Kill Me Heal Me Full Part 2

  • 7 months ago
Kill Me Heal Me Full Part 2
00:04 Open it.
00:05 Now, this is it.
00:19 Now, there you go.
00:30 Hey.
00:51 Hey.
00:54 You're awake.
01:00 No, don't talk.
01:01 Don't talk.
01:02 Just listen.
01:03 Your baby-- you and your baby are fine.
01:10 He's in the incubator, and I've settled your father down.
01:14 Don't just calm down.
01:15 Just relax and rest up.
01:20 Your baby's waiting for you.
01:22 Are you sure you want to leave?
01:49 I'm already dead.
01:52 The dead don't look back.
01:53 Can we see each other again?
01:58 Yeah, sure.
02:36 As of recently, Jones Corporation
02:38 has shown a significant decrease across all sectors.
02:41 Their profits are down by 30%.
02:44 Mr. Foster, can you tell us what the future
02:47 holds for Foster Group?
02:48 Do you plan on keeping the partnership
02:50 with Jones Corporation despite their financial circumstances?
02:53 We'll be deciding that on a multitude of factors.
02:56 That's all.
02:56 Thank you.
03:08 What is it this time?
03:22 Dad wants to know when we're getting married.
03:25 Perseus is 10 years old already.
03:28 What we have right now is good enough, isn't it?
03:31 Nathaniel, my dad's corporation is having cash flow issues.
05:03 The proposal's almost done.
05:11 Take off early and pick up Alex.
05:14 He doesn't care about me.
05:15 He's too busy playing with Mrs. Johnson's kid.
05:17 All the more reason to spend more time with him,
05:20 or he'll forget about you.
05:23 Done.
05:27 Who are these proposals for again?
05:30 Which client?
05:32 Foster group.
05:33 This first love series looks special.
05:44 It just fits Nathaniel and Amanda's love story.
05:48 Yeah, it does.
05:49 I'm going to head out.
05:58 Hey, Nancy.
06:11 Timothy.
06:13 What are you doing here?
06:16 Can't an old friend drop in?
06:19 Sure.
06:20 Timothy, you can't keep dropping by unannounced like this.
06:24 You have to move on.
06:38 I'm here to deal with the Jones Corporation.
06:40 Now you got me running this whole show, too.
06:46 Let me see the designs for the first love campaign.
06:50 Shortlist to three companies.
06:52 Flawless designs hits the spot.
06:57 We'll go with them, then.
07:17 Miss Jones, you're right on time.
07:21 Just as we're about to close the bid,
07:26 skyscraper industry swoops in.
07:28 They're very annoying.
07:31 They're not as powerful as Jones Corporation.
07:33 We'll be fine.
07:34 Well, if you could just marry me,
07:39 we can make this whole mess go away.
07:42 You wouldn't want our marriage to be built on nothing
07:45 but profit, would you?
07:47 You're right.
07:52 I'm just thinking about Percy.
07:56 He's getting older, and the other kids
07:59 are going to start asking about his parents.
08:01 Then spend more time with him.
08:10 Percy works hard.
08:15 He's brilliant in every subject.
08:17 He's heir to both the Jones and Foster families.
08:22 That's to be expected.
08:24 Foster!
08:27 Percy, eat.
08:29 He's brilliant, Miss Jones.
08:33 Maybe we should cut him a little slack?
08:35 I hired you to teach my son, not me.
08:39 So that's what Donald's been up to.
08:47 He's putting a bid on the city's southern project,
08:49 as we expected.
08:51 It's ambitious.
08:56 He bet half his family's wealth on that project.
08:59 I'd do the same thing if I were him.
09:01 If he wins, he doubles his net worth.
09:04 But he'll have no idea that you're still in the race.
09:07 Foster group is pulled out.
09:09 Skyscraper's still in.
09:11 It's a great trap to find out what kind of crimes
09:13 he's been up to.
09:14 I don't want to lose everything.
09:17 He didn't wait all these years for nothing.
09:21 But if you take him down now, what happens to Amanda?
09:26 I'm going to leave Skyscraper Industries to Percy.
09:33 Just a little bit longer.
09:35 It's time for your pills.
09:47 Let's have a drink.
09:49 Drinking, are we?
10:00 He is.
10:01 Why are you here?
10:11 Notice the light was still on.
10:14 What do you want?
10:16 Skyscraper Industries.
10:18 Yeah?
10:19 They are a formidable investment group.
10:23 We'll never win the bid with them in the race.
10:28 We can work together, Nathaniel.
10:30 We are.
10:31 I know you're gay.
10:35 You want to up your company's value?
