A devastating blow with a 4-1 defeat to Howe's Newcastle side

  • 7 months ago
00:00 Disappointed with the first half?
00:08 Yes, disappointed with the first half especially. I thought that was disappointing, hugely disappointing
00:15 from our perspective. I don't think we really, truly got going in that first half at all.
00:19 They put us under pressure. Initially I thought that was just the start of the game and we
00:23 would weather that and come into it. But at no stage did we really come out of that moment
00:29 and I don't think we competed well enough, which is really unlike us.
00:32 So I think we'll learn a lot from that first 45.
00:36 Is Arsenal a very good team?
00:52 Yes, of course. With every game that goes by and we concede goals it's a concern. Of
01:01 course we're working on lots of things behind the scenes to try and improve that but that
01:06 probably wasn't evident in today's performance. I think there's a real combination of things
01:13 today. We didn't defend the set plays well enough so two goals conceded from corners
01:16 when we knew their threat, we knew how good they are in those situations.
01:20 The third goal as well was a huge disappointment because in that moment we're the dominant
01:23 team and we're right in the game if we get the next goal. So difficult moments defensively
01:28 for us.
01:29 Did you have harsh words with the players?
01:42 Not particularly. I think yes in a sense that I let them know what I thought but then of
01:48 course you have to then try and help the team improve. So then there was a mixture of sort
01:54 of some blunt honesty but then how we're going to play in the second half and how we're going
01:58 to improve the performance. It was much improved, it was much, much better. As I say the dominant
02:03 team had some chances and you thought if we can get the next goal this game could swing
02:06 totally. But then as I say the third goal totally took the wind out of our sails in
02:11 that moment.
02:12 Do you have an in-quest for this?
02:15 I don't think we have time to be honest. We have Blackburn now and we have to turn our
02:21 attentions to that very quickly. I think I have to be very careful what I do with the
02:26 players always and how I communicate and how I get my point across. The players I have
02:33 to say have been the ones that have been fit, have been magnificent this season in really
02:36 challenging circumstances to commit to everything we've asked them to do and keep going in challenging
02:43 runs or form. But we've always managed to have that spirit to come back. Today was difficult
02:48 but I thought we showed our character in the second half and now we're going to have to
02:52 show that again against Blackburn which is a huge game in our season.
02:54 What's your message to the fans?
03:05 Well I thought they were magnificent for us again today which again isn't taken for granted.
03:08 You know how difficult today has been for them to get here and the fact they can't get
03:13 home tonight. So for them to stand by the players in this difficult moment was much
03:19 appreciated. We're going to need them again against Blackburn. We need to stick together.
03:23 There's only one way for success and that's for the club to be as one.
03:26 Is this the bigger picture to show Arsenal are obviously talented for the title?
03:40 Well I think it's more difficult for us with the injuries we've had this season. I think
03:43 it's made the gap bigger from our side but I think with a full-strength team and a full-strength
03:48 squad that gap wouldn't be as evident as it was today. So I think from my side I need
03:56 perspective. I ask everyone for perspective really in terms of the difficult season that
04:02 we've had in that respect.
04:03 Did you travel on the day of the games?
04:07 Yeah we did.
04:08 Is that something you'd normally do?
04:09 That's something we've done since our good away form started. So we felt that's actually
04:15 helped our performance.
04:16 It feels like you're giving yourself a mountain to climb in every match. You've made a habit
04:23 of making life difficult for the team. Does that feel like you're making life difficult
04:28 for yourself? Is that fair?
04:31 Yeah well I think it is in a sense of not necessarily how we're starting games because
04:37 I think it's been a mixed bag. I just think we've been inconsistent. We've been inconsistent
04:41 in some of our performances, even in games. Today that was the same. So an inconsistent
04:47 first half, well a poor first half but then a much better second half with the same players.
04:52 That's frustrating from my side because you're looking to put a team out and know 100% what
04:58 you're going to get. I think in terms of attitude we've had that bar the first half today, all
05:02 season. As I said in really, really challenging situations the players have really stuck together.
05:08 We have to do that now for Blackburn. We have to look at this as the biggest game of our
05:11 season. There's a lot resting on this next game.
05:15 Obviously people look at the goalkeeper, they look at the defenders as the laying on gold
05:19 but it feels like they're not getting enough protection from elsewhere on the team?
05:24 I keep saying the same thing in regards to conceding goals. It's collective. Last year
05:28 we had that collective mentality that we weren't going to concede. Even the game coming here
05:32 last year we were magnificent in collective defending from the front to the back. I don't
05:38 think we've lost the desire to do that. We're just not as competent at the moment at doing
05:43 it than we were and we need to refine that solidity.
05:47 What's so difficult about defending against Arsenal?
06:03 I think you get a mixture of good delivery and players who want to attack the ball. That's
06:08 the start of the combination. I think Arsenal have that at the moment. I think we have that
06:11 when we're playing well. To combat that you have to be really aggressive aerially. We didn't
06:19 do that well enough today. We're really disappointed with the goals because we knew the corners,
06:23 we knew they were coming. So we should have done better.
06:27 In terms of rediscovering that defensive solidity that you touched upon, does that come through
06:33 work on the training ground or will that have to come during games?
06:38 Of course it comes from work on the training ground. I think it comes from a collective
06:42 responsibility really and a focus to make that your priority. I think we have attacking
06:48 players. I think we'll have players always that will score goals and create moments for
06:51 us that could win us games. But at the moment we're taking that away from ourselves by not
06:56 defending properly.
06:57 Three changes made today. What was the thought process behind that?
07:05 Martin was ill. Alex came back into the team and playing with a recognised striker I think
07:12 will definitely help. Those minutes will help him return back to his best form. With Tino
07:17 and Dan, we just felt we needed Tino's qualities in the team.
07:20 It was always going to be tough to come down with a result like that. It's been a tough
07:25 year for Arsenal. How do you turn that around?
07:29 We know that our run of form has not been as consistent as we want it to be. Coming
07:36 here I think we were unbeaten in five. I don't think it was all bad. But today's defeat
07:44 we'll have to take on the chin and we'll have to come back stronger for it.
07:48 Did you see any positive from Joe's comeback?
07:53 I think Joe's cameo was excellent. He showed exactly what we've missed from him in his
07:58 qualities of attacking the box late and getting goals. Alex's return was a huge positive and
08:05 hopefully improved for that 60 minutes. Apart from that I'm struggling to find too many more.
08:12 Okay, thank you everybody. Thank you.
