Pope Taken to Hospital After Getting the Flu

  • 7 months ago
Pope Taken to Hospital , After Getting the Flu.
Pope Francis was taken to a hospital on
Tiber Island on Feb. 28, NBC News reports. .
After the general audience Pope Francis went to the Gemelli Isola Tiberina Hospital for some diagnostic tests. At the end he returned to the Vatican, Vatican, via statement.
The 87-year-old pontiff canceled his appointments on Feb. 24 and Feb. 25
after battling flu symptoms days prior. .
In July 2021, Francis was hospitalized for
10 days after having intestinal surgery.
In April 2023, he was hospitalized
for three days with bronchitis.
In November 2023, breathing
problems caused him to cancel an international trip and other activities.
The pope was asked about his
health in a recent interview.
He replied, "Still alive, you know.".
However, the pope has repeatedly indicated that he would step down if his health prohibits him from leading the Catholic Church, just as his predecessor, Benedict XVI, did in 2013.
However, the pope has repeatedly indicated that he would step down if his health prohibits him from leading the Catholic Church, just as his predecessor, Benedict XVI, did in 2013.
Benedict was the first pope in 600 years
to step down, NBC News reports
