• l’année dernière


00:00 [music]
00:15 Well, good evening, ULove Covenant Church.
00:17 Welcome to our online Bible study, our midweek study.
00:21 And this is the second lesson we're dealing with the power of the blood of Jesus.
00:26 And last week we chatted a little bit why God chose blood
00:33 and the reasons blood was selected by God as an atoning agent.
00:40 And so in this lesson, in the blood of Jesus, we'll start with Leviticus 17, verse 11.
00:46 And then we are going to look at 20 things the blood does.
00:51 20 things the blood does.
00:54 And as we go through each of them, you've got to keep on receiving
00:58 and you've got to keep on believing.
01:00 For this lesson, you have to share this lesson.
01:04 You have to call people, share this lesson around the world,
01:08 share it with family members, because the 20 things that the blood does,
01:13 these are just headliners of so many other things that they produce.
01:18 So each one produces 20 within itself.
01:22 20 times 20, you're coming into 400.
01:25 And there are so many things that the blood does and will continue to do.
01:30 And so Leviticus 17, verse 11.
01:34 The life is in the blood.
01:39 Say that.
01:41 The life is in the blood.
01:43 So it doesn't say life, it's the life.
01:47 Referring to I will give you life, John 10, verse 10,
01:52 and life more abundantly.
01:55 John 10, verse 10, says the thief, that's the devil,
01:59 that cometh not but for to steal, to kill, and to destroy.
02:06 But I am come that you might have life and have life more abundantly.
02:13 And so Jesus could only bring life and life more abundantly
02:18 through the shedding of his own blood.
02:22 So what is important for you to understand,
02:24 when Jesus says the thief cometh not, the minute he said that,
02:29 it meant that he had to be crucified with a thief next to him
02:34 to overrule what a thief has stolen, what the thief has killed,
02:39 and what the thief has destroyed.
02:41 And we understand who that thief is.
02:44 It's Lucifer, the devil, that dragon, Satan, even the serpent.
02:50 That being, with his organization, has stolen so much from man.
02:56 And so when Jesus died and shed his blood,
03:00 everything that was stolen ought to be repatriated.
03:04 Scripture says in Proverbs 3, chapter 6, verse 31,
03:09 "When a thief is caught, that thief must restore sevenfold."
03:14 And so I'm believing for this lesson to begin to release to every person
03:19 sevenfold of everything you lost, not just in your life,
03:23 but in particular for 2023, sevenfold.
03:28 And so we're asking for sevenfold to be restored in the next seven days,
03:33 because we know that that thief has got to restore. Amen.
03:38 And so let's look at the first thing that the blood of Jesus does.
03:44 Number one, the blood remits sins.
03:47 Matthew 26 and verse 28.
03:51 The blood remits sins.
03:54 And so when we look at the scripture of the way the blood works
03:58 and the way the blood remits sins, let's read that scripture.
04:02 Matthew chapter number 26 and verse number 8.
04:06 We'll do that up here.
04:08 And if you have committed sins,
04:12 this is a place to apply the blood of Jesus in that place.
04:17 For this is my blood, the blood of the New Testament,
04:24 which is shed for you and for many,
04:28 for the remission, the removal of sins.
04:34 All acts that have been committed against God,
04:41 God through the blood of Jesus will expunge that entire record.
04:47 The Bible tells us in Isaiah chapter number one,
04:51 "Though your sins be as scarlet, you are now going to be as white as snow."
04:56 So the first thing, the blood remits sins.
05:01 Number two, the blood gives life to those who consume it.
05:09 John chapter number six and verse number 53.
05:16 John 6 verse 53.
05:20 I think we should read this. I think it will help.
05:22 John 6 verse 53.
05:24 "Then Jesus said to them, 'Verily I say to you,
05:27 except you eat my flesh or eat the flesh of the Son of Man
05:30 and drink his blood, you have no life in you.'"
05:36 So the blood gives life.
05:38 So when the blood is applied on you, life comes.
05:42 It also justifies, which means in Romans chapter number five and verse nine,
05:51 when the blood is applied, we are now justified.
05:56 He says in Romans 5 and verse 8,
05:59 "But God commends his love towards us in that while we were yet sinners,
06:08 Christ died for us.
06:10 Much more than being now justified by his blood,
06:15 we shall be saved from the wrath through him."
06:19 So the word justified, as you know, means just as though you'd never done it.
