IPO.
04:33 - Sure, definitely, thank you so much.
04:36 And first and foremost, I would like to appreciate
04:38 for having us.
04:39 My name is Jun, I'm a founder and a group CEO of Fentanyl.
04:43 Yes, I guess for us, the biggest comparison
04:47 between before IPO and after IPO
04:49 is definitely we were able to gain a lot of the trust
04:52 and also the reputations and awareness
04:55 coming from the clients that we are working for
04:57 or the employees that we are serving for.
05:01 So in terms of the reputation and awareness,
05:03 I think we were able to enhance ourselves
05:05 and also our brands, very good.
05:07 At the same time, I think in terms of the benefit,
05:10 the biggest is that we are able to also hire
05:12 a very good talented people for us
05:15 to enhance our performances and also for us
05:17 to actually move forward together
05:19 with other people to serve, yeah.
05:21 - Okay, so in short, the company grow rapidly
05:25 and exponentially.
05:27 - Yes.
05:28 - So talking about the business score of VT NY
05:31 experiencing exponential growth,
05:33 a post IPO, which core of the business
05:35 that experiencing the magnificent growth?
05:38 - Right, definitely.
05:40 So one of our core businesses,
05:42 we are actually providing this super app,
05:44 which is dedicated for employees in Indonesia.
05:47 This is the first application
05:49 that we are offering to the country.
05:51 And right now, I think after the IPO,
05:54 since awareness has been enhanced,
05:57 I guess we were actually able to just see
05:59 a tremendous growth out of this super app solutions
06:02 that we are offering to.
06:03 And now a lot of the scalable company,
06:06 which represents Indonesia is also using our services.
06:09 So that's a good things that we are able to see.
06:11 - Okay, so talking about the employees welfare,
06:15 which is that is actually maybe one of the thing
06:18 that inspired Fentany creating this super app.
06:21 - Right.
06:23 - How huge the role of the employees sanity
06:28 in terms of working environment.
06:30 - Definitely.
06:31 - So this is inspired actually the VT NY
06:35 to create the super apps.
06:38 - Right, so well, me myself, I'm Japan national,
06:42 came from Japan and I'm working in the USA,
06:45 been around the countries.
06:46 And I came here in Southeast Asia since 2011.
06:50 And I see the significant potential
06:54 in terms of the growth for the over the region,
06:56 but the working environment is something
06:58 it's been a little bit behind home is growth.
07:00 So we were just trying to just provide
07:02 what's been lacking or missing
07:04 out of the working environment, for example,
07:07 insurance, training opportunities, financial opportunities.
07:11 Those are the things that's been lacking
07:12 and the company was a little bit difficult
07:14 to provide for their own employees.
07:16 That's one of the reason why we see a very high turnover
07:19 rates of the employees in each country.
07:21 So we are now trying to actually serve
07:23 and try to provide the plug in and play solutions
07:26 for better working environment
07:28 where the company doesn't need to spend,
07:30 but we would want to serve for the better working
07:32 environment instead.
07:33 - It is interesting.
07:34 It's not because the company didn't want to,
07:36 what you call it, improve the welfare of the employees,
07:39 but it's about how and you guys providing the solution,
07:44 making the super apps.
07:45 It is interesting and very solid too.
07:48 - Thank you.
07:49 - So can you share about the usage of the capital
07:51 that had been gained from the IPO so far?
07:54 What are the usage of the capital gain from the IPO?
07:59 - So we were actually able to gain some of the capital
08:03 raised out of the IPO and now the 42% was used
08:07 for B2B financial service business.
08:10 At the same time, we are also offering this,
08:12 allocating the 60% towards enhancing
08:15 technological capital and infrastructure building.
08:19 And remaining 18% is actually allocated for the research
08:23 and product development for the exclusive member
08:25 of our employee solutions and general employees.
08:28 - That is the, what you call it,
08:32 the usage of the capital that had been gained from the IPO.
08:35 So how far is the status of listed company
08:37 had improved the company's daily operations?
08:40 Because, you know, like everybody having eye
08:44 on the company's daily operations.
08:48 - Definitely.
08:48 - You know, investors, you know, like having their,
08:53 what you call it, having their interest
08:58 in terms of the company's growth.
09:00 - Right.
09:00 - So how does actually improve
09:02 the company's daily operations?
09:05 - So I believe that this IPO opportunity
09:09 gave us a lot of confidence out of internal,
09:11 meaning the staff that we've been working together
09:14 with back then, we were just started
09:16 with such a small office with just five or six people.
