00:00 [Music]
00:15 Good evening, ULF Covenant Church and all our viewers around the world.
00:18 Welcome to our midweek Bible study.
00:21 And in the last couple of weeks, we've been talking about the blood of Jesus.
00:27 We talked about why the blood, and then we started on a teaching,
00:33 "20 Things the Blood of Jesus Will Do," and we got up to number 16.
00:38 And so, after we pray, we'll continue with that list,
00:44 and then we'll begin to show you places in where you can apply the blood,
00:49 in terms of the blood of Jesus, in terms of practical lessons.
00:53 Father, we thank you for tonight.
00:55 We thank you for your blessing, and for the many that are viewing around the world.
00:59 We pray for great grace and anointing upon each person.
01:03 We pray for victories. We pray for testimonies.
01:06 We pray for healings.
01:08 We pray for all kinds of breakthroughs, doors to be opened through the blood of Jesus.
01:14 We thank you for that, in Jesus' name, amen.
01:18 And so, we talked about what the blood of Jesus will do.
01:21 We started a list of 20.
01:24 I'll just reiterate a couple.
01:26 Number 14, the blood of Jesus will defend you in the courts of heaven.
01:31 And so, generally, when we pray, the Apostle Paul said in the book of Hebrews,
01:37 "Seeing that we have a high priest that has gone beyond the heavens,"
01:41 this is Hebrews chapter number 12,
01:44 "let us, therefore, come boldly to the throne of grace."
01:48 And so, there are seven thrones in the heavens.
01:51 The lowest is the throne of grace.
01:54 So, the throne of grace is God's grace that's extended to all people.
02:00 But the blood of Jesus goes all the way to the great white throne,
02:04 going way beyond the thrones we talked about,
02:08 like the judgment seat of Christ, and so on.
02:14 So, the blood of Jesus goes all the way to the highest court in the land,
02:19 which is the chief justice in the legal system of the heavens.
02:24 And so, the blood will do that for you, Hebrews chapter 12 and verse 24.
02:29 Number 15, the blood sanctifies, Hebrews 13 verse 12.
02:33 Number 16, the blood brings prosperity, Hebrews 13 verse 20 and verse 21.
02:41 Number 17, the blood brings creative and re-creative power.
02:50 And so, in a nutshell, when you study reproduction,
02:57 and basically in biology, it is said and taught
03:04 that a baby gets its blood from the father.
03:10 And so, if a child is born, and let's say the child is sent to some sort of a home
03:19 because the mother can't support the child,
03:22 and the child goes into an orphanage, or he's adopted by a family somewhere,
03:29 and out of the blue, a man claims that I had a child with so-and-so,
03:35 and it's possible that this child is my child.
03:38 They'll have what is called a paternal test.
03:41 And the way that is done is it is a blood test,
03:45 because the blood comes from the father.
03:49 It reveals who the father is.
03:53 And so, the blood that we have comes from the heavenly father.
04:00 Originally, mankind, Adam, in his veins, had glory flowing through his veins.
04:10 It wasn't blood. It was God's glory.
04:14 And so, when Adam sinned, and the glory of God lifted,
04:20 the glory, which is light, congealed and became blood,
04:26 what flows through our veins.
04:28 And so, there's several ways we can prove that.
04:31 We can go into forensics and deal with that in depth,
04:35 but just for a domestic teaching, domestic knowledge,
04:40 if you do forensic science and you are in criminology,
04:44 if you go to a scene where a crime was committed,
04:48 and if the criminal, who is knowledgeable, kind of like cleans up the scene,
04:54 generally, there's instrumentation that's used, certain types of light,
04:59 when applied on a crime scene, they can show you where blood was shed,
05:05 because blood generally is luminous.
05:09 Blood is actually light.
05:11 And so, when Jesus died, his actual blood came all out of him,
05:19 all the blood, so his veins had no blood, they were empty.
05:24 When he was raised from the dead, and he appeared to his apostles,
05:29 the first time Thomas wasn't there, eight days later, Thomas was there.
05:35 And he said to Thomas, "You have said to your colleagues,
05:40 'Except you handle me, put your fingers in the wounds,
05:45 and your arm in my side, that's the only time you'll believe.'"
05:51 He said, "Here I am."