06:25 So even if you're caught in the act of doing something,
06:28 when the blood is applied, that is done away with.
06:32 The act of what you've done is done away with,
06:35 and it's just as though you've never done it.
06:38 And so the blood gives life.
06:40 Number three, the blood causes us to dwell in Christ and Christ in us.
06:50 That is John chapter number six and verse 56.
06:55 Let's read that.
06:57 "He that eats my flesh and drinks my blood dwells in me and I in him."
07:07 And so when you have the blood of Jesus applied on your life,
07:11 the way you do that is by saying, "I apply the blood of Jesus."
07:15 You use your mouth, your words, your tongue.
07:18 The Old Testament calls it the branch called hyssop, which is a bitter branch.
07:24 Hyssop is both good and evil.
07:27 It is bitter, it is sweet, it is dark, it is light.
07:32 And so hyssop then is our tongue, which speaks good things and evil things,
07:37 blessings and cursings, the same tongue.
07:40 And so when you say, "I apply the blood," that's hyssop applying the blood
07:45 on my life, on my soul, on my family, on my house, et cetera.
07:50 When you do that, it causes the place you apply the blood for Christ to come
07:56 and establish his dominion or his kingdom there.
08:01 And once that's established, you then can dwell in him, he in us and I and us in him.
08:11 And then number four, the blood means that Jesus has purchased us.
08:19 We are a purchased possession.
08:22 We go to the book of Acts chapter number 20 and read verse 28.
08:27 Acts 20 verse 28, we are a purchased possession,
08:32 which means that he paid a required price.
08:37 Acts chapter 20 and verse 28, let's read that scripture.
08:42 "Take heed therefore unto yourselves and to all the flock
08:46 over which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers to feed,
08:50 the church of God which he has purchased, paid for with his own blood."
08:56 So when Adam sinned and all that was mankind was taken over by Lucifer
09:04 and his system, which he reiterates in Luke chapter number 4 and verse 6,
09:10 says, "All these things and the glory of them I will give you for they are mine
09:16 and I have the power to give them to whomsoever I will."
09:20 So there was a price.
09:22 Lucifer's price was, "You want it back, you worship me."
09:27 "You want it back, you worship me." That was his price.
09:30 And so all Lucifer wants from any human being is worship.
09:35 So if you look at any crazy rock concert, look at any worldly video,
09:40 and you see some of the satanic symbols, the way women and men
09:47 take their clothes off and dance lewdly, watch a lot of Hollywood movies,
09:52 there are so many demonic overtones, the scripts are demonic overtones,
09:57 all that is satanic worship.
10:00 He wants to be worshipped.
10:02 And so even if it's in a church service, when the move of God is flowing
10:07 and God is doing tremendous things and something happens that's an interruption,
10:12 you know, we encourage people not to walk around, we encourage people
10:17 not to have outbursts of whatever individually, because sometimes
10:24 we can be a demonic entity because Satan wants us to move away
10:28 from concentrating on Jesus and then giving him in our own worship service
10:33 dedicated to the Lord for a moment of satanic worship
10:37 or a moment of acknowledgment.
10:40 So there are times when if the sound system is not working well
10:43 or if the electricity is not working well or something happens,
10:47 you will hardly ever hear me say, "If ever, let's pray there's satanic
10:52 activity, there's demonic interruption," because the minute that happens,
10:58 suddenly the sound just works, the lights are working,
11:01 because Satan got what he came for, worship.
11:04 And so what happens here, what is important to understand
11:07 is that we are purchased by the blood of Jesus.
11:11 In other words, he owns us through his blood.
11:15 Number five, the blood becomes an atonement through faith.
11:20 The blood becomes an atonement through faith.
11:23 Let's go to Romans 3, verse 25.
11:28 Romans 3, verse 25.
11:30 "Whom God has set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood,
11:37 his righteousness for the remission of sins that are passed
11:42 through the forbearance of God."
11:45 Propitiation there means simply a replacement to be made at one.
11:53 And so you were guilty and sentenced to death,
11:57 and the death was by hanging or crucifixion.
12:01 And so as you are being marched to the place of crucifixion,
12:05 when you get there, Jesus is standing in your place and says,
12:11 "This person is free. I am shedding my blood instead of them shedding their blood."
12:17 He becomes the atonement, but at the same time, as he's being crucified,
12:24 and you look at him, you're looking at yourself in the mirror,
12:27 you don't see his image, you see your image,
12:31 because you are then crucified with Christ.
