Rekrut Tech Expert Lewat Startup

  • 7 months ago
"Saksikan tayangan kami Official Youtube IDX Channel di Program Power Breakfast, Rabu (21/02/2024) dengan Tema Rekrut Tech Expert Lewat Startup".


00:00 Thank you, Pemirsa, for joining us in CREATE A program
00:03 that will be sharing information about business world,
00:06 especially related to digital.
00:08 I'm Prisa, my co-host and my colleague.
00:10 And I'm Fajar Wayong, Pemirsa.
00:12 And this time we will discuss an interesting topic,
00:14 which is recruiting tech experts through startups.
00:17 And it has been continued through LINE ZOOM
00:19 with Yunita Anggrani, co-founder and COO of Geek Hunter.
00:23 Miss Yunita, thank you very much for joining us today.
00:26 I'm so happy to be able to join IDX Channel.
00:30 The news is currently in Bandung, right?
00:32 Yes.
00:34 Wow, that's great.
00:35 Okay, let's get to know more about Geek Hunter.
00:38 What is the platform and what is the relationship
00:42 with recruiting tech experts through startups?
00:46 Okay, it's easy to remember.
00:49 If you read Geek Hunter, there are Geek and Hunter.
00:52 So we are the hunter of experts.
00:55 If we talk about Geek, it's related to...
00:58 "Wow, the best in the field."
01:01 The field could be anything.
01:03 It could be tech, non-tech,
01:05 or we can talk about manufacturing, health.
01:08 We will help find the best talent
01:10 that needs to be hired.
01:12 So, Geek Hunter is the hunter of experts.
01:14 The point is we are a recruitment consultant
01:16 who helps companies to find jobs.
01:19 Okay.
01:20 But what makes Geek Hunter different,
01:23 compared to other businesses or providers in the industry?
01:27 Okay.
01:29 We started in 2013.
01:31 When the technology scene of startups was blooming.
01:35 We know Gojek just started in 2010.
01:38 Bukalapak also in 2010.
01:40 Then there's Tokopedia that just started in 2009.
01:43 And Geek Hunter became the first one.
01:47 For recruitment consultants,
01:49 the focus is only on technology.
01:51 So, we are brave to focus on finding jobs,
01:56 especially programmers, software engineers,
01:59 mobile developers, designers, product managers.
02:02 And we grew up with the growth of startups in Indonesia.
02:06 So, if we say from 2013 to 2023,
02:09 Geek Hunter has been around for 10 years.
02:12 And when we can hire IT people,
02:15 who are especially hard to find,
02:18 it means we can find any job outside the IT industry.
02:23 Because with our technical skills to find IT,
02:26 we can duplicate to other jobs in the industry.
02:30 Okay.
02:31 The need for SDM Tech in Indonesia is really high.
02:36 And you said one of the problems is
02:39 it's hard to find IT people
02:41 by companies when recruiting SDM Tech.
02:45 And you have been in this industry for 10 years.
02:48 What makes it hard to find IT people?
02:51 I think there are many.
02:53 But what do you mean by hard?
02:56 Is it hard to meet the standard qualifications?
03:00 Right.
03:02 It's hard because they are not the type of people
03:05 who apply for jobs when they see the job post.
03:08 Because they are geeks.
03:09 They are experts in their field and focus on working.
03:13 So, they won't look for opportunities
03:16 other than if they are offered directly.
03:20 Meanwhile, the job of headhunter like Geek Hunter,
03:24 we will personalize the way we approach them.
03:28 By phone, we explain the advantages of this startup,
03:33 how their career path is going,
03:36 so they will start to be interested.
03:39 "Oh, it turns out this is suitable."
03:40 It's the same as what they want in their career path
03:44 or their career aspirations.
03:46 So, they can get a new job
03:50 that is more in line with their aspirations.
03:53 That's one.
03:54 The second is, we see there are still many skill gaps.
03:58 Between the graduation from, we can say,
04:02 the university education or the course institution
04:05 with the needs of the industry.
04:07 If we look at this gap,
04:10 we can refer to the curriculum.
04:15 The dictation suggests a 3-5 years of substitution.