05:53 A spirit, talking about himself, does not have flesh and bone.
05:58 He didn't say flesh and blood, he said flesh and bone,
06:01 because his blood was drained out, but because he was still Jesus.
06:06 They recognized him on the road to Emmaus,
06:08 they recognized him in the upper room when he appeared to them,
06:12 they recognized him when he taught them on the Mount of Olives,
06:16 in Matthew chapter number 28,
06:18 showing them the kingdoms and commanding them,
06:21 they recognized him in Acts chapter number 1,
06:24 when he ascended into heaven, they recognized him.
06:27 What was flowing through his veins?
06:29 What Adam had, glory.
06:31 Glory was flowing through his veins.
06:35 And so, that glory is creative power.
06:40 So, the Bible says, "For all have sinned
06:44 and have fallen short of the glory."
06:49 And so, there are times in church,
06:52 a few weeks ago at New Life Covenant Church,
06:55 there was such a tremendous outpouring of God's grace,
06:58 I taught a lesson on God stretching your bread.
07:01 The anointing was so strong, it was so palatable,
07:05 and I'm not sure why it's not like that always.
07:10 Every service is never the same.
07:12 Sometimes the glory of God, as we call these,
07:15 because sometimes it's thin for whatever reason,
07:18 but you can actually feel a heaviness,
07:22 because the word glory is the Hebrew word "kabod,"
07:26 which means weight.
07:28 And so, the glory flowing through a man's veins
07:32 gives them their weightiness or their density
07:36 or their displacement power.
07:39 So, the Bible says that man was made higher than the angels,
07:44 made lower than the angels because of our physical limitations,
07:48 but higher than the angels because what is man?
07:51 "So make thou mindful of him."
07:53 You have made him a little lower than the angels
07:56 because we are physical beings limited to one place and one space,
07:59 but you've given him, crowned him,
08:02 crowned him with glory and honor.
08:04 So, we're crowned with glory and honor.
08:06 It's that glory that flows through our veins.
08:09 And so, as a being of light,
08:11 as the Bible calls us as carriers of light,
08:18 as carriers of light,
08:20 if you look at Jesus walking on the water towards the disciples,
08:23 he was glowing, and they said it's a spirit.
08:26 It's not that it's what was in his veins was actually glowing.
08:31 And so, with that creative power, the glory of God,
08:35 you can create.
08:37 You can create a new life by making a decision.
08:40 I will not go back to where I was.
08:43 I'm going to leave this pig pen and go back to my father's house
08:47 because servants are eating better than what I'm eating.
08:50 I'm not a servant, I'm a son.
08:52 Servants are dressed better than I am.
08:54 I'll dress better.
08:56 I'm not a servant, I'm a son.
08:58 And the father restored to him his ring,
09:01 of course, made him wash up and bath up,
09:04 and he sat at his father's table.
09:07 Servants are serving at the table.
09:10 They do have access to the food, but they can't eat with a son.
09:14 The servants have to serve the son.
09:16 And so then, as a son, you have the power to create your meals.
09:22 I don't want lamb today, I want chicken.
09:25 I don't want chicken today, I want beef.
09:28 I don't want beef today, I'm on my 22nd day of fasting.
09:32 Hee-hee!
09:33 And so it's important for you to understand--
09:35 that has to be edited out, by the way--
09:37 it's important for you to understand
09:39 that as a son and a daughter, you have creative power.
09:43 You call it, and you use the blood of Jesus.
09:46 By the blood of Jesus, I am a new creature.
09:50 By the blood of Jesus, I am blessed to be a blessing.
09:55 By the blood of Jesus, I overcome the world
09:58 and all the things that are in the world.
10:00 By the blood of Jesus-- and the list goes on and on and on.
10:03 The blood means creative and recreative power.
10:07 I remember when my dad baptized Ephraim Moyo in 1973
10:15 at a place called Indiva, just outside of Guero.
10:19 Indiva is a quarry where they were getting
10:23 these granite stones for the railways.
10:26 And the quarry had been abandoned for a while,
10:31 and so with rainwater, that thing filled up.
10:34 And so when my dad stepped into that pool of water
10:38 with Ephraim Moyo and his wife Janet,
10:41 as my dad put Ephraim down in the name of Jesus,
10:45 a demon manifest.
