आज के टाइम पर सब कुछ इतना आधुनिक हो गया है कि आप मिनटों में घर बैठे कुछ भी कर सकते हैं। बढ़ते तकनीकी दौर में आजकल AI यानी आर्टिफिशियल इंटेलिजेंस का भी दबदबा बढ़ता जा रहा है। बीते कुछ टाइम पहले कई बॉलीवुड सेलेब्स के डीपफेक वीडियो सामने आए, जिसको लेकर हर किसी ने अपना-अपना रिएक्शन शेयर किया। इस बीच अब फिर से बी-टाउन के कई स्टार्स का AI लुक सामने आया है, जिसमें वो बच्चे बने नजर आ रहे हैं।
Nowadays, everything has become so modern that you can do anything sitting at home within minutes. Nowadays, in the growing technological era, the dominance of AI i.e. Artificial Intelligence is also increasing. Some time ago, deepfake videos of many Bollywood celebs came out, on which everyone shared their reaction. Meanwhile, now again the AI look of many B-Town stars has been revealed, in which they are seen looking like children.
#BollywoodCelebsDeepfakeViralVideo, #SrkDeepfakeViralVideo, #SalmanKhanAIFunnyVideo, #AkshayKumarAIFunnyViralVideo, #AIFunnyViralVideo, #BollywoodCelebsFunnyViralVideo
Nowadays, everything has become so modern that you can do anything sitting at home within minutes. Nowadays, in the growing technological era, the dominance of AI i.e. Artificial Intelligence is also increasing. Some time ago, deepfake videos of many Bollywood celebs came out, on which everyone shared their reaction. Meanwhile, now again the AI look of many B-Town stars has been revealed, in which they are seen looking like children.
#BollywoodCelebsDeepfakeViralVideo, #SrkDeepfakeViralVideo, #SalmanKhanAIFunnyVideo, #AkshayKumarAIFunnyViralVideo, #AIFunnyViralVideo, #BollywoodCelebsFunnyViralVideo