12:34 Number six, the blood brings protection.
12:38 This is Revelation chapter number 12 and verse 7.
12:43 "We overcome the devil by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of our testimony."
12:49 And so when we overcome that devil by the blood of the Lamb
12:54 and by the word of our testimony, we say, "Satan, the blood is against you."
12:59 That's a protection.
13:01 Number seven, the blood redeems us.
13:05 I'll give you several scriptures and we'll read one of them.
13:09 There's 1 John 1, verse 7.
13:15 Then there is Ephesians 1, verse 7.
13:22 There is 1 Peter 1, verse 18 and 19.
13:30 Revelation chapter number 5 and verse number 9.
13:37 So let's go to Ephesians chapter number 1, verse 7.
13:45 We should read many more.
13:48 "In whom we have redemption through his blood,
13:53 the forgiveness of sins according to the riches of his grace."
13:58 I could spend all day on that verse.
14:00 "We have redemption not by his blood but through his blood."
14:06 And so the redemption through his blood is very key and very important.
14:11 It is so significant for us to remember that God through his blood
14:17 has brought a powerful anointing in our lives.
14:22 And so let's read 1 Peter chapter 1.
14:25 I really like the scripture.
14:27 I can't get away from it.
14:29 1 Peter chapter 1, verse 18 and 19.
14:33 1 Peter chapter 1, verse 18 and 19.
14:42 "For as much as you know, you were not redeemed by corruptible things
14:46 such as silver and gold."
14:48 Wow.
14:50 "But by the precious blood of Jesus Christ."
14:57 So the blood is precious.
15:00 And he said because he came as a lamb without blemish.
15:04 So we are redeemed by the precious blood of Jesus Christ.
15:10 Number 8.
15:11 "The blood brings us near to God."
15:17 Ephesians chapter number 2 and verse 13.
15:22 "The blood brings us near to God."
15:24 Number 8, Ephesians chapter number 2 and verse 13.
15:29 "But now in Christ Jesus you were sometimes far off
15:35 and now you are made near by the blood of Christ."
15:41 So we were far but through the blood we are near.
15:46 We were separated but through the blood we are reconciled.
15:50 We were distant, we were alienated, but through the blood he brings us near.
15:57 The thing is that if you don't really fully grasp that as a Christian,
16:02 all you have to do is sneak into a wild party or some club
16:10 and just sit there and observe how crazy people are.
16:15 We had gone to dinner on one of our date nights
16:19 and Pastor T.J. and I usually sit in the corner
16:21 and have like a romantic time together.
16:24 And this group of young women, there must have been about 8 of them that came in,
16:29 it looked like they were wearing a belt.
16:32 They had absolutely nothing on.
16:34 They were distant from Christ because a believer with the blood
16:38 would never act that way and wouldn't be there to solicit men.
16:44 And there were men there that were waiting for that kind of person to come.
16:49 And you can only imagine, I don't want to,
16:52 but you can only imagine the kinds of things that they are up to.
16:55 And so if it wasn't for the blood of Christ,
16:59 some of us would be in the drain,
17:02 smashed out of our mind by alcohol or drugs, involved in witchcraft.
17:07 There's an increased activity globally of children being trafficked,
17:13 not just for the sex trade, but for human sacrifice.
17:17 Crazy things are happening.
17:20 And so the blood of Jesus has brought us near.
17:23 Number 9, the blood grants us forgiveness of sins.
17:29 Let's go to Colossians. I love this scripture.
17:32 Colossians 1, verse 14.
17:36 The blood grants us forgiveness of sins
17:40 and brings peace and reconciliation.
17:43 Colossians 1, verse 14.
17:47 In whom we have redemption through His blood,
17:51 even the forgiveness of sins.
17:55 And so all you have to do is ask Him to forgive you of your sins.
18:00 The Bible says in 1 John that if any man sins,
18:03 we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous.
18:06 He is willing, He is able, and He is righteous to forgive us of our sins.
18:13 Colossians 1, verse 20.
18:16 And having made peace through the blood of the cross,
18:21 by whom to reconcile all things to Himself by His blood,
18:26 and bring us into a restored state from earth to things in heaven.
18:32 So His blood grants us forgiveness.
18:36 Number 10, the blood brings power to open every door.
18:48 Exodus chapter number 12.
18:51 And there are several scriptures we can read there.
