In Imphal, Manipur, a violent clash erupted between armed groups and the security guards of a senior police officer, M Amit Singh. The assailants targeted Singh's residence and a family clinic, causing significant damage. Security forces have launched an operation to apprehend the attackers. This incident adds to the ongoing ethnic tensions in Manipur, marked by clashes between Kuki-Zo and Meitei tribes since May 2023.
#Imphal #Manipur #Manipurattack #ManipurCrisis #ManipurVoilence #Kuki #Meitie #Manipurnews #Manipurupdate #Worldnews #Oneindia #Oneindianews
#Imphal #Manipur #Manipurattack #ManipurCrisis #ManipurVoilence #Kuki #Meitie #Manipurnews #Manipurupdate #Worldnews #Oneindia #Oneindianews
00:00 In Manipur's capital Imphal, a violent clash erupted between the security personnel of
00:07 a police officer and an armed group.
00:10 The confrontation unfolded outside the residence of Additional Superintendent of Police Operations
00:15 M Amit Singh in Wanke's neighbourhood of Imphal West.
00:19 Reports indicate that the armed group targeted Mr Singh's house and a clinic belonging to
00:23 his family, which comprises seven doctors.
00:26 The assailants, estimated to be between 20 to 30 in number, forcefully entered the premises
00:31 and initiated the gunfire, causing significant damage.
00:35 Fortunately, Mr Singh was not present at home during the attack.
00:39 However, images have circulated on social media depicting local residents seeking shelter
00:44 amidst the chaos, with cacophony of gunshots echoing the darkness.
00:49 In response to the incident, security forces comprising the army, Assam Rifles and the
00:53 state police swiftly mobilised the area.
00:55 They have since taken control of the situation and commenced a thorough search operation
00:59 to apprehend the perpetrators.
01:01 The violent episode adds to the prevailing tensions in Manipur, which has been plagued
01:05 by ethnic conflict for nearly nine months now.
01:09 The clashes primarily involve armed factions representing the Kukizo tribes from hills
01:14 and Maitis from the valleys vying for territorial control near the foothills.
01:19 Since the eruption of the violence in May 2023, the region has witnessed over 200 fatalities
01:24 and the displacement of thousands of individuals.
01:27 The persistent unrest underscores the complex socio-political dynamics prevalent in Manipur,
01:32 warranting sustained efforts towards reconciliation and peace-building initiatives.
01:38 As the security forces intensify their efforts to restore order and apprehend the culprits
01:42 behind today's attack, there remains a pressing need for comprehensive measures aimed at addressing
01:47 the underlying grievances and fostering the long-term stability in the region.
01:52 [Music]