Baptism in the Holy Spirit is Regeneration too!

  • 15 years ago
Baptism in the Holy Spirit is how we become a Christian. When we receive the Spirit at conversion, this makes us a Child of God. Receiving the Spirit is the same as Baptism in the Spirit and this is linked to believing. When we believe, we are baptized inwardly by the Spirit. This is symbolized outwardly by baptism in water.
In the Old Testament, when peole believed in Jehovah for salvation, they were circumcised inwardly by the Spirit as well as outwardly in the flesh.
People could be born again under the Old Covenent and the New Covenant.
If you were born again under the Old Covenant, you are a Jew.
If you are born again under the New Covenant, symbolized by Baptism, then you are a Christian.