18:54 And so it is important then we understand that when the blood is applied,
18:59 verse number 22, you shall take a bunch of hyssop,
19:04 dip it in the blood, and you will strike the lentil, strike it,
19:12 and on the doorposts of that door.
19:16 And you shall go out at that door of the house,
19:20 shall not go to that door of the house until the morning.
19:23 And so once you apply that blood, and you stay behind that door,
19:28 once the death angel has passed, once the death sentence has been carried out,
19:33 that door is opened, you're blessed coming in, blessed going out.
19:38 The blood will open doors for you.
19:40 What the devil has shut closed, the blood will open doors for you,
19:45 and good things come in your life.
19:49 Number 11, the blood brings eternal redemption for us.
19:56 Let's go to the book of Hebrews, Hebrews chapter number 9 and verse 12.
20:03 Hebrews chapter 9 and verse 12.
20:07 "Neither by the blood of goats and of calves, but by His own blood,
20:12 He entered once into the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption for us."
20:22 So redeem means to bring back what was lost.
20:28 So the word deem is to do with favor.
20:34 So if I deem something, it's an opinion concerning an entity.
20:40 And so Adam was deemed, said to be the son of God.
20:47 Luke chapter number 3 verse 38.
20:51 This was God's son.
20:54 And so when Adam sinned, his sonship was revoked,
21:01 and the privileges of sonship were revoked and taken away.
21:06 So when Jesus came, He redeemed.
21:10 In other words, He took back God's view and opinion and privileges,
21:18 brought them back.
21:20 It only came by His blood, not by the life He lived,
21:25 not by the things He taught, not by the miracles He performed,
21:29 not by the apostles He raised and instructed.
21:32 The only way redemption could have come was by His blood being shed.
21:38 Hebrews 9 verse 12, "We are redeemed by His blood."
21:43 And then number 12, "The blood cleanses our conscience from dead works."
21:53 Hebrews chapter 9 and verse 14.
21:57 "How much more shall the blood of Christ,
22:01 who through the eternal spirit offered Himself without spot to God,
22:06 purge your conscience from dead works?"
22:11 So our conscience then is a function of the mind.
22:16 And so for everything you've done, the conscience, the mind,
22:20 has a way of regurgitating a deed.
22:24 And so people walk in constant guilt.
22:27 You could be a Christian for 15 years, 20 years,
22:32 and you could have done something before you ever gave your heart to the Lord.
22:37 And just as you're trying to doze off to sleep, or you kind of like meander
22:43 in your thoughts in a bus or in your car or driving somewhere,
22:48 it goes back to that deed.
22:51 And your conscience reminds you of what you did,
22:54 whether it was a small sin or something criminal,
22:59 and your conscience then imposes guilt on you and makes you feel bad.
23:05 The blood of Jesus cleanses your conscience.
23:09 At that moment you can say, "Uh-uh, this has been removed."
23:13 There's no way that you as a mortal mind can remember a deed
23:18 when God, who is the infinite mind, can't remember that deed.
23:22 And so you have to apply the blood and rebuke that deed
23:27 and say, "It's never happened."
23:30 You acknowledge that you are a sinner. That's true.
23:33 But the blood of Jesus removes all of those things,
23:37 and your conscience is pure.
23:39 I'd like everybody that's listening to put your hand on your body and say,
23:43 "My conscience has been cleansed, and I serve the living God."
23:49 Number 13, the blood empowers our prayers.
23:54 Hebrews chapter number 10, verse 19.
23:57 The blood empowers our prayers.
24:01 And verse 19 of Hebrews says,
24:03 "Having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest of holies
24:08 by the blood of Jesus."
24:12 And so if you are praying, you know, if you say the Lord's Prayer,
24:17 "Give us this day our daily bread, thy kingdom come," et cetera,
24:21 let's try to end the prayers by the blood of Jesus.
24:25 Because when you apply the blood of Jesus,
24:28 the Bible says here in Hebrews, that verse, chapter 10, verse 19,
24:33 we can come with boldness to enter in by the blood of Jesus.
24:41 There's no prayer that God won't answer by the blood of Jesus.
24:46 There's no prayer that God will not consider by the blood of Jesus.
24:52 Along with that, the blood of Jesus and the name of Jesus work together.
24:57 John 14, verse 14, "If you ask anything in my name,
25:01 and if you add by the blood of Jesus, he'll answer your prayer."
25:06 The only way your prayer will not be answered is if God overrules that
25:10 because he has something better for you.
