Albabat Ransomware 1.0.0 - Encryption and Decryption

  • 4 months ago
Hello, we are the Albabat team, and this is our official channel on Dailymotion, and we are providing this video as proof that only we can recover your encrypted files.

In this video you will see the Albabat Ransomware (version 1.0.0) encrypted the data and our decryptor doing the reverse action.

It is very important that you read the "Albabat Ransomware" ransom note to know the step-by-step instructions to recover your files.

Note: This video is just an example of some files and directories that the "Albabat Ransomware" infects, it can infect many more types of files and traverse many more directories.

Att, Albabat team.