10:48 And Ephraim came out violently and hit my dad in the mouth
10:51 and knocked out his teeth.
10:53 And he was too deep, and we tried to get him to help my dad.
10:57 My dad was a small guy like I am.
11:01 My dad grabbed this guy and with one hand
11:04 put him back under the water and cast that devil out
11:08 and commanded Ephraim to become a new creature.
11:10 When Ephraim came out, he was literally glowing.
11:13 The demon had left.
11:15 But what happened was there were some of his family members
11:18 that didn't want him to be baptized.
11:21 They didn't want him to change his lifestyle
11:23 because he was some sort of a medium.
11:26 And so that spirit left Ephraim and went into one of them.
11:31 And so you have to be careful when we're dealing
11:33 with deliverance issues.
11:34 If you're not right, if you're not living a godly life,
11:37 what comes out of a person is looking for a place to land.
11:41 They do not land in you.
11:43 But Ephraim came out of the water a new creature.
11:45 From that day, a man that was not educated,
11:48 a man that could barely say his name,
11:51 God put an apostolic anointing on Ephraim's life.
11:54 And I remember my dad saying, "Tudor, you go with Ephraim."
11:59 And we'd walk every day, kilometer after kilometer
12:03 after kilometer, all the way from Gueru itself in town,
12:08 all the way to Dabuka.
12:10 Or one time we walked from Gueru to Samabula,
12:13 which is like 30-something k's,
12:15 preaching from village to village to village.
12:18 And so I'm not just somebody that came for yesterday
12:21 and would go there casting out devils,
12:23 healing people, eating sadza.
12:26 They kill a goat.
12:27 I love scratcher chickens.
12:29 But I would see people in the villages transformed.
12:32 My dad started churches everywhere.
12:34 We started churches everywhere.
12:36 And we saw people changed.
12:38 We saw devils come out.
12:40 The blood of Jesus will bring recreative power.
12:44 Shout, "I have recreative power."
12:47 Any place of torment in your life,
12:49 any place of demonic torment,
12:52 the blood of Jesus will remove that.
12:54 Torment is not of God.
12:56 It's not.
12:57 Confusion is not of God.
13:00 Number 18, the blood of Jesus
13:03 brings healing, miracle-working power.
13:07 1 John 5, verse 8.
13:12 The blood of Jesus brings healing,
13:15 miracle-working power.
13:18 1 John 5, verse 8.
13:23 This book is written in the last number of years
13:29 of the apostle John.
13:31 It's written after his exile on the Isle of Patmos.
13:35 And so he writes to the church and says,
13:38 1 John 5, verse 8,
13:41 "There are three that bear witness in earth,
13:45 the spirit, the water, and the blood.
13:49 These three agree in one.
13:52 And when they agree in one," verse 9,
13:56 "if we receive the witness of men,
13:58 and for the witness of God is greater,
14:01 for this is the witness of God,
14:04 which testifies, if you believe in him,
14:07 there's a record that comes,
14:09 and this record is eternal life
14:12 that's given to you."
14:13 Verse 12, "And he that has the Son has life,
14:17 and he that does not have the Son does not have life."
14:20 In other words, when you become a believer,
14:24 the blood of Jesus, through his blood,
14:28 miracle-working power begins.
14:31 I remember so many cases of applying the blood.
14:37 One year I was teaching on the blood of Jesus
14:40 at the church I was assigned to on St. Mortimer Michelle.
14:45 And it was more of a power-preaching message,
14:50 and there was a man in that service
14:53 who had a long-going disease.
14:56 It was like a pussy sore,
15:00 and I don't know how many times
15:02 he went for antibiotics and treatment.
15:04 This thing wasn't healing,
15:06 but it was in a precarious place,
15:08 and the doctor was saying,
15:09 "We should amputate this leg."
15:11 Then he heard about the church,
15:12 and he came to the church.
15:14 He came in the season
15:15 when we're preaching the blood of Jesus.
15:17 And in the middle of that message,
15:19 we began to say, "The blood of Jesus is healing you.
15:22 Put your hand in the place where you have an affliction."
15:25 And he lifted up his trousers,
15:27 and he had this very pussy, putrid sore.
