• last year
Password不要乱乱 set 不然就像打开大门让骇客来窥探你的秘密!


00:00 How did you set password?
00:02 Like this?
00:04 Or like this?
00:07 Or like this?
00:10 I always set it like this
00:12 The simpler the password, the more complicated it is
00:14 No one will guess the password
00:16 If you guess it, I will...
00:17 Teacher Feng is online
00:18 The demonstration just now was completely wrong
00:20 Now the hacker has the so-called dictionary
00:23 To guess our password
00:25 So if our password is 0000 to 9999
00:29 The hacker can guess it
00:31 And it takes less than one second to guess
00:34 Why do we need numbers, symbols and letters in our password?
00:37 Because we want to increase the difficulty
00:39 So the hacker can't guess the structure of our password easily
00:43 My brain is full of mystery
00:45 A layer of mystery in the brain
00:46 Things that are originally familiar and clear
00:48 Start to become blurry
00:49 More than 900 million times
00:50 A good password needs two key points
00:53 The first key point is that it should be easy to remember
00:56 Many people complain that they have too many passwords
00:59 It's too difficult to remember the password
01:00 And many passwords need to be very complicated and difficult to remember
01:02 Now I will teach you a simple method
01:04 For example, if we are using Gmail now
01:06 I use Gmail I love you as a password
01:09 Gmail I love you is a sentence that is easy to remember
01:12 For example, I have a social media account, it's Facebook
01:14 I might say Facebook I love you
01:16 Or Facebook I like you
01:18 Find a sentence that is easy to remember
01:20 After finding a sentence that is easy to remember
01:21 If you use all the letters
01:23 The same hacker is very easy to crack
01:25 Because we have easy to remember
01:27 Next is difficult to crack
01:28 Difficult to crack is that the password itself
01:31 It needs to be a little bit difficult to crack
01:34 How to make it difficult to crack
01:35 Is to put this sentence Facebook I love you
01:38 Or Gmail I love you
01:39 This sentence password
01:40 Change the AEOU inside it to a symbol
01:43 For example, E changes to 3
01:46 A changes to Elias
01:48 I changes to 1
01:50 O changes to 0
01:51 Change the whole password to this form
01:54 It becomes very difficult to crack
01:56 Because it already has a letter
01:59 Has a symbol
02:00 Then even has a number
02:01 So this password is considered a good password
02:04 Nice
02:06 So have you learned it?
02:08 (whooshing)
