Candidats alternatifs aux USA pour la présidentielle

  • 7 months ago
Aucun président n'a été élu aux États-Unis sous l'étiquette "indépendant" depuis George Washington en 1789.
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00:00 No president has been elected in the United States under the "independent" label since
00:03 George Washington in 1789.
00:05 Although 2024 does not seem to be heading towards such a scenario, an unabashed election
00:11 by a duel between Biden and Trump could turn to a third way, which could disrupt
00:16 the election.
00:17 The Americans have clearly signified this in the polls, they do not want a match-up
00:21 between Joe Biden and Donald Trump in November.
00:24 The political system in the United States, where two parties crush all competition,
00:29 leaves little chance that an alternative candidate will settle in the White House in 2025.
00:33 Experts, however, estimate that these candidacies could have a significant impact on
00:38 an election that is expected to be tight.
00:39 Democrats remember in particular how the party candidate, Vergil Stein, had started
00:45 Hillary Clinton's chances of winning the presidential election in 2016 against Donald Trump.
00:50 The ecologist is back this year alongside other alternative candidates, such as
00:54 anti-racist activist Cornel West, or Robert F. Kennedy Jr. whose name resonates
00:59 around the world as the echo of a political dynasty.
01:02 Political consultant Doug Lamakinon, who worked at the White House under Ronald Reagan
01:07 and George Bush, estimates that the nephew of JFK will turn the election into a real
01:12 competition for three candidates.
01:13 And for those who doubt it, he recalls how a multitude of experts and commentators
01:18 mocked Donald Trump's chances in 2016.
01:21 The words and warnings of "Robert F." Kennedy now resonates among young voters
01:27 here in the United States, wrote Doug Lamakinon recently in a The Hill tribune.
01:31 Polls.
01:32 However, opinions differ to know which candidate is the most threatened by RFK Jr.
01:38 . who frequently shares conspiracy theories about vaccines and aversion to
01:42 aid to Ukraine.
01:43 Two themes more widespread within the Trumpian electorate.
01:47 Joe Biden and Donald Trump are at the top of the list in the average of polls
01:51 established by RealClearPolitik.
01:52 But if we add Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to the equation, the latter collects 17% of the
01:58 voting intentions while the former Republican president has five points ahead of his
02:02 Democratic successor.
02:03 For Kyle Kondik, a political analyst at the University of Virginia, however, it is necessary
02:09 to be careful with his polls, which often artificially inflate the support
02:14 for independent candidates.
02:15 These usually start with great ambitions before they burst.
02:19 "All the difficulty for these little candidates lies in the ability to raise funds for
02:24 would not be what appeared on the screen," he says.
02:28 But according to the analyst, the polls which include all potential candidates generally show
02:32 that Joe Biden is more at ease with his candidacies than Donald Trump.
02:37 Zombies.
02:38 Robert F. Kennedy Jr. ., Jill Stein, and Cornel West could be joined by other
02:43 candidates aspiring to the White House, like the former Republican candidate against Trump
02:47 Liz Cheney.
02:48 "A group called No Label, no label, also wants to propose a candidate for election
02:53 or for November, against the candidates of the two major parties that create the E-Division,"
02:57 he says.
02:58 In 2016, Jill Stein had won only 20% of the votes but her total in several states
03:04 that were won by Donald Trump was more important than the gap in votes between the Republican
03:08 and Hillary Clinton.
03:09 An American parliamentary report published in 2018 had stated that Moscow had behind the scenes
03:14 promoted publications on social networks supporting Jill Stein, leading Hillary Clinton
03:18 to qualify her as a Russian agent.
