Detectives are doubtful that missing Ballarat woman Samantha Murphy is still alive, as an investigation continues into the 51-year-old mother who was last seen almost three weeks ago. Along with a police search, the community is continuing their efforts to find her.
00:00 Up to 200 local residents are planning on taking part in the community search today
00:07 for missing woman Samantha Murphy here at Mount Clear, south of Ballarat.
00:12 Organisers say they hope they'll be able to find the missing 51-year-old or at least help
00:16 shed some light on her disappearance almost three weeks ago, with many planning on bringing
00:21 metal detectors.
00:23 Miss Murphy was last seen leaving her home in Ballarat East on February 4th for her regular
00:28 morning jog.
00:29 Yesterday, police said they held severe concerns for her and said it was very doubtful she
00:34 would be found alive.
00:35 A targeted police search was carried out here in Mount Clear yesterday after authorities
00:40 received new information from phone data that led them to the area, with specialist officers
00:45 scouring the ground for new evidence.
00:48 Police say at this stage everyone in Samantha's life is considered to be a person of interest
00:52 and it's likely one or more parties are involved in her disappearance.
00:57 Authorities have asked anyone in the area who may have CCTV to please check their footage
01:01 between 7am and 7pm on February 4th and to reach out if they sight Miss Murphy.
01:07 .