Punjab Police ki bahadur officer hajoom ke samny dati rahi

  • 7 months ago
Punjab Police ki bahadur officer hajoom ke samny dati rahi

#punjabassembly #bakhabarsavera #arynews
00:00 Now, let's come to our story.
00:02 This issue in Pakistan is very sensitive.
00:06 We see that people are very emotional about it.
00:10 People relate to it and become emotional.
00:14 In the Lahore area of Ichhra, a woman went to a restaurant with her husband.
00:20 The dress she was wearing was written in Arabic.
00:27 The crowd thought that the woman's dress had some holy words written on it.
00:36 So, it was inappropriate.
00:38 He went to the woman and spoke to her.
00:40 And then a strange situation happened.
00:44 A strange situation started.
00:46 You can see that the woman had to hide in a shop and seek shelter.
00:53 And again, we tell you that this is a letter.
01:02 Sadaf, you are the better person to tell us about this.
01:07 You see a lot of Urdu poetry.
01:09 There are many Urdu poetry poems.
01:15 People thought that she was disrespecting the woman.
01:19 She was also not explaining it.
01:23 This is a brand of an Arabic country.
01:25 But what was written in this letter was not what people thought.
01:30 Some people have tweeted about this.
01:33 I am giving their references.
01:35 The person who wrote this letter, posted it on their social media platforms.
01:45 We will tell you what is written in this letter.
01:48 It is written in Arabic.
01:54 It means beauty and sweetness.
02:00 And it is a delicate word.
02:05 That is why it is written in Arabic.
02:07 After all this happened, a mob appeared and tried to rape her.
02:20 She somehow managed to save her life.
02:26 After that, a very good interview was done by the SP.
02:29 SP Sheher Bano Naqvi.
02:32 She has a detailed account of this incident.
02:37 She was informed about this incident.
02:41 She was told that a woman was accused of this.
02:45 She said that she saw a crowd and that woman was in a panic.
02:50 People were asking her to come out.
02:53 When this happens, the crowd gathers.
02:56 But what role did the ASP play?
03:02 Not only did she control the situation, but she also took the woman out of the crowd.
03:05 But how did she address the crowd?
03:07 You can see this.
03:09 We have been serving as the ASP for a year.
03:14 No one has complained.
03:16 We have been through three incidents like this.
03:19 You have to trust us.
03:21 This woman is sitting inside.
03:26 The ASP is outside and is addressing the people.
03:29 She is explaining to the people.
03:32 She went inside and covered the woman.
03:37 She bravely brought her out.
03:40 She was told that she was a woman.
03:43 She was told that she was a woman.
03:46 She was told that she was a woman.
03:51 She was told that she was a woman.
03:54 She was told that she was a woman.
03:57 She was told that she was a woman.
04:02 She was told that she was a woman.
04:05 She was told that she was a woman.
04:08 She was told that she was a woman.
04:10 She was told that she was a woman.
04:13 The situation is that we don't have the knowledge.
04:18 We are trying to tell people that
04:21 no Muslim can imagine this.
04:28 If someone thinks that this has happened,
04:31 how much is their vision?
04:33 If they see this happening,
04:35 do they have any power to say that this is what they think?
04:38 You can check this.
04:40 If this is not the case, then you can see the situation.
04:43 This is a matter of the Allama Al-Afeez.
04:45 When these things come out,
04:47 when the videos go viral,
04:49 when they come on social media,
04:51 there is a reaction.
04:53 The special person of the Nigara Prime Minister,
04:56 Maulana Tahir Ashrafi,
04:58 he gave a statement on this.
05:00 Let's see what his take is.
05:03 What happened is that a woman was wearing a dress
05:07 on which the words of an Arab were written.
05:10 In the whole of the Islamic world,
05:12 men and women wear such clothes.
05:16 There was no such writing in it that there was any insult.
05:19 I think that instead of this woman,
05:21 those people should apologize
05:23 who harassed her.
05:25 What is the insult in this?
05:27 It was ignorance that a woman is wearing clothes
05:30 and an Arabic sentence is written on it.
05:32 And you are saying that they will kill her.
05:34 There should be legal action against these people.
05:36 The government of Punjab will take action against this.
05:39 And those people who have done this,
05:41 should take action against them.
05:43 Absolutely.
05:45 I would like to thank Tahir Ashrafi for this.
05:48 He came and gave a statement in a suitable situation
05:52 and explained that this was not what people were understanding.
05:56 And he said that this was not even an insult,
06:00 but that the woman was harassed.
06:02 The woman who was scared,
06:04 she thought that she might commit a crime.
06:07 And then he said that they can kill her.
06:12 And the situation could have been worse
06:14 if that woman was saved.
06:16 But the ASP and the scholars like Allama Tahir Ashrafi
06:20 played a very important role in this.
06:22 Absolutely.
06:23 I would like to thank Allama Tahir Ashrafi once again.
06:25 Scholars should play this role.
06:27 And secondly,
06:29 we would like to thank the SP Meherbano Qureshi
06:32 for doing this.
06:34 She did this very well.
06:36 She not only saw the mob mentality there,
06:41 understood it.
06:42 It was possible that if she had used force,
06:45 there could have been a clash.
06:47 But she saw the mob mentality
06:49 and first of all, she calmed the situation down.
06:52 After that, the woman who was hiding in the shop,
06:55 again, if she had taken her there,
06:57 it would have been a different story.
06:59 She took her out and took her.
07:01 After that, the IG Punjab,
07:03 she also supported her a lot.
07:05 And she also gave her the medal.
07:07 She was very tactful.
07:09 She understood the mob psychology.
07:11 So if we have such characters in the police,
07:15 then what is the matter?
07:16 They know how to handle the crowd,
07:18 how to handle the sensitive situation,
07:21 how to take the step forward with the woman.
07:24 And after that, she handled the whole situation.
07:26 So what is the matter?
07:27 She did a great job, Meherbano Sahiba.
07:30 Absolutely.