09:19 That's what, where we started off.
09:21 But now we have almost 120 people.
09:23 And definitely one of the good thing
09:25 that we did an IPO in Indonesia is because everybody
09:27 that who is in the office right now are very proud
09:30 to just work for our company and make our solutions
09:34 to be offered to the people that who needs our solutions.
09:37 That was a very, very important factor for us
09:41 to just always be confident to provide a solution
09:43 to the people.
09:44 At the same time, that confidence was able to deliver
09:47 to the clients that we are about to serve,
09:49 meaning to the potential market.
09:51 And then that creates a lot of creativity.
09:55 Also, we are actually getting a lot of the trust
09:58 from the market itself.
09:59 So that's most of the positive input that we have.
10:03 - Sure, so talking about the clients,
10:04 the number of the clients, the growth of the clients
10:07 in 2023 post IPO or post the, say, expansion post the IPO,
10:13 can you share just a little bit about that?
10:16 How many clients that you have right now
10:19 using the solution that have been offered by you?
10:21 - It's more than 500 now.
10:23 Before it was--
10:24 - It's in Indonesia only or?
10:25 - It's in Indonesia only, yes.
10:26 And now a lot of the, for example,
10:29 very scalable companies where the thousands of employee
10:32 that they have are willing to use our employee solutions,
10:35 which is very, such a fortunate thing,
10:39 the events that we've been seeing right now.
10:41 - Okay, it is interesting.
10:42 It means that there's a lot of companies
10:44 that considering employees' welfare to be improved.
10:49 That is one of the thing that need to be prioritized.
10:53 Okay, it is getting interesting.
10:55 We're going to take a break.
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13:33 - So we're still on market review.
13:38 So talking about the effort to make a lot of companies
13:42 realize that there's a lot of values
13:46 that will be gained by the company
13:47 if they consider employees' welfare
13:50 as one of the thing that they need to prioritize.
13:53 So in terms of investment or operational costs,
13:58 they need to add things up
14:00 because they're going to use your services
14:03 and it's not free.
14:04 So how can you make them realize
14:07 the value of the employees' welfare?
14:11 - Right, that's a very great point, actually.
14:13 So yeah, nowadays we still in Indonesia
14:16 see a very high turnover rates of the employees
14:19 and in general.
14:21 But the thing is, for the company's perspective,
14:23 if you are going to lose a good talent,
14:25 then it will be very difficult for the HR
14:27 or company themselves to find a new talent
14:29 which is going to take over the position.
14:31 It's not about the talent,
14:32 but also there's a time for the training as well
14:34 for them to actually be independent
14:36 and know the business of what you're doing.
14:38 That's going to be very lengthy and costly.
14:40 So that's the reason why we are just coming in
14:42 and provide a better working environment.
14:44 If there's employees having a little bit of a pain,
14:47 for example, financial problems,
14:48 educational opportunities,
14:50 or the insurance awareness that they're wanting to gain,
14:52 we can provide on behalf of the company.
14:55 So by eliminating those potential pains of the employees,
14:59 they can refocus on the work
15:00 and it's better that they can actually concentrate
15:02 and build a better career at the same company
15:05 for the longer tenure.
15:06 - Yeah, looking at this as the one of the investment
15:08 for the high quality of human resources
15:13 because it is going to be challenging
15:17 when it comes to restarting the process,
15:19 finding the new ones, and et cetera.
15:21 - Absolutely.
15:22 Okay, so talking about the performance of VTNY in 2023,
15:27 VTNY recorded a revenue increase up to 123%.
15:31 So what made this increase in income
15:33 so significant last year?
15:34 - So I guess in general,
15:36 I guess this confident that we just gained out of this IPO
15:39 actually made us more, how can I say,
15:43 the thicker fundamental in terms of the business
15:45 and also our awareness to the people
15:47 that the market that we are offering is easier.
15:50 But then prior to our IPO,
15:52 we have to be the one to do all the efforts
15:54 in terms of creating the awareness, doing the marketing.
15:57 But by this opportunity given by VTNY by IPO,
16:01 we were able to gain some of the offers coming
16:03 or the encourage coming from the clients or market side
16:06 instead of us just reaching out to them.
16:08 That made our business to be much fluent
16:10 in terms of serving for the more potential market.
16:15 And then that's one of the things
16:16 that we were able to just grow faster.
16:18 - Yeah, supported by the growth
16:20 of the performance of the company
16:22 from a few countries.