15:31 And sisters and brothers,
15:32 when he began to apply the blood
15:34 and went to pray with him in the anointing of oil,
15:37 where that pus was,
15:39 it was like a bomb exploded there.
15:42 That thing closed,
15:44 and there wasn't even a scar.
15:47 The only thing that proved that he had a sore
15:50 was a bandage that was pussy and bloody that fell
15:54 and pretty stinky
15:56 and the walking stick that he had as a testimony.
15:59 That's what happens when you apply the blood of Jesus.
16:03 The blood of Jesus is very powerful.
16:06 It brings healing and miracle-working power.
16:09 When you apply the blood, expect miracles.
16:12 When you apply the blood, expect healing.
16:15 There's no sickness that's too hard,
16:18 and when we deal with another session,
16:20 the stripes on Jesus' back,
16:22 that blood on his back
16:24 is for the healing of the nations.
16:25 We are healed by his stripes.
16:27 Every sickness is covered.
16:29 And in the 21st century,
16:31 there are sicknesses and diseases that are emerging
16:34 that we've never heard of before
16:36 in three different parts of the world.
16:39 People that we know,
16:40 one in Switzerland, one in the United States,
16:43 another one in the UK, people that are close to us,
16:46 all of them last week have been in bed with COVID-19.
16:49 I was like, "Is this thing back?"
16:51 So we sent the blood.
16:53 We sent the blood in our prayer
16:55 and said, "By the blood you are healed."
16:58 One of them stepped out of their bed immediately
17:01 because there's power in the blood.
17:03 I need a strong amen.
17:05 There's deliverance in the blood.
17:08 The blood brings deliverance.
17:11 Let's go to the book of Revelation, chapter number 1,
17:14 and let's read verse number 5.
17:17 Revelation 1, verse 5.
17:19 The blood brings deliverance.
17:22 And from Jesus Christ,
17:24 who is the faithful witness
17:27 and the first begotten of the dead
17:31 and the prince of the kings of the earth,
17:35 unto him that loved us
17:38 and washed us from our sins in his own blood.
17:44 And so, the Lord Jesus Christ,
17:49 the first begotten
17:52 and the prince of the kings of the earth.
17:55 In other words, he displaced the kings of the earth.
17:59 He removed them as kings.
18:01 And the Bible says that cursed is everyone that hangs on a tree.
18:05 And so, when that scripture in Galatians 3, verse 13, 14, and 15 says,
18:10 "Cursed is everyone that hangs on the tree,
18:12 that the blessing of Abraham might come upon the Gentiles."
18:15 What would happen is when a king with his army
18:19 would attack another kingdom,
18:21 what they would do is they would capture the king of the other army.
18:25 They would take that king and hang that king publicly on a tree.
18:31 And then they would then pronounce all the curses
18:35 and they would throw stuff at that king
18:38 and curse him so that the new kingdom would not be subject
18:42 to the old curses of the land.
18:45 So, Jesus, the king of kings, became a man.
18:49 And as a man to become a king, he had to be hung on a tree.
18:54 And when he hung on Calvary, every demon you can think of,
18:59 every fallen angel began to hurl curses at him.
19:03 They threw all the sins of the world,
19:06 from Adam, Eve, Cain, Abel, Noah's generation,
19:11 all the way through all the Jezebels, the Pharaohs,
19:14 the Egyptians, the Nimrods,
19:16 all those things were being thrown at Jesus.
19:19 That's why he said, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?"
19:23 Because the sin of the world was on him.
19:27 There's a man that I know is about five years younger than me.
19:30 If you look at him, he looks like he's ten years older than me
19:34 because he's had a hard life, been in and out of jail,
19:37 drinking a lot, a lot of drug taking,
19:41 got kids in every city in this country that begins with an M,
19:44 including mine, and had a hard life.
19:48 And sin will bring you down.
19:51 But through deliverance, this guy is being restored.
19:55 I saw him a few weeks ago. I couldn't hardly recognize him
19:58 because even some of the wrinkles on his face have began to move away
20:02 because the blood of Jesus brings deliverance.
20:05 It brings renewal. It brings strength and healing.
20:09 Revelation chapter number 7 and verse 14.
20:13 I love this verse. Revelation 7 verse 14.
20:17 Revelation 7 verse 14.
