الرئيسة التنفيذية لبنك Standard Chartered للصين واليابان لـ CNBC عربية: توقعات بتباطؤ نمو اقتصاد الصين في 2024 إلى 4.8%

  • 7 months ago


00:00 "Well, last year China recorded 5.2 percent GDP growth.
00:07 Actually still, this year we are recording 4.8 percent GDP growth.
00:12 And we are still waiting for the next two sessions.
00:16 And as you know, we are waiting for the 5th of March to announce the national goal of GDP growth.
00:23 The slow growth compared to last year is due to the basic effect,
00:30 because we have this year a much stronger base than the year 2022.
00:36 And as for real estate, the country has gone through some price increases in the past two years.
00:43 So we see a significant decrease in sales from the peak time in 2022 to the current peak time in 2020.
00:50 So, through our estimation of the economic growth this year,
00:55 we believe that real estate will be less than what we hope,
01:01 because we see that the sales are decreasing,
01:06 because we see that there is a new balance between supply and demand.
01:11 But after that, we see that there is a tendency to increase consumption to increase supply in the economic growth.
01:17 But that consumption is likely to be 3.5 percent.
01:25 Out of the 4.8, likely 3.5 is going to be contributed by the consumption.
