吴镇宇质问擦口红的艺员 台下男星急抿掉口红

  • 7 months ago


00:00 The second season of "The Untamed" is still with Wu Zhenyu.
00:05 And in the first episode's first interview, the actor was so nervous that he couldn't speak.
00:10 Can you come closer to me and look at me? Yes, yes.
00:13 You put on lipstick and...
00:18 Seeing Wu Zhenyu's serious expression, even Gao Ling, who has experienced great winds and waves, cried.
00:23 My goodness.
00:27 Okay, okay. I'm just asking. I don't know why boys always put on makeup like this.
00:32 As long as you feel comfortable.
00:35 Okay.
00:36 However, the funniest thing is the reaction of the male members.
00:40 Facing such strict mentors, it seems that the members who will appear later will all be nervous and pray to Buddha for a successful interview.
00:49 (speaking in foreign language)