16:23 So interestingly, talking about the market
16:25 that had been divided into some countries.
16:29 So how do you see the uniqueness
16:32 of each country as a market?
16:34 - Sure, so definitely each country has the uniqueness
16:37 and also they have this advantage and also the strength.
16:41 So we have four countries that we are operating
16:44 and by utilizing each country's strength
16:46 and also the uniqueness to combine all together
16:49 to just maximize our efforts.
16:51 So right now, currently our focus
16:52 in terms of the operation is in Indonesia for sure.
16:55 But in terms of, for example,
16:56 if we need a financial cost of the fund
17:00 that we want to bring for the Indonesia,
17:01 we can bring from Japan where they are corporate banking
17:04 is the lowest among the world,
17:05 one of the lowest in the world.
17:07 For example, Singapore, we can use
17:10 as a really good financial hub as well.
17:12 So we are just maximizing,
17:14 utilize everybody's second strength
17:15 to maximize our performance in Indonesia.
17:17 - So is there any specific country
17:19 that needs specific solution,
17:22 which is that is the only country
17:25 that can only implement specific methods?
17:30 - Actually-- - Which country?
17:31 - In the whole Southeast Asia right now,
17:34 more or less, they're actually facing similar challenges
17:38 in terms of the work and environment.
17:40 So right now our focus and the primary focus
17:42 is in Indonesia for sure.
17:43 But eventually we would like to just extend our arms
17:46 to offer our solutions to the rest of the Southeast Asia.
17:49 - Okay, so talking about the 2024,
17:51 some of them see this as the year of the opportunity,
17:54 some of them see this as a year of challenges.
17:57 We have geopolitical conflict
17:58 and also we have the global economic slowdown.
18:01 How do you see those actually as the thing
18:06 that going to put the color in 2024
18:08 and see this as the thing that going to give the dynamic
18:12 also to the business of the company?
18:14 - Definitely the market and also surrounding
18:16 has been changing, but that's actually usual.
18:19 And right now we are very confident
18:21 because what we are doing is very essential
18:24 to the country's growth.
18:26 And right now in Indonesia, they have a vision,
18:28 which is called Indonesia's Vision 2045,
18:32 which they want to become one of the advanced countries
18:35 in the world and they want to actually become
18:37 the fifth largest economy in the world as well.
18:39 So for them to do it, they already clearly mentioned
18:41 that they need to aware some of the human labor
18:44 as well as skill sets, insurances,
18:46 and then trainings and educational backgrounds
18:48 to be enhanced.
18:49 And this is exactly what we are doing right now.
18:51 So I'm sure we can be a one of the role
18:54 that we can actually together, we grow with Indonesia.
18:57 So that's actually the vision.
18:58 So as long as Indonesia has a very confident
19:01 and a steady mindset, then we grow together.
19:03 So we are very happy and honored to serve
19:05 for the country of Indonesia.
19:06 - Okay, interesting.
19:08 There's some challenges and of course,
19:10 there's a lot of opportunities.
19:12 So it is interesting.
19:13 We're going to take another break.
19:15 (speaking in foreign language)
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19:40 - Fentanyl, Fortuna International.
19:42 So talking about the 2024, as you already mentioned,
19:47 this is the year of opportunity,
19:48 but talking about challenges,
19:50 I believe that the challenges had been mapped
19:53 by the company.
19:54 So what are those and what is actually the strategy
19:57 will be implemented for you guys to cope
19:59 with the challenges in 2024?
20:02 - Right, thank you.
20:03 So the challenge will be definitely
20:05 not to miss out any momentum.
20:09 I guess everything that we are working
20:11 is based on the momentum that we are creating.
20:14 And for us to just keep going with this momentum,
20:16 there are so many people, third party, internal,
20:19 or our employees, or the clients that we are serving for,
20:22 they have a certain amount of expectation towards us.
20:26 So for us, and trust and momentum itself is very fragile.
20:30 Once you break it, it's very hard to just build it again.
20:33 So I think for us to actually keep going with the momentum
20:36 is the only way we can actually expand our business
20:38 and also the solutions.
20:40 So for us to do so, make sure we have the right people
20:42 working in the company,
20:45 and also the right partner to work with.
20:47 So I think this is the part that we would like to make sure
20:50 that we are not going to miss out.
20:52 - Okay, it's about the reading the right momentum
20:55 and jump into the right momentum.
20:56 - Right.
20:57 - So what is the target in terms of finance and performance
21:00 in 2024?
21:01 What is it going to be?