20:20 "And I said to him, 'Sir, you knew or you know.'
20:24 And he said to me, 'These are they which have come out of great tribulation
20:29 and have washed their robes,
20:32 and they have been made white in the blood of the Lamb.'"
20:36 So the blood of the Lamb takes that which is tainted and stained
20:40 and makes it whiter than snow.
20:43 What has been filled with disease,
20:47 what has been blackened by life,
20:50 in that blood, once the blood is applied,
20:53 pure, cleansed, total deliverance.
20:57 Can you imagine all the individuals that Jesus healed
21:01 before the blood was applied?
21:04 Can you imagine what happened after the blood was applied?
21:08 The Bible says when the man was healed of the gate, beautiful,
21:11 in chapter number 3 verse 16 of the book of Acts,
21:15 they said, "How did you perform this miracle?"
21:17 They said, "And this man, through the name of Jesus,
21:22 has made this man perfectly whole in the presence of you all."
21:27 That blood applied on that man made him perfectly whole.
21:33 When Paul was rebuking spirits,
21:36 he was saying to the spirits, "By Jesus Christ, you are rebuked,"
21:42 referring to the power of the blood that removes sins,
21:47 that brings deliverance.
21:49 For any person, for any reason that may need deliverance,
21:53 we command deliverance in your life.
21:56 I was preaching in London in 1990,
21:59 and an unusual something broke out in those meetings.
22:04 I wasn't supposed to even be doing church,
22:07 but I happened to be staying with a member of our church,
22:10 his name's Timbukwebu, in a place called Kilburn.
22:14 And so I was asked to do a service, I did,
22:17 and the power of God fell in that service,
22:19 so from one service went to every night for almost a month.
22:25 And so a pastor by the name of C.P. Trout,
22:29 who is in a place in London called Shepherd's Bush,
22:32 invited me there.
22:34 And so when I got to Shepherd's Bush, a small building,
22:39 an old, probably English Methodist church, very dated.
22:45 It was a cold January day, and gucci and so on, rainy,
22:51 so we're all dressed up, and so I was sitting in the front,
22:54 and there was a very airy presence in the building.
22:58 And so when I got up to speak, in the back row,
23:01 there were like four or five Caucasian people there,
23:05 and they were rocking, and it wasn't--
23:09 you could see they weren't Pentecostal,
23:11 it wasn't Holy Ghost, they were rocking and chanting.
23:15 They were actually witches,
23:16 and they were pronouncing curses on that place.
23:20 And so as I got into my message, as the anointing began to fall,
23:24 a young man got up and ran from here towards--
23:30 closer to the sound desk, and disappeared into the toilet.
23:34 I ran behind him, ran past those four or five women
23:38 into the toilet, and when I bust the door open,
23:41 here was this young man, his first name was John,
23:44 and he had opened his mouth,
23:46 and his tongue was about nine inches long,
23:50 and the tongue was green, totally green,
23:54 as a devil was manifesting.
23:57 And I began to say, "Receive deliverance by the blood of Jesus."
24:01 He began to cough, and green stuff was coming out,
24:04 but that green tongue, that thing fell off like a glove
24:09 onto the floor.
24:11 "God, totally deliverance."
24:12 And while that was happening,
24:14 they were screaming inside the building,
24:17 because when that main devil was being removed from John,
24:22 devils were coming out of those witches.
24:25 And a long story short, it was a long night,
24:27 but all those witches came, repented,
24:30 devils were being cast out,
24:31 and our weapon that night was the blood and the name of Jesus.
24:35 And they confessed that they were assigned to that church.
24:39 That's why Brother C.P. Trout's church could never grow beyond seven people.
24:44 There were 14 people that night in the church.
24:46 He thought he had died and gone to heaven,
24:49 because his church had doubled.
24:51 And they were saying that every church
24:53 that has an expression of the Holy Spirit,
24:56 they are witches assigned there.
24:58 They are afraid of three things.
24:59 They are afraid, number one, of people calling on the name of Jesus.
25:03 They are afraid when people call on the blood of Jesus,
25:06 and they are afraid when people begin to speak with other tongues.
25:08 We did all three that night.
25:11 And so the blood of Jesus has got to be applied at all times.
