C'est la séquence émotion des Bafta 2024. Le public a rendu un vibrant hommage à Michael J. Fox. Atteint de la maladie de Parkinson, l’acteur américain a été longuement ovationné lors de de son apparition à la cérémonie des « César britanniques ».
00:00 (Applaudissements) (...)
00:22 (...)
00:33 -Thank you very much.
00:34 Five films are nominated in this category tonight.
00:38 All five of them have something in common.
00:41 They are the best of what we do.
00:43 No matter who you are or where you're from,
00:45 these films can bring us together.
00:48 There's a reason why they say movies are magic,
00:50 because a movie can change your day,
00:52 it can change your outlook,
00:54 it can sometimes even change your life.
00:57 The nominees are...
00:58 (Applaudissements)
01:07 It's such a privilege.
01:08 And the BAFTA goes to...
01:12 Oh, I can't read it. Oppenheimer.
01:14 (Rires)
01:15 (Musique)