10:39 With the news of our marriage?
10:42 It's the easiest way.
10:44 I don't want to marry you just for money.
10:47 Besides, we have Percy.
10:51 And he'll be inheriting everything.
10:54 What are you two talking about?
10:56 Your wedding, of course.
10:59 We're working on it.
11:01 Right, honey?
11:02 Donald, don't they already have a kid?
11:09 I don't know.
11:11 I'm not sure.
11:12 I'm sure they do.
11:14 I'm sure they do.
11:16 I'm sure they do.
11:18 I'm sure they do.
11:21 Don't they already have a kid?
11:23 Do you think it's a good idea that they're still not married?
11:29 It's fine, as long as they're together as a family.
11:32 We do have different ideas about business.
11:36 With child and unmarried all these years,
11:42 not only is he testing your daughter's patience,
11:45 but it looks like he's playing hard to get with you.
11:50 [music]
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11:55 [music]
12:07 [thunder]
12:20 [music]
12:22 I have some questions for you, Mr. Jax.
12:35 You don't get to ask me questions.
12:42 Do you know who I am?
12:47 Do you have any idea how much shit you're in?
12:54 Your father-in-law's friend wants to have a chat with you.
12:58 I'll cut to the chase.
13:08 I want proof that Donald's investment.
13:11 You're trying to crush the old bastard?
13:16 I knew he couldn't have been that lucky,
13:19 marry his girl to you.
13:23 Did you know he killed your mother?
13:30 [screaming]
13:36 Way too much.
13:38 I can barely even lift it.
13:40 There's a pen drive in my bag.
13:44 Oh, God.
13:46 Get rid of him.
13:50 No.
13:51 No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
13:53 No!
13:54 No!
13:55 Please!
13:56 No, no, no, no.
13:57 Please.
13:58 [music]
14:03 Sure, one moment.
14:07 You gotta help me out.
14:10 I thought everything was confirmed.
14:13 And now Mr. Foster objecting to my proposal and asking for changes?
14:17 Change how the gem's embedded and make Amanda less prominent vegetable.
14:23 Yeah, sorry about that.
14:25 I'm sending the changes now.
14:27 Oh, really?
14:30 Okay, great.
14:32 You're awesome, Nancy.
14:38 Mr. Foster said he's coming over to talk about the designs.
14:43 Um, I can't.
14:45 I have an appointment.
14:47 I have an appointment.
14:49 No, you don't.
14:52 Besides, he's already coming up.
14:54 Relax, will you?
15:01 It'll be fine.
15:03 Hello, Mr. Foster.
15:06 So glad that you could come by.
15:08 I'm sorry, Mr. Foster couldn't make it.
15:10 I'm here on his behalf.
15:12 I'm Joseph Shaw.
15:14 You must be the designer of our new series.
15:18 Oh, no, that's me.
15:20 But she did help come up with the proposal earlier.
15:23 Right.
15:26 Well, let's chat.
15:28 Mr. Foster is very interested in the design's concept.
15:33 [footsteps]
15:35 Yeah, he probably just went on another vendor again.
15:45 Dad told me he thinks Mr. Jax is dead.
15:48 Something serious is going on, and Skyscraper Industries is coming after us.
15:52 They think Dad wants to talk to you tonight.
15:55 It can't be tonight. It'll have to be tomorrow.
15:59 [footsteps]
16:01 [sighs]
16:06 A designer is really something.
16:09 I think this series is going to be a hit.
16:11 I don't care, Joseph. Tell me, what is she like?
16:14 Bit of an oddball.
16:18 Big glasses.
16:20 Nothing like you describe her.
16:22 [footsteps]
16:25 [music]
16:27 Everything alright, Miss Green?
16:34 Yes. I'm just here to pick up Alex, Mrs. Johnson.
16:38 Can you give me a second, Mommy?
16:40 No, just be a good boy and let's go, okay, hun?
16:43 Nancy, are you okay?
16:46 Yes. It's just been an eventful day.
16:50 [thunder]
16:51 Alex, let's...
16:53 Alex!
16:54 [siren]
16:56 What's wrong, Miss Green? What happened to Alex?
17:03 He has aplastic anemia.
17:07 But he's so young. How can this...
17:11 Is there any way to heal him?
17:14 A bone marrow transplant.
17:18 Or a cord blood.
17:22 Oh, the poor boy loses his father and now this?
17:26 Oh, I'm so sorry, Nancy.
17:29 [sobbing]
17:31 Everything's going to be okay.
17:35 Everything's going to be okay.
17:43 Oh.
17:49 [music]
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19:17 (upbeat music)