25:16 People that are demon-possessed, witches, nyangas,
25:19 obia men, traditional healers that come to curse services,
25:23 the thing they fear the most is the blood of the Lamb.
25:26 And so that blood brings deliverance.
25:29 Say in the name of Jesus.
25:31 I have told deliverance by the blood of Jesus.
25:37 Okay, and number 20,
25:39 the blood is the means to overcome the accuser, the devil.
25:46 Revelation chapter number 12 and verse 11.
25:51 And so the Bible says in that first part of Revelation chapter 12,
25:57 "They appeared a great wonder in heaven,"
26:00 and it talks about a woman and so on.
26:02 That's another teaching.
26:04 "There was another wonder," verse 3,
26:07 "a red dragon with seven horns on his seven heads and ten horns,
26:12 seven crowns, and with his tail," that means his light,
26:17 like a comet, like a comet,
26:20 "drew one-third of the angels in heaven."
26:24 And so this angel was trying to grab and destroy God's image in the earth,
26:31 the man-child, which was Adam,
26:33 and now the man-child, which is Jesus,
26:36 and the man-child, which is the born-again believer.
26:40 And the Bible then is very clear, verse 9,
26:44 that this great dragon was cast out,
26:47 that old serpent called the devil and Satan,
26:50 who deceased the whole world
26:52 and was cast into the earth with these angels with him.
26:56 And I heard a loud voice saying,
26:57 "Now his salvation come and strengthen the kingdom of our God
27:00 and the power of his Christ,
27:01 for the accuser of the brethren is cast down
27:05 and accused them before God day and night.
27:09 And they," that's we,
27:11 "overcome him by the blood of the Lamb
27:15 and the word of our testimony."
27:17 And so we say to every demonic spirit, every devil, every accuser,
27:22 "The blood is against you.
27:25 You can't accuse me anymore.
27:27 The blood is against you."
27:29 And every spirit that would rise up and stand against us,
27:36 we raise up a standard,
27:38 and that standard is the blood of Jesus.
27:40 And so we apply the blood by using our words.
27:44 "Father, cover this nation by your blood.
27:47 Cover the city by your blood.
27:49 Cover every tribal group by your blood.
27:52 Cover every household by your blood.
27:55 Cover every family by your blood.
27:57 Cover every person by your blood.
27:59 This church by your blood.
28:01 Ministers of the gospel by your blood."
28:03 We apply the blood of Jesus.
28:05 We receive it in the name of Jesus.
28:07 I need a strong amen.
28:09 And so now we go through some confessions.
28:12 Please confess these with me.
28:15 Heavenly Father,
28:17 I thank you for the precious blood of Jesus
28:20 that was shed for me.
28:23 That blood has set me free.
28:26 Heavenly Father,
28:28 we apply the sprinkled blood of Jesus.
28:31 That sprinkling of blood has removed my sins.
28:36 Heavenly Father,
28:37 we thank you for the blood of Jesus
28:39 that has given me a new covenant.
28:42 I receive the new covenant.
28:44 Heavenly Father,
28:46 we thank you for the blood of Jesus
28:48 that has given me an eternal covenant.
28:50 We receive it in the name of Jesus.
28:53 You hear all the scriptures.
28:54 1 Peter 1, verse 19.
28:57 Hebrews 12, verse 24.
28:59 Luke 22, verse 20.
29:01 And Hebrews 20, chapter 13, verse 20.
29:06 So now in the song of the songwriter,
29:09 I want to say thank God for the blood.
29:13 There's power in the blood.
29:15 There's a crimson stream of blood.
29:17 There is a fountain filled with blood
29:20 drawn from Emmanuel's veins.
29:22 And when sinners plunge beneath that flood,
29:25 removes their guilty stains.
29:27 Removes their guilty stains.
29:29 Removes their guilty stains.
29:31 Father, we thank you for the blood.
29:33 I have power through the blood.
29:35 I'm a believer through the blood.
29:37 We thank you for the blood of Jesus.
29:40 It was shed for me.
29:41 It covers my house.
29:43 In Jesus' name, amen and amen.
29:46 Thank you for being with us, guys.
29:48 Great session.
29:49 Remember to apply those 20 principles
29:51 in Jesus' name.
29:52 We'll see you next week.
29:54 In Jesus' name, amen.
29:56 ♪♪♪