25:13 For example, you might say, "I've got to have that car.
25:16 Father, I've got to have that car."
25:18 And your prayer is not answered.
25:21 It's possible that God has a better vehicle for you
25:25 or a better man or wife or job or whatever the case might be for you.
25:32 Only through sovereign will can God overrule.
25:35 But anything else, by the blood of Jesus, your prayers are answered.
25:39 Shout, "My prayers are answered."
25:42 Number 14, number 14,
25:46 "The blood will defend you in the courts of heaven."
25:50 This is powerful.
25:52 "The blood will defend you in the courts of heaven."
25:55 Hebrews 12, verse 24.
25:58 Hebrews 12, verse 24.
26:01 "And Jesus, the mediator of the new covenant,
26:05 and to the blood of sprinkling that speaks better things than the blood of Abel."
26:11 Imagine, Abel's blood now speaks.
26:14 But the blood of Jesus speaks better things.
26:18 The blood of Jesus is a mediator.
26:21 It's the go-between from sinner to non-sinner,
26:26 from ungodly to godly, from unrighteous to righteous.
26:29 It's the blood of Jesus that builds the bridge,
26:33 that brings you out of darkness into light.
26:36 Where you had no name, you have a name.
26:39 You were not a people, you are now a people.
26:42 It's the blood of Jesus that bridges that gap.
26:46 It is a covenant that gives us access to the courts of heaven.
26:53 Number 15, Hebrews chapter 13, verse 12.
26:59 "The blood of Jesus sanctifies."
27:02 Hebrews chapter 13, verse 12.
27:05 "The blood of Jesus sanctifies."
27:07 "Wherefore Jesus also, that he might sanctify the people with his own blood."
27:14 "Suffered outside the gate."
27:19 So sanctification then is like the burning of a saw.
27:24 For example, I have a wart growing on my hand right here.
27:30 And so generally if you go to a practitioner,
27:34 they use heat, some sort of heat, to burn that saw.
27:39 So that it removes the root.
27:42 The more I cut it, the more it's being empowered,
27:46 because the roots dig in.
27:48 So what the blood of Jesus does then, it sanctifies.
27:51 The blood goes to the root and burns the root.
27:55 It doesn't just cut the tree, it burns the root.
27:59 And so if there's generational sexual sin in your family,
28:04 God doesn't just forgive you and removes that sin.
28:08 By sanctification, the blood goes all the way to when it first began,
28:13 five, six, seven generations ago.
28:15 Because the scripture says you will remember the iniquities of the fathers
28:19 to the third and fourth generation.
28:21 So you could be a fourth generation believer,
28:24 and suddenly all kinds of crazy happens in your life.
28:27 The blood will go to that first deed in the first generation of the fourth,
28:33 and sanctify you through the blood.
28:37 Shout, "I'm sanctified."
28:40 Number 16, the blood brings prosperity.
28:44 Hebrews 13, verse 20 and 21.
28:49 The blood brings prosperity.
28:52 Verse 20 and 21 of Hebrews 13.
28:56 "Now the God of peace that brought you again from the dead,"
29:04 let me read it again,
29:05 "that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus Christ,
29:08 the great shepherd of the sheep,
29:11 through the blood of the everlasting covenant,
29:13 make you perfect in every good work to do His will,
29:20 working in you that which is well-pleasing in the sight of God,
29:25 and through Jesus Christ to whom be glory forever and ever."
29:30 So the blood of Jesus then brings prosperity.
29:34 You will prosper because of His blood.
29:38 Poverty, drought, famine, all those are ended in your life
29:43 because of the blood of Jesus.
29:45 And so we'll conclude this session with that,
29:49 and we'll pick up next week with the four remaining things
29:53 of what the blood of Jesus does,
29:55 because I want to really deal with the blood of Jesus
29:58 that brings healing and deliverance.
30:01 Father, we thank you for this session.
30:03 We thank God for the blood,
30:06 the blood that washes whiter than snow,
30:08 the blood that lifts us, the blood that has redeemed us,
30:11 the blood that speaks better things.
30:14 We as a group here in this auditorium
30:16 and those watching at home and around the world,
30:19 and whenever they watch this program,
30:21 the blood will never lose its power.
30:24 We apply that blood in the name of Jesus.
30:27 Everybody said amen and amen.
30:30 Thank you guys for watching. We'll see you next week.
30:33 God bless you.
30:35 ♪♪♪
30:53 you