21:02 - So it's actually, we are actually going to just
21:05 make an exposure.
21:06 And also we are going to just provide
21:08 all the financial statement to be ready
21:10 before the end of the March, given by the IDX regulations.
21:12 So we cannot actually mention too much,
21:14 but I think this is something that we've been just do
21:17 what we have done for the 2023.
21:19 So we should actually be able to just,
21:21 I think we are going to be optimistic about this part.
21:25 - Okay, so Fiji and Hawaii operates in four countries,
21:28 if I'm not mistaken, namely Indonesia, Philippines,
21:31 Singapore, and Japan.
21:32 Which of these four countries is the most promising markets?
21:35 - Definitely Indonesia.
21:37 - Okay, all right.
21:37 - Definitely Indonesia.
21:38 - Okay.
21:39 So what makes it more interesting
21:42 compared to other countries?
21:43 - Right, right now we are offices in Japan
21:46 or Singapore and Philippines are just used
21:48 for functionality office,
21:51 meaning we are not offering the solutions locally,
21:53 but we are using each country's strength
21:56 to be maximized for us to operate
21:58 in the country of Indonesia.
22:00 So that's the reason why we are saying
22:01 that the Indonesia is the most promising
22:03 and we are focusing on this country as a primary.
22:05 - Okay, talking about Indonesia's potential,
22:07 as you already mentioned,
22:09 domestic market is very promising.
22:10 The rate of the consumption
22:12 and public purchasing power is increasing.
22:14 - Very.
22:15 - What is the Fiji and Hawaii strategy
22:17 to increase domestic market potential in 2024?
22:22 - Sure, so I guess we were able to,
22:24 over the years, we were able to build
22:26 a very good fundamental.
22:27 And now this year is also the last year
22:29 we made something like a very promising investments
22:32 for us to acquire for those companies
22:35 that we are going to just take part in
22:37 as our own ecosystem.
22:39 So this 2024 is more in the harvest year
22:42 that we have just been prepared for this year
22:44 to be more successful.
22:46 So we just want to try to see how our investment
22:49 and the preparation was actually going to be harvested
22:52 in this year of 2024.
22:53 So we are very optimistic about this part, yep.
22:56 - Okay, so talking about Indonesia
22:57 as the developing country,
22:58 what happened globally,
23:00 actually impacting Indonesia's dynamics?
23:03 So how do you see the global economic slowdown
23:05 where, you know, affect Indonesia's dynamic
23:10 in terms of the growth of the market and et cetera?
23:14 - So again, I think the global economy has been changing,
23:17 but again, as Indonesia is a core
23:19 and a center of Southeast Asia,
23:21 I guess the country itself already have
23:24 a very strong fundamental to just to keep going by itself.
23:28 And again, right now we already have enough labor force,
23:32 we have enough populations,
23:34 we have enough labor force community,
23:36 and all we want is just that we just want
23:38 to just keep moving for us to lead
23:40 the Southeast Asia market.
23:41 And I think we can just play one of the important roles
23:44 for us to just enhancing and also encouraging
23:48 the labor force community by through our solutions, yep.
23:51 - Okay, so what going to be the focus
23:53 of VTNY business this year?
23:56 - Definitely, so we would like to just honor
23:59 and assert for the better work and environment,
24:01 giving them the encouragement,
24:02 also to eliminate the employees pain points
24:05 by for them to actually be steady
24:07 and be focused on the work that they are working on.
24:09 And our solution is free,
24:11 and the company doesn't need to pay for anything.
24:13 So we just provide the more, how can I say,
24:17 create awareness for us to expand our business
24:19 to the point that the people needs our services for sure.
24:22 So we just want to provide essential to them.
24:24 - Sure, interesting.
24:26 I believe that you have the business expansion plan
24:29 in the future.
24:30 So what are those?
24:31 - Definitely, so again, the situation
24:33 about the work and environment is not just happening
24:36 in Indonesia, but the rest of the Southeast Asia as well.
24:38 So what we are going to do is definitely,
24:41 we are keeping Indonesia as our primary market,
24:44 but we definitely would like to just maintain
24:46 our profitability so we can offer our solutions
24:49 to the next countries or neighbor countries
24:51 in Southeast Asia.
24:52 That's our plan.
24:53 - Yeah, Mr. Jun, it is great to talk to you,
24:55 but unfortunately the time is very limited.
24:59 Have a great life for you and of course for Fitri and I.
25:02 Thank you.
25:03 - Thank you so much, appreciate it.
25:04 (speaking in foreign language)
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