04:20 Meanwhile, in IT, there is one,
04:24 if we can look at it,
04:25 front-end developers have a technical skill called JavaScript.
04:31 This JavaScript framework,
04:33 let's say, in one year, there can be two updates.
04:36 In five years, there can be six updates.
04:39 Meanwhile, the change of curriculum is only once every five years.
04:42 That's the difference.
04:44 So, the needs of the industry,
04:46 they have to have a very specific skill,
04:50 even want to have direct experience.
04:53 And from there, people like Headhunter
04:57 who really look for,
04:59 tailor to their needs.
05:02 Okay, so, we can say that Geek Hunter
05:04 is an intermediary or its role is to find
05:07 between the needs of the industry and the geeks themselves
05:11 or those who have the skills to be able to,
05:13 in quotes, be worked on, right, Miss Yenita?
05:16 Like looking for a needle in a haystack.
05:19 Something like that.
05:21 Okay, then the business pattern itself
05:24 that is offered to the geeks themselves
05:27 or the workers who have the skills
05:30 and also the companies that are looking for such workers,
05:33 how is it, Miss?
05:34 What is offered to both parties?
05:37 Okay, so, first, Headhunting or Geek Hunter
05:41 as Headhunting is different from outsourcing.
05:43 If outsourcing, usually they are hired
05:46 in the outsourcing consulting company.
05:48 But Headhunter, we only provide
05:51 a profile of recommendations that we have interviewed,
05:54 that we have sorted,
05:56 and that's what we give to the company.
05:58 So, when they are suitable,
06:00 they will be hired under the company.
06:03 And later, from the company,
06:05 they will pay based on the recruitment consultant fee.
06:10 So, we will get a fee from the Geek Hunter recruitment service
06:14 that we also based on.
06:16 Usually, we will have a calculation
06:18 from whether the candidate's income every year.
06:22 So, it will be different for each candidate.
06:24 How do you do the curation for SDM tech
06:27 that is in the platform,
06:30 based on the desire of the SDM or company?
06:36 Okay, the selection stage is called
06:39 the sourcing stage in the world of recruitment.
06:43 And we have joined the sourcing community
06:46 in the United States, called SourceCon.
06:48 And I myself went to Austin, USA in 2017
06:51 to learn how the sourcing technique is.
06:54 Because there are certain methods
06:56 that we look for quickly and accurately.
06:59 Because imagine, from 1 million people
07:02 who are in LinkedIn,
07:03 who have experience in front-end or back-end.
07:07 Then we have to look for those who have experience in Go language.
07:11 We will input the appropriate keywords at that time.
07:15 Then, it will appear from 1,000,
07:18 so it will be filtered, let's say, to 100.
07:20 From 100, it will be filtered again to 200.
07:23 Sorry, from 100 to 20.
07:26 So, 20 people will be contacted and approached.
07:30 That's more or less in terms of the sourcing technique.
07:33 The second is the technique of how we negotiate
07:36 and build relations through the community.
07:39 We have several communities that we often engage.
07:43 We also initiated one technology community
07:48 called Bandung JavaScript.
07:50 In Bandung, the number of members has reached 3,000.
07:53 We have about 25 offline meetups.
07:57 They can gather, learn,
07:59 and we can also connect with them.
08:01 Okay, the total participation is how many, Mrs. Yuni?
08:05 And then, how many companies have been helped
08:09 by the presence of Geek Hunter?
08:11 Okay, our Geek Hunter team is about 22 people.
08:15 It's spread in Indonesia, USA.
08:18 And while from the companies that we have helped,
08:21 about 350 companies.
08:24 The average is from Indonesia,
08:27 or they are multinational
08:29 and they are set up in Indonesia.
08:31 Okay, we'll dig deeper later,
08:33 Mrs. Yuni, related to Geek Hunter.
08:35 But later we have to stop first.
08:37 The viewers, stay with us when we come back.
08:40 Yes, back with us at CREATE UP.
08:42 And of course, we are still discussing with Geek Hunter.
08:45 What is the process of Geek Hunter
08:49 to be able to survive until now?
08:51 Are there any technologies that have been optimized?
08:55 Or is there a UI that can make it easier for Geek Hunter
09:00 to use the services of Geek Hunter?
