Remont ulicy Kościuszki w Grudziądzu

  • 7 months ago
Trwa ostatni etap remontu ulicy Kościuszki w Grudziądzu


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00:14 which has been to be repaired.
00:16 However, on the fragment from Puławski to Ul. Solna,
00:20 the bituminous surface still has to be laid.
00:22 It is difficult to define the exact date at the moment.
00:25 These works were slightly delayed
00:27 due to adverse atmospheric conditions.
00:29 For some time, it was simply impossible to carry out the repair
00:32 according to the specification.
00:35 In the next few weeks, the work should be completed.
00:39 This is a quantity of about 10 million and 700 thousand PLN.
00:43 Initially, it was supposed to be a little lower.
00:46 The investment is entirely financed from the city budget.
00:50 The city has submitted a request to the Government Fund for the Development of Roads for financing,
00:54 but this project did not receive such support.
