21st Century Schizoid Men

  • 15 years ago
more at http://www.theuptake.org Even immediate family members often describe the SCHIZOID as “disconnected”, "robots", or "machines". But the schizoid is not depressed, merely indifferent. As such, borderline schizoid personalities thrive in a culture that celebrates the self above the group, is charged with masochism, and thrive in what Eisenhower called the “military-industrial-academic complex.” Reference- “America is in Need of a Moral Bailout”- http://www.truthdig.com/report/item/20090323_america_is_in_need_of_a_moral_bailout/ BIO Dennis Trainor Jr is a regular video contributor to TheUptake.org. He was a writer & media consultant for Dennis Kucinich's 2008 presidential campaign & a 2007 "Best of YouTube" nominee for his work as writer/ performer on "The Hermit with Davis Fleetwood." He is currently at work on two books: "My Progressive Dilemma" (chronicling President Obama's 1st year in office) and a novel adapted from his play, "I Coulda Been a Kennedy."