09:03 Okay, if we talk about recruitment consultant,
09:07 the main thing is the database.
09:11 We are not only dependent on the database out there,
09:13 but we also curate it.
09:14 How we curate it, filter it,
09:17 and maintain the data update is important.
09:20 At the moment, there are about 100,000 technology workers
09:25 or ICT workers in our database.
09:29 And it's all stored in the tracking system application.
09:32 So we already have our own system
09:35 that we consider the best.
09:38 Where we choose from what's on the market.
09:40 And there we update
09:42 and have a main selling point in looking for it.
09:47 So we are not only dependent on the system outside,
09:49 but the internal system is the first.
09:51 Okay, but if this is the base in Bandung,
09:56 but you said that it can be all over Indonesia.
09:59 If for example the data does not meet the qualifications
10:02 or has been screened,
10:04 it doesn't meet the criteria needed.
10:06 Is there a training or is there a continuation?
10:09 Or how?
10:11 Okay, usually when we see the condition is not in line with the market,
10:15 not 100%, let's say above 70%,
10:18 we will still recommend to companies.
10:21 Because there is still room for them to grow.
10:24 We provide it with community activities.
10:28 Because we know, we know the experts,
10:31 then we invite them,
10:32 then they can learn sharing and networking
10:35 in a community like Bandung JS.
10:37 Okay, through the community.
10:39 And what is it like usually sought by companies,
10:42 the qualifications and what positions are more like?
10:48 Which is usually most sought after through Geek Hunter?
10:51 Okay, so if the three categories that are most sought after are
10:55 Geek Tech, Geek Beast and Geek Executive.
10:59 So if Geek Tech, all the tech kids,
11:01 from UI designer, then software engineer,
11:05 to Android, to infrastructure and QA testing.
11:10 If we talk about Geek Beast,
11:12 it's sales marketing, business operation, HR.
11:15 But if it's executive, it can reach the level of chief technology officer.
11:20 Okay, last, related to Geek Hunter, what's next?
11:23 What else is in the near future that will be done or maybe developed?
11:27 Okay, basically we will diversify the business.
11:32 And the diversification of the business can be horizontally or vertically.
11:36 If we talk about horizontally,
11:38 we can do the effort to add our business services,
11:44 such as industry tech, then the industry manufacture, or FMCG.
11:49 If we talk about vertically,
11:51 we will see that there is a possibility that we will start to outsourcing,
11:56 or for example, we enter into training and development.
12:00 And it will be further developed after about 10 years.
12:05 That's right.
12:06 And we have already joined the Global Network Recruitment Association.
12:11 So we even have a partner recruitment in almost all over the world.
12:15 Good luck for Geek Hunter and also Ms. Angraini,
12:18 join the team. See you again.
12:20 Unfortunately, our time is limited.
12:22 Yes, thank you so much.
12:24 Yes, Pemirsa, let's take a look first,
12:28 how is the development of the Sam Gabungan index?
12:32 After 9.30, in the West Indonesia,
12:35 it can be seen from IHSG,
12:37 Pemirsa is monitored at 7348.97,
12:41 or a slight decrease of 0.05% so far.
12:45 And then Pemirsa, in the Sam-Sam region,
12:47 which is among the top gainers,
12:49 is Enzia, which is 20% stronger.
12:52 PTPS increased by 13%.
12:54 ALIE, Pemirsa, also increased by 12%.
12:58 And some other stocks,
13:00 like VILM and AHAP,
13:02 are the top losers.
13:04 Yes, for the top losers, there are a number of stocks,
13:07 among which, Pemirsa, there are BCTM,
13:14 DEWI and MPX.
13:16 That's it, Pemirsa, there are Sam-Sam that are the top losers.
13:20 On this occasion, Pemirsa,
13:23 IHSG is trying to be positive again,
13:25 and now it's increased by 0.9% at 7359.
13:30 And it's been 90 minutes,
13:32 we are with you in Power Breakfast.
13:34 Hopefully, what we discussed this time
13:36 can be a reference and a source of information for you.
13:39 I'm Pris Sasombodatu.
13:41 And I'm Fajar Wayong.
13:42 